Christian Life Church :: Chester, VA



The latest messages from Christian Life Church in Chester, VA. Loving God. Loving People. Loving Life.


  • React vs. Respond

    14/02/2016 Duration: 42min

    In this series we look at how Jesus is working His image into us through our relationships with others. By looking at the transformation of Jesus' own disciples we can see how He is also working in us. Peter gives us a powerful look into the impact of our emotions. Do we react, or respond through what we feel?

  • Privilege vs. Honor

    07/02/2016 Duration: 38min

    In this series we look at how Jesus is working His image into us through our relationships with others. By looking at the transformation of Jesus' own disciples we can see how He is also working in us. Today we look at the disciple John, and how he started his journey expecting privilege, but quickly discovers it's better to live a life of honor.

  • Friends

    30/01/2016 Duration: 34min

    A Better 2016 starts with better dreams, attitudes, focus, and friends. In polls about friends, the average American says they don't have any close friends. Current research indicates we each need between three and six close friends. Have you ever found yourself wondering what a good friend is and how to go about making them? Listen to learn more.

  • Focus

    24/01/2016 Duration: 14min

    It is amazing how easily we can lose focus in our lives. Have you ever noticed that so many little things can so easily knock us off course? In 1 Timothy Paul addresses a young spiritual leader to remind him to maintain focus. Watch as Pastor Dennis highlights several key reminders that Paul gave to Timothy, which are also quite appropriate reminders for us today as well.

  • Attitudes

    17/01/2016 Duration: 41min

    People hear words, but feel our attitude.  Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal, but nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. God has provided us with the tools we need for developing and keeping a healthy mental attitude.  Listen to learn more.

  • Dreams

    10/01/2016 Duration: 42min

    People sometimes think the Bible is a rule book; in reality, it is a book about God's dream for man. God plants dreams for our life in our hearts. As life happens, we can give up on those dreams. Without life dreams to inspire us, we begin to fade away; life becomes boring and we seek fulfillment elsewhere. Listen to learn how to keep God's dream for your life alive in your heart.

  • Worship


    Worship is not a song service; it is a lifestyle. We should have a heart of worship at all times, when we get up, when we hug our child, and at work. Living in this planet we are distracted by everything.  Worship places God back in the center focus of our lives. Listen to learn more.

  • A New Hope


    Though after Christmas, this is the fourth and final Advent series message. The Webster dictionary defines hope as looking forward with desire and reasonable confidence.  New hope rises in us as we transition from hopelessness to being hopeful, and on to the highest level of hope called faith.  We often grapple with enemies of hope on a daily basis.  Listen to learn more.

  • Joy


    In the Bible, Moses says that all blessings come from God. We can never earn a place on the "nice" list and that is why God sent Jesus.  Jesus came to exchange places for our sin and punishment.  When we ask Jesus into our lives, God looks at us and sees His goodness. Because of Jesus, we are made alive and are changed from the inside out. We can learn to have joy no matter what is happening in our lives. Listen to learn more.

  • Peace


    Through Jesus, God makes His peace available for His people to live in. Peace is where we belong and peace is our home. Circumstances can cause us to lose our peace and kick us out of our home.  We try to find peace in many different ways, but true peace can only be found in Jesus.  Listen to learn more.

  • Live Love


    Our new series, Emmanuel, meaning God with us, starts the final countdown to Christmas. Jesus is front and center during this time of year. Jesus gave us a new commandment, to love one another as He loves us. As you listen to this message, you will glimpse what it means to live love as Jesus did.

  • Walking


    Christianity is often presented as a rules-based faith; you follow the rules and you are okay. In reality, Christianity is about walking out who you became when you got saved. The power of displacement forces out the old as we are focused on and filled with our new identity.  Listen to learn  more.

  • Receiving


    When we get saved, the Holy Spirit takes up residence within us; yet Jesus came to baptize us with the Holy Spirit and fire. What does that mean? What are we receiving when that happens?  Listen to learn more.

  • Discerning


    We need to grow skillful in discerning; i.e., figuring out, whether we are hearing in our heart and mind from God, from our spiritual enemy, or from ourselves and other people. God does not want us to be confused and frustrated when it comes to hearing from Him. Listen to learn more.

  • Trusting

    01/11/2015 Duration: 35min

    The Holy Spirit is still very much alive and at work; He wants to minister through us.  Sometimes we can be Christians by our confession, but atheists by our actions. How do we know if we are trusting God? How do we know if what we believe lines up with our actions?  Listen to learn more.

  • Hearing


    This new series is about the Holy Spirit, part of the Trinity.  The Trinity consists of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, all at the same time; collectively, they are God. The Holy Spirit guides us and leads us.  God is speaking to us all the time through the Holy Spirit, but some feel they are not hearing from God.  Listen to learn how to better identify when God is speaking to you.

  • God Is For You


    God is for you when you can't see it, feel it, or understand it. God is for you even when everything falls apart and you are on the brink of giving up. God is all-powerful, always loving, and ready to help you - right now!

  • Connected


    There is protection when we are connected together in the Body of Christ in our local church. We may think we have to get things straight in our lives, and wait for the right time to do what God has called us to do. In reality, we can't grow in our faith without connected-ness, without pursuing our call. This message also includes several on-stage interviews with people and their journey to connectedness at Christian Life Church.  Listen to learn more.

  • Confident


    Should we be afraid of blood moons and end of the world predictions? We tend to fear things when we lose focus and are no longer confident in who we are and who God is. As our lack of confidence grows, our relationships with others are affected, and we may lose our sense of belonging.  Listen to learn more.

  • Called


    God has a unique plan and purpose for each of our lives, and a call for us to fulfill them.  Jesus calls us into the Kingdom of God. After we respond, we are called back out to those who don't know Him, to share the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done for us. There is no perfect time to do what God has called us to do.  Now is the right time to move towards fulfilling out calling. Listen to learn more.

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