Leading Rebels

Intuition-based decision making for leaders with Dr. Fra Mega



We make an average of 35,000 choices per day - crazy, right? And while some of those might be smaller, like what to have for lunch, leaders often have to make split-second decisions on some pretty big things. So how can we start making better decisions? Neuroscience consultant and mindset change & mindfulness coach Dr. Francesca Mega has a suggestion: Intuition. Tune in to this episode to hear Dr. Francesca discuss: - Why combining the body and mind is integral to making good decisions - Why intuition doesn’t deserve the bad rep it has - How we rationalize intuitive decisions after the fact - What to do to tune into your intuition - How to help your team use intuition-based decision making Learn more & see Dr. Francesca’s recommended resources at www.leadingrebels.com/27 More about Dr. Francesca: www.embodiedintuition.net | www.instagram.com/embodiedintuition | www.facebook.com/embodiedintuition | www.linkedin.com/in/dr-francesca-mega --- Title music: I dunno by grapes (c) copyright 2008 License