Enterprise Java Newscast



The Enterprise Java Newscast, hosted by Kito D. Mann, Ian Hlavats, and Daniel Hinojosa, is a monthly podcast that covers the latest headlines, trends, and technologies in the world of enterprise software development.


  • Stackd 72: Travel, LLMs, Coffee, Avocados, and Almonds

    18/05/2024 Duration: 01h46min

    Overview Kito and Danno welcome Edwin Derks, a fellow Java Champion, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE contributor, and Principal Consultant at Team Rockstars IT, as their special guest. They delve into the new Jakarta Data specification, explore the Eclipse Starter for Jakarta EE, and discuss integrating JMS with Kafka. The conversation then shifts to the resurgence of server-side rendering (SSR) for web applications, the latest enhancements in Angular, and the impact of ElementInternals support in Safari for building HTML form-friendly and accessible Custom Elements. They also cover updates on Kotlin, JDK 22, Google’s innovative #AI Generative Interactive Environments (Genie), and energy-hungry LLMs and water, alongside discussions about high-profile security breaches and Edwin's journey into open-source contributions. About Edwin Derks Principal Consultant, Team Rockstars IT Solving complex and strategic IT challenges is my passion. I've helped many customers modernize their software stack, increase their softwa

  • Stackd 71: Eventually Eventuate

    02/04/2024 Duration: 01h37min

    Overview Kito, Josh, Danno are joined by microservices guru, author, and Java Champion Chris Richardson. They discuss spring-boot-testjars, Jakarta EE 11, OpenRewrite, Chris’ Eventuate project, microservice architecture patterns, Kafka, Repanda, AI and software development, the early days of cloud computing and Spring, and much more. About Chris Richardson Chris is a software architect and serial entrepreneur. He is a Java Champion, a JavaOne rock star and the author of POJOs in Action, which describes how to build enterprise Java applications with frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate. Chris was also the founder of the original CloudFoundry.com, an early Java PaaS for Amazon EC2. Today, he is a recognized thought leader in microservices and speaks regularly at international conferences. Chris is the author of the book Microservice Patterns. Chris helps organizations improve agility and competitiveness through better software architecture. He delivers consulting and training that helps organizations success

  • Stackd 70: Natural Born Advocate

    22/02/2024 Duration: 01h19min

    Kito Mann, Josh Juneau and special guest Grace Jansen, Java Champion and Advisory Developer Advocate at IBM, chat about Broadcom’s Acquisition of VMWare, Jakarta EE 11 and the revamped Jakarta EE tutorial, Lit 3.0, JoinFaces, Liberty Tools for IntelliJ, JetBrains AI Service, Quarks and LangChain4J, and JDK 22. They also pick Grace’s brain about how she got into IT, developer advocacy, getting an MBA, mentoring women in tech, and more. About Special Guest Grace Jansen Grace Jansen is a Java Champion, Software Engineer and Advisory Developer Advocate at IBM. Her interests include Java, open source, cloud technologies and developer experience. Especially excited about driving more diversity and inclusivity in the tech industry. Global and Industry News  - Broadcom Acquisition - VMWare Complete (https://investors.broadcom.com/news-releases/news-release-details/broadcom-completes-acquisition-vmware) Server Side Java  - Jakarta EE 11 (https://jakarta.ee/specifications/platform/11/)  - New Jakarta EE Docs Live (htt

  • Stackd 69: Tales from Ken’s Side

    30/01/2024 Duration: 01h58min

    Kito, Josh, and Danno are joined byJava Champion, trainer, NFJS speaker and book author Ken Kousen. They discuss Broadcom’s Pivotal acquisition, layoffs, AI regulation, Kotlin Multi-platform Mobile, Structured Concurrency, Angular 17, Next.js Server Actions, Mockito, LangChain4J, Semantic Kernel, AI tools, and much more.   About Ken Kousen Ken is a Java Champion, JavaOne Rock Star, developer, technical trainer, and regular speaker on the No Fluff, Just Stuff tour, as well as the author of the books Making Java Groovy, Modern Java Recipes, Gradle Recipes for Android, Kotlin Cookbook, Help Your Boss Help You, and Mockito Made Clear. He is the President of Kousen IT, Inc., a training company based in Connecticut.  Blog (https://kousenit.org/) Tales from the jar side (https://kenkousen.substack.com) Tales from the jar side - YouTube (https://youtube.com/@talesfromthejarside) Global and Industry News  - What the hell is going on with the layoffs? ()  - AI is already linked to layoffs in the industry that created i

  • Stackd 68: Interview with Jeanne Boyarsky

    16/11/2023 Duration: 01h38min

    Guest for today: Jeanne Boyarsky is a Java Champion and has grown from an entry developer to a tech lead. She also volunteers at codranch.com in her free time. Blog: https://www.selikoff.net/ Author of several Java certification books: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8489218.Jeanne_Boyarsky Scott – co-author Server Side Java  - Jakarta EE 11 Release Plan/Timeline https://newsroom.eclipse.org/eclipse-newsletter/2023/august/jakarta-ee-11-next-major-jakarta-ee-update-shaping Tools  - NetBeans 20 RC: (https://github.com/apache/netbeans/releases/tag/20-rc1)  - Oracle VS Code Extension (https://github.com/oracle/javavscode)  - Writerside - a new technical writing environment from JetBrains. (https://www.jetbrains.com/writerside/)  - PMD (https://pmd.github.io/)  - Sonar (https://docs.sonarsource.com/sonarqube/9.9/analyzing-source-code/languages/java/) AI/ML  - Oracle Guardian AI Open Source Project (https://github.com/oracle/guardian-ai)  - GPTZero (https://gptzero.me/) Java Platform  - JDK 21 LTS is out! (ht

  • Stackd 67: AI NullPointers

    03/10/2023 Duration: 01h51min

    Danno and Kito are back for an engaging chat with two Java Champions, who are co-authors of the Visual Recognition Machine Learning API for Java (JSR #318): Frank Grecko (consultant, enterprise architect, NYJavaSIG chairman), and Zoran Sevarac (AI researcher, creator of Neurograph and CEO and Co-founder of Deep Netts). They dive deep into all things AI with the creation of JSR 318, using Java for machine learning, DeepNets, LLMs, Stack Overflow’s OverflowAI, JetBrains’ AI Coding Assistant, Stable Diffusion, ChatGPT, OpenJDK Panama Project, Llma 2, Prompt Engineering, Stable Diffusion, Apache Zeppelin, Tensorboard, H2O.aiI, Spark, Deep Java Library. They also touch on JavaOne’s resident band, the NullPointers, as well as the evolution of the NYJavaSIG, and much more! We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast! https://www.pubhouse.net/datadog Server Side Java  - Netflix Conductor (https://conductor.netflix.com/) Tools  - AI Coding Assistant - IntelliJ IDEs Plugin | Marketplace (https://plugins.jetbrains.com

  • Stackd 66: Streams, Messages, Events, and a Java User Group

    11/08/2023 Duration: 02h01min

    Ian, Kito, and Josh are joined by Java Champion, Streaming Developer Advocate at DataStax, and President of Chicago-JUG, Mary Grygleski. They discuss news about Capacitor, Angular, PrimeNG Designer for Tailwind, JetBraiins Compose Multiplatform for iOS, JDK 21,  AI developer tools, Jakarta EE 10, and more. Kito announces the work he is doing on the Jakarta EE Tutorial, and then they delve into Mary’s background and event streaming with Apache Pulsar, plus tools like Apache Pinot, Apache Flink, RisingWave, ByteWax and Apache Cassandra. We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast! https://www.pubhouse.net/datadog Front End  - Announcing Capacitor 5.0 - Ionic Blog (https://ionic.io/blog/announcing-capacitor-5)  - Angular v16 is here! (https://blog.angular.io/angular-v16-is-here-4d7a28ec680d)  - Compose Multiplatform (https://blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/2023/05/compose-multiplatform-for-ios-is-in-alpha/)  - PrimeNG Designer - Tailwind (Q3 2023) (https://www.primefaces.org/primeng-theme-designer-with-tailwind/) S

  • Stackd 65: Devnexus, indeed

    21/05/2023 Duration: 01h51min

    Danno, Josh and Kito recap the always-amazing Devnexus and a discuss a wide-range of topics, including TypeScript 5, RIFE2, Hilla, OpenJFX, Adobe buying Figma, Quarkus, JakartaEE 11, AWS Application Composer, Rust, Java 20, SBOMs, Kotlin, and more.  We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast! https://www.pubhouse.net/datadog Front End  - Anyone heard of Eclipse Scout - A one-stop framework to develop professional business applications? (https://www.eclipse.org/scout/)  - Announcing TypeScript 5.0Eclipse Scout - A one-stop framework to develop professional business applications  - PrimeOne 2.0 for Figma (https://www.primefaces.org/introducing-primeone-2-0-for-figma/)  - Adobe to buy Figma (https://news.adobe.com/news/news-details/2022/Adobe-to-Acquire-Figma/default.aspx)  - RIFE2 (https://rife2.com/)  - Hilla 2.0: New features and an improved technology baseline using Spring Boot 3 and Java 17 (https://hilla.dev/blog/hilla-2-0-release/)  - OpenJFX 20 Released (https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/openjfx-2

  • Stackd 64: Beware of the Blue Drink

    27/03/2023 Duration: 01h53min

    Recorded Date 2/24/2023 Overview Ian, Kito, and Josh are joined by old friends and industry veterans Ed Burns and Reza Rahman, who both work at Microsoft on providing world-class support for Java on #Azure. They reminisce about the old days of JavaServer Faces, the evolution of Java EE to Jakarta EE, discuss Jakarta EE 11, Microsoft’s support for Sporing, Jakarta EE, and MicroProfile, PaaS offerings, compare cloud vendors, and much more.  Guests:   - Ed Burns, Principal Engineer, Microsoft (https://ridingthecrest.com)    - Book: Secrets of the Rock Star Programmers: Riding the IT Crest  - Reza Rahman, Principal Program Manager for Java on Azure, Microsoft (https://reza-rahman.me/about/)    - Earlier episode with Reza: Stackd Episode 37 – Nov 2017 (https://www.pubhouse.net/2017/11/episode-37-nov-2017.html) Server Side Java  - Jakarta EE 11 Discussion  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m-dkvbL0iFFzitO4vt1SVq6GGSJyFdCDM2NU_FzGS10/edit?hss_channel=tw-939323243076259842#heading=h.1oyn459kodrn  - Java EE, Jakarta

  • Stackd 63: One CLI to Rule them All

    16/02/2023 Duration: 01h41min

    We’re back for 2023 with Kito, Danno, and special guest Andres Almiray, Senior Principal Product Manager, Database group, to talk about the latest versions of Andres’ JReleaser tool, building CLIs in Java (picocli, JCommander, JCommander, Spring Boot, Quarkus, Micronaut), jban,, Jarviz, AI, whether or not Java is over the hill, http4s, and much more. We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast! https://www.pubhouse.net/datadog Overview Server Side Java   – Accelerate Your Lambda Functions with Lambda SnapStart (https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-accelerate-your-lambda-functions-with-lambda-snapstart/)   - Quarkus support for AWS Lambda SnapStart (https://quarkus.io/blog/quarkus-support-for-aws-lambda-snapstart/) IDEs and Tools  - JBang (https://www.jbang.dev/)  - Writing CLIs in Java ()    - picocli (https://github.com/remkop/picocli)    - JCommander (https://jcommander.org/)  - Frameworks that you can use to create CLIs    - Spring Boot Console Apps (https://www.appsdeveloperblog.com/spring-boot-console

  • Stackd 62: Make JavaOne Again

    22/01/2023 Duration: 01h42min

    Overview Josh, Kito, Danno, and Ian are back, discussing the first JavaOne in many years, and welcoming special guest Emily Jiang, Liberty Cloud Native Architect and Chief Advocate at IBM. They discuss JavaOne announcements, ways to avoid cold starts in Java, JDK virtual threads with Helidon Níma and Quarkus, Open Liberty, new releases from NetBeans, Eclipse and IntelliJ, Microprofile, Jakarta EE, Angular 15, Kito’s SpeakerTrax project, and much more. We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast! https://www.pubhouse.net/datadog JavaOne Recap  - GraalVM JIT and native image to be included with OpenJDK  - Liberty InstantOn using Linux CRIU (https://openliberty.io/blog/2022/09/29/instant-on-beta.html)  - Oracle will create JavaFX builds  - Java SE Subscription Enterprise Performance Pack, a drop-in replacement for JDK 8 with JDK 17 (https://blogs.oracle.com/java/post/introducing-the-java-se-subscription-enterprise-performance-pack)  - Generational ZGC (https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8272979)  - Announcing

  • Stackd 61: May the Source be with You

    08/11/2022 Duration: 01h22min

    Overview Josh, Danno and Kito have a lively discussion about their summer activities, Lightbend (makers of Akka) changing to closed source, GraalVM and AWS Lambdas, Quarkus, Jakarta EE 10, JDK 19, NetBeans, Kito’s new SpeakerTrax product, and more. We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast! https://www.pubhouse.net/datadog Controversy  - Lightbend changed their license from open source to closed source. Sign of things to come? (https://www.lightbend.com/blog/why-we-are-changing-the-license-for-akka)  - PR (https://github.com/akka/akka/pull/31561)  Server Side Java  - Scale up with GraalVM and Lambdas Talk (https://virtua.tech/slides/graal-vm-and-lambdas/Scale%20up%20with%20GraalVM%20and%20AWS%20Lambdas.pdf)    - Demo (https://github.com/kito99/graalvm-lambda-demo)    - Other: Dagger (https://dagger.dev/)  - Quarkus productivity (https://quarkus.io)  - Jakarta EE 10 Now Available (https://jakarta.ee/specifications/platform/10/)     - Payara 6 - On its way     - Glassfish 7     - WildFly     - OpenLiberty

  • Stackd 60: No Code for You

    21/09/2022 Duration: 02h10min

    Max Katz, veteran developer advocate at Okta, joins the whole gang (Josh Juneau, Ian Hlavats, Daniel Hinojosa and Kito Mann) for a wide-ranging discussion about the good ol’ days of Exadel, RichFaces, and JSF, as well as No Code and Low Code solutions like Okta Workflows, Airtable, Webflow and even old-school solutions like Yahoo! Pipes and IBM Notes. In addition, they discuss the Payara Cloud Preview, new features in Jakarta EE 10, Github CoPilot, JetBrains Space, Okta/Auth0, and more. We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast! https://www.pubhouse.net/datadog Server Side Java - Payara Cloud Preview (https://www.payara.fish/products/payara-cloud/) - Writing JSF pages in Java (https://github.com/jakartaee/faces/issues/1581) - The Top 5 New Features Coming in Jakarta EE 10 (https://newsroom.eclipse.org/eclipse-newsletter/2022/april/top-5-new-features-coming-jakarta-ee-10) IDEs and Tools - CoPilot goes out of beta — $10/month or $100/year (https://github.com/features/copilot/) - OpenAI Codex (https://openai

  • Stackd 59: Holly Cummins, Quarkus, IBM, and the Garage

    18/07/2022 Duration: 01h50min

    Kito, Danno, and Josh welcome special guest Holly Cummins, Senior Principal Software Engineer on the Quarkus team at Red Hat and fellow Java Champion, to talk about Quarkus, working at IBM and Red Hat, Kotlin, ktor, contract testing, JHipster, Broadcom buying VMWare, and much more. We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast! https://www.pubhouse.net/datadog *UI / Web* Ktor 2.0.0 and 2.0.1 https://ktor.io/changelog/2.0/ Quinoa - A Quarkus extension to create Modern UI with no hassle https://quarkus.io/blog/quinoa-modern-ui-with-no-hassle/ *Server Side Java* Getting Really Close to Jakarta EE 10! | The Eclipse Foundation (some specs can be reviewed/tested now) https://jakarta.ee/news/getting-really-close-jakarta-ee-10/ Quarkus CLI tool from SDKMAN: https://sdkman.io/sdks#quarkus https://sdkman.io/sdks#quarkus Installing JHipster Quarkus https://www.jhipster.tech/blueprints/quarkus/001_installing_jhipster_quarkus.html *IDEs and Tools* Kotlin 1.7.0 https://blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/2022/05/kotlin-1-7-0-beta/ Q

  • Stackd 58: Raible Rambles about Life, JHipster, Okta, and more

    17/05/2022 Duration: 01h44min

    Danno, Kito, Ian and Josh talk with fellow Java Champion and industry veteran Matt Raible about the good ol’ days of his blog Raible Designs, Java web frameworks, and AppFuse, as well as JHipster, Spring4Shell, Okta, Capacitor, KubeSeal, MicroFrontends, and more.  We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast! https://www.pubhouse.net/datadog *UI / Web* Webpack Module Federation https://webpack.js.org/concepts/module-federation/ *Server Side Java* Spring4Shell  https://spring.io/blog/2022/03/31/spring-framework-rce-early-announcement https://tanzu.vmware.com/security/cve-2022-22965 GlassFish 7 Milestone 3 Released https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/glassfish/releases/tag/7.0.0-M3 Jakarta EE Starter https://start.jakarta.ee/ *IDEs and Tools* NetBeans 13 Is Released https://netbeans.apache.org/download/nb13/ Snyk.io https://snyk.io/ *Security* KubeSeal https://github.com/bitnami-labs/sealed-secrets Sealed Secrets https://fluxcd.io/docs/guides/sealed-secrets/   *Topics* Twitter war between JS and Java https://twit

  • Stackd 57: BDD Deep Dive!

    18/04/2022 Duration: 01h54min

    Seb Rose and Gaspar Nagy join our hosts Kito Mann, Daniel Hinojosa, Ian Hlavats, and Josh Juneau to dive into behavior-driven testing (BDD). They discuss Seb and Gaspar’s BDD books, as well as Cucumber, SpecFlow, Gherkin, the practical testing pyramid, contract testing, and more! They also share their picks: Brave web browser, #Locust, and #Github Workspaces. We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast! https://www.pubhouse.net/datadog *Behavior Driven Development* The BDD Books https://www.bddbooks.com/ Cucumber School  https://school.cucumber.io SpecFlow https://specflow.org/ Generating LivingDoc using CLI  https://docs.specflow.org/projects/specflow-livingdoc/en/latest/LivingDocGenerator/Generating-Documentation.html Gherkin https://cucumber.io/docs/gherkin/ Cucumber https://cucumber.io/ The Practical Test Pyramid https://martinfowler.com/articles/practical-test-pyramid.html The Testing Iceberg http://claysnow.co.uk/the-testing-iceberg/ Single Assertion Principle https://programmaticallyspeaking.com/one-a

  • Stackd 56: Andres Almiray and JReleaser FTW!

    14/03/2022 Duration: 01h32min

    Danno, Kito, and Josh join special guest and fellow Java Champion Andres Almiray to discuss Microprofile, Quarkus, GraalVM, Reload4J, JBang, jib, TOML, and dive deep into JReleaser! *UI / Web* MP 5.0 https://microprofile.io/2021/12/07/microprofile-5-0-release/ (Josh) *Server Side Java* Quarkus - Quarkus 2.7.0.Final released - Quarkus CLI maturing, Interactive terminal, Oracle Reactive SQL Client… (Kito, Andres) https://quarkus.io/blog/quarkus-2-7-0-final-released/ *IDEs and Tools* GraalVM 22.0  https://graalvm.org/release-notes/22_0/ *Security* Reload4J (Andres) https://reload4j.qos.ch/ Topics JReleaser https://jreleaser.org/   JBang https://jbang.dev/ GoReleaser https://goreleaser.com/ jib https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/jib TOML https://toml.io/en/ *Other Pubhouse Network podcasts* Breaking into Open Source https://www.pubhouse.net/breaking-into-open-source OffHeap https://www.javaoffheap.com/ Java Pubhouse https://www.javapubhouse.com/ *Events* Java Day Instanbul - May 27-28th, 2022  https://www

  • Stackd 55: Welcome 2022! JChampionsConf, Log4Shell, Angular 13, JakartaEE 10 and more!

    25/02/2022 Duration: 01h34min

    Overview Ian, Kito, Danno and Josh kick off their first episode of the year with a lively discussion about sessions from jChampionsConf, Angular 13, JakartaEE 10, GraalVM, Cypress.io, AI coding assistants, Log4Shell, and more! jChampions Conf 2022 https://jchampionsconf.com/ YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChJ6IHM_uy6dWLBiDAwYkpw CodeQL talk https://youtu.be/rn7tAZytyBc IntelliJ talk https://youtu.be/cK19rE2V9UY Migrating Legacy JavaEE App talk https://youtu.be/rQSVcp96Pis *UI / Web* Angular 13 Released https://blog.angular.io/angular-v13-is-now-available-cce66f7bc296 Death to IE 11 https://death-to-ie11.com/  *Server Side Java* Jakarta EE 10 Release Plan - GitHub Pages https://eclipse-ee4j.github.io/jakartaee-platform/jakartaee10/JakartaEE10ReleasePlan Jakarta EE mailing lists https://jakarta.ee/connect/mailing-lists/ *IDEs and Tools* jQAssistant https://github.com/jqassistant-demo/jakarta-ee-dependencies GraalVM 22.0 promises a better developer experience | InfoWorld https://www.infoworld

  • Stackd 54: All things Akka

    02/01/2022 Duration: 01h34min

    *Overview* Kito, Danno, and Josh join special guest Francisco López-Sancho (author of Akka in Action) to discuss all things Akka, as well as Scala 3, JetBrains Fleet, Vaadin, MicroProfile 5, Heiledon, M1 MacBook Pros, and more. *UI / Web* Vaadin 22 - Quarkus Support and Stateless Fusion (Juneau) https://foojay.io/today/vaadin-22-released-with-quarkus-support-and-stateless-fusion/ MicroProfile 5.0 - Soon to be released? https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.microprofile/releases/5.0 *Server Side Java* Helidon 2.4.0 Released https://medium.com/helidon/helidon-2-4-0-released-18370c0ebc5e Open Liberty To Support MicroProfile 5, MicroProfile Rest Client 3.0, and more https://openliberty.io/blog/2021/11/30/microprofile-5-22001-beta.html *IDEs and Tools* JetBrains Fleet https://www.jetbrains.com/fleet/ *All things Akka* Akka site https://akka.io/ Francisco’s book: Akka in Action (2nd edition) https://www.manning.com/books/akka-in-action-second-edition?utm_source=podcast&utm_medium=orga

  • Stackd 53. An interview with Richard Fichtner

    11/11/2021 Duration: 01h50min

    Recorded Date 10/23/2021 Title: In this episode, Kito, Ian, Danno and Josh welcome special guest Richard Fichtner, Founder JUG Oberpfalz, CEO of XDev, and one of the organizers of JCON. They discuss #lowcode, running a conference, being CEO, #microstream, #jooq, the future of the #playframework, #rapidclipse, XDEV IDE, #tabnine AI IDE plugin, #jreleaser, #testcontainers, and much more. Richard / XDEV XDEV Software https://xdev.software/en/ XAPI - XDEV IDE Framework https://github.com/xdev-software/xapi RapidClipse https://rapidclipse.com/en Server Side Java Payara Cloud now Available https://www.payara.fish/products/payara-cloud/ Microstream https://microstream.one/ Open source announcement https://www.infoq.com/news/2021/09/microstream-5-is-open-source/ jOOQ: The easiest way to write SQL in Java https://www.jooq.org/ Web On the future of Play Framework https://www.lightbend.com/blog/on-the-future-of-play-framework IE11 Countdown Clock https://death-to-ie11.com/ Java Web Start is dead. Long live OpenWebStar

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