Parker Road Bible Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 31:47:37
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Parker Road Bible Church


  • When You Think God Isn't Enough - Audio

    08/12/2019 Duration: 45min

    Sometimes, after Thanksgiving, you begin to complain that you have been eating turkey leftovers all week. That which you were so thankful for has become a source of discontentment and you begin to grumble. The Israelites were spared from the Death Angel, freed from Egyptian slavery, and safely transported to the other side of the sea, while God wiped out the Egyptian special forces. Israel sang for joy and with thanksgiving, but soon their gratitude would turn to grumbling. They grumbled about water. They grumbled about food. Then, they grumbled about water again. Meanwhile, God would provide ample opportunities to show them that He was all they needed. But what happens when we do not trust God and think that He isn’t enough?

  • A Song of Praise - Audio

    01/12/2019 Duration: 42min

    It has been written that the Passover was the foreshadowing of the cross. The lamb would be slaughtered as the substitute for the Israelites’ first-born sons. Israel would be freed from death AND bondage that night. The crossing of the Red Sea has been compared to the Resurrection. As the Sea was parted for the Israelites to cross through, Jesus would rise and defeat death opening the gates of heaven for His followers to enter. Also, that day their enemies would be defeated. If that is the case, it’s only fitting that the Israelites would sing a song of praise and thanksgiving to God as they rejoiced on the other side of the Sea.

  • The Salvation & Power of God - Audio

    24/11/2019 Duration: 52min

    God executed justice on Egypt with the 10th Plague, and mercy to Israel in the Passover. All who put their faith in God and prepared the Passover dinner applying the Passover lamb’s blood on their doorway, escaped the Angel of Death. God’s power was demonstrated, and Pharaoh told the Israelites to get out of Egypt. After God guided the Israelites out of Egypt, Pharaoh would change his mind. God would part the Sea as Moses raised his staff and save Israel. At the same time, God would judge Egypt. What can we learn about our journey with God through the exodus of Israel from Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea?

  • The 10th Plague & The Passover - Audio

    17/11/2019 Duration: 56min

    God has used Moses to bring Pharaoh to his knees. He hammered Pharaoh and the Egyptians with nine plagues, exposing their powerless gods, and demonstrating His power. However, Pharaoh still refused to let the Israelites go. God would continue to bring about His plan. The most devastating plague was still to come. A past Pharaoh struck down the baby boys of Israel. The current Pharaoh would not let God’s “first born” Israel go. But now God will execute justice and mercy, and in the process demonstrate His power. What do we learn about God through the 10th plague and Passover?

  • Responding to Conflict & Criticism with Conversation with God - Audio

    27/10/2019 Duration: 44min

    Moses seemed whipped, discouraged, and doubtful. He received what must have felt like a left jab and a right uppercut to his face that left him on the mat staring at the ceiling. His words to Pharaoh led to greater persecution, and the persecution led to his own people turning on him. What is he to do? He does the best thing possible; he goes to God. What do we do when we face opposition and criticism? What do we need to remember about God? How should we behave in those situations? What should our focus be?

  • When Criticism Happens - Audio

    20/10/2019 Duration: 44min

    Pharaoh rejected God’s message presented by Moses and Aaron. He not only rejected it, he doubled down, and put a new level of oppression on the Hebrew slaves. They had to make the same amount of bricks, but they also were not going to be supplied the straw which helped strengthen the bricks. They now had to collect the straw on their own. The Hebrew foremen were being physically beaten for missing quota. They appealed to Pharaoh for relief and he said it was their fault for being lazy and wanting to leave and worship God. The foremen turned on Moses and Aaron. Moses and Aaron now faced conflict from Pharaoh and criticism from their own people for simply following God. Often criticism is that “friendly fire” from within that is most unexpected and hurts the most. How can we handle situations when we are criticized for following God?

  • Facing The Enemies of God - Audio

    13/10/2019 Duration: 40min

    Moses obeyed God and headed to Egypt with his brother Aaron at his side. He was on his way to confront Pharaoh. Everything should be smooth sailing from now on, right? Not exactly. Pharaoh demonstrates in his conversation with Moses that he is firmly entrenched as an enemy of God and His people. How does Pharaoh react to Moses’ request? What should we expect out of enemies of God? How should we respond?

  • God is God and I'm Not - Audio

    06/10/2019 Duration: 44min

    Moses encountered God in the wilderness of Midian. God called Moses to deliver His people from Egypt. Moses made excuse after excuse to avoid God’s plan for the Israelites and his own life. Moses finally surrendered to God’s plan and began to follow Him. We’ll see that Pharaoh will not obey God and God will have His way with Him. In another situation, Moses’ disobedience almost costs him his life. In the end of this passage, Moses with the help of Aaron, and by God’s power, convinced the people of Israel that God is going to deliver them. God’s ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than ours. How are we to respond to God’s desires for our lives when we think we know better?

  • Excuses - Audio

    29/09/2019 Duration: 47min
  • Holding Fast In Times of Testing - Audio

    01/09/2019 Duration: 29min

    Sam Choi shares how to hold fast when the times of testing come.

  • "Who Put That Bible In My Hotel Room?" - Audio

    25/08/2019 Duration: 34min

    Elder, David Keister, shares the mission of The Gideons and answers the question, "Who Put That Bible in My Hotel Room?"

  • Resolute Until He Returns - Audio

    18/08/2019 Duration: 32min

    Throughout the Olivet Discourse Jesus teaches that He will return. We do not know when that day will come, but each day we are closer than we were yesterday. How should we live as we wait for His return? The writers of the New Testament provide us with good direction as to how to be faithful as we wait for Jesus’ 2nd coming. Here are ten truths God calls us to carry out with Jesus’ return in mind:

  • When the Son of Man Comes... - Audio

    04/08/2019 Duration: 41min

    As Jesus closes His teaching from the Mount of Olives, He teaches His disciples about His return. At His first coming He came on a donkey as a servant, but when He returns to the earth, He will come and take His rightful position as King and Judge. He will sit on His glorious throne. He will separate those who will enter the Millennial Kingdom and those who will not. We do not solely see works of righteousness because they cannot lead to salvation. Instead, we see the character of the followers of Christ who are committed to Him and His plan. By contrast we see the character of the unbelievers who deny or falsely profess Christ. What is your attitude toward Christ and His people? Are you a sheep or a goat? What can we learn from this final teaching from the Olivet Discourse?

  • Well Done or Just Done? - Audio

    28/07/2019 Duration: 57min

    In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus teaches time and time again that He is going to return. The question for us is, do we believe it? And if we do, how are we to live until we meet Him? The Bible teaches that real faith leads to real fruit. It teaches that Jesus’ desire is not that we punch out early, but that we take advantage of the opportunities He gives us each day. What we believe about Jesus will affect the way we live our lives and seize opportunities. When you meet Christ will He say, “Well Done”? Or will the sad truth be that your life on earth is just done and over. Let’s explore the principles from the Parable of the Talents to learn what it means to live life well and receive those coveted words from our Lord, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

  • An Unusual Encounter That Changed the Course of History - Audio

    21/07/2019 Duration: 22min

    Sooner or later, life doesn’t seem “fair”. We do our best, but… At the end of the day, we tend to go back to following our old ways. It feels more comfortable being there. It’s good to know, however, that Jesus desires to meet us “there”. Right where we are! And, lead us where He wants us to be. It happened to Jesus’ followers. Their faith and hope vanished right in front of them. But, Jesus met them right there. At the right moment, at the right place—to change their lives forever…and the course of history! Uncertainties, fears, doubts and disappointments seem to be the perfect environment for Jesus to display His divine virtues as LORD and SHEPHERD; to restore faith, hope and love in His followers.

  • What's Growing In Your Garden? - Audio

    14/07/2019 Duration: 49min

    Weeds come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes they can look like legitimate plants. Weed seeds are carried about by the wind, birds and insects. Seeds can remain dormant for years. Yet under the driest and worst conditions they can sprout and grow 2-3 times faster than vegetable plants. Fruits and vegetables need constant care and work. The same care that goes into our garden, determines the kind of production: Fruit and vegetables or weeds… The care we put into the Christian life determines the kind of fruit we will produce – There will always be a problem between valuable fruit and weeds…

  • When Second Chances Run Out - Audio

    07/07/2019 Duration: 43min

    A wedding is normally a time of great celebration and it will be in the future for those who know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and love Him. However, it will be a time of horror for those who do not. As Jesus addressed the questions of His disciples, He repeatedly warned them, and those who would live in the Tribulation in the future, to be ready. He said He would come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night. He tells a story about a wedding feast to illustrate this most crucial truth. What can we learn from Jesus’ wedding parable?

  • Anticipation Over Apathy - Audio

    30/06/2019 Duration: 48min

    One of the most dangerous attitudes we can adopt is apathy. Apathy is an absence of passion, emotion, or excitement. It can also be defined as a lack of interest or concern. This attitude of apathy will be prevalent during the Tribulation. In some cases, it’s prevalent now. People do not care about much and have a ‘business as usual’ attitude. Jesus warned those living in the tribulation to not be apathetic. Instead, He instructs them to be watchful, ready, and faithful. We should embrace this same attitude as the day of the Lord’s return draws closer.

  • The Undeniable 2nd Coming of Christ - Audio

    23/06/2019 Duration: 50min

    Although churches disagree on end times events all biblical churches agree that Jesus will come again. The early church feared they had missed Jesus’ 2nd Coming and Paul had to assure them that the 2nd Coming will be a “can’t miss” event. As we continue to study the Olivet Discourse, we focus on the end of the tribulation and Jesus’ personal description of His return. It is a glorious time for all believers to look forward to, but a dreadful day for those who have not trusted in the King of Kings. In this passage Jesus speaks of deception, destruction, and His undeniable arrival.

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