Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 1:31:12
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A fun and informative show that talks to entrepreneurial couples that live and work together 24/7. We have it all - the pitfalls, the joys, the inspiration, and the wild and crazy ride business and relationships can take you on. Learn tips and tricks to help you succeed in love and business. Hosts Barry and Catherine Cohen are successful award-winning entrepreneurs, crazy in love, and together all the time.


  • 97: A Bit About Blogging

    21/07/2016 Duration: 10s

    About the show Blogging is one of the best ways to keep your website up-to-date with new information, increase your search engine optimization, give your brand more visibility and get you more fans. While your website is your main source of static information, adding a blog to it keeps people and the search engine spiders coming back to see what’s new. Blogging can open an opportunity to create a dialog with customers and potential customers. Why blog? How to blog? What to blog? Well, we’re not experts on blogging but we do have some sage advice we’ve discovered blogging ourselves and by listening to those who make a living making blogs. We have a blog on Together 24/7 ( And Barry does a personal blog on On the show we refer to a great podcast about blogging called The Blog Millionaire or at Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – RealTogether247

  • 96: Ajay and Minu Prasad of GMR Transcription and GMR Web Team

    18/07/2016 Duration: 46s

    96: Ajay and Minu Prasad of GMR Transcription and GMR Web Team A little about our guests. Ajay and Minu are happily married and have been together for 28 years. They have 2 boys, ages 22 and 24. Both Ajay and Minu are avid travelers. Ajay is also a gold enthusiast and a bookworm. Minu is the cooking enthusiast, dog lover and an interior design expert. A little about their business. Ajay is an admitted serial entrepreneur. He gets the ideas, puts them into play and if they stick, Minu often picks up and runs with them. She provides unconditional support to Ajay’s entrepreneurial ambitions. Ajay took his marketing know-how developed while working for a few of the Fortune 10 companies and created GMR Web Team and GMR Transcription. Ajay built GMR Transcription from scratch to a highly successful company creating and testing online marketing strategies. Ajay and Minu have taken those refined strategies and now use them to help their digital marketing clients maximize revenue and create seven figure incomes from t

  • 94: John Heather Schmit of Las Palmas Del Mar Bed and Breakfast

    11/07/2016 Duration: 31s

    A little about our guests. John and Heather are originally from Wisconsin, moved to Arizona and then decided to retire in Ecuador. But they didn’t quite retire. They are together for 26 years and are married. Between the two, there are 4 children, 2 from each spouse. John is a big sports and music fan who grew up in Seymour, WI. Heather grew up in Waupaca, WI. She loves warm weather so she can be outside as much as possible. John and Heather met in Wisconsin and her love for warmer weather, along with a business opportunity, brought them to Phoenix, AZ. But with way too cold winters in Wisconsin and way too hot summers in Arizona, John and Heather landed in their happy weather place, Punta Carnero, Ecuador. A little about their business. When John and Heather moved to Arizona, they created a trucking company together. So the Bed and Breakfast is not their first “Together 24/7” adventure. John and Heather ran the trucking company for 9 years and decided to sell it and move to Ecuador. When they found their per

  • 93: Google is your Friend…Use It!

    07/07/2016 Duration: 11s

    About the show What's the definition of a best friend? Someone who can help you out with anything and everything. Google is that someone. On today’s show we talk about some of the uses for Google, which we are all familiar with. We’ll also chat about ways to improve search results and a few tips on timing and sorting through truth from Internet lies so you don’t get caught down the rabbit hole. From researching to cyber-stalking (for good, not for evil) to learning something new, Google is there. Use it. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – Real Together 247

  • 92: Dionne Thomas and D. Shea Orr of NGA|Media

    04/07/2016 Duration: 45s

    A little about our guests. Dionne and Shea are newly dating (currently “shacking up” and have been in business together just as long. Their combined family of 3 boys, ages 27, 25, and 21 and daughter age 8, new relationship and new business would probably knock most couples for a loop, but not these two. Dionne is the only girl in her family of 8, which has made her a little crazy. Dionne admits to being spoiled as the only girl. She loves to cook. hea served in the US Army. He loves listening to French jazz and enjoy painting and photography. He has done everything from Bar Management to Law Enforcement and is happily focusing love of arts on his new career. A little about their business. Dionne has taken her 25+ years in corporate sales and marketing to NGA| Media and enjoys working with startups and new businesses. Dionne creates new courses weekly to show newbies the ropes of social media and getting their business up, running and moving forward as the marketing person. Shea is the visionary. He creates t

  • 91: Google Alerts

    30/06/2016 Duration: 13s

    About the show Google Alerts is a free feature from Google that is essential to your business. If you want to manage your reputation, your company's reputation and even see what's going on with your kids on the Internet, you need Google Alerts. Using this feature is simple, but essential for your business. Go to and type in all the things you need to be following. What are they? Listen to the show and find out. Barry will tell you all about his Google Alerts dream and how it was squashed when a judge in Florida retired. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – Real Together 247

  • 90: Libby and Andy Banks of The Law Office of Libby Banks

    27/06/2016 Duration: 37s

    A little about our guests. It’s almost as if Libby and Andy were meant to meet and get married. Both Libby and Andy moved around a lot while growing up. Andy lived in Texas, Georgia, Arizona, Utah and Oklahoma growing up. Libby lived in Georgia and went to college and law school at the University of Kansas. Libby and Andy met when they were 28 and both living in Oklahoma. But in high school, both Libby and Andy lived in Georgia, went to competing high schools, and both hung out at the same mall. Andy shopped there and Libby worked there. Libby and Andy have 3 children, 2 boys and a girl, the youngest. Their daughter is off to college, one son is back home again and the oldest is out of the house for good. They think. Both enjoy RV camping, reading and riding their quad in the cooler-than-Phoenix White Mountains. Andy still gets together with his fraternity brothers a few times a year for golf and possible mayhem. A little about their business. Libby has wanted to be an attorney since she was 11 and she still

  • 89: Reigniting the Passion for your Business

    23/06/2016 Duration: 19s

    About the show Just like every relationship you have in your life, your relationship with your business can get dull. You need to spice it up a bit, bring the love back into your business, remember why you got into business to begin with. Keeping the passion for your business, your clients and your industry fresh and strong keeps your business growing. The things that inspire you and excite you may be different than the things that inspire and excite your partner. But every step you take in your business to fall in love with your business again is a step in the right direction. Have more ideas for bringing the passion back? Or maybe you’ve tried a few, some worked, some didn’t? Let us know. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – RealTogether247

  • 88: Drew & Cristina Gregory

    20/06/2016 Duration: 44s

    A little about our guests. Both Cristina and Drew are lovers of all things outdoors and adventurous. Which is great since that is what their business is all about. Cristina loves working with children and animals and was a teacher for a number of years. She also enjoys photography and traveling to new, fun places. Drew grew up with entrepreneurial parents and has been surrounded by couples in business and in love. His dad was his sports inspiration and his mom was his outdoors inspiration. His parents also instilled a deep faith in him as well as the importance of living a balanced life. When Drew met Cristina and figured out she might be the one, finding out she enjoyed travel and the outdoors sealed the deal. They hope to start a family in the future (although they won’t say how long we have to wait!) Right now, they enjoy building their business, traveling and fixing up the new house they bought and making it into a home. A little about their business. Drew started out working with Jackson Kayak. He is a p

  • 87: Make a Plan

    16/06/2016 Duration: 19s

    About the show Too often in life we come up with the most brilliant ideas, but we never see them to fruition. Because we don’t have a plan to get us there. No blueprint to guide us to how to build our dream. Having a plan is paramount to actually achieving your goals. On the show, the truth about our lives with and without a plan. Hint – plans totally rock. Want to take the challenge? Create a simple plan, a list if you will and see what happens. Draw a line down the page. At the top, write your goal, dream, desire. Then on the left write down 20 things you can do to get you to your goal. No time lines or elaborate plans or details. Just 20 things you can do (Google something, make a call, take a class). On the right side of the paper, write 20 things you need to have “happen.” Not things you can do or influence. Just things it would be nice to have happen. Like “get invited to a party where this person I want to meet will be.” Don’t harp on the right side or try to force the situation. Just do the things you

  • 86: Mrunal Pandit & Amar Vyas of Kamakshi Media

    13/06/2016 Duration: 35s

    A little about our guests. Mrunal and Amar are a fun-loving couple who enjoy adventures and meeting new people. Mrunal loves to travel and meet new people. She believes the greatest experiences in life come from meeting new people. She also enjoys expressing herself on canvas and painting nature. Amar loves cooking and exploring offbeat places. He and Mrunal enjoy exploring Bangalore together. He also enjoys writing poetry, playing the flute, and has recently taken up running again. Amar has been trying to learn Gujarati, his wife’s native language, and he has been trying to train her dog, Buddy. The assumption is Amar’s Gujarati isn’t good enough for Buddy to understand. A little about their business. Mrunal has an extensive background in insurance. She has developed new markets, been a key account manager and was a consultant for the Ministry of Health of the Indian government. This is her second entrepreneurial venture. Amar spent 13 years in construction including 9 years living and working in the US. Und

  • 85: The Cure for the Summertime Blues

    09/06/2016 Duration: 14s

    About the show Each year at this time, you’ll hear the excuses over and over again. “Business slows down in the summer.” “It’s a bad time to try and get new business.” “Everyone is on vacation.” There are few people that you want to work with or gain as new customers that are on vacation the entire summer. And yes, it may be a little tougher to get in touch with people because they may be going away or have shorter summer hours. But the bills come in no matter the season, so you need to build and work your business no matter the season. In this episode we explore some ideas to keep business moving. And we talk about the negative attitudes you need to avoid this time of year. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – Real Together 247

  • 84: Shawn Gibson and Robert Jones of United Health Association

    06/06/2016 Duration: 51s

    A little about our guests. Robert and Shawn recently became engaged when Shawn took advantage of Sadie Hawkins Day and asked Robert to marry her. Robert and Shawn have been together a little over a year and have 4 children between them. Shawn is a third generation Las Vegas native who relocated to Phoenix, AZ back in 2005. She is an outdoor person and lives life through an open mind, trying new things and viewing obstacles as opportunities. Robert was born in Kansas, raised in Texas, moved to Southern California before settling in Arizona. His background is incredibly varied – from the USMC to a Chanel Boutique manager and into the world of tech, real estate and the nutraceutical/pharmaceutical field. He was even a juggler at the Renaissance Festival. A little about their business. An idea started in 2009, Robert waited out contractual obligations and finding the right partner (Shawn) to launch United Health Association in January of 2016. United Health Association is an association for practitioners of compl

  • 83: Get Involved in your Industry’s Association

    02/06/2016 Duration: 17s

    About the show Almost every industry has an association, or several, that help define the industry standards and in some cases, help shape policy and law. Many businesses belong to their industry’s association, but few ever do more that write the annual check to cover membership. In today’s episode we discuss why you should become involved in the association, what they can do for you and how you can put yourself ahead of your competition, even when you work alongside each other. If there are things about your industry you don’t like, laws that need to be changed regarding your industry or regulations that need to be put into play, you can’t complain unless you get involved. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – Real Together 247

  • 82: Mark and Mina Fies of Synergy Design & Construction

    30/05/2016 Duration: 46s

    A little about our guests. Mark and Mina could not have had more different backgrounds growing. They say opposites attract and these two started differently and ended up on the same page building a great business together. Mina was the daughter of a long haul, hippie truck driver, her mom. They lived someplace different every year for the first 9 years of her life. Tragedy struck and Mina lost her mother in an accident. It was these experiences that would lead her to help others create the safe space she would create for herself and start Synergy Design & Construction. Mina likes yoga and meditation, feng shui (great for changing a home’s energy) and writing poetry. Mark grew up on a golf course in Pennsylvania. Mark had a golf club in his hand as soon as he could walk. Maybe even before that. His dad was a golf pro and his mother was also in the golf business. Mark loves the outdoors, a good glass of wine and also volunteers as a coach for their local Special Olympic athletes Together, Mark and Mina enjo

  • 81: Is this a Business or a Hobby?

    26/05/2016 Duration: 15s

    About the show Starting out in business can sometimes be a slow climb. But when does it stop being a business you are building and move into the realm of “just a hobby?” The IRS has very clear guidelines (as clear as the IRS can be) and there are other signs that say “you might be holding on to a hobby.” So learn to tell the difference and then decide what the best course of action is for you. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – RealTogether247

  • 80: Al & Michelle Taylor of Special Moments Catering and Events

    23/05/2016 Duration: 41s

    A little about our guests. Al and Michelle met on a last minute blind date in Detroit. After relocating to Arizona with her family, Michelle and Al stayed in touch and were soon engaged. Al has a military background and served on the Tempe police force for 22 years. Michelle was an LPN (nurse). After their daughter Dawn was born, Michelle started Special Moments in 1984 as a cake designer and grew the business from there. Al and Michelle have 2 children. Both work in the family business. A little about their business. Let’s start by saying we just recently used Special Moments Catering for an event here in Phoenix, AZ and they were amazing. Michelle started the company in 1984 and Al helped out from the beginning. In 1996 Al took over the management portion as the CEO. Dawn and Brad, their children, started working in the family business and worked their way up to VP positions. Special Moments Catering and Events does catering for all kinds of events and all sizes. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) T

  • 79: Gaining Capital

    19/05/2016 Duration: 16s

    About the show As your business grows, you’ll probably come to a point where you need money to expand. Whether you’re moving to a newer, bigger place, you need to go to a conference or take a class or you need new equipment, you may not have the cash on hand to do it. But to go get the loan, the credit card or however you get the capital, you need to be working toward that goal from this moment. In this episode we give you just a few things to think about and do so you’re ready when the time comes to get the money you need to move forward in your business. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – Real Together 247

  • 78: Jeff and Camille Harman of Conjunction, LLC

    16/05/2016 Duration: 47s

    A little about our guests. Jeff and Camille have been together 17 years, are married and have a teenage son, Aidan, conceived through astrology. Jeff and Camille met when Jeff was studying Aryvedic astrology and doing some experiments in regards to astrology and relationships. When driving down the Pacific Coast Highway, he stopped in a gas station and next to him was Camille filling up her car. They struck up a conversation about crop circles. A month later, they met for coffee, Jeff did her chart and found they were very compatible. And the rest is history. A little about their business. Jeff is a second generation astrologer. He has a long history of entrepreneurship and in the entertainment industry. He started with a recording studio and did a lot of programming, filming and audio/video. Camille is originally from Louisiana and started acting at 21. She’s had many jobs including caterer, faux finisher, zoo keeper and substitute teacher. Jeff became a full-time astrology in 2000. In 2010, Camille began he

  • 77: Why Pomodario is the best app ever

    12/05/2016 Duration: 12s

    About the show Catherine thinks Pomodario, the free desktop and phone timer app, is the be all and end all. She uses it to task out the day and assign blocks of time to each task so she stays on track. (ADD is her middle name) Barry doesn't hold it in quite so high regard. Or any regard. He isn’t into list making or time keeping. As with so many business improvement ideas, there are as many opinions as there are business people. Let's see what you think. Listen to the show and give the app a try. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – Real Together 247

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