Embrace Grace

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 49:48:23
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The Embrace Grace Podcast is a way for people around the world that is happening with Embrace Grace ministries. This program is hosted by Amy Ford and consists of candid in-studio recordings, audio blogs from the road and spontaneous guest from around the world (or around the house and office.)


  • Behind the Smile with Alicia V.

    17/08/2015 Duration: 26min

    Even though 1 in 3 women have had an abortion, many feel alone and that they can't talk about the grief they may feel inside. They think about how old that baby would be if alive today and think about the birthdays that are missed. Some feel that they do not have the freedom to pursue healing in the church because they feel they may be judged or shamed - but God does heal and He wants to heal our hearts in every area including abortion.  Tune into the podcast today and hear how a beautiful story of God's redemption and healing from an abortion loss. Alicia Verzi now ministers to women and walks them through post-abortive healing classes at her church in Florida - she shares how amazing God is and how we can be open with our stories. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and our stories!   

  • His Grace Brings Redemption with Angelia

    09/08/2015 Duration: 27min

    When traumatic events happen to us as a child, sometimes those events can shape the way we see God, ourself and others. But when we turn to God and let Him begin to strip away the hurt layers around our hearts, we start becoming more and more like Him. We start to see the world the way God does. As the healing process happens, God starts to put our broken hearts together to be whole again. Our faith becomes alive again and we begin to dream again. He makes us new again and our transformation becomes contagious to all of our loved ones as they see what God has done!  Join Angelia Carrigan along with Amy Ford as she shares her amazing testimony of what God has done in her life and how God's grace has brought redemption with her story. She shares the healing process God helped her through and how she is an overcomer. Tune in today and share with your friends! 

  • Touched by Grace with Chrystal

    03/08/2015 Duration: 27min

    One of our very own Embrace Grace leaders at Gateway Church shares her story of her unplanned pregnancy. Even though she was scared and worried about her future, she began to see how God was drawing her heart to His throughout the whole process. He took care of her and she felt loved by Him - and then God brought her an amazing husband that she had prayed for.  Listen in today to this powerful testimonial of how God kept touching her with His grace and goodness which led her to repentance and a passionate love for Christ.     

  • Battle Cry: Hope & Healing in the Battles of Life with Kris

    27/07/2015 Duration: 26min

    When the battles of life are raging, it is easy to feel forsaken and hopeless. Moving forward can seem like a daily fight, with no hope for true healing. When we are hit with tragedy-the loss of a loved one, the loss of a dream, an illness, or a divorce-we need more than a simple pick-me-up. We need someone to walk alongside us and lighten our load. We desperately need the hope of a Savior and Friend.  Join Amy Ford and Kris Power as they discuss how hope can be a mighty weapon. Whether you are facing the battle of your life or are weary from the constant conflicts of daily life, her inspirational journey offers you a refreshing renewal from heartbreak to hope. Without wholeness, we are unable to fully walk on the path that God has prepared for us. Though it may not always be what we planned, that path is full of victory and hope, worthy of a battle cry. You can follow Kris and her writings HERE. 

  • Loving When It's Hard to Love with Makenzie

    20/07/2015 Duration: 29min

    When children go into foster care, it's important for those babies to get the love and support they need during their time there. But what about the moms that are struggling? A lot of them have had really hard lives and never been taught how to go to God with their hurts and brokenness. Makenzie's heart is to bring families back together again and for the mommy to get the help she needs to get back on her feet.  You will fall in love with her vision for a home for these moms to restore and revive their lives so that they can be the moms they were created to be. Tune in today and hear how to love even when it's hard to love! 

  • From Ashes to Beauty with LeeAnn

    13/07/2015 Duration: 31min

    When we go through a season that is difficult and painful, we can let go and give it to God. He can take our burdens and make something beautiful out of it. LeeAnn found out her daughter was pregnant and was at first devastated. But she chose to just praise God and allow Him to finish the work that he was already starting in her daughter. God was molding both of their hearts and in the meantime, blessing them with the most beautiful baby boy that changed their life and hearts forever.  LeeAnn Kirkindoll is the Director of Women's Ministry for Prestonwood in Dallas! Hear her story as she shares from a momma's heart perspective. SO GOOD! 

  • Parenting Options with Tina

    06/07/2015 Duration: 27min

    Sometimes there are a lot of questions and unknowns when it comes to adoption that a young mother might have. Will I ever see my baby again? Can I choose who raises my child? Will I have any say when it comes to birth or first decisions of life?  Tina Dean with Legacy Adoption shares how each mom has parenting options and they can feel empowered throughout the decision making process. Tune in to hear how brave birth moms are and how they are an inspiration to so many!  http://www.legacyas.com  

  • A Birth Mom Story with Brandi

    29/06/2015 Duration: 30min

    At Embrace Grace, we believe that birth moms are true heroes. We love that they put their baby first and make a selfless decision to choose life and an amazing family for their baby. The way God weaves these stories together, connecting the birth mom to the adoptive family and how He provides all of their needs, is a beautiful miracle to behold.  Join in on today's podcast and hear Amy Ford chat with Brandi Smith about her story as a birth mom. Years ago, God drew her to choose adoption and now her story touches hundreds of lives as she serves at Heart of Hope Home in Louisiana. 

  • Embrace Grace Testimony with Kelsea

    22/06/2015 Duration: 28min

    Each of us have such a unique story and journey that we have embarked on - and it's such a beautiful testimony when in the midst of our life, we have a moment where we realize that we can't make it anymore on our own - that we need our heavenly Father. Kelsea is a brand new alumni of Embrace Grace at Gateway Church - she is brave by sharing her story and how her baby brought her closer to the Lord. We are so proud of her and love how God is doing a new thing in her life!    "And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony ... " {Revelation 12:11} 

  • Embracing Mercy with Kathy Boyd

    15/06/2015 Duration: 22min

    Kathy has a beautiful testimony of helping her daughter walk through a season of an unplanned pregnancy. Flooded with mix emotions, she learned how to lean on God and fully trust that He is in control, and that He was going to bring their family closer together than ever before.  If you have ever been in Kathy's shoes or are currently, tune into this broadcast and hear a story of beauty and restoration! God turns all things for good for those that love Him - He loves us and is for us! 

  • Encouragement Between Loads of Laundry with Kendra Hunt

    01/06/2015 Duration: 25min

    Prepare to be empowered, enlightened and encouraged as you take a journey down a familiar path with a new friend. Join Amy Ford and Kendra Hunt as they find God in every part of life, even between loads of laundry. Kendra has poured a wealth of wisdom in this encouraging book and the nuggets of truth inside are life changing and so relevant no matter what season of life you are in!    You can purchase her book on Amazon today! 

  • What is an Embrace Grace group? With Julie Prickett

    24/05/2015 Duration: 28min

    We hear sometimes how people are not quite sure what exactly IS an Embrace Grace group? Listen in to hear from one of our Groups Managers and hear what an Embrace Grace group is and how truly fun and easy it is to lead a support group for young moms iwth unplanned pregnancies. Julie not only trains and equips groups across the nation, but she has lead Embrace Grace herself at her own church. If you've ever wondered, we break it down for you! Leading a group inspires a transformation with the brave moms we are loving on, but also the leaders that lead. Listen in today to hear more! 

  • Heather's Story with Heather Bourland

    15/05/2015 Duration: 35min

    Heather Bourland, wife of 1, mom of 5 and lover of many shares her heart on how 16 years ago she had an unplanned pregnancy. During this season of being scared about her future, God's hand on her never lifted. She fell in love with her heavenly Father and leaned on Him. Things started falling into place and her relationship with the father of the baby was restored. She got married and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy that is a world-changer. Hear about her story of life on our podcast today! 

  • Awaken my City with Rob Peabody

    27/04/2015 Duration: 26min

    Rob Peabody, co-founder of Awaken Movement shares his heart to go beyond the walls of the church and BE the church everywhere we go. Rob and Amy encourage listeners to step into the calling that God has been preparing for them. The calling and life that Jesus's death and resurrection is inviting them into. Listen in to hear more about how Rob is awakening hearts and inspiring lives from the US to London on how to dream big and love big! 

  • Embrace Grace Real Talk with Crissy Terrill

    20/04/2015 Duration: 29min

    Being a part of Embrace Grace, we get to hear sweet things from the mommas about their hearts as they journey through an unplanned pregnancy. Crissy is a leader in Embrace Grace Gateway Church and all of the brave moms LOVE her. We have interviewed and asked several blooms questions about the feelings they had and we talk about each answer. Join us in learning more about these mommas! 

  • Revived: From The Me I Used To Be with Kerrie Oles

    14/04/2015 Duration: 26min

    Join in with Kerrie Oles and Amy Ford as they discuss Kerrie's latest book, Revived: From the Me I Used to Be. She dives into that it doesn't matter who we are or where we've been, you have experienced pain in your life. She inspires us how she explains how God desires to heal our broken places and bring life to places in our lives where there is death. www.KerrieOles.com 

  • Embrace Grace: A Glory Story with Salina Duffy

    20/03/2015 Duration: 31min

    Our very first podcast shares the heart of Embrace Grace and how the dream all started! We hope that this show inspires you to chase your dream that God has placed in your heart! 

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