Relationship Insights With Carrie Abbott



Join our listening community for practical truth to strengthen your relationships!Every day is an opportunity to be encouraged and hear from some of the nations leading experts on important topics impacting your relationships. Using a biblical lens, we focus on issues affecting you in all five aspects: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social and Spiritual. Our goal is to help strengthen your relationships in every part of your life, and to help your family live in agreement with Gods divine design. I hope you will join our listening community that now includes 84 countries! You can listen live, download podcasts or have the weekly shows delivered right to your inbox all for free by signing up for the weekly radio recap.


  • Work and the Meaning of Life

    29/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    In Full-Time: Work and the Meaning of Life, David Bahnsen makes the case that our understanding of work and its role in our lives is deeply flawed—we are unmoored from what he calls “created purpose.” He argues that the time has come to stop tiptoeing around the issues that matter, that separating one’s identity from what they do is demonstrably false, and that this era of alienation is for many a direct result of a low view of work. It is in work—effort, service, striving—of every kind that we discover our meaning and purpose; a significant and successful life is one rooted in full-time productivity and cultivation of God’s created world. David joins us for an intriguing conversation!

  • News and Views

    28/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    Closing arguments in the Trump trial and Robert De Niro makes an appearance; prayers are needed for Papua New Guinea due to landslides; tornadoes in a variety of states; and a brutal attack on missionaries in Haiti. On the good news front: 12,000 were baptized in California, uniting 300 churches! President Trump says Nikki Haley will have a role in his future administration. Republicans are closing in on voter registration, and what is the problem with Justice Alito flying the Appeal to Heaven Flag? These and other key stories!

  • Silent Epidemic Destroying People’s Minds

    27/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    A sudden, unprecedented change in mental disorders has scientists and practitioners deeply concerned about what is happening to children, teens, and adults. Teachers are dealing with serious behavior issues, parents are struggling to manage their families, and anxiety, depression, suicide, ADHD, and loneliness are on the rise. New research and collaboration make it clear that a major contributor is screen time. But is it that simple? We investigate. Do not miss this!

  • Big Admissions Coming Out on COVID!

    24/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    CNN and Chris Cuomo verbally assaulted anyone using ivermectin…wait till you hear what Chris is saying now! Under oath, Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins admit there was no science to support 6ft distancing, NIH admits gain of function research took place in Wuhan, adverse reactions are happening worldwide, and Japan’s excess deaths draw attention. Additionally, Amazon helped censor or block information on COVID, psychosis has increased due to shots, along with many other outcomes, yet we offer hope and healing with Dr. McCullough’s spike protein protocol. A big show!

  • Qatar's Secret War on America

    23/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    As pro-Hamas and anti-Israel protests continue, many observers wonder why university administrators were passive in their response. Jeff King, President of International Christian Concern (ICC) and author of Islam Uncensored, joins us with the “why” behind the response. Billions of dollars are being distributed through illegal means to at least 100 American colleges and universities from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and other countries, with the goal of spreading radical Islamic beliefs. This is a must listen!

  • The History and Dangers of Teachers' Unions

    22/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    Rebecca Friedrichs, founder of For Kids and Country, joins us to shed light on decades of damage done by teachers' unions—to students, teachers, and parents. Her case, which made it to the Supreme Court, brought attention to the sheer political corruption behind the scenes. For those pushing back, even recently, there have been death threats, the loss of jobs, and worse. Rebecca brings solutions and help, and a reminder that in all 50 states, teachers are not required to pay dues and indeed should stop if they are! Listen to find out why! y

  • A Potluck of Big Stories

    21/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    Today, we bring you a variety of important stories, including the clear injustice of a 57-month prison sentence for a pro-life demonstrator; Melinda French Gates leaving the Gates Foundation; the unveiling of the Billy Graham statue; the odd arrest of top golfer Scottie Scheffler; a radical abortion group trying to bully other nations using WHO support; teens winning in the “make money on slander” culture; NGOs bringing in billions—perpetuating the border crisis—and more!

  • Men and Women Pushing Back on the Culture

    20/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    Kansas City Chief’s kicker Harrison Butker’s commencement speech, promoting family, faith, and pushing back on the woke culture, has ignited the masses. Both the wife and daughter of Kansas City Chief’s owner, Clark Hunt, have come out in strong support of Butker. Rep. Jesse Young, a candidate in Washington State, joins us to discuss how people are joining together to push back on all issues related to parents' rights, education, and more! One Washington - Home

  • Classical Music Can Literally Alter Your Brain!

    17/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    Music affects everyone, and all music has an impact. Research is revealing powerful truths about certain kinds of music, in particular classical music and its ability to bring healing for depression and dementia, and it doesn’t stop there! We investigate further and discover the impact of pop music, rock, new age and other types of music – and how some have a seriously negative impact. Why? Not to give away the total punch line…but the brain’s design loves music’s rules! Find out how!

  • Why Christians Shouldn’t be Unequally Yoked

    16/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    People want companionship, partners in business and life, and marriage. What does the Bible say about these important relationships? Is it possible to be “one” with someone who doesn’t follow Christ? We examine terminology, scripture, and Biblical principles to give you a big picture with a powerful purpose! The sheer number of verses related to this issue is encouraging, and the “reality” of Kingdom living is inspiring. Join this powerful conversation and share it with those considering ‘yoking’!

  • Trump Trial and Other News

    15/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    President Trump’s trial is turning into a circus of shady characters—perjurers and porn stars—and has very little to do with the actual charges. Constitutional law expert Paul Kamenar joins us with his professional insights, and we look at some of the sideshow details, along with a new reality show Michael Cohen is trying to sell. In reality, Trump’s popularity is growing, even in blue states like New Jersey! James Carville’s ‘act’ may be coming to a close, and we highlight some good reversals that are happening nationwide!

  • How Your Phone Habits Can Improve Your Life!

    14/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    iBIBLE is the world’s first visual and interactive Bible and a great way to teach your kids God’s Word! Revelation Media Vice President Andrea Wilson joins us to share the story from its inception and how this unique Bible can reach millions in different translations as well! Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders has a plan for cell phones for kids in all 50 states, and according to Pew Research, teens who change their cell phone habits are happier and more peaceful!

  • A Champion for The Family

    13/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    Heidi St. John is a happy warrior for faith and a champion for marriage and family. As an author, speaker, podcast host and homeschool pioneer, her zeal for what matters continues to grow. She joins Carrie for a lively, funny, and informed discussion on how important the family is to God’s plan for human flourishing and for sharing our faith. Heidi also shares about her latest writing venture with Brave Books!

  • Promise Keepers Are Looking for Good Men!

    10/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    Men need other men, to sharpen them and help them live a life of daring faith, while they strive to build healthy families and become men of integrity. Promise Keepers has been on the forefront of discipling men for decades. Shane Winnings, CEO of PK, joins us with their latest endeavors and practical ways they are helping men be all their wives and children need them to be. The Daring Faith conference is going to be incredible! To see the full speaker line-up that includes John Bevere, Allen Jackson, Samuel Rodriguez, Charlie Kirk, and others go here:

  • Breakthrough Depression and Anxiety Treatment

    09/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    We all likely know someone struggling with depression, anxiety, PTSD, chronic pain, migraines, and more. There is an innovative technology called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) that is literally changing lives by the thousands. This non-invasive, FDA approved treatment stimulates areas of the brain that are underactive, helping the cells to naturally release needed chemicals. CEO of NeuroStim TMS Centers, Walt Guidice, joins us to explain how it works, the positive outcomes and the hope that TMS offers to so many people!

  • Who Is Using Your Data and Image?

    08/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    Values, freedom, and privacy are under assault. With AI’s ability to use your content from Zoom meetings and even your image, is there an alternative? The video conference world needed a better, easier-to-use, and values-aligned alternative. Rick Raddatz, an internet pioneer and entrepreneur, has given freedom-loving people a choice! Rick joins us to share his background story, from Microsoft to starting four multimillion-dollar businesses in four years to the innovative alternative that is getting everyone’s attention!

  • Flag Honoring Sons and Beautiful Mothers!

    07/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    The story of high schooler Cameron Blasek refusing to remove the American flag from his truck went viral. His friends followed suit, and eventually his truck was painted with the flag! But the story didn’t end there. A boy dying of cancer had one last wish... Cameron’s mother, Heidi, joins us with the rest of this inspirational story! The role of Mother is an integral part of God’s plan, and like artwork on display, it brings beauty to us all in the process. One sad story of a young woman who is afraid to have children highlights the importance of honoring motherhood!

  • Holocaust Remembrance Day, Patriotism & Academia

    06/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    Today is an important day to remember the terror, what caused it, and the connection to the October 7th Hamas attack. While antisemitism is gaining support on university campuses, some young men and women are rallying around Jewish students, the American flag, and patriotism. Even singer-songwriters are pushing back at UCLA! We also look at a few reasons academia is to blame for some of the current protests and progressive views of students and faculty.

  • Is There a Need for an Emergency Abortion?

    03/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    The Biden Administration asked SCOTUS justices to strike down an Idaho law protecting most children from abortion, arguing it conflicts with EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act). Dr. Ingrid Skop, an OBGYN joins us to address the facts about this law, and the reality for doctors. The Democrats are making abortion a key issue: Kamala Harris going state to state to promote it, Gov. Gavin Newsom promoting ads in a variety of states depicting underage girls being stopped by police with a pregnancy test, girls chained to hospital beds and other absurd vignettes scaring people about pro-life laws. Will it work? We discuss!

  • National Day of Prayer Unites Us All!

    02/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    Today it’s official, but every day can be a day of powerful prayer of unity in the body of Christ. We look at the purpose and power of prayer and how the Lord invites us into His mission through prayer. Then, Cheryl Sacks joins us to bring a special word on the power of ordinary people joining together in prayer. This special insight will inspire you and encourage you! Cheryl and her husband Hal co-founded Bridgebuilders, a prayer focused ministry that has impacted our nation!

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