Hello and welcome to Ms Sabo's Business Management podcasts. You have three options: you can either listen to the podcast directly on your computer or click the subscribe with iTunes link at the bottom of this page to download the file to your iPod or iPhone or search Ms Sabo in the iTunes store and click subscribe. Stay tuned for more podcasts coming shortly.Happy podcast listening!
Operations Mgt Episode 4
10/05/2010 Duration: 09minOperations Management Strategies - Facilities Design & Layout
Operations Mgt Episode 3
10/05/2010 Duration: 14minKey elements of an operations system - input, processing & output.
Operations Mgt Episode 1
03/05/2010 Duration: 05minThe operations management function - including business objectives.
Operations Mgt Episode 2
03/05/2010 Duration: 07minThe operations function - role of an operations manager and levels of planning.
Mgt Skills
25/03/2010 Duration: 10minMgt skills and the role of mgt (POLC) are distinctly different. Mgt roles/functions are not skills.