Concordia Adult Bible Class

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 527:23:45
  • More information



Dig deeper into God's Word with Concordia Lutheran Church in San Antonio, TX.


  • Memorial Day 2010: Fully Armed

    30/05/2010 Duration: 56min

    Memorial Day Weekend: Fully Armed! - Ephesians 6:10-18 There have been many long-standing feuds: Irish Catholics and Protestants, the Montagues and Capulets. But none of these are as long-standing as the feud against God and Satan. Blessedly, we already know the outcome of this battle, however. Our Lord wins! And yet, even though the outcome of the battle is certain, God calls us to be His soldiers, fighting with the weapons He gives us. This weekend, we are reminded of these weapons which can take down Satan and save souls.

  • Five Family Fiascos: Hope When...You're Trapped in Addiction

    23/05/2010 Duration: 57min

    Hope When…You’re Trapped by Addiction - Exodus 32:1-6, 19, 21-24, 30 At the root of all addiction is idolatry. Satan tempts us to take a good gift of God such as food or drink or sex and turn it into a god-thing and that’s a bad thing. As we review Israel’s idolatry in the wilderness, we see addictive behaviors such as drunkenness (cf. verse 6), situated in a context of rank idolatry. Yet, even in such a sinful context, Moses holds out the hope of atonement, for there is rescue from addiction!

  • Five Family Fiascos: Hope When...Your Marriage Falls Apart

    16/05/2010 Duration: 52min

    Weekly Bible studies from Concordia Lutheran Church in San Antonio, TX.

  • Five Family Fiascos: Hope When...You're Depressed

    09/05/2010 Duration: 54min

    Hope When…You’re Depressed Ruth 1:1-5, 8a, 16 Naomi is a depressed woman. Throughout the book of Ruth, she blames God for her heartache and hardship. She says, “The hand of the LORD has gone out against me” (Ruth 1:13). And yet, the hand of the LORD is not against Naomi. For through the faithfulness of her daughter-in-law, Ruth, God works to restore the fortunes of Naomi. God can restore us out of depression and despair as well! On Mother’s Day, we also remember how we are called to honor our mothers even as Ruth honors Naomi.

  • Five Family Fiascos: Hope When...Your Children Rebel

    02/05/2010 Duration: 58min

    Hope When…Your Children Rebel 1 Samuel 2:22-26 Eli has wicked and rebellious sons. The disobey God’s commands and even abuse women. When Eli tries to talk to them, his efforts prove feeble and futile. His sons do not listen to him. However, there is another young man in this story named Samuel who will eventually become the greatest prophet in all Israel. Eli may have lost his biological sons but he finds a son from God in Samuel. We too have a Son from God in Jesus. When our children rebel, we can give thanks that God’s Son never rebelled, but fulfilled the will of His Father perfectly. And His perfection covers over our children’s rebellion and over our rebellion as well.

  • Five Family Fiascos: Hope When...You're Estranged

    25/04/2010 Duration: 57min

    Hope When…You’re Estranged 1 Samuel 18:9-14, 21, 31-33 David and his son Absalom are not on good terms. Indeed, one time David says of Absalom, “He must not see my face” (2 Samuel 14:24). This estrangement continues until finally, Absalom is killed in battle. It is only then that David realizes how futile his estrangement from his son has been. When sin estranged us from God, He did not allow that estrangement to remain. Rather, He sent Jesus and deal with us a loving father deals with his son – firmly, but compassionately.

  • Five Family Fiascos: Hope When...You're Stretched too Thin

    18/04/2010 Duration: 54min

    Hope When…You’re Stretched Too Thin Exodus 18:13-18, 21-23 Have you ever felt overwhelmed? Moses knows how you feel! He took on too much. Blessedly, his father-in-law encouraged him to delegate his tasks. One of the great spiritual dangers of our world is the danger of having too much to do and not enough time for what – and who – matters most. Do you delegate what you need to delegate so that you have time for your family and for God?

  • Five Family Fiascos: Hope When...You're Caught in Blame

    11/04/2010 Duration: 50min

    Hope When…You’re Caught In Blame Genesis 3:1-13 “My wife tricked me!” At least, that’s Adam’s excuse when God questions Adam as to why he broke God’s command. Adam blames his wife for his sin. He tries to pass the buck. How often do we try to blame others for our faults and pass the buck of our foibles to others? The blame game destroys relationships and families. Thankfully, we have someone who took the blame our sins deserved and died the death we should have died – Jesus Christ. Rather than playing the blame game, Christ removes our blame of sin.

  • Fit for Life: Finishing Fit

    21/03/2010 Duration: 49min

    Finishing Fit 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 At this time of year, when we consider the passion of Christ and how he “completed” the work his Father set before him (cf. John 19:28), it is good to ask, “How will we complete our lives? Will we complete our lives with our integrity in tact? What kind of legacy will we leave for future generations?” Anyone can begin a fitness regimen, but sticking with it to the end is difficult. Yet, this is what God calls us to. How are we running this race of life?

  • Fit for Life: Financially Fit

    14/03/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    Financially Fit 1 Timothy 6:3-11 Appropriately managing your money requires appropriately managing your heart. For the human heart can become easily ensnared by the allures of money, piercing a man with many griefs (cf. 3:10). Financial fitness, then, requires both a portfolio check and a heart check. As you steward your money, consider not only what your money can do for you but what your money means to you.

  • Fit for Life: Relationally Fit

    07/03/2010 Duration: 57min

    Relationally Fit Matthew 5:21-26 Jesus offers a series of three teachings in these verses, all concerning how we steward our relationships. In verses 21-22, he talks about our relationship with our brother in the context of our relationship with our own heart. In verses 23-24, he talks about our relationship with our brother in the context of relationship to our Lord. In verses 25-26, he talks about our relationship with our brother in the context of our relationship to the world.

  • Fit for Life: Eternally Fit

    14/02/2010 Duration: 52min

    Eternally Fit John 3:1-16 Before we focus on our fitness in this life, we must focus on our fitness for the next. Fitness for eternal life is something we can never earn or achieve; rather, it is granted through water and the Spirit when we are born from above.

  • Fit for Life: Wholly Fit

    07/02/2010 Duration: 58min

    Wholly Fit John 10:1-11 Material and spiritual. Corporal and ethereal. Many people sharply compartmentalize their “spiritual life” from the rest of their physical life. But this was never Christ’s desire. His desire was that we be wholly fit – both spiritually and physically. This is why Christ has come – he has come that “we may have life, and have it to the full” (John 1:10). Jesus wants every aspect of our lives to be full with him.

  • Shine Like Stars - Concordia's Core: Shining... Servants

    31/01/2010 Duration: 54min

    Shining…Servants Mark 10:35-45 The sons of Zebedee want to shine like stars in glory, enthroned beside Jesus. Jesus’ glory, however, does not yet consist of a throne, but of a cross. For this is the place where he serves humanity. At Concordia, we have many opportunities to serve. And when we serve, we receive God’s promise that we not only will feel great because we have done something significant, we will be great.

  • Shine Like Stars - Concordia's Core: Shining... To Others

    24/01/2010 Duration: 52min

    Shining…To Others Matthew 5:13-16 Concordia’s cross was designed to be a landmark to Christ in our community. Like Jesus’ city on a hill (verse 14), it is meant to light the way to where the Savior is preached. Like our cross shines, our people do too. Who will you shine to so that they might believe and glorify God?

  • Shine Like Stars - Concordia's Core: Shining... Guidance

    17/01/2010 Duration: 51min

    Shining…Guidance Psalm 119:97-112 Psalm 119 is a celebration of God’s Torah. It is “a lamp to our feet and a light to our path” (verse 105). Do we, like the Psalmist, love God’s Word and meditate on it constantly (cf. verse 97)? As God’s people, this is our calling, for God’s Word is where we hear God’s most certain voice.

  • Shine Like Stars - Concordia's Core: Shining... People

    03/01/2010 Duration: 49min

    Shining…People Philippians 2:12-18 At the end of every service, we are exhorted to “shine like stars.” This exhortation finds it basis in verse 13: “It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” God is the one who makes and allows us to shine like stars. How is God working in you so that you can shine brighter and better?

  • When Murphy's Law and Christmas Collide: Past Due

    29/11/2009 Duration: 55min

    Past Due Luke 1:5-13, 17-20 Ever had something past due? Although we may miss a deadline from time to time, we never expect God to miss his due dates. Yet, this seems to be precisely the case with Zechariah and Elizabeth. While working at the temple, the angel Gabriel appears to Zechariah and announces, “Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son” (verse 13). But both of them are well past childbearing age. God seems to have missed his deadline for giving them a child! And yet, God’s timing is perfect – for this son is perfectly timed to prepare the way for God’s Son.

  • ABC Special: Scripture and Homosexuality

    18/10/2009 Duration: 59min

    Weekly Bible studies from Concordia Lutheran Church in San Antonio, TX.

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