Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

262. Steve Little: Stop Efforting, Start Listening



This episode is a re-run of one of my favorite episodes from the year with my dear friend, mentor, and soul brother - Steve Little. As I get ready for my yearly reflection, I’ve been going back through old notes and episodes to revisit key principles that made the most profound shifts in the way I live my life. Steve’s perspectives on “efforting” led to some pretty important breakthroughs, hence it’s being shared again. Steve is the CEO and managing partner of Zero Limits Ventures, a M&A advisory, investment banking, and consulting firm. Steve has been an entrepreneur for 45 years. He sold his first business when he was just 15 for $250k. Since then, Steve has architectured 6 nine-figure tech exits and led the M&A teams for 9 tech acquisitions. What I love most about Steve is the way he integrates energetics into the way he operates in business. Steve reminded me that there are unconscious forces that create our reality every day. As you’ll hear in the episode, Steve takes ownership of