Success Smackdown Live With Kat



Katrina Ruth (formerly Kat Loterzo) will help you overcome the obstacles to your dreams through the Success Smackdown Live podcast. Katrina helps women entrepreneurs and leaders to find alignment and create the business and life of their dreams by taking action NOW! She is a best-selling author, speaker and entrepreneur, and founder of The Katrina Ruth Show! LETS CONNECT!Pinterest @thekatrinaruthshowInstagram @thekatrinaruthshowYouTube @thekatrinaruthshowLinkedIn @thekatrinaruthshowSnapchat @katloterzo + @katrinaruthshowAmazon eBooks: booksforkickasswomen.comP.S If you're not part of my High Vibe Mastermind community of total BADASS CREATORS then head to now and check out why this is THE place to be! Start unleashing your message and creating money online by being YOU!


  • How simple it is to just appoint yourself

    24/06/2022 Duration: 12min

    In todays online space of social media, it’s very easy to get distracted by what others are doing. It’s easy to slip into comparing yourself around how others show up and begin measuring that against yourself.Here’s the thing:YOUR way is your way for a reason!And, it’s a practise to come back to what YOUR way is. If you don’t come back to your truth you run the risk of becoming lost and your message diluted, all because you’re getting caught up with how you think you need to be, or how you think you must show up. Your job is to show up as you. Your job is to follow your truth and know that your truth IS the gold is inside of you. Listen to todays episode to receive the download around just how simple it is to appoint yourself as the badass leader, creator, soul based messenger that you are here to be! --------------------Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. I’m a self-made multi-millionaire, and I work with successful badasses like YOU, who kick their OWN ass … and then I kick it a little bit harder.I currently live on

  • Why you feel an undercurrent of anger, pent up vibes.

    09/06/2022 Duration: 16min

    If you’re walking around with a pent up undercurrent of frustration, agitation, irritation, anything along those lines - there is a reason for this!  More often than not it has to do with the way you’re showing up. Here’s the thing:You have an incredible powerful message to share with the world. You came here to unleash and lead and BE the leader, creator and all round badass who inspires and impacts millions. The frustration creeps in as soon as you begin to doubt and second guess what it is you came here to do. The frustration and anger comes when the ‘how’ and the ‘shoulds’ distract and take from that flow of letting all of you out, when you no longer give yourself permission to do it all, your way and on your terms! Listen to todays episode to receive the soul wake up call you know you need to hear so you can release the pent up energy and step into the energy of full permission and flow of being ALL of you.--------------------Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. I’m a self-made multi-millionaire, and I work with s

  • Quit overthinking it

    26/05/2022 Duration: 18min

    Here’s the thing about successful people - Those who are doing the damn thing, did NOT graduate being human - they still have doubt, they still question themselves, they still have fear and resistance and moments of uncertainty. The difference is - they chose to take action anyway. If deep down you feel and KNOW you have a message to share with the world, you know you’re here to unleash magic and impact millions yet find yourself overthinking and holding your message, truth and self back from the world…  then this reminder is for you:What you feel inside of you is real and available, now. What you are being shown, is being revealed to you for a reason!  Your soul WANTS to get out what it needs to - for a reason. Here’s what else.Creating massive epic results and living the life of your dreams can be simple and easy.  Check out todays episode and find out how you can overcome the resistance, quit the overthinking and let things be flow based, easy and fun!  -------------------- Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. I’m a

  • Ignore the noise

    13/05/2022 Duration: 20min

    On todays episode of The Rebel Millionaire Podcast we discuss how to stay aligned, in flow and on path with your souls calling, and ignore the noise! I recently had an incredible idea come through me. It was an idea for a book which felt so alive and amazing and it began to write itself. At the same time my mind was objecting with several reasons as to why this was not a good idea. If you’re an artist, leader, creator, or entrepreneur I’m sure this has happened to you, and that is - Something inside of you trying to stop yourself from doing what is naturally wanting to come through you. Here’s the thing - When something is coming through you it feels alive and real and expansive - it has life! When you sit on it and question or push it to the side for later, what tends to happen is the idea or the inspiration begins to loose its life force energy. Check out todays episode where I share with you lessons I learnt around all of this and how you can follow the flow and ignore the noise - ! Hi, I'm Kat

  • Discipline To Your FLOW Ultimate Gateway To Freedom!!

    27/04/2022 Duration: 19min

    On todays episode of The Rebel Millionaire Podcast you’ll receive the reminders you need to help shed the layers and step into fully being you in a deeper and hell yes way.   Here’s the thing -   You’re here to transmit, receive downloads, to be an open channel and a continual source of magic and flow for yourself and the world. Which means you need to give yourself permission to do it your way and stop making it bad or wrong because you don’t do it the way others do.   You’re not meant to! What you are meant to do, is follow soul.   Listen to the full episode below as I share with you why the work is never done, why you don’t want it to be done and how you can drop fully into being you unleash your soul work - unapologetically and now.   --------------------   Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. I’m a self-made multi-millionaire, and I work with successful badasses like YOU, who kick their OWN ass … and then I kick it a little bit harder.   I currently live on the Gold Coast of Australia, and I’m Mum to my two beauti

  • Unleash your soul work - unapologetically and now.

    24/03/2022 Duration: 20min

    On todays episode of The Rebel Millionaire Podcast you’ll receive the reminders you need to help shed the layers and step into fully being you in a deeper and hell yes way.   Here’s the thing -   You’re here to transmit, receive downloads, to be an open channel and a continual source of magic and flow for yourself and the world. Which means you need to give yourself permission to do it your way and stop making it bad or wrong because you don’t do it the way others do.   You’re not meant to! What you are meant to do, is follow soul.   Listen to the full episode below as I share with you why the work is never done, why you don’t want it to be done and how you can drop fully into being you unleash your soul work - unapologetically and now.   Please take a moment to leave a comment, review or share if you enjoy the show! Your feedback means so much to me, and I appreciate it so much!   --------------------   Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. I’m a self-made multi-millionaire, and I work with successful badasses like YOU

  • Shifting Out Of The Quicksand And Back To Being Fully You!!

    16/03/2022 Duration: 18min

    This episode of The Rebel Millionaire Podcast is a fire and gold, jam packed with soul reminders to help shift you back into being fully you!    Here’s the thing -    When did you forget just how powerful you are?    One of the main reason as to why creators, leaders and badass messengers don’t utilise ALL parts of themselves is because of the environment they are surrounding themselves in.    If you were surrounded by others who used their creative magic, were unapologetic, in their power all the time and it was just ‘the norm’ to access the supernatural day in day out - do you think you would be operating differently? Feeling differently?   I’m not referring to doing anything super crazy or moving a mountain with your mind, what I am referring to is within business operating from a place of being tapped into your magic, truth and powers - instead of struggling forward in life with all the should, and must dos, and rules and trying..    Check out the full episode below to help shift into being FULLY you and

  • Success and living life on YOUR terms

    08/03/2022 Duration: 19min

    When it comes to success and living life on YOUR terms, you don’t need to do, be, or operate outside of what feels aligned and in flow for you.   I get so much done and feel so productive because I opted out of having to do it the way we were told it ‘has’ to be done. This doesn’t mean that you are always going to feel like doing the ‘work’. Restlessness, avoidance and resistance will come up! And when it does know that you always have a choice -   You can lean in and through what you know is on the other side of aligned action, or you can allow the mind to direct and distract you from your true core path.   As a leader, messenger and creator you know that deep down, you’re here to pave the way and do what you came here to do! This episode will reach deep into your soul and give you the tools and motivation to trust yourself deeper, follow the flow and create your dream life.   Please take a moment to leave a comment, review or share if you enjoy the show! Your feedback means so much to me, and I appreciate i

  • A Full Yes In Your Soul, DEFINITELY

    22/02/2022 Duration: 24min

    Your higher self and intuition always knows what is a full yes for you. YOU always know what is the most expansive rewarding choice for you to make.   Here’s the thing - There is a huge difference between saying yes to something that is a half yes, a maybe, a forced convinced justified yes - and saying YES to something that your whole body and soul says yes to. In this game of entrepreneurialism and following truth, recognising this distinction is massive and a game changer within business. The more connected you are to your soul and self, the more difficult it becomes to ignore what is not in alignment. The more you follow the path of what IS in alignment and for your highest good and mission, the more obvious it becomes in recognising and tuning into what is a fully body YES and what you should simply say no to. Are you saying yes to a no? Listen to the full episode for the reminders and truths you need to hear around unapologetically saying yes to soul and dropping deeper into you. Please take a moment

  • Go Through the Fire!

    10/02/2022 Duration: 47min

    In today’s episode, I talk to author, educator, online course creator, and social media influencer, Colleen Gallagher!   Colleen Gallagher is an intuitive business and personal development consultant. She has survived childhood cancer, is a global citizen, and an advocate for everyone to have an opportunity to live their dream, and an academic currently pursuing her PhD in Psychology with a focus on global leadership and change. Colleen is committed to fully living her dreams instead of following the traditional path to “success”, and is passionate about helping business leaders create freedom and impact by simply being themselves.   In this episode you’ll hear how Colleen bring the big things she desires to life (while also enjoying the little things), you’ll hear about her journey to finding and living in truth, the importance of allowing yourself to claim the reality that you see and feel, as well as Colleen’s advice to entrepreneurs.   We also dive into:   * [04:26] Allowing yourself to feel and go throu

  • Do you really need to show up for an outcome?

    01/02/2022 Duration: 11min

    The most fun, in flow and epic level results I have ever had all came from when I decided to show up and BE fully me. Take a moment to ask yourself the following - What is the ‘thing’ you came here to do? If you had no attachment to any outcome or results and instead just showed up as the giddy, excited, ‘too much’, happy version of you, what would you be doing? In todays episode I take you back to core of what it means to do what you came here to do, without the expectation of it leading to any fixed outcome. Living from purpose is a continual journey of coming back to the real, raw version of you which is exactly what this is all about. This episode is a reminder to CHOOSE the outcomes you want, but then? Get back to being all of you and allow the results to show up, because it’s what you’ve decided. Please take a moment to leave a comment, review or share if you enjoy the show! Your feedback means so much to me, and I appreciate it so much!   --------------------   Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. I’m a self-

  • Live Your Truth With Thought Leader William Whitecloud | Stop Getting Distracted By Formulas, Instead Harness Your Innate Inner Wisdom

    16/12/2021 Duration: 50min

    Live Your Truth with William Whitecloud     In episode 551 of The Rebel Millionaire Podcast Show I sat down and had an incredible conversation with William Whitecloud around living your truth!      William is Founder of the Natural Success Academy, an international best-selling author, (personal favourite of mine) as well as a well sought-after thought leader, helping others find success and fulfilment through creative magic.     William has been such a massive influence on my life and I am truly so honoured to get to share everything we cover and speak of in this episode.      William shares what it means to harness the innate wisdom within you, how to find and live your truth, not getting distracted by formulas, reaching your higher self through self-awareness, and the illusion that success is about you.     Here’s a peek into what else we dive into:      * [00:24] About William. * [05:26] You’re born with innate wisdom. * [07:55] The Magician’s Way. * [13:12] Allowing your inner magician to come through. *

  • How To Succeed In Life With Author & Coach Kira Jean | Hesitate Less, Conquer Your Fears & Find The Ingredients Necessary To Become A Standout Success

    17/11/2021 Duration: 41min

    Say Yes! In today’s episode, I talk to Kira Jean, Founder of The Dreamwork Collective, author, entrepreneur, and coach.   This episode is sure to inspire you to go all in on your dreams and hesitate less when it comes to saying yes to soul. Kira shares her journey to success with you including the life changing moment of saying ‘yes’ to her writing, the ingredients necessary to become a standout success, when it’s acceptable to dial back parts of yourself, how to find calmness, as well as how she now assists other authors to conquer their own fears. Here a look at what else we dive into: * [07:26] Not following “the right way” of doing things. * [11:26] Accessing certainty. * [15:25] What makes someone a standout success? * [18:26] Losing sight of purpose! * [22:54] Dialling back parts of yourself. * [26:38] Harnessing a state of calmness and flow. * [33:53] When are you most likely to lose track of the right moment? * [36:29] Kira’s megaphone minute. Tune in to the full episode below as a reminder back

  • Stay Focused, And Stay Strong. Your Soul Does Already Know The Way

    04/11/2021 Duration: 15min

    Question -   What if you were allowed to have more just because you were ALLOWED to have more?   What if you said yes to something, just because you were shown it?   Minus ‘having to do the work’, the clearing before receiving, the evaluating, the justifications.. you just said yes because you had the right to say yes and claim what was being shown to you.     This episode is the reminder you know you need to help flip the switch and shift back into soul flow and certainty around claiming what is for you!     Truth is, there are many reasons that get in the way of choosing to step into whatever is calling you forth. This might be your next level income, relationships, lifestyle, business - whatever it is, when it comes time to saying yes it’s common for you to question if you can really receive what’s now for you.   This episode will help you to remain focused, stay strong and tap back into the truth that your soul always knows the way, and you DO have permission to say yes!   Please take a moment to leave a

  • Sorry I Offended You With Entrepreneurial Coach Brandon Marshall | How To Be A Non - Conformist, Fully Seen & Expressed Entrepreneur That Get’s Noticed Online

    28/10/2021 Duration: 33min

    In episode 548 of The Rebel Millionaire Podcast Show I talk to Brandon Marshall, a true badass 'preneur who built his brand on not giving a f*ck what people think, doing what he wants, and being all of him!   Listening to Brandons story, journey and wisdom will inspire you to step even more into who you are and say yes to doing business and life completely and unapologetically on your terms - because you can! In this show we discuss: • [00:24] All about Brandon (and what makes him so awesome) • [01:06] How he gives himself permission to do what he wants, knowing it’s right. • [04:47] How you can be all of you, today! • [08:06] Overcoming mindsets that may be limiting you. • [09:20] How to you must bring all of you to the table. • [11:06] What’s the main reason people go to Brandon? • [15:23] What lights Brandon up most? • [16:43] The cost of giving a f*ck. • [19:12] Getting fired on purpose. • [25:37] The time Brandon was afraid to say what he wanted to say. • [28:11] Brandon’s megaphone minute Plus y

  • Here For the Magic With Transformational Coach Caroline Britton | Reconnect To Your Soul, Create Tangible Results & Stay Committed To Your Truth

    14/10/2021 Duration: 50min

    Here for the Magic!     In episode 547 of The Rebel Millionaire Podcast Show I talk to Caroline Britton, self-made entrepreneur, healer, spiritual teacher, and coach around all thing magic!   This episode is a powerful deep dive into the awakening process and journey of reconnecting to your soul calling, creating tangible results and staying committed to your decisions and truth.   Caroline spent 14 years in a job that led to her becoming increasingly disconnected and reaching a place of rock bottom.  Having two weeks off work is what sparked her journey towards a new, awakened, magical life!     Here is a sneaky peek into what else we dive into: • [04:42] Caroline’s unexpected and profound moment of awakening • [08:08] Where did the audacity come from? • [14:58] Creating tangible results, backing yourself, and dealing with fear. • [24:34] “I can’t just not.” • [31:04] How to get yourself back over the edge. • [38:38] What excites Caroline about being her? • [42:55] Discovering your magic. There are so

  • Doing What You Know You Must Vs What You Feel Like

    07/10/2021 Duration: 15min

    This episode is all about what we badass leaders and messengers seem to do after creating epic success, and that is -   Feeling confused around how much is too much when it comes to running our business!   A really common situation most creators find themselves in is the ‘too much’ phase. We try to be too much, we start working too hard and slip into this space of ‘too muchness’ when the option to flow and be in the vibration of receiving is available.   Yes the flow and the receiving is there but in the process of creating success and learning to trust the flow and follow our inner guidance were start to make the hustle bad or wrong. We begin to feel we shouldn’t drop into the hustle, which is not the way it needs to be or feel.   Check out this episode to discover the difference between doing what you know you must Vs what you feel like and how to identify when the pendulum has swung too far.   Please take a moment to leave a comment, review or share if you enjoy the show! Your feedback means so much to me,

  • Alignment In Business With Nikka Karli | Unlock & Become Your Fully-Expressed Self & What That Means For Business

    30/09/2021 Duration: 38min

    In episode 545 of The Rebel Millionaire Podcast Show I talk to Nikka Karli, erotic muse and provocateur of the primal and the wilds!   This episode covers all things around embodied abolitionism, sensual body movement, healing systematic radicalised and sexualised trauma.   I feel so honoured to hold this space and unleash such a powerful and impactful conversation for you. Plus! Listen in to how you can become all of you, what it means to be completely here, going from “either/or” to “yes, and...”, and why you need to listen to what your soul says.   Here is a sneaky peek into what else we dive into

  • Listening Outside Of You So Hard You Can’t Hear Within

    23/09/2021 Duration: 13min

    This episode is the reminder back to soul I feel we all need to hear around tuning back into you! Are you listening to everyone and everything outside of you so much so that you can’t hear what it is your soul is wanting to say?   This would have to be one of the most common things that has pulled me off path throughout my time in business. That is, looking for the way outside of me. I’m sure you can definitely relate to having done this.  Usually it’s because we seek the how to something we are yet to achieve ourselves, so we look at who has and how they have done it. This is all well and good as long as you come back to what it is you know to be real and true for you!   Because here’s how it works - The more you listen outside of you, then the more by definition, that it can’t be occurring inside of you. And as a leader, messenger and creator you know that deep down, you’re here to pave the way. Check out this episode will reach deep into your soul and give you the tools and motivation to trust yourself

  • Make Money and Influence Millions

    16/09/2021 Duration: 44min

    In today's episode I sat down with my amazing long-term private client Jeanna Gabellini and discussed in great depth all things making money and influencing millions ... plus oh my gosh, SO much more besides. (Seriously this woman is one of the most driven, FUN, and just crazy badass heart-centred coaches and leaders I know).   Jeanna has spent over 25 years helping business owners grow their businesses to make massive amounts of money while also impacting millions of people, and today she’s here to tell you all how you can do the same. WITH BELLS ON.   Hear how being yourself, adventurous, quirky, and edgy can improve your business, how you can become a conjurer, and why you need to be making calmer decisions.   Sneaky peek

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