Cross Encounters

  • Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 285:31:00
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Cross Encounters, hosted by Tony Miano, is a live, fast-paced, and informative show about theology, evangelism, and current events.


  • It's All About the Gospel

    10/05/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    Join Chris and Rich this week as they discuss the core doctrine of the Christian faith: the Gospel!  The message of the Gospel is vital in the life of the believer.  It is what brings us to new life, it is what strengthens us in our daily walk, it is the promise of eternal glory.  It is the message that each and every believer is commanded to share with those dead in trespasses and sins.  It is the only hope we have in a dark and sin filled world.  Chris and Rich will discuss just what the gospel is, and what it is not.  The gospel is not a "fill pews quick" scheme.  It is not a church growth methodology.  It is a life saving message for those on the road to Hell.  And while not all who hear it will receive it, it is our duty as followers of Christ to proclaim it.  Make sure to tune and share the message with others.  This is one show you should not miss! 

  • Spiritual Principles for Life and Prophetic Evangelism

    03/05/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    Spiritual Principles for Life and Prophetic Evangelism "And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will" (2 Timothy 2:24-26). The above passage of Scripture includes a series of imperative, governing principles for life on and off "the box." Richard, and Chris will discuss what they are and how important they are today, especially in a world driven by social media and other forms of impersonal, personal communication. The May 2015 edition of Charisma Magazine features an article on "Prophetic Evangelism." Chris and Rich will discuss this un-biblical form of evangelism and the potential consequences of the unsaved, the world and the true body of Christ.

  • Family Relationships: It's Not Too Late to Reboot

    25/04/2015 Duration: 01h29min

    Episode: 20150425 A 90-minute episode On this edition of Cross Encounters Radio..... 1. Tony travelled to Butler, PA (30-40 minutes north of Pittsburgh), with his three younger sisters. Butler is where Tony's generation of Miano children were born. Tony will share some deeply personal details about the trip, which was the first time in more than 40 years Tony and his sisters have returned together to Butler. Tony learned, and he saw firsthand, that it is not too late to reboot family relationships. 2. "And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will" (2 Timothy 2:24-26). The above passage of Scripture includes a series of imperative, governing principles for life on and off "the box." Tony, Richard, and Chr

  • Andrew Rappaport Talks About His New Book, "What They Believe."

    19/04/2015 Duration: 01h11min

    Chris interviews Andrew Rappaport of Striving For Eternity Ministries about his new book, "What They Believe." Andrew shares why it is important why we need to understand what other religions believe and how it effects our ability to share the gospel with their adherents.  Andrew's new book details what various religions believe about their God, Jesus, their own holy texts, sin and salvation.  Knowing these details will help you as you share the gospel on the streets.  Also, Rich and Chris will discuss counting the cost of being a follower of Christ.  As a pluralistic culture races to accept various other world religions, it continues marginalize Christianity.  Followers of Christ will find themselves continually in the crosshairs of a culture that hates and rejects Christ as Lord and Savior.  Are Christians prepared for what is ahead? All this and Chris has a whale of a tale.

  • The Open-Air Preacher's Relationship to the Local Church: Has Tony Gone Too Far?

    11/04/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    Episode: 20150411 On this edition of Cross Encounters Radio..... 1. Recently Tony preached two sermons related to open-air preaching and preachers, at the Milton Herald Society: "A Defense for the Public Proclamation of the Gospel" and "Have You Been Sent?" Both Chris and Rich have some questions for Tony. Has Tony gone too far? Are his expectations for all open-air preachers to be qualified, called, and sent by the local church unreasonable? Are they impractical? We will take your calls. 2. There has been a major development with the Church of Wells. Catherine Grove who, for two years, was all but hidden from her family by church leadership (the church's leadership would insist it was completely voluntary on Catherine's part), has left the quasi-church and returned to her family. 3. Rich and Chris will present Tony with another "Always Ready" scenario. How will Tony transition the scenario into a gospel opportunity?

  • A Recap of the Milton Herald Society with Jeff Rose and Bobby McCreery

    04/04/2015 Duration: 02h03min

    Episode #20150404 On this edition of Cross Encounters Radio: Tony's guests will be Jeff Rose and Bobby McCreery of JeremiahCry Ministries. Together the three will provide a recap of the recent Herald Society at First Baptist Church of Miltion (Milton, FL). In addition, listeners to this broadcast will get to hear clips from a number of sermons preached at the Herald Society. Clips will include the preaching of Dr. James White, Pastor Earl Blackburn, Pastor Jeff Pollard of Chapel Library, Jeff Rose, Bobby McCreery, and Tony. This is an expanded, two-hour edition of Cross Encounters Radio.

  • What is a Radicalized Christian?

    29/03/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    Recently a man invloled in street ministry by the name of Michael Overd was convicted in London, of homophobic hate speech for using a passage from the Bible to explain homosexuality is a sin. Following the conviction a newspaper in the UK used the term "radicalized" in describing Michael Overd. Chris and Rich will be discussing the case and what implications it has for street ministries in the future. Word of Faith Minister Benny Hinn has been hospitalized for heart problems. What does it mean when a Word of Faith Healer, can't heal himself and others within the Word of Faith movement don't show up, to heal one of their own? LifeWay Christian Bookstores have pulled all of the Heavenly Tourism books from their stores. We will touch on the why and is this beneficial for Christians.  Plus, we will announce the winner of this week's Cross Encounters Radio Contest. 

  • Loving Your Enemies is Hard, But it's Always Right

    22/03/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    Episode: #20150321 On this edition of Cross Encounters Radio: 1. A man's house burns to the ground. Sometime later, he catches two men trying to steal the air conditioner from the roof of his destroyed home. What would you do? 2. What's a "cairn?" Tony and Rich will pick a winner of this week's Cross Encounters Radio Facebook Page "Caption This" contest. 3. This week's Romans 3:10-18 Award goes to.....the PCUSA. 4. "Always Ready" Rich will present Tony with a scenario and Tony will try to transition from the given circumstances to an opportunity to share the gospel.

  • American Evangelicalism Dives Headlong Into Accepting Homosexuality

    15/03/2015 Duration: 01h20min

    Join Cross Encounters Radio this week as we discuss the following: An American Baptist College is defending its invitation to an openly lesbian United Church of Christ minister, asserting that Christians are making an “idol” of the Bible.  Is American Evangelicalism Diving Headlong Into Accepting Homosexuality?  "Is Civil Disobedience Biblical?" Our answers may surprise you. Join us and help spread the show by using the hashtag #CER We look forward to hearing from you.

  • Can a Christian Support Abortion?

    08/03/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    Join this power packed episode where Chris and Rich pull the velvet off the hammer and discuss the recent news articles regarding abortion worker Callie Chatman, wife of an Alabama Baptist Preacher. Recently Callie Chatman made several comments defending her work at a local abortuary. One of her defense statements: "I feel that we have all sinned." Can this statement justify supporting abortion?  The question we pose and will be discussing among other things is this, "Can a Christian Support Abortion?"

  • Persecution for Righteousness' Sake or Consequences for Sinful Behavior?

    01/03/2015 Duration: 02h01min

    Episode #20150228 On this special, two-hour edition of Cross Encounters Radio: 1. The guys discuss the recent arrest of a street preacher outside a Southern California DMV and Tony's subsequent article about the incident. Both the officer and the street preacher were wrong. But the street preacher brought reproach upon Jesus and His gospel. 2. Getting arrested while open-air preaching is not automatically a case of Christian persecution. 3. Hee-Haw Church. You'll just have to listen. 4. Rich and Chris will hit Tony with another "Always Ready" scenario.

  • An Hour with Jeff Rose, Founder of JeremiahCry Ministries

    22/02/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    Episode #20150221 On this edition of Cross Encounters Radio: 1. Jeff Rose, founder of JeremiahCry Ministries, will be our guest. Tony and Jeff will discuss the upcoming Herald Soceity event in Milton, FL, as well as the other three Herald Society events scheduled for 2015. Tony and Jeff will also talk about the state of open-air preaching around the world, especially in light of the growing number of atrocities committed by followers of Muhammad who represent orthodox Islam. Lastly, Tony and Jeff will talk about what a day is like in the life of an open-air preacher who is a husband and father of seven children.

  • The Largest Mission Field on American Soil: American Evangelicalism

    15/02/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    Eposide: 20150214 On this edition of Cross Encounters Radio: 1. Russell Wilson: another famous professing Christian who has brought a reproach upon Christ, with his recent positive tweet about the ographic movie, "Fifty Shades of Grey." 2. Tony will discuss his recent blog article, "American Evangelicalism: Where Bad Things Happen." 3. It's Chris' turn on the hot seat. This time Tony will present Chris with a scenario, during the "Always Ready" segment.

  • Christian Submission and Civil Disobedience: Why the Two are Incompatable

    08/02/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    Episode #20150207 On this edition of Cross Encounters Radio: 1. Picking up where they left off, Tony and the guys will talk about Russell Moore's recent statement regarding the Latter-Day Saints' decision to soften its stance regarding same-sex unions and the associated governmental protections. 2. Justin Edwards recently wrote a blog article titled: "Christian Submission vs. Belligerent Discontentment before Civil Authorities." 3. Tony will talk about his recent blog article titled: "American Evangelicalism: Where Bad Things Happen." 4. Chris and Rich present Tony with another scenario in the "Always Ready" segment. 5. And the guys will announce the winner of.....a "Give Tony's Friend an Avenger Name" contest?

  • Russell Moore and the ERLC's Courtship with Cults

    01/02/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    Episode: 20150131 On this edition of Cross Encounters Radio: 1. The team will discuss Russel Moore and the ERLC's courtship with the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of Latter-Day Saints. 2. The team will discuss the UK government's recent shutdown of a Christian school because allegedly "leaders are failing to prepare students for life in modern Britain.” 3. Tony will talk about his recent trip to Beaverton Grace Bible Church (Beaverton, OR) to assist the church with its Portland Comic Con outreach. 4. Rich and Chris will hit Tony with another challenging scenario in the "Always Ready" segment.

  • Christian Book Stores and the "Heavenly Tourism" Scam, Part Duex

    25/01/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    We mean it this time!  Chris and Rich will discuss: 1. Alex Malarkey, the subject of one of the most popular books about travels to heaven, "The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven," recently revealed that the book is a lie. Tony, Chris, and Richard will discuss the recent article by Dustin Germain on the Pulpit and Pen blog. The guys will also talk about the New Apostolic Reformation's fraudulent fascination with phony heaven travel. 2. The guys will discuss Pastor Dan Phillips' recent article on the Cripplegate blog, "Beware the Horrible 'But' Monster."

  • Christian Book Stores and the "Heavenly Tourism" Scam

    18/01/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    Episode #2015003 In this epidode of Cross Encounters Radio: 1. Alex Malarkey, the subject of one of the most popular books about travels to heaven, "The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven," recently revealed that the book is a lie. Tony, Chris, and Richard will discuss the recent article by Dustin Germain on the Pulpit and Pen blog. The guys will also talk about the New Apostolic Reformation's fraudulant fascination with phony heaven travel. 2. The guys will discuss Pastor Dan Phillips' recent article on the Cripplegate blog, "Beware the Horrible 'But' Monster." 3. This week's Romans 3:10-18 Award recipient is..... 4. What will Chris and Rich have for Tony this week during the "Always Ready" segment?

  • Reaching Our Nation's Finest: Evangelism in the Military

    11/01/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    Episode #2015002 In this episode of Cross Encounters Radio..... 1. Sheldon Ko is Tony's guest. Sheldon, an Army veteran and the local outreach leader for Grace Community Church (John MacArthur, pastor), will provide look at evangelism among America's military's rank and file. 2. This week's Romans 3:10-18 Award recipient is St. James Episcopal Church of Witchita, Kansas. They will host a "Chili for Choice" event for.......Planned Parenthood. 3. What kind of scenario will Rich and Chris have for Tony in this week's "Always Ready" segment?

  • A Discussion about "The 15" with Guest Pastor JD Hall

    04/01/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    Episode 2015-001 It's a new year, with a new time and format for Cross Encounters Radio! On this edition: 1. Have you heard about this new movement within Evangelicalism that has spread across the the last two weeks?! What is #The15? Who are #The15? And why are they so upset with American Evangelicalism? Tony will talk about it with Pastor JD Hall, founder of Reformation Montana and Pulpit and Pen. 2. Who will win this week's Romans 3:10-18 Award? 3. "Always Ready": is a new segment on the show, in which Rich and Chris will give Tony a scenario (with no time to prepare) and Tony will try to explain how he would use the situation to transition into a gospel conversation.

  • Racism, Evangelism, Christians, and the Gospel, Why it Matters?

    14/12/2014 Duration: 02h01min

    Join Chris and Rich this week as they discuss the following: 1. What is the gospel and why was it given to man? 2. The best tract we've come across for sharing the gospel with professing Christians. Yes, sadly that is an unreached people group within American Evangelicalism. 3. "Meat Eating and Bone Spitting When it Comes to Bad Preaching" Listener question, "How do I explain to someone close to me, that they shouldn't try to eat the meat and spit out the bones when it comes to bad teachers? How do I explain to them this is wrong?"   4. Racism is sinful pride and hatred. You can't solve that with social programs, only with the gospel. Make sure to share about the program with the hashtag #CER and Join the Talk with Cross Encounters Radio.

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