Sacred Leadership with Sigrid Tasies

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 65:44:59
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Ready to access your infinite potential as a leader? Join Leadership Coach, Author, Entrepreneur and Medicine Woman Sigrid Tasies as she discusses and explores topics around modern business and ancient wisdom as well as spirituality, personal development and success strategies. Discover how to bring depth to your leadership and level up your business from a space of anchored purpose and emotional fulfillment, for the greater benefit of humanity and the Earth.


  • #82 10 Lessons I learnt from my Dad through his life and death

    14/08/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    "At the end of the day, you're only taking with you what you've enjoyed. So do not forget to enjoy your life. I know that my father lived his life. So even though he died so young.. he was only 62.. he lived his life. He enjoyed, he travelled around the world, he had crazy adventures. He didn't die just saving for his retirement. He didn't die just waiting to spend the points in his credit card, the miles. He didn't die waiting for the trip of his life to happen. He didn't wait. He lived his life."In this solo episode I will share lessons, through stories - a memoir if you will - honouring a life fully lived:- A lesson that literally saved my life (5:22)-The True Power of Small Details (12:16)-How to welcome in MAGIC (15:53)-Life as a Canvas of Artistry (20:19)-Authenticity in Expression (25:24)-Embracing Life for the Joy of Living (30:23)-The Key to Living Liberated and Regret-Free Life (36:55)-What True Community Offers Us (44:51)-Embracing Enjoyment as Life's Ultimate Currency (52:10)-Being a Stand for You

  • #81 Reclaiming your sensuality and feeling safer S3xually

    07/08/2023 Duration: 24min

    "It's such a taboo still nowadays topic in our society, that we don't have the proper education and initiations and guidance into sacred, safe sexuality. Sexuality that's actually pleasure-lead, and not goal-oriented. So when we start having these conversations, it is really important that you ask yourself; if you want to really create a container where your sensual self can come online.. where you can fully allow all of you - the present, expanded, feeling version of you - to be present.. then what do you need?" In this solo episode, I dive into:Sensuality isn't linked to sexuality (2:21)What sensuality really is and how it can transform your life and relationships from the inside out + practices to get started (5:48)Do THIS to connect deeper with your own version of sensuality (11:47)Building true, deep intimacy (13:01)How to + why commit to your pleasure (22:01) Tune in to this episode and start your journey of reconnection with your sensual self, leading to a more vibrant, pleasure-filled, and empowered l

  • #80 Healing my inner-waters and learning to trust men again (a powerful pilgrimage through sacred sites in Bali, Spain and Mexico)

    31/07/2023 Duration: 01h12min

    "What I've noticed is my availability to receive men has expanded so deeply. And I was already a pretty orgasmic person.. and that just took it to a whole other level - the amount of pleasure that I feel my body is available for has expanded, the amount of ease that I experience, where I'm not rehearsing life, or fighting life, I can be here now and feel safe in the NOW moment a lot more."In this solo episode, I dive into:My lifelong connection to WATER (4:26)Following the call of the water Priestess to Bali (9:19)My Balinese temple pilgrimage (18:11)The profound realisation that this was a journey of healing my inner waters (24:04)The ancient wisdom of the waters (26:45)The whispers that lead me to Mexico (30:52)Trusting and Embracing the Masculine in a new way (37:27)Releasing the trauma stored deep in my waters (45:20)Expanding the Capacity for Pleasure and Trust (52:42)Clearing Trauma and Creating Space for Choice (54:14)Links mentioned in this episode: with

  • # 79 The Art of Surrender: Let go of control and start living your life FULLY

    24/07/2023 Duration: 24min

    "That is surrender. When we let go of thinking "I know better.. I've got the answers. This shouldn't happen the way it's happening. I should rehearse everything before it happens so that I can control the situation".. when we can let go of all of that, and really humble ourselves to the truth, which is, we can't control shit."In this solo episode, I dive into:- Letting go of the desire for control and receiving surrender (2:29)- Accepting the truth: embracing the uncontrollable nature of life (9:11)- Building trust in the natural flow of life (13:38)- Surrender as meeting life fully in the present moment (19:51)Links mentioned in this episode: with Sigrid: watch this episode on video, head to:

  • #78 Powerful 4 step process to get over comparison and jealousy, and take your power back

    17/07/2023 Duration: 35min

    "Everything starts within. Leadership.. success.. abundance.. intimacy.. pleasure.. love.. So when our energy is more focused outside of ourselves than within, we cannot truly lead in an embodied authentic, centred, present and grounded way."In this powerful solo episode, I will dive into:True leadership and impact start from within (3:09)Four-step process to overcome comparison and jealousy and reclaim your power (9:56)Step 1 (10:18)Step 2 (15:14)Step 3 (25:01)Step 4 (30:03)Clarify priorities and focus on what truly matters (35:38)

  • #77 Ask like a priestess, not a beggar (Receivership and Sacred Reciprocity)

    11/07/2023 Duration: 34min

    In this solo episode, I dive into:Embracing our radiance and recognising our inherent worthiness (2:29)Understanding the distinct energies of asking like a Priestess and asking like a beggar (6:39)Shedding the energy of unworthiness and density associated with the beggar archetype (13:20)Liberating ourselves from the limitations of victimhood to fully receive (31:07)Developing a priestess-like attitude towards asking and connecting with our desires (33:34) Links mentioned in this episode: Connect with Sigrid: To watch this episode on video, head to:

  • #76 Your Orgasms Heal the World! Serving from Freedom vs Martyrdom

    03/07/2023 Duration: 40min

    "My orgasms contribute to humanity. My joy contributes to humanity. My nourishment contributes to humanity. I got to understand that me being in my best, most free, most aligned, most alive expression.. is my offering. Me feeling good is of service to humanity."In this empowering & self-liberating solo episode, I will dive into:The fallacy of self-sacrifice in service to others (8:36)Discovering activities that bring you joy and doing them for the sake of enjoyment (20:15)Recognising the impact of your aliveness on the collective energy field (24:59)Breaking free from the martyrdom mindset and reclaiming true service (26:08)Shifting the energy you send into the world and receiving positive feedback (27:15)Inspiring others through your expression and self-honouring (32:57)Redefining service as prioritising yourself and your well-being (34:23)The profound impact of living, leading, loving, and serving from overflow (38:57)Using your joy and self-expression as a permission slip for others (41:30)

  • #75 Allowing the MUSE to guide you; bliss, pleasure, grief & rapture with Alexi Panos

    26/06/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    "And it allowed me to have this embodied experience and experience in my body that which allowed me to bypass the story I had been telling you about myself for decades. And in one moment I flipped the script." In this game changing conversation, we drop into:The importance of freeing our bodies to experience true freedom (6:24)The power of embracing our essence and owning our uniqueness (7:24)Tapping into the life force energy within and connecting to something greater (12:59)Choosing to exit the matrix and create our own reality (19:22)Trusting our own wisdom and embracing our truth in each moment (26:10)Creating space in our bodies and releasing projections (37:46)Quitting collapsing into inauthentic versions of ourselves to maintain relationships (39:38)Embracing the full spectrum of life and showing up with dignity (48:13)Living authentically and answering the call of our hearts (53:00)Acknowledging the uneasiness and significance of embracing grief and all emotions ( 56:11)Recognising our innate power an

  • #74 The truth about love that set me free

    21/06/2023 Duration: 24min

    "People fall in love DESPITE not BECAUSE.. so I can never be the CAUSE. Meaning that I can never be the cause of someone loving me. And neither can you."In this solo episode, I dive into:The truth about love that set me free (2:00)Dropping deep into acceptance of myself (7:24)Coming into divine union with our truth (14:46)Surrendering to this truth (17:39) Links mentioned in this episode: Connect with Sigrid: To watch this episode on video, head to:

  • #73 What the F is "Embodiment Work"? Juicy, simple ways to understand trauma, somatics and nervous-system

    20/06/2023 Duration: 33min

    "We can try to move forward by learning concepts by telling ourselves a new story by positively affirming what we want. However, yes, we are spirit. Yes, we are mind, but we are also flesh."In this solo episode, I dive into:What is embodiment? (3:36)Understanding the nervous system (7:13)Breaking down trauma (8:59)What is somatic work? (10:51)The body & it's default settings (22:44)Integration is key to long-term, lasting shifts (30:49)Links mentioned in this episode: Connect with Sigrid: To watch this episode on video, head to:

  • #72 Why Let HER Lead?

    19/06/2023 Duration: 24min

    "When I traded in mindset work for Somatic work.. when I added a deep spiritual component to my inner growth work, and when I committed to taking my emotional armour off, that's when my life transformed completely" In this solo episode, I dive into:- What wearing emotional armour looks like (3:19)-Meeting the embodied woman (12:06)-Taking off my own emotional armour & the change this actioned (12:50)-Allowing yourself to create the impact you came here to create. (15:39)-The importance of creating from a space of safety (17:58)-The gift of embodiment. Having me, knowing me, loving me, trusting me. (21:04) Links mentioned in this episode: Connect with Sigrid: To watch this episode on video, head to:

  • #71 Stop “making sense” & start being TRUE to yourself

    14/12/2021 Duration: 01h25min

    "In order to be true to yourself, you need to let go of your desire to make sense to others”Stop making sense and start being true to yourself (2:33)Letting go of making sense and living for others to choose yourself and the truth  (5:03)How to start living your most authentic life and embodying your ultimate potential through choosing you and your truth (11:51)The journey to my own liberation and being true to myself (15:21)The story of how I created a high level mastermind  (19:28)The creation of a Visionary Council (25:51)The archetype of the visionary and how embodying it opened doors for bigger dreams (27:31)Starting a retreat centre and recording my first music album, even when neither of those things "made sense" (37:20)The triggers that came up for me through each of these experiences, and the lessons and opportunities that came and continue to come from it (45:51)Honouring the truth of YOU (1:01:40)What's ONE thing that you would do to align yourself with the deeper truth (1:18:01)Links mentioned in

  • #70 Financial Sovereignty and Holistic Wealth - with Leah Steele

    08/12/2021 Duration: 53min

    "We can never be truly wealthy unless we are wealthy in all areas of our life”Understanding the concept of holistic wealth (3:36)Why the current financial systems and structures are systems of oppression and do not serve us. (5:54)How we can begin to take our power back through achieving financial sovereignty (11:32)The old-paradigm beliefs that many spiritual people tend to have about money, and why they are a disservice to humanity! (16:15)How to increase our service and impact through empowering ourselves financially (25:30)Ways to reclaim sovereignty in a financial sense (31:22)How to overcome the fear of claiming our sovereign birthrights (37:06)What we see is possible when more lightworkers, heart-led leaders and spiritual entrepreneurs are truly, financially empowered. (41:08)Practical steps to create a more holistically wealthy reality for yourself. (43:31)Leah's biggest wish and vision for humanity (45:40)Working with Leah Steele (47:29)What makes a leader sacred? (48:08)Links mentioned in the episod

  • #69 Returning to wholeness and reconnecting to the unseen realms - with Hellè Weston

    25/11/2021 Duration: 01h35min

    "Healing is not just about deleting a way of being, sometimes it's about opening up a choice.”The effect of disconnection and losing touch with what's most natural to us (5:02)Creating "right relationships" (10:33)Hellè's experience with breathwork (17:15)The powerful properties of breathwork (20:23)Digging deeper with trauma, somatic embodiment and the spirit world (25:28)Hellè's experience with self compassion and her healing journey (33:07)How to best show up for ourselves in our healing journey (42:12)Returning to wholeness (48:06)How to bring a practical, relevant and grounded approach to our spiritual and healing journey (54:13)Being genuine in the personal development industry (1:12:19)The tools we've used to support our healing and growth (1:19:40)Working with Hellè Weston (1:29:19)What makes a leader sacred? (1:31:05)Links mentioned in the episode:Private Initiations (1 on 1 Coaching and Mentoring) with SigridHellè's website and offerings: Owaken BreathworkHer websiteConnect:Hellè's Instagram: @helle

  • #68 Outgrowing the "good girl" programming - with Holly Toronto

    15/11/2021 Duration: 01h16min

    "When we are able to move past the good girl into the empowered adult woman, we are able to access choice.”The "Good Girl" Programming (4:16)Five manifestations of the "compliant woman" programming (11:50)Ways in which women self-silence (12:00)Self-denial and how it shows up in our lives (14:31)Are you addicted to self-sacrifice? (21:27)Self-limitation no more (32:39)Why and how we women tend to play small and doubt ourselves (33:00)What you can do to step into your authentic power more fully (39:00)Self-questioning gets to stop (48:13)Different ways in which these habits might be impacting you personally, professionally and in relationship (49:15)Ways in which the personal development industry is encouraging bypassing and an over compensation that might not be necessary healthy. (1:06:29)Working with Holly Toronto (1:10:42)What makes a leader sacred? (1:12:08)Links mentioned in the episode:Private Initiations (1 on 1 Coaching and Mentoring) with Sigrid Holly's website and offerings: www.hollytoronto.comRetu

  • #67 The Real Cost of Compromising Our Integrity for Profit or Comfort - with Makenzie Marzluff and Michael McPherson

    09/11/2021 Duration: 01h31min

    "When you put your money towards something that's good and right, you will get it tenfold or more.”The transition that Michael and Makenzie made in their business (6:15)Lessons that Makenzie and Michael received from pausing down their multi-million dollar company and how they have come back stronger than ever (17:53)The real cost of our daily choices and being in a Sacred Union (26:17)How Sacred Union impacted Makenzie and Michael's mission (31:47)Bringing deep intentionality to companies and products (46:29)The real cost of compromising our integrity for profit (57:41)How the product you consume make an impact in the world (1:06:38)The journey to ethical consumption (1:11:41)Alternative ways of doing business that are aligned with the values and vision behind businesses (1:16:51)Working with Makenzie and Michael and finding their amazing products (1:23:27)“What makes a leader sacred?” (1:25:36)Links mentioned in the episode:Private Initiations (1 on 1 Coaching and Mentoring) with Sigrid KAKAO Ceremonial Dri

  • #66 The Rising of the Feminine - with Amy Natalie

    01/11/2021 Duration: 46min

    "Embodying your feminine is the most rebellious act that you can take.”The Feminine Rising - what is it? (2:40)The biggest challenges that get in the way of the rising of the feminine within each of us (10:00)The masculine approach to the feminine rising (18:50)What women can do to embrace and allow our inner-feminine to rise (25:25)What's possible for the world as the feminine continues to rise? (33:15)Working with Amy Natalie (39:50)What makes a leader sacred? (41:38)Links mentioned in the episode:Private Initiations (1 on 1 Coaching and Mentoring) with Sigrid Amy's website and offerings: Frequency Podcast:'s Instagram: @amynataliecoSigrid's Instagram: @sigridtasies

  • #65 Sacred Union - with Christine Hassler and Stefanos Sifandos

    25/10/2021 Duration: 01h09min

    "A conflict in a relationship is like a snow globe, you can't see it clearly unless you set it down and let things settle for a while”What is Sacred Union? (6:55)How Sacred Union can amplify the impact we create in the world (13:37)Challenges Christine and Stef experienced within their relationship, and how they grew through them (22:30)Learning to repair after arguments, and creating relationship agreements (32:21)How to create agreement that feel expansive and respect our individual freedom  (42:00)Cultivating sacred union in an existing relationship (47:00)How to prepare ourselves for a sacred union relationship (50:12)Challenges of being a perfectionist in a relationship (53:10)Working with Christine and Stef (1:01:17)“What makes a leader sacred?” (1:05:12)Links mentioned in the episode:Private Initiations (1 on 1 Coaching and Mentoring) with SigridSacred Union Process with Christine and Stef"Be The Queen" program with Christine and StefRelationship Retreat (recorded) with Christine and StefConnect:Sigrid

  • #64 The 7 Feminine Embodiment Principles

    15/10/2021 Duration: 01h20min

    "There is nothing more powerful, concious, mature, evolved than fully and truly accepting yourself”Where this 7 Feminine Embodiment Principles came from (9:20)Learning to operate from a space of self-responsibility and ownership  (11:46)The meaning of self-responsibility and ownership (13:18)Shadow Work and Shadow Integration (17:40)How you can embody your feminine energetics (27:17)Emotional Mastery (29:14)Activating your voice to express your truth (39:14)How to be fierce and soft at the same time (42:00)Turning On your receiver (46:00)Understanding sacredness (53:00)Asking for support (1:00:26)Embodying your truth (1:03:00)Links mentioned in the episode:6 month Sacred Embodiment Mastermind with Sigrid - THE EMBODIED WOMANShadow work and Shadow Integration Podcast EpisodeConnect with Sigrid:Instagram: @sigridtasiesEmail:

  • #63 Deception and Manipulation in the name of "Service"

    06/10/2021 Duration: 52min

    "We can‘t help humanity without becoming the embodiment of what we think will help humanity.”Deception and manipulation in the world - are you contributing to it? (5:28)Behaving in unnatural ways (8:13)Manipulation and deception in personal development industry (9:50)Different forms of manipulation and deception you may haven’t recognised yet (15:35)The impact of forgetting truth and authenticity (19:10)Some of the ways in which you may have been behaving in your leadership, business, marketing, relationships and life that could be deeply misaligned with what you actually want (20:05)Choosing to embody your values (20:30)How do we unplug from a system of oppression, deception and manipulation, and the structures or processes that are not working towards creating a better world? (25:10)Living a life by design (27:20)Creating an abundant, prosperous and successful business without using manipulation and deception (31:21)Accessing your full potential as a leader through self-responsibility and deep integrity (42

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