Leading Rebels

Solo contributor & leader aren’t mutually exclusive with Linda Jonas



After a fascinating career journey doing everything from being a graphic designer to building her own business, Linda Jonas stumbled on her calling at Small Improvements: Collaborating with HR leaders to make work a better place. Over her time at the performance feedback platform, she discovered the traditional path of becoming a manager was not for her, and instead build up a career as a solo contributor. Through hosting events with HR leaders, she’s also learned from the likes of Pinterest and Reddit what does make a good manager - so don’t miss her insights on how to be a great leader both as a solo contributor and manager! Tune in to this episode to hear Linda discuss: - The power of taking time to explore and saying yes - How to transition from manager to solo contributor - How to be a leader as a solo contributor - The need for greater self promotion as a solo contributor - Coaching, feedback, and prioritization as the key pillars of good management - HR’s role in defining what good looks like to crea