Raise Your Hand Say Yes With Tiffany Han



a weekly podcast about the creative adventures of (extra)ordinary people


  • Ep. 34: Janelle Hanchett on Telling the Truth

    22/04/2015 Duration: 52min

    Ahh! I was so excited to interview Janelle Hanchett for this week's podcast episode. So excited.  When I found out I was pregnant with twins, I immediately dove into Google (don't do that!) and found myself going down the Rabbit Hole of Crazy that is websites about pregnancy and expecting and twins and all of that. There is so much information that made me feel nervous and anxious and terrible.  And then, one day, I stumbled upon Janelle's blog, Renegade Mothering, and felt like I had found my way home. Finally! Someone who spoke my language when it came to pregnancy and kids and parenting and family. I then found myself going down the Rabbit Hole of Awesome that is Janelle's blog and her humor, perspective, and honesty.  This week, Janelle and I talk about SO MUCH including facing your discomfort and doing your work in spite of your fear, what Janelle learned from her alcoholism about facing your failure, what to do with the haters in the comment section, and how to tell your truth through writing. I also lo

  • Ep. 33: Elise Blaha Cripe on Setting (and Reaching!) Goals

    15/04/2015 Duration: 59min

    I was so excited to have Elise Blaha Cripe back on the show! This week, we talked all about goal-setting and getting things done. Elise is a MASTER at setting (and sharing) her goals and I was excited to chat with her about the practical steps of how she gets things done and how her business (and goals!) has evolved over time. We also got to talk about two of Elise's bigger projects: Make29 and her Get to Work Book (amazing!) and how these projects have played into each other and what she's learned about everything. And, a conversation about goals and doing the work wouldn't be complete without diving into a discussion about fear and comparisons and all that good stuff. We covered a lot in this conversation! Elise, thank you SO MUCH! It's always a treat to be able to share time with you!  **100 Rejection Letters** - Registration open through 10/31/16   Show Notes: Connect with Elise: Website | Blog | Instagram | Twitter The Get To Work Book | Instagram | the walk-through video Elise’s Make29 project E

  • Ep. 32: Monica McCarthy on Making Choices

    08/04/2015 Duration: 57min

    I was thrilled to talk with Monica McCarthy this week for the podcast! I've known Monica for a few years and have been following her career as she's gone through so many entrepreneurial iterations and is currently the Experience Impressario for Holstee. (If you're curious about what an Experience Impressario does, we'll cover that!) On this episode, Monica and I talked all about what she learned about risk from being an actress, how she was able to let go of the solopreneur dream and get a day job (gasp!) and how she's followed her crazyfaith to her own raise your hand say yes moments. It's a good one!  Monica, it was so wonderful having you on the show! Thank you, thank you, thank you!  Show Notes: Connect with Monica: Website | Instagram | Twitter Connect with Holstee: Website | Instagram | Twitter Wishcraft by Barbara Sher Monica's Act 2 interview series Susannah Conway Gretchen Rubin Jenny Blake Cheshire Parlour Charity: Water Choose Yourself by James Altucher Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

  • Ep. 31: 10 Success Secrets of the Highly-Creative

    01/04/2015 Duration: 49min

    Ahhh! I'm so excited to announce that Raise your Hand Say Yes has hit over 50,000 downloads!!! In honor of this milestone, today's episode is a compilation of everything I've learned over the last 30 episodes: the 10 Success Secrets of the Highly-Creative. In honor of this occasion, I'm also doing a huge giveaway of the following prizes: Grand Prize: an hour-long 1-on-1 coaching session with me - we can talk about your business, your life, or Downton Abbey. Or all of the above! Second Prize: a prize pack that includes a Make Out with Yes letterpress poster, a 2015 Sparkle & Shine wall calendar, a Big Work print, and a Say Yes mini-notebook Third Prize: (to 3 lucky winners) a Say Yes mini-notebooks That's 5 chances to win! Winners will be chosen at random at the end of the day on Friday, April 10. To be eligible, enter your email address here. Bonus: each entrant will receive a beautiful downloadable copy of the 10 Success Secrets of the Highly-Creative. Thank you all for your support of my podcast.

  • Ep. 30: Amy Tan and Creativity

    25/03/2015 Duration: 01h07min

    Oooh, you guys. I've been dreaming of having Amy Tan on the show since it's inception, and I'm excited to finally bring you this episode. I met Amy a few years ago at my first Craftcation (and where I'm speaking this weekend!) and was blown away by how cool and sweet and smart and lovely she is.  Amy is a scrapbooking superstar but started out with her own clothing company. Through her experiences running her own clothing company, becoming a scrapbooking guru, and figuring out what works, Amy has learned a LOT and I love talking to her about all of it. Tune in to find out how Amy found her creative voice, what happens when her ego gets in her way (and how she bypasses that), and how she's created this magical life for herself.  Amy, I'm such a fan and can't wait to spend some time with you at Craftcation. You're gonna get a great big hug! Thank you for being awesome!  PS. Thinking about applying for It's Business Time? Applications close Friday and there are currently on 3 spots left, so don't delay!  Show No

  • Ep. 29: Meg Worden on Owning It

    17/03/2015 Duration: 59min

    I am such a big fan of Meg Worden and was thrilled to have her on the show. To me, Meg is the Queen of Owning It which becomes quickly apparent if you spend any time on her blog at all (I highly recommend that you do!).  In this episode, Meg and I talk about so many things - defining yourself as an entrepreneur, Meg's time in federal prison and how she's owned her experience, the power of telling your story and embracing vulnerability. Meg also shares ways that you can get started in telling your own story and embracing your experiences.  Meg, thank you! You are such and inspiration to me and having you on the show was such a treat.  Show Notes: Connect with Meg: Website | Blog | Instagram | Twitter Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl Renegade Mothering Hannah Marcotti    

  • Ep. 28: Michelle Ward on Starting a Business

    11/03/2015 Duration: 54min

    Ahh! It's a good day when I get to bring my dear friend (and collaborator) Michelle Ward back on the podcast! In this week's episode, Michelle and I talk about starting a business, the moment you realize you're ready to break free from your golden handcuffs, and when you should and shouldn't follow that calling. We also talk about our own experiences with time management and taking a make-things-work approach now that we are both mama-preneurs. At the end of this episode, we also spill the beans about It's Business Time, a program we've put together to help 10 women go from Big Dreams to Legit Biz (with a website designed by powerhouse Erin Cassidy!) in just 6 months. If you're interested in priority application, get on the list here! Michelle, you are a dream guest. Can't wait for us to have our own show. Thank you for everything!  PS. Michelle, Erin and I are hosting a no-cost webinar on Friday, March 13 at 10am PST all about What We Want You to Know about Starting a Business. Sign up here to get the deets.

  • Ep. 27: Book Club: The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

    04/03/2015 Duration: 51min

    Huzzah! It's book club time!  As I mention in this episode of the podcast, I've been wanting to do an online book club since 2008 (!!) when I started blogging. Therefore, I was stoked when I was talking with Erin one day about The Big Leap and we realized that we should do a book club. On the podcast. Oh yes baby, that's how the magic happens.  This episode is all about The Big Leap and Upper Limit Problems and Zones of Genius. Erin and I get all kinds of personal talking about our own Upper Limit Problems (that is, how we self-sabotage and hold ourselves back) and where we think our Zones of Genius might be -- and why it's so scary to talk about your genius out loud on a podcast.  If you haven't read the book - don't worry! The concepts mentioned are universal and I'm certain you'll be able to relate to some of the things that Erin and I struggle with.  We'll also be hosting a twitter chat about the book on Tuesday March 10 at noon PST and would love for you to join us! We'll be posting questions throug

  • Ep. 26: Jennifer Lee on Creativity as an Asset

    25/02/2015 Duration: 26min

    Newsflash: your creativity is an asset, not a liability.  I have based my entire business around this principle, and I wanted to explore it further on the podcast. I see too many women trying to quiet their creative voices instead of embracing them. It's time to change.  In this episode, I talk about why I think creativity needs to be embraced and then sit down to talk with Jennifer Lee, one of my favorite peeps ever, about it. As the creator of the Right Brain Business Plan, Jenn has see first hand how creative people are able to succeed because of their creativity, not in spite of it.  If you've ever thought, if only I liked spreadsheets..., this episode is for you!  Jenn, you are the best! Thank you for being on the show!  Erin is also going to be my co-host for the Raise your Hand Say Yes book club episodes, the first of which is going to air on March 4 when we’ll be discussing Gay Hendricks’ The Big Leap. PS. If you like what you hear or are a fan of the podcast, please consider subscribing and su

  • Ep. 25: Erin Cassidy on Finding Creative Freedom

    18/02/2015 Duration: 58min

    You guys! I can't believe it's taken me 25 episodes of the podcast to have Erin Cassidy on the show! For those of you who have been following this blog for a while, you're likely quite used to seeing "**graphic by Erin Cassidy for Tiffany Han Coaching." Today, you'll get to hear a conversation with the woman behind the graphics!  Not only is Erin responsible for keeping my brand looking ship-shape, she's also one of my favorite people in the world and someone who I credit with a large part of my business success. This week, Erin and I talk about how we came to work together and some of the raise your hand say yes moments in her life and career. We also talk about the creative evolution of her entrepreneurial journey and the things that she's learned up until now.  Erin is also going to be my co-host for the Raise your Hand Say Yes book club episodes, the first of which is going to air on March 4 when we'll be discussing Gay Hendricks' The Big Leap.  Erin, you're the BEST!!! Thank you so much for being on

  • Ep. 24: Esmé Weijun Wang on Radical Sincerity

    11/02/2015 Duration: 57min

    I was super excited to interview the lovely Esmé Weijun Wang this week for the podcast!  Esmé and I covered so much ground in this episode, from her mission of radical sincerity to the value of small talk, from finding your authentic voice online  to telling your story, from building resilience and finding community.  If you've ever struggled with how to tell your own creative story amidst everyone else online, this episode is for you!  Thank you so much, Esmé, it was such a treat having you on the show!  PS. At the beginning of this episode, I also introduce something I’m super excited about: the Raise your Hand Say Yes book club. We’re starting with The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. Get your copy now and give it a read – the episode where we discuss it will air on March 4! Show Notes: Connect with Esmé: Website | Instagram | Twitter The Empathy Exams by Leslie Jamison Esmé's essay: Perdition Days: On Experiencing Psychosis in The Toast Stephen King's On Writing

  • Ep. 23: Tiffany Han on Crazyfaith

    04/02/2015 Duration: 43min

    And, welcome to the podcast episode where I quote myself. This week, I did something a little bit different and did a solo show. What started out as a short guide to finding your own way to Raise your hand and say yes quickly became my stance on life (enter: the Crazyfaith) and my musings on the movement I'm trying to create with my work and this show.  I'm feeling a wee bit vulnerable posting and sharing this now, but, in the spirit of leaning in to my own discomfort, here goes.  I'd love to hear what you think! I would like to do more of these solo shows (don't worry! I'm not going to give up the interviews!), so if what I had to say resonated, please let me know!  PS. As I mentioned towards the end of the episode, the Raise your Hand Say Yes book club is coming! We’re starting with The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. Get your copy now and give it a read – the episode where we discuss it will air on March 4 and we'll also be doing a twitter chat following the episode. PPS. The other thing that I mentioned w

  • Ep. 22: Laura Simms on Purpose

    27/01/2015 Duration: 48min

    You guys. I adore Laura Simms! This interview was so fun to do because 1. Laura is my friend and 2. She is so smart! While I thought Laura and I would talk a lot about the hustle of being a new mom and an entrepreneur, our conversation quickly took a turn towards being about finding your purpose, appropriate because Laura helps people discover their purpose-driven careers as a career coach. We also talk about letting go of what other people are thinking, letting go of needing a "label" for yourself, and committing to something for the sake of learning.  Laura, you're the best! It was such a treat having you on the show! Thank you!!  PS. At the beginning of this episode, I also introduce something I’m super excited about: the Raise your Hand Say Yes book club. We’re starting with The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. Get your copy now and give it a read – the episode where we discuss it will air on March 4! PPS. If you like what you hear or are a fan of the podcast, please consider subscribing and submitting a review

  • Ep. 21: Kelly Rae Roberts on Boundaries

    20/01/2015 Duration: 58min

    I was super excited to talk with Kelly Rae Roberts this week on the podcast. She's such a gift!  Kelly Rae and I started our conversation by talking about boundaries and how you can take care of yourself in this crazy share-everything world. We also talked about how to embrace change and follow those whispers to just do something already! We also covered parenting, creative practices, and getting quiet. There's so much here!  Tweet us: As mentioned towards the end of the episode, Kelly Rae and I would LOVE to hear about the action you decided to take. Let us know on twitter! (Be sure to complete the tweet with your action!) Kelly Rae, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us. It was such a treat getting to spend time with you!  PS. At the beginning of this episode, I also introduce something I'm super excited about: the Raise your Hand Say Yes book club. We're starting with The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. Get your copy now and give it a read - the episode where we discuss it will air in early March! 

  • Ep. 20: Nicole Stevenson & Delilah Snell on Creative Collaborations

    13/01/2015 Duration: 01h12min

    Ahh, I love Nicole and Delilah from Craftcation so so much and was thrilled to have them on the show this week!  We talked a LOT about partnerships and creative collaborations, but we also talked about how to (creatively) make the best of a shitty situation, what to do when things go wrong, and how to let things go to make room for the new in your life.  Nicole and Delilah, you are the best and I can't wait to hug you like crazy in March!  PS. Speaking of April, did you know that I'll be speaking at Craftcation 2015 along with some of my other creative friends (and podcast guests!) including: Kari Chapin, Emily McDowell, Elise Blaha Cripe, Mati McDonough...and so many more! Early bird tickets are still available. Get yours now, and we can sit on the beach together and have cocktails. It's gonna be The Best.  Show Notes: Craftcation 2015: March 26-29 in Ventura CA Register Here (Early-bird registration available until 2/15) Patchwork Show

  • Ep. 19: Flora Bowley on Letting Go

    07/01/2015 Duration: 53min

    Flora Bowley is someone I could interview for the podcast each and every week, knowing that we'd never run out of things to talk about! I was so excited to get to chat with her and think that this episode is the perfect one for us to kick off 2015 with!  This week, Flora and I talk about letting go. I love her take on working through the process of creating, whether you're a painter or a writer or just a human being trying to exist in this crazy world. We also talked about the awkward teenage years of the creative process and making choices. And, did you know that Flora changed her name a few years ago? You know I asked her about that too!  **100 Rejection Letters** - Registration open through 10/31/16 Show Notes:  Connect with Flora: Website | Twitter | Instagram Flora's book, Brave Intuitive Painting Painting workshops at Flora's studio Flora's blog post about changing her name Flora's painting video - she's so good y'all! 

  • Ep. 18: Bari Tessler Linden on Money

    30/12/2014 Duration: 43min

    Finally, the episode about money! When I thought about money talk, I knew that I had to have Bari Tessler Linden on the show - she is The Person who knows how to deal with all the money stuff, from the ins and outs of bookkeeping to overcoming money shame and bad habits. Bonus, she's super nice and lovely to talk with! In this episode, we talk about how to start (my favorite!) getting your money game in order, from the spiritual to the practical. Bari points out that your Money Story is your Life Story and that getting one in order will always impact the other! We also talk about what to do when the need to Quit your Day Job is chomping at your heels and what to do if you already have your own business. I hope to have many more conversations about money on this show. Because we all could use a reframe when it comes to money and finances and earning. Thank you Bari! You are a delight! 

  • Ep. 17: Kari Chapin on Productivity

    23/12/2014 Duration: 57min

    Oh, Kari Chapin is one of my favorites! On this week's episode of RYHSY, we talk all about productivity and procrastination. We dig into the ugly truth of starting and how to get the work done. Really. We also talk about claiming and owning a title for yourself and how to take risks in your creative work and career. I relate to every single thing Kari says in this episode! Every. Single. Thing.  Kari, thank you. So mich!  Show Notes  Connect with Kari: Website | Twitter | Instagram Kari's Podcast!  Kari's Books: The Handmade Marketplace | Grow Your Handmade Business Steven King's On Writing Laurie Wagner Keri Smith's Wreck this Journal My Friday's Confession: I blew it. blog post Kari's product line with Chronicle Books: Make it Happen! Workbook & Productivity Tracker | Project File Folders | Brilliant Idea Launch Pad

  • Ep. 16: Susannah Conway on Unraveling

    17/12/2014 Duration: 01h09min

    Oh, Susannah! This week, I was thrilled to be able to interview Susannah Conway. I have been a fan of Susannah's photos and writing for years and have been so excited to share this episode with you. Susannah is a pro at keeping it real and we were able to cover so many topics, including: procrastination, owning your introverted-ness, trusting (and developing) your voice as an artist, learning and then learning some more, and using your art for healing.  It's a good one, you guys (I know! I say that every week!) and I hope you enjoy it!  **100 Rejection Letters** - Registration open through 10/31/16 Show Notes:  Connect with Susannah: Website | Twitter | Instagram Susannah's Books: This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart | Instant Love: How to Make Magic and Memories with Polariods Parkinson's Law Jennifer Lee The Weepies, Unraveling Susannah's Unraveling e-course Sliding Doors The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford Unraveling the Year Ahead workbook (free download) Susannah's free 

  • Ep. 15: Tanya Geisler on the Imposter Complex

    10/12/2014 Duration: 23min

    Is it possible for me to be any more in love with Tanya Geisler than I am? No. No it is not.  I was thrilled to be able to interview Tanya for this week's show. In the interview, we talk about Tanya's work with the think that I think is the biggest threat to creative women: the Imposter Complex. And the conversation is so good! This stuff is crazy important and I am so grateful to Tanya for speaking about it in such a true and encouraging way.  Show Notes: Connect with Tanya: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram Tanya's TedX talk: Owning our Authority Step into your Starring Role Imposter Syndrome on Wikipedia Rob Brezsny's Free Will Astrology

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