Ultimate Marketer

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 45:37:16
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It's time to get serious about business, brother! Join host Orlando Rios for a weekly no-holds-barred introspective on all things marketing.


  • #96 Best Ad Campaign Structure Q4 2022

    28/09/2022 Duration: 18min

    It's a common question that has had many different answers since Facebook advertising first started.  What is the best campaign structure to achieve optimal results? In this episode, I'll review what seems to be working best for me and my clients as we enter Q4 2022. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #95 Today's Best Lookalike Audiences

    15/06/2022 Duration: 21min

    Most think that Facebook lookalike audiences are dead – I did too. However, they can still be a gem if you think about them outside of traditional ways. In this episode, I'll explain the best lookalike audiences to try for your Facebook ad campaigns at this time. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #94 Google Performance Max

    09/06/2022 Duration: 21min

    Google wants to make running ads less complicated and more reliant on machine learning. Is their new push of Performance Max the ticket? In this episode, I'll go over why you should get familiar with Google Performance Max now and how it can help you and your business boost leads and sales on autopilot. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #93 Do Business Like Vince McMahon

    31/03/2022 Duration: 19min

    When it comes to the pro wrestling business, it simply doesn't exist as it is today without Vince McMahon. With it being Wrestlemania weekend and with his recent interview on the Pat McAfee show, I thought it would be great to compile his lessons in being a great businessman. In this episode, I'll go over what Vince says about negativity, being open to creative input, public perception, and planning the future in real time. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #92 What I Learned with TikTok Ads

    23/03/2022 Duration: 25min

    For the past few months, I've been putting a lot of effort into growing my apparel brand with TikTok ads. There was a lot of failing in the beginning, but now I'm seeing why so many others are adding this platform to both organic and paid efforts. In this episode, I'll share what you should do now no matter if you plan to run ads on TikTok, how I set up my campaigns, and how I approached creative. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #91 Broad Audiences. Yay or Nay?

    09/03/2022 Duration: 17min

    Some in the marketing community are pushing broad audiences in Facebook advertising. But is it that black and white? In this episode, I'll explain when and why it may be useful depending on your circumstances. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #90 Are Lookalike Audiences Dead?

    05/01/2022 Duration: 18min

    With changes to Facebook's ability to track pixel events and build a bigger audience of high-value customers to mirror, has the lookalike audience died? In this episode, we'll discuss the best targeting options at the start of 2022 and the reasons you may want to consider changing your paid social advertising strategy. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #89 Checkout on Facebook and Instagram

    17/11/2021 Duration: 19min

    Would having potential customers on Facebook and Instagram purchase your products without leaving the platform hurt or help sales? In this episode, we talk about the Shopify and Commerce manager connection, my recent campaign attempt with On-Facebook purchases, and if this is the future. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #88 My New Favorite Metrics App

    10/11/2021 Duration: 18min

    Having a full understanding of your business health is vital. If you don't keep accurate track of the impact of your marketing efforts, how do you know where to allocate time and resources? In this episode, I'm going to talk about a new metrics app for Shopify that is making life easier for anyone advertising on Facebook, Instagram, and more. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #87 Black Friday 2021 Prep Episode 2 of 2

    04/11/2021 Duration: 26min

    It's time again for what should be the best sales day(s) of the year for e-commerce brands. If you're not prepared already, you better get a move on. In episode two of this two-part series, we'll go over crafting your Facebook and Email campaigns for maximized conversions during the big sale. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #86 Black Friday 2021 Prep Episode 1 of 2

    26/10/2021 Duration: 26min

    It's time again for what should be the best sales day(s) of the year for e-commerce brands. If you're not prepared already, you better get a move on. In episode one of this two-part series, we'll go over crafting your promotion and how to get the best out of online traffic. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #85 New Facebook Remarketing Suggestions

    08/09/2021 Duration: 20min

    Have you noticed some performance degradation with your Facebook remarketing campaigns? You're not alone.  Ever since iOS14, remarketing audiences have been getting smaller and, therefore, less effective.  In this episode, I'll go through the exact build of a remarketing ad set you should consider using for the best possible results. Hint: bigger is better! Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #84 Latest Facebook Ad Strategies

    27/07/2021 Duration: 24min

    Over the last few months, I've managed over $500K in Facebook Ad spend navigating around the Apple update that most ad buyers feared. Now I'm not so scared. In this episode, I'll share some of my findings in audience building, prospecting campaigns, and attribution whether you're just getting started or a point of scale. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #83 Keys To A Successful Day

    13/07/2021 Duration: 24min

    Would changing how you start your day have an effect on your creativity and productivity? In this episode, I'll share my keys to a successful day and why what you do in the morning is the foundation of success. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #82 Shopify Saving Facebook Ads Tracking?

    23/06/2021 Duration: 24min

    With the latest apple update, you may have noticed fewer data in your Facebook ads metrics. And while it's what we were all expecting, there may be a well-known hero coming to make things right again. In this episode, we'll discuss how Shopify will help our efforts to acquire new customers and why it's in their best interest to do so. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #81 I Started a Second Business... Am I Crazy?

    18/05/2021 Duration: 29min

    With everything going on in digital marketing and the world, is it really possible to start a new e-commerce brand? Better question, is it the smart thing to do? In this episode, I'll let you in what I've experienced so far in launching my new tangible goods business. New Shopify store, new pixel, new everything! Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #80 iOS 14.5 Facebook Ad Impact

    27/04/2021 Duration: 25min

    The anti-Facebook Apple update is officially here and is rolling out to iPhones at this very moment. In this episode, we'll discuss what the next few weeks will look like in Facebook advertising, how to rise above the noise, and ideas for future campaigns. Plus, the actions you should take to keep your account in the best shape possible. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #79 Your True ROAS in a Cookieless World

    13/04/2021 Duration: 25min

    Have you noticed Facebook ads attribution to be a little off lately? It's not you, and it's likely not your ads either. Things are changing, and cookies may be on the way out. But it's all not doom and gloom! We have to be smarter and get a little old school with our reporting. In this episode, I'll talk about what's new and how to see a full scope of your ad paid ad performance concerning your business. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #78 YouTube In-Stream Video Ads

    23/03/2021 Duration: 29min

    Have you diversified your paid customer acquisition strategy, or are Facebook ads your only play? While Facebook ads are still king, it's always a good idea not to have your eggs all in one basket. In this episode, I'll discuss how to get started with YouTube In-Stream video ads, including the audiences you should target and the creative must-haves. Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

  • #77 Travel Free From Facebook and Google Ads

    16/03/2021 Duration: 23min

    Who is ready for a little vacay after a crazy year? In this week's episode, I'm going to detail how I haven't paid for a flight or hotel in over a year just by utilizing rewards on my Facebook and Google ad spends. Buckle up! Follow Host Orlando Rios: Twitter: @OrlandoRios Instagram: @IMOrlandoRios LinkedIn: Orlando-Rios Please subscribe, share, and rate this show! Visit https://dropkickads.com and use code ULTIMATE for 10% OFF any service.

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