Paragon Church



Messages from Paragon Church in Rio Rancho, NM.


  • By Grace (Easter 2023)


    We are saved BY GRACE through faith in the resurrected Jesus! Happy Easter! Ephesians 2:8-9



    Ephesians 2:1 - You were dead. VS 4 - BUT GOD.... two of the greatest words in the Bible. Looking at Ephesians 2:1-7. With every "BUT GOD" in the Bible... there is a problem, a solution, and an outcome.

  • A Prayer for Spiritual Understanding


    In Ephesians 1:15-23 we find Paul's first pray for the church at Ephesus... a prayer for spiritual understanding (open the eyes of our hearts Lord).

  • Redeemed and Assured


    Ephesians 1:7-14 Redeemed by the blood of Christ. Assured in the Holy Spirit. Welcome to week 3 of Ephesians!

  • Blessed by the Father


    ** includes Joshua Todd's testimony (message starts at 26:30) Ephesians 1:3-10 (today's focus - vs3-6) IN CHRIST we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing IN CHRIST we have been chosen to be holy and blameless in love before him. IN CHRIST we have been predestined to be adopted as his children IN CHRIST we have redemption through his blood, forgiveness of our trespasses IN CHRIST He has made known to us the mystery of his will He has MADE US WORTHY... IN CHRIST.

  • An Introduction to Ephesians


    Made Worthy - week 1 - Ephesians 1:1-2 - An introduction to the book of Ephesians

  • Why Church?


    Why Church - Why Church Membership? We are wrapping up our WHY series today with WHY CHURCH? Why go to church and more importantly, why be a part of the church you go to? The reason has its "finger" in each of our other WHY messages... ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD. Join us in Ephesians 4 and 5.

  • Why Revival?


    What is TRUE Revival and why do we pray for it? How does it start? Let's look at the life of Jonah and see the steps... because TRUE REVIVAL starts with me.

  • Why Pray?


    Have you ever asked any these questions? WHY PRAY if God already knows what is going to happen? WHY PRAY if God already knows what we are going to say? What if the purpose of prayer was less about knowing answers and more about knowing God? The truth is, we better understand WHY WE PRAY when we better understand what prayer is (and what it is NOT) and why it is an important part of a believer's life... Prayer is how we communicate with God and align our heart with His. Author Warren Wiersbe sums up the purpose of prayer well: The immediate purpose of prayer is the accomplishing of Gods will on earth; the ultimate purpose of prayer is the eternal glory of God (Sounds similar to everything else we do)

  • Why Baptism?


    Why do followers of Christ get baptized? The New Testament highlights the importance of baptism for the individual believer and the church. The early Christians practiced baptism as it had been ordained by Christ, it marked the personal identification with Christ, it marked the entrance into the Christian family, and it provided an opportunity for a public confession of faith. But what about us... why do we do it?

  • Why Connect?


    Why should we be involved in Biblical Community? Why is connection such a big part of the Christian walk? Why is "I can't do life alone" one of the five core values of Paragon Church? Join us as we look at the importance of Fellowship and Connection within the body of Christ.

  • Why Give?


    Why give to God? When we realized ALL that we have has been given to us by God, we must conclude that we should give God all that we are. We belong to God and He is worthy to give our time, talent, and treasures to.

  • Why Discipleship & Evangelism?


    Every disciple of Christ is normally and naturally involved in evangelism as much as in Bible study, prayer, and corporate worship. From the brand new Christian to the long time follower of Christ, sharing the gospel is necessary and integral to a growing life in Christ. But Why? From the message: Evangelism and Discipleship are intrinsically wrapped up in the hope of the gospel Jesus changes lives for the Glory of God.

  • Why Worship?


    We all give our devotion, attention and focus to something.... why should that "something" be our God before anything else? Why worship God?

  • WHY? Communion


    Have you ever wondered why Christians eat a tiny wafer and drink wine or grape juice during a church service? Why does it matter? Why take communion?

  • ADVENT - God With Us Brings Christ


    Merry Christmas! The wait is over - God with us BRINGS JESUS!

  • ADVENT - God With Us Brings Peace


    When it comes to Christmas, there are certain thoughts and expectations that surround us during this season. Books, movies, and the traditions of the holidays promise all things can be made right and complete through the magic of the season. That completeness will bring peace. Our hearts are desperate for this peace but the truth is, it is only found in Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace.

  • ADVENT - God With Us Brings Joy


    Luke 2:10 records... But the angel said to them, Dont be afraid, for look, I proclaim to you GOOD NEWS OF GREAT JOY that will be for all the people... Jesus has come. Light has overcome the darkness. We can find joy in that no matter our circumstances.

  • ADVENT - God With Us Brings Love


    Throughout our entire history, we humans have been inspired, moved, confused, intrigued and motivated by love; trying, somehow, to understand and experience it. It is a part of us. Love is at the very core of our being and our existence. Truth is, Gods love, is woven through the story of our lives... and it is woven throughout all of HIS STORY.... When God stepped down from Heaven to Earth for us, we see His Love on full display.

  • ADVENT - God With Us Brings Hope


    The Classic Christmas Hymn "O Holy Night" has that amazing phrase... "A Thrill of Hope" found right in the middle of it... Long lay the world in sin and error pining, till he appeard and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. The text tells us that the world was waiting, longing, pining for something, as it sat entangled in "sin and error." My guess is you can relate to that feeling when you know that your life is off track, when you know youre going the wrong direction, when you know that you arent living either as you or as God wants you to live, when you know that life seems unfulfilling - that you have built your life on that shaky foundation you dont find joy staying where you are. You are longing, hoping, pining for some way to get out of the pit. This is the state of the whole world, waiting on God-in-the-flesh in Jesus Christ. And then a thrill of hope. Were weary, but rejoicing: morning is breaking, and the Light has come to

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