Morris Cathedral Life Center C.o.g.i.c. Sermons

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Morris Cathedral Life Center C.O.G.I.C. Podcasts


  • The Missing Ingredient


    Without faith, it is impossible to please God - Faith is the missing ingredient that unlocks God's best in and for us

  • Pride


    Pride comes before a fall and it is one of the silent but deadly killers in the Church today.

  • The Formula for A Victorious Life In Christ


    Learn how to live a victorious life in Christ Jesus by believing in Him and by silencing every voice and enticement that does not represent God in your life.

  • Don't Think About It


    Don't let naysayers distract you from God's purpose for your life. Remember, praisers don't have to fight. Hold your peace. Don't think about it. Praise God and let him fight your battles! God is going to intercept all the Devil's evil plans and turn them around for your benefit.

  • Depend Wholly on God


    Depend fully on God, do not seek to take care of problems by yourself. The Father is always in control and as long as you let Him deal with the issues, you can experience peace even in the midst of great tempests.

  • Humiliation Saved My Life


    The prodigal son wasted his father's inheritance and it took absolute humiliation for him to realize that he did not have to die dejected. Even as a servant in his father's house, he could have more than enough dignity and sustenance. Today, many of us experience humiliation and must approach such situations with a spirit open to gaining wisdom and reconciliation with our heavenly Father.

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