The Model Health Show is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening look at health and fitness. No subject is off limits here! World-renown author and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson breaks down complex health issues and makes them easy to understand and overcome. Whether it's weight loss, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet, exercise, sex, hormones, sleep problems, or countless other health topics, the insights you get here will help you transform your health and live your best life ever. The Model Health Show is brought to you by RareGem Productions.
TMHS 178: Misdiagnosed Health Issues And The Thyroid Connection - With Dr. Amy Myers
05/10/2016 Duration: 49minYour thyroid is the master regulator of your metabolism. Any endeavors for healthy weight loss or weight gain are all governed by your hyper-intelligent thyroid gland. Today, more than ever, there’s a war being waged against your thyroid gland. Environmental pollution, nutrient deficiencies, and unchecked stress are all putting a dire burden on this critical gland. Millions of people are being stricken with thyroid issues, and conventional medicine doesn’t have a solution for it. The standard approach is to counterattack the thyroid gland using dangerous medications, removing your thyroid gland, or even destroying your thyroid gland with radiation as a method of “treatment”. If the thyroid is already being attacked by our abnormal conditions today, what sense does it make to attack the thyroid even more? Why wouldn’t we support the thyroid and help it to perform normally? Why wouldn’t we focus on removing the underlying cause of the thyroid condition so that there’s nothing to battle in the first place? That’
TMHS 177: Metabolic Multitasking, Spot-Treating Fat, And The Laws Of Fat Loss - With Dr. Jade Teta
27/09/2016 Duration: 54minHow can a society with access to infinite information struggle so mightily with an issue like weight loss? I think that one major reason is that knowledge of the body and how it works is advertised to be complex and difficult to understand. We, as a society, are led to believe that our own bodies (that we call home!) are far too confusing that only a small percentage of people seem to understand the truth about them. Well, I’m here to share with you that the truth surrounding how your body and metabolism works is simple, attainable, and your birthright to know about. Galileo said, “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” Today we have the incredible Dr. Jade Teta on to help you discover how your amazing metabolism works so that you can be empowered to create the body and life you want. In this episode you'll discover: What hormones actually are. The amazing things that can happen when “passion bumps into purpose”. Why the way we think about metabolism is te
TMHS 176: 5 Keys To An Amazing Relationship - With Anne Stevenson
21/09/2016 Duration: 01h19minThere’s a wonderful quote from Carl Jung that says, “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” Our deepest relationships transform us. And which direction that chemical reaction goes can make all of the difference in the world. You can end up with a beautiful reaction that breathes life into everyone who’s around it, or a not-so-good reaction that can smother everyone in the room. The thing is, we don’t have to sit idly by and just hope that things will mix well together. We can actually uncover which things work great together, and put them into action for ourselves! There will be nothing that impacts your life more than the quality of your most intimate relationship. Becoming a great “relationship chemist” will bring you more health, happiness, and success than you can even imagine. In this episode you'll discover: What the #1 most influential thing on your health actually is. What’s instinctual in a relationship and wh
TMHS 175: Discover Your Chronotype And Leverage The Power Of When - With Dr. Michael Breus
14/09/2016 Duration: 01h00sYou’ve probably heard the quote that “timing is everything”. But what if it’s true? What if the key to better relationships, better health, and more success in our lives really isn’t just about what we do or how we do it, but when we do it that makes all of the difference in the world? Today you’re going to learn about the fascinating research surrounding biological chronotypes. This cutting-edge science proves that there’s an optimal time for each person to do everything from eating a snack, to exercising, to having sex, to asking their boss for a raise that’s totally unique to their chronotype. Board-certified sleep specialist and bestselling author Dr. Michael Breus is here to give you the skinny on how to tap into the potential of your chronotype and leverage The Power of When! In this episode you'll discover: What inspired Dr. Breus to focus on clinical sleep medicine. What a biological chronotype is. Why Dr. Breus shifted his focus to assessing and treating his patients based on chronotypes. Which chro
TMHS 174: Good Sleep Nutrients And The Gut-Brain-Sleep Connection
06/09/2016 Duration: 01h13minThere are tons of great tips out there making waves for improving your sleep quality. Many of these tips are life-changing. But for some people, sleeping in a cooler, darker, tech-free room, might not be enough. I have to say, I was absolutely floored when I found out just how much our gut health impacts our sleep quality. I believe this to be the missing key for millions of people struggling with sleep issues who are only seeing slight improvements with the popular sleep-health tips out there. Realizing this is where many of the most common sleep issues are rooted, I felt it was a MUST to create a masterclass on it so that you know the ins and outs of this amazing gut-brain-sleep connection. In this episode you'll discover: Why your gut is often referred to as “the second brain”. Which neurotransmitter found in the gut has a profound influence on your mood. How a specific sleep hormone precursor also enhances your digestion. The shocking amount of melatonin that’s found in your gut. How your gut actually te
TMHS 173: Conquer Your Greatest Enemy In Life And Step Into Your Power - With Bo Eason
31/08/2016 Duration: 01h12minMediocrity is on sale in our world today. It's cheap, easy to get, and there are even 2-for-1 discounts if you want to bring someone along with you. Why do we set the bar so low? And why do so many of us settle for a life of quiet desperation when we can live the life of our dreams? My friend Bo Eason has a problem with mediocrity, and he’s on fire to help people wake up to their true potential which (he will explain exactly why) is literally your birthright. Bo’s story is absolutely incredible. Going from elite NFL player, to critically acclaimed playwright and stage performer, he knows a thing or 10,000 about what it takes to become great at something. He also knows (and will share with you today) how to pivot and carve out a new path for yourself, why it takes just one person to change your entire life, and how to truly step into your power. In this episode you'll discover: What Bo did at the age of 9 that laid the foundation for his future. Why the plan for your life usually doesn’t look like it’s going
TMHS 172: Overcome Your Biggest Challenges With The Proven Benefits Of Expressive Writing - With Katie Dalebout
24/08/2016 Duration: 01h26sHow do you actually know what you think? A lot of us are under the impression that we know what we think because we hear a lot of inner chatter in our heads (straightjacket not included), or because we talk about what we think with other people. But that’s not what we really think. The inner chatter in your head is mostly surface stuff; fluff. It’s the bright and shining outside of the orange that can easily hide the real juicy stuff in the middle. And the things you think that you share with other people - it’s filtered. A lot. Even your very best friends have probably never heard your deepest thoughts. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a safety mechanism to keep us comfortable and feeling as though we will be accepted. Filtering is socially acceptable because everybody does it whether they realize it or not. The only problem with it is that all of the real thoughts and feelings you have may never get looked at. The good, the bad, and the ugly in so many of our psychies is often heavily suppressed. The n
TMHS 171: GI Testing, Diversity In Our Food, And Balance Protocol - With Dr. Anthony G. Beck
17/08/2016 Duration: 01h16minJust like any journey in life, the journey to health is a journey of discovery. Each obstacle we face is an opportunity to learn something new about ourselves. Whether it’s healing a disease or finding a way to lose that last tiny bit of body fat, changing our health starts with changing how we think. Experimentation is our foundational tool. You have to experiment and test things out to truly find out what works for yourself. We are all unique, and what works for your best friend may only set you back on your journey even further. Sure, there are universal principles of health that can take you a very long way. Eat real food, get plenty of movement and exercise, get adequate amounts of sunlight, drink lots of clean water, cultivate healthy relationships, and do meaningful work that fulfills you. These are a few of the basic tenets for living a healthy, happy, successful life. But what about when you want to take your health to another level? Or what about when you get hit with a real challenging situation (d
TMHS 170: 5 Scientifically Proven Ways To Be More Attractive
10/08/2016 Duration: 55minIn a world of continuous posts and pictures, our consumption and judgement of attraction is at an all-time high. But, what can get lost in all of that is, well, ourselves. What does it mean to be attractive? How does attraction work? And why does it matter really anyway? Well, funny enough, attraction is actually tied to our lifeline. We all want to be attractive, and we all want to feel significant. These are basic human needs that help drive along our species. Not solely for the purpose of picking a mate, but being a part of a tribe, and (evolutionarily speaking) having a better chance at survival. On today’s show we’re talking in-depth about why being attractive matters and, more importantly, simple things that ANYONE can do to become more attractive almost instantly. Sounds like a pretty big promise? Well, I’ve got the science to back it up. And this isn’t about a superficial, stereotypical, smoke-and-mirrors type of attraction that many of us have bought into today. This is real attraction. This is how t
TMHS 169: Don’t Just Sit There – With Katy Bowman
03/08/2016 Duration: 56minI remember watching the movie Wall-E with my son Braden. It is an animated movie portraying the not-too-distant future where humans have siphoned the world of its natural resources and moved to space, leaving Earth behind as a glorified junk yard. Talk about family fun! Even though the context was a bit grim, the movie still highlighted the power of love, devotion, companionship, and doing the right thing. It was a good family movie that pulls on your heartstrings. But what most interested me about the movie was the depiction of the devolution of human beings who have become so engrossed in technology that they hardly ever move anymore. Every person in the film barely had to lift a finger as all of their needs were met at the touch of a button. It might sound cool to live in a world like that, but what are the consequences? Since they lost their desire and need to move, all of their muscles were atrophied. And to say everyone was overweight would be a monumental understatement. Now, is this reality that far f
TMHS 168: The Science Of Willpower, Beating Megaphobia, And The One Thing - With Jay Papasan
27/07/2016 Duration: 01h02minWhat we are able to have, give, do and become in our lives is largely determined by how we choose to spend our time. Seneca said, “It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Life is long enough, and a sufficiently generous amount has been given to us for the highest achievements if it were all well invested.” A big secret to success in life is learning how to focus on what really matters. And at no other point in human history has focus been such a hugely scarce commodity. If you can reacquire your focus, and place it intently on the thing that matters most, then there’s absolutely no limit to what you can achieve. That’s why I had to talk with Jay Papasan. Jay is the co-author of the bestselling, mega-hit book The One Thing. Today he’s here to share with you some priceless wisdom to help you live the life you want, break through your mental barriers, and become the best version of yourself. The tips and insights are running wild in this episode, so make sure you’re ready to c
TMHS 167: Taking On Major Food Companies And Being A Champion For Health - With Vani Hari
20/07/2016 Duration: 01h10min“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” This is a quote from the ever-wise Dale Carnegie. And this is the first statement that comes to mind when I think of the courage of Vani Hari. Vani is an action-taker. She began her life like many of us in modern society… fast food, fast life, and a fast-track to a date with disease. Her action-taking nature was being used against her, and it landed her in a hospital bed, facing invasive surgery, and an important life decision. Vani was hurt. She, like millions of others, put her trust in the corporations that manufacture the food that landed on her plate every day. Through a series of events (that you’re going to learn about today) she discovered that many of these multi-billion companies were putting chemicals in their foods that were leading to serious (and sometimes fatal) conditions for more people than you can imagine. When she was presented with t
TMHS 166: The Secret Life Of Your Immune System
12/07/2016 Duration: 55minHippocrates, who is largely considered to be the father of modern medicine, said that, “Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.” Hippocrates was speaking about the miraculous power of our immune system, and that’s what today’s show is all about. Where is this mysterious immune system located? And how does it work? These are questions that I used to ponder many years ago, and it led me to realize that to understand the bigger picture, I first needed to understand the smaller picture. Our immune systems are hyper-intelligent and, in a strange way, they are omnipotent and omnipresent in the evolution of humanity. Our immune systems are what have enabled us to adapt and move beyond all manner of diseases that could have wiped us out long ago. But, our immune system is the trainer, rehabilitator, and defender of every cell in our body. Our immune system is something to be highly praised and supported. And a great way to show thanks is to learn a little more about it. Your immune systems is doing
TMHS 165: 12 Principles To Change Your Brain And Change Your Life - With Dr. Daniel Amen
06/07/2016 Duration: 49minAn ever expanding mystery to biologist and physicist alike, the human brain is truly the final frontier in understanding our universe, our world, and ourselves. The form and function of your brain literally dictates everything about you. Your ability to choose papaya over Pop Tarts, your ability to choose forgiveness over hate, and your ability to choose courage over fear are all governed by that magnificent 3 pound organ resting inside of your head. Your brain directs hormone function, activation of genetic programs, management of all of your senses and how you experience the world, and so much more. Today you’ll get an accelerated, easy-to-understand masterclass on brain basics. Dr. Daniel Amen is a prolific physician, writer, and speaker who has been a pioneer in transforming our society’s understanding of the human brain, and how the function of our brain deeply impacts every area of our lives. There might not be any information you’ll ever receive that can have a greater impact on your life. If you can c
TMHS 164: Sex, Drugs, And The Sleep Revolution - With Arianna Huffington
28/06/2016 Duration: 51minThere’s a battle going on for your health. Never before in human history have we had so many things vying for our time and attention. And never before have we had so many things that pull us further and further from our natural state of health and well-being. Arianna Huffington has become a voice on the frontline leading the charge to take back control of our health. Her winning battle tactic: great sleep. Arianna was noted at one of The World’s 100 Most influential People by Time magazine and she’s using her platform of influence to help spark The Sleep Revolution. Your body undergoes the greatest transformation from your diet and exercise while you are asleep. It’s the ultimate pillar of health that actually makes sustainable change happen. Today you’re going to learn how sleep impacts everything from your sex life, to your physical appearance, to your performance at work. Plus, you’ll get proven tips to become a talented sleep warrior so that you can be skilled at getting the best sleep of your life. In th
TMHS 163: How To Create A Superhero Brain
22/06/2016 Duration: 01h13minI love the quote from Bill Waterson that says, “Experience is food for the brain.” What’s so wonderful about our brains is that they are continuously learning, continuously growing, and continuously making new connections. Your brain is this miraculous, self-designing entity. It can do so much to change your own world, but it can also change the world at large. However, it can only activate its true potential if we give it the tools to do so. Experience feeds the brain. And there is likely no greater experience for nourishing and energizing your brain than The Superhero Brain Conference. This event highlights the greatest thinkers and experts on improving and using your brain that the world has ever seen. Your brain is the governing force that’s directing every thought and every cell in your body. If you truly want to live a healthy, happy, and fulfilled life, then there’s nothing more important than learning how to create a superhero brain. In this episode you'll discover: What neuroplasticity is and why it
TMHS 162: 5 Things That Hold Us Back From Happiness
14/06/2016 Duration: 46minThe Declaration of Independence states that we all have the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” by the very nature of us being alive. But, how often do we call upon those rights and use them? Many of us have life, but we are not truly living. Many of us have liberty, but never truly utilize our freedom to have, be, and do the things we’re capable of. And many of us have the capacity to live a happy, fulfilled life, but unknowingly forfeit our happiness and live lives of quiet desperation. Today’s show is all about breaking bonds from the things that hold us back from real happiness and fulfillment. Granted, happiness is relative to each person and each situation. But, even a few higher percentage points of happiness in your life will lead to better health, better relationships, and more success in your chosen career, according to the research. Get ready for some powerful revelations and action items to put in place to see some immediate upgrades in happiness and fulfillment. You deserve to
THMS 161: Creating Health Transformations And The Power Of Juicing - With Drew Canole
07/06/2016 Duration: 47minWhat separates those who lead lives of great success, and those who lead lives of great struggle, are things that are so small that you can likely write them all on a tiny post-it note. Success starts with ritual. It’s the things you do consistently, not every now and then, that tells the real tale of the results you’ll see in your life. Couple that with the next important thing, which is to gain mastery over the small things. It’s not the big things… like hitting the lottery, winning the championship, or breaking into the Top 100 Influential People in the World list that 99.999% of the world’s most successful and happy people ever achieve. They are so successful because they’ve dedicated themselves to mastering the small things that bring great results. The old adage goes, “By the inch, it’s a cinch. By the yard, it’s hard.” One final key ingredient is a willingness to help others. Great success is often tied to the lifeline of bringing value to the lives of others. If you can find a way to combine these thr
TMHS 160: 7 Ways To Supercharge Your Breakfast
31/05/2016 Duration: 54minBreakfast. It’s a word that conjures up an array of emotions for many of us. It’s tied to getting ready for school or work. It’s tied to time with the family or catching up on the news. It’s tied eating some of our favorite foods or loading up on our nutrition. But most of all it’s tied to the possibility of a new day. A conversation in the timeless treatise Winnie the Pooh goes like this: “When you wake up in the morning, Pooh," said Piglet at last, "what's the first thing you say to yourself?" "What's for breakfast?" said Pooh. "What do you say, Piglet?" "I say, I wonder what exciting is going to happen today?" said Piglet. Pooh nodded thoughtfully. "It's the same thing," he said.” In many ways Pooh was right (although he was an avid “foodie” long before it was a thing). Breakfast and a new day go hand-in-hand. So, shouldn’t we strive to make that meal as inspirational as possible? Today’s episode is all about the 7 ways to supercharge your breakfast. You’re going to be equipped with simple tips use can us
TMHS 159: Making Space For Pleasure In Your Diet And How To Live A Wellthy Life - With Jason Wachob
13/05/2016 Duration: 01h02minMany people mistakenly believe that being healthy means living a life of deprivation. Sure, if you’re a health conscious person you generally avoid toxic foodstuffs that might nullify your mojo. But people who make healthy choices for the long-term are guided by more pleasure than anything else. A healthy, sustainable diet is a pleasurable one. It has to be. I’m absolutely blown away by the foods that I get to eat on a regular basis. It’s almost unfair. The flavor sensations, the colors, the textures, the overall party in the mouth experience. I aspire to help people discover just how good real food can be. First of all, there’s pleasure within the constructs of the diet. The thousands of real foods that you get to eat (based on what feels best for your body) delivers tens of thousands of different options for you to feast on. The pleasure could be from something as savory as a grass fed ribeye, to as sweet and seductive as chocolate cashew ice cream with warm candied pecans on top. All made from real ingredi