Empowered By Sarah

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 5:54:40
  • More information



Hello beautiful beings and welcome to the Empowered by Sarah podcast. Im Sarah, and Im your host. If youre looking to get back in touch with your true self- youve come to the right place. In these episodes we will talk about all things to do with mental, physical and spiritual wellness. Buckle up- were gonna get deep!


  • Meditation: Through The Ancient Forest

    30/05/2023 Duration: 25min

    This guided meditation takes you on a magical journey through an ancient forest. You will ascend to a beautiful lookout point - connecting deeply with the earth, trees, and spirit animals along the way. You may use this any time of day, or fall asleep to it if you wish.

  • Meditation: Isis DNA Code Activation

    30/05/2023 Duration: 01h11min

    This is a guided ceremonial journey with the Egyptian goddess Isis, channelled directly from the goddess herself. Isis is known to preside over the codes of creation, and because of this, accessing her energy can trigger the awakening of DNA and help to rewrite genetic coding that no longer serves us. You may use this meditation while awake, or falling asleep, as your subconscious will still absorb the vibrational frequencies needed to shift.

  • Meditation: Integrating Uncomfortable Emotions With Your Child Self

    30/05/2023 Duration: 32min

    This is a guided meditation to help you in the moment if you're feeling out of control, experiencing uncomfortable emotions, or anxiety. This practice will help you identify and lean into the emotions you are feeling, while discovering the root cause, and reparenting your child self. You will learn to reintegrate these emotions into your life today and lean into them without fear.

  • Meditation: Journey To Your Safe Haven

    30/05/2023 Duration: 31min

    Take a journey inward and be guided to discover your safe haven. This is a relaxing tool and proven process that you can come back to at any time for relief and healing during moments of anxiety and depression. It is also the first step in The Completion Process by Teal Swan.

  • Inner Child Meditation- Part 2: Healing Old Trauma

    24/09/2020 Duration: 08min

    This is part 2 in the Inner Child Healing series, and is a guided meditation that dives into a powerful reprogramming process to heal old childhood traumas as your adult self.

  • Inner Child Healing Meditation- Part 1: Relaxation

    24/09/2020 Duration: 06min

    The first part in a series of guided inner child healing meditations! This can also be used on its own for anxiety, sleep or clearing negative energy.

  • Disordered Eating + Changing Your Relationship with Food // Empowered by Sarah + The Soulfillment Approach

    30/04/2019 Duration: 58min

    On today’s podcast I will be interviewing Brehlie from The Soulfillment Approach as my FIRST ever guest! ❤️  Brehlie is a Disordered Eating Coach and specialist that has traversed the path to recovery herself and truly knows the in’s and outs of eating disorders. She is also on her way to becoming certified in Holistic Nutrition and has already helped several women in the process. This episode is super educational for EVERYONE- whether you believe you struggle from disordered eating or not. Negative thoughts around food and eating are ALL too prominent in today’s world and it’s so important to recognize them.  Brehlie walks us through what these unhealthy habits can look like, how they can manifest ,and ways to address them and learn to eat intuitively for your health. She talks about how to shift our energy and mindset, to cultivate self love and awareness that allows us to truly nourish ourselves. Links: https://thesoulfillmentapproach.com/ https://www.instagram.com/brehliemaryann/ https://www

  • Navigating the World as an Empath

    16/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    This episode is all about being an empath! You may be listening, knowing already, that you are an empath, trying to figure out if you are one or simply listening as the partner of an empath to form a sense of deeper understanding and support. Either way, I walk through what being an empath means, what drains us, what rejuvenates us, habits and physical manifestations and finding balance! Notes: Link to the Empath Quiz! https://sarahcrisp.typeform.com/to/GHzvPx

  • Healing and Heart Opening Meditation- to the Cosmos

    02/04/2019 Duration: 31min

    This is a healing and heart opening meditation that guides you on a visual journey to the cosmos. This experience cultivates self love and compassion by helping you create a sense of connectedness to the Universe. The first 15 minutes are guided, and the last 15 minutes are music so that you may continue your experience or relax further- however you do not need to listen past the guided portion if you are short on time. You may choose to use this meditation to relax, reflect, reset or fall asleep!

  • Meditating- How to Do it and What to Expect

    26/03/2019 Duration: 18min

    'Meditation' is such a vague term that's thrown out there in the industry. It's in every "how-to" guide when it comes to mental and physical health, it's all over blogs, instagram- you name it. You're sick- go meditate. You're sad- go meditate. However when you're just learning about it it can be incredibly daunting or even confusing to figure out what this really means. In this episode, I'm going to help boil it down for you so that you can feel confident enough to integrate it into your everyday life. I explain what meditating is used for, how to begin and where to find guided sessions, the different types of meditations available, how to set up the perfect environment for meditation and what to expect before, during and after. 

  • Guided Imagery Meditation- Beachscape

    25/03/2019 Duration: 20min

    This meditation begins with a visual scan of the body with breath work incorporated, to release tension and increase a sense of wellbeing. You will then be invited to a guided imagery of a beach scape scene, where you will relax in the sun and listen to the gentle rhythm of the waves. At the conclusion I will stop guiding the meditation and the final ten minutes will end with ambient ocean sounds.

  • Guided Imagery Meditation- Through the Forest

    22/03/2019 Duration: 08min

    This is a guided imagery meditation that begins by relaxing your entire body from head to toe, through releasing tension and practicing breath work. It continues by taking you on a visual journey through a beautiful forest- imagining the sounds, smells and feeling of unity with nature

  • The Upleveling Process

    20/03/2019 Duration: 16min

    This episode is all about upleveing through personal development! I begin by sharing my own upleveling journey over the past few years, as I moved from Michigan, to San Francisco and now Australia. I talk about what to expect when going through the process and some tips to being successful.