Steve Horn Audio Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Messages by Pastor Steve Horn of the First Baptist Church of Lafayette, Louisiana


  • THE MATTERS OF THE CHURCH: What Should Influence Look Like?


    Three statements in Acts capture a screen shot of what influence looks like. The first statement occurs at the end of the chapter two summation.

  • THE MATTERS OF THE CHURCH: What Should Evangelism Look Like?


    Last week we explored the first half of Acts 3, the healing miracle of the crippled man at the Temple entrance. We resume the story in Acts 3:11.

  • THE MATTERS OF THE CHURCH: What Should Supernatural Look Life?


    “What Should Supernatural Look Like?”  This focused question arises from our sermon last Sunday regarding What Should Unity Look Like?  A Healthy Church is a Unified Church, and a Unified Church takes full advantage of the supernatural.

  • THE MATTERS OF THE CHURCH: What Should Unity Look Life?


    An “all things common” church is a church where doctrine matters, fellowship matters, worship matters, prayer matters, supernatural matters, ministry matters, and evangelism matters.

  • THE MATTERS OF THE CHURCH: The Priority of Preaching


    The Priority of PreachingActs 2:14-41 Continuing our journey through the Book of Acts and dealing with What Matters in the church, we come this morning to the first Christian sermon recorded in the Bible.  The preacher is Simon Peter – the occasion...

  • Flashpoint


    In science lab, a flashpoint is the lowest temperature at which a given liquid will ignite. In a political arena, a flashpoint is a situation or dispute likely to escalate into war. In a Christian context, flashpoint occurs when a believer and a...

  • THE MATTERS OF THE CHURCH: The Power of One Prayer Meeting


    When I read the Book of Acts, I must confess my embarrassment. Why does our version of Christianity look so spiritually bland and impotent compared to the first-century Christians? Acts 1 abruptly and quickly parks us in front of the reason – their...



    If, at the moment we give our heart and our life to Jesus Christ through a personal profession of our faith, God gives to us eternal life, so that, as John affirmed in I John 5:13 that we can know that we have eternal life, why then, does God leave us...

  • Why Jesus Appeared in His Resurrection Body


    We begin today a journey through the Acts of the Apostles narrative. Chronologically, it connects to the Gospel of Luke, because Luke, the physician who accompanied Paul the Apostle, wrote both narratives.

  • A Sacred Trust


    For our time together, we consider "A Sacred Trust," as we focus our attention on Matthew 25:14-30 – Jesus’ parable of the talents. Because every Scripture must be interpreted in its context, Matthew chapters 24 and 25 contain Jesus’...

  • God's Guarantee


    In 40 plus years of pastoral ministry, I have received more criticism when I preached on money or financial issues that any other subject. I could preach on any sin, even the most serious sins, and not receive as much criticism as when I preached on...

  • A Time to Remember


    The ordinance of baptism was instituted at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper at the close of Jesus’ ministry. Together they define the crucial and important bedrocks of the New Testament – the death, burial, and...

  • A Date With Destiny


    Most surprising regarding the truth about heaven and hell is that Jesus talked about it more than any other biblical author. Jesus addressed hell and everlasting punishment more than all the apostles, prophets, and evangelists in Scripture combined.

  • A Christian’s Most Serious Sin


    I’m proposing this morning that backsliding is the most serious sin a Christian can commit. Our Scriptural focus this morning is Hebrews 3:7-13

  • The Power of One Miracle


    Why I believe in miracles

  • The Power of One Vision


    Along with Joshua, Caleb was one of the twelve scouts sent out by Moses to investigate the land of Canaan, the territory promised the Israelites after their escape from Egypt. When the committee of twelve submitted their findings, Joshua and Caleb...

  • The Power of One Person


    For our time this morning, we consider The Power of One Person. Genesis chapters 6 and 7 record the powerful and personal influence of Noah. To introduce Noah’s case study, we focus on Genesis 6:5-9.

  • A Life That Please God


    I have decided that with what’s left of my life, I only want to do what pleases God. I cannot bear to think that when I get to heaven, I would hear Jesus say anything but “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Our biblical text this morning is...

  • The Courage to be a Great Christian


    Today we consider “The Courage to be a Great Christian”. Our biblical text is Matthew 18:1-6.

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