Prescott Cornerstone



Cornerstone in Prescott, AZ exists to glorify God and make disciples of Jesus. Scott Savage serves as our primary teaching pastor. Learn more:


  • This is the Way - Week 3: The Way of Both - Audio

    29/08/2021 Duration: 40min

    We live in a world that often forces us to choose between two options - "are you someone who loves/supports/chooses/believes in this or that?" Even Jesus experiences forces who wanted Him to choose between this or that. But, Jesus often rejected those options and chose a better way - the way of both! In this message, Pastor Scott unpacks a powerful moment in the life of Jesus where He showed His followers the way of both - the way of grace AND truth!

  • This is The Way - Week 2: The Way of Transforming - Audio

    22/08/2021 Duration: 33min

    This message was part of a special pre-recorded online service on Sunday, August 22. Recording in his office, Pastor Scott shared a powerful metaphor with three items you'd find in most kitchens today. We hope this message encourages and reminds you how Jesus has transformed us and now empowers us to transform the places where He plants us.

  • This is the Way: Week 1 - The Way of Abiding - Audio

    15/08/2021 Duration: 41min

    During the craziness of 2020, a TV show took off - The Mandalorian. The show's lead character often repeats a phrase to describe his actions - "This is the Way." This phrase is a great summary of what it means to follow in Jesus' footsteps and walk the path He laid out for His followers. In this first installment of the series, Pastor Scott talks about "The Way of Abiding", exploring Jesus' teaching in John 15.

  • Relentless Week 12 - Malachi: Relentless Trust - Audio

    08/08/2021 Duration: 48min

    What do when life doesn't turn out the way you expected? Do you walk away from your faith? Do you compromise your convictions? Do you abandon those you've committed to love? In this 12th and final message in our series on the Minor Prophets, Pastor Scott Savage leads us through the book of Malachi, inviting us to trust God and take our next step of obedience even when we don't understand the ways of God.

  • Zechariah: Relentless Invitation - Audio

    01/08/2021 Duration: 44min

    Going home can be hard. We have grown and moved forward, but we feel the temptation to slip back into old habits, old patterns, and an old way that pulls us backwards. In the book of Zechariah, we see God inviting His people to return home but more importantly to return to Him! In this message, Pastor Scott shares with us about 5 invitations God makes to His people - that He is making to us. Will you accept these invitations today?

  • Relentless Week 10: Haggai - Relentless Obedience - Audio

    26/07/2021 Duration: 35min

    Cornerstone in Prescott, AZ exists to glorify God and make disciples of Jesus. Scott Savage serves as our primary teaching pastor. Learn more:

  • Relentless Week 9 - Zephaniah: Relentless Restoration - Audio

    18/07/2021 Duration: 36min

    Guest speaker Tim Jacobs continues our series "Relentless" by talking about Zephaniah and how God is a God of restoration.

  • Relentless Week 8 - Habakkuk: Relentless Hope - Audio

    11/07/2021 Duration: 45min

    What do you with your questions and doubts? Ignore them? Allow them to destroy your faith? The prophet Habakkuk gives us a model for how honest wrestling with God can lead to greater hope. In this message, Pastor Scott Savage shows how our hope can grow through wrestling with and embracing God.

  • Relentless Week 7 - Nahum: Relentless Comfort - Audio

    04/07/2021 Duration: 37min

    What happens when you watch someone carry out evil deeds? What happens when you watch someone seem to get away with injustice? What questions does it raise about God's character and trustworthiness? In this message, Pastor Scott Savage unpacks the meaning of the book of Nahum. He shares with us how the goodness of God is often clearly seen on the darkest days.

  • Relentless Week 6 - Micah: Relentless Simplicity - Audio

    28/06/2021 Duration: 43min

    We live in a complex world where it's often difficult to discern what it looks like to follow Jesus faithfully. In this message, Pastor Scott helps us look at the book of Micah. He explores the idea that "What God requires of his people is simple, but not easy" and helps us see how this simple idea provides a framework to look at our outward, inward, and upward realities.

  • Relentless Week 5 - Jonah: Relentless Love - Audio

    20/06/2021 Duration: 44min

    We live in a world where we often fall into the mindset of giving mercy to ourselves and "our people" while wanting justice for "those people" - our enemies. As we continue our series on the Minor Prophets, Pastor Scott Savage leads us through the book of Jonah - a book all about God's abundant mercy. In this message, we learn that God loves those we don't like and calls us to take His gospel to them.

  • Relentless Week 4 - Obadiah: Relentless Humility - Audio

    13/06/2021 Duration: 42min

    What happens when our enemies suffer? What rises up within our hearts? In the fourth week of our study through the Minor Prophets, Pastor Scott Savage leads us through the book of Obadiah. The shortest book in the Minor Prophets is profoundly relevant to us today, showing us that there is a strong connection between the state of our heart towards God and the way we treat the people we struggle to love the most.

  • Relentless Week 3 - Amos: Relentless Justice - Audio

    06/06/2021 Duration: 33min

    What happens when you're using something right to justify something wrong? What happens when you hide behind what is good to excuse what is evil? In this message, guest speaker Jeremy Jernigan guides us into the book of Amos and helps us feel the hard message the prophet brought to God's people. The people were proud of their worship while they simultaneously practiced injustice. Jeremy echoes the word of Amos, calling us to hold on to righteous living while also pursuing justice.

  • Relentless Week 2 - Joel: Relentless Mercy - Audio

    31/05/2021 Duration: 44min

    We tend to view difficulty and suffering as a situations to avoid or moments when God is absent. But, what if our difficulties and suffering are used by God to wake us up to what we've been missing? In this message, Pastor Scott Savage leads us through the book of Joel and shows us the relentless mercy of God, along with what true repentance looks like.

  • Relentless - Week 1 - Hosea: Relentless Pursuit - Audio

    24/05/2021 Duration: 41min

    What do you call someone who is dogged, determined, and unrelenting? Relentless! In kicking off our Summer 2021 series through the Minor Prophets, Pastor Scott Savage teaches us how the book of Hosea reveals the grace of God through His relentless pursuit of His people.

  • God at Work in Papua New Guinea - Audio

    16/05/2021 Duration: 52min

    Just days after Cornerstone was founded over 30 years ago, the Kopf family started attending our church and God has been using them in powerful ways ever since! In today's message, Jonathan Kopf shares the story of God calling their family to abandon the American Dream to take the good news of the Light to people who were living in darkness. Your generous giving at Cornerstone Church supports mission partners like the Kopfs around the world through our commitment to spend 15% of all undesignated giving on missions causes.

  • Rebuilding Week 5 - Finishing Strong - Audio

    09/05/2021 Duration: 41min

    Tired. Overwhelmed. Discouraged. Isolated. When those words describe our reality, we're vulnerable to compromise. In the book of Nehemiah, the wall was finished but the work had just begun. Nehemiah had to address, undo, and avoid compromise as he rebuilt the way of life for the people of God. In this message, Pastor Scott Savage shares from Nehemiah 5-13 about the danger of compromise. He's also joined by 3 mothers who share their own experiences responding to discouragement, fatigue, and overwhelm.

  • Rebuilding Week 4 - Expect Opposition - Audio

    02/05/2021 Duration: 41min

    Every project has a “messy middle.” Things get harder. Fatigue grows. We collide with disappointment. Quitting seems like a potential option. But, behind those experiences is a reality we need to understand. We have an Enemy. In Week 4 of our series on the book of Nehemiah, Pastor Scott Savage helps us to understand, expect, and navigate spiritual opposition. If you’re struggling to press forward today, this message will encourage and equip you to keep going!

  • Rebuilding - Week 3 - Rebuilding Together! - Audio

    25/04/2021 Duration: 42min

    Are you more isolated that you were a year or two ago? Have you battled feelings of loneliness recently? The temptation we face today is to begin rebuilding our lives alone. In this message, Pastor Scott Savage shares from Nehemiah 3, challenging us to consider that anything worth rebuilding is never rebuilt alone.

  • Rebuilding - Week 2 - Preparing a Plan - Audio

    18/04/2021 Duration: 42min

    It's one thing to have an idea. It's quite another to have a plan. Before we can successfully rebuild, we need a plan. The best plans are made with wisdom and executed with courage. In this message, Pastor Scott Savage shares from Nehemiah 2, showing us how we can get ready for God to open an opportunity to rebuild what has been broken.

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