Marketing Moxie: Online Marketing I Branding I Promotion I Copywriting I Conversions I Traffic



Marketing Moxie is all about getting down and dirty on all things marketing for entrepreneurs. Maggie Patterson takes a practical, no holds barred approach to helping you take action. You can get show notes, past episodes of the show and more at


  • MM50: Lessons from 50 Episodes

    20/01/2015 Duration: 19min

    This week is a milestone episode! We’ve hit the mark of 50 shows, so I’m sharing my favorite moments, shows, and lessons with you. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at  Items Discussed in this Episode: My top lessons I’ve learned about myself from podcasting:- Who knew I would have an inner block for explicit language?- How being a writer translated to podcasting- Things that surprised me about audio, and the unique relationships you develop with your listeners My top lessons I’ve learned from guests on my show:- Natalie Eckdahl s lessons from 100 episodes- Val Geisler’s take on follow through with your customers- Makenna Johnstone and her solid advice for doing it your way and not following the ‘shoulds’- Zsofi Koller on everything you need to know about working with a web designer- Jessica Kupferman’s ridiculously fun interview about online dating and online business My top lessons I’ve learned about podcasting:- I’ve joined the s

  • MM49: Jeremy Miller Talks About Creating A Sticky Brand

    13/01/2015 Duration: 18min

    Branding may be a big old buzz word and so many people aren’t sure what it really means. Jeremy Miller, author of Sticky Branding joins the show to talk about what exactly sticky branding is and how to make it work for our business so we can stand out. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Jeremy defines what is a ‘sticky brand’ and lists some top brands that are considered ‘sticky brands’ and how they became that way What is ‘tilting the odds’ and how can you apply it to your business? Why being a ‘generalist’ can work against you How Jeremy and his family re-branded their business to a specific niche to make it more successful How to consistently show up in the discussion and being a part of the dialogue for your brand, but not become overwhelmed by trying to be everywhere at once Why ‘busy work’ will be the death of your business Jeremy’s favorite principle of his 12.5 and why it’s the foundation o

  • MM48: Mix Up Your Marketing for 2015

    06/01/2015 Duration: 13min

    Are you stuck in a rut when it comes to your marketing or does it feel like what you’re doing doesn’t connect? When we’re always ordering the same thing off the “menu” week in, week out, we’re missing prime opportunities to reach new people and holding ourselves back from growth.  Which is why I’ve created the #moxiechallenge for you - which I’ll run periodically in 2015 to help push you out of the comfort zone. And don’t worry, I’ll be playing right along with you. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Why do we keep doing the same things if they don’t connect with our audience or work very well when it comes to marketing? Why I want to stop playing it safe, and what this has to do with turkey sandwiches Why trying new things and experimenting is necessary in 2015 My ‘sandbox’ concept for my business this year My 5 ideas for my #moxiechallenge to you Top 5 Ideas for your #moxiechallenge: LinkedIn P

  • MM47: Lara Wellman on Why Your Email List Matters

    16/12/2014 Duration: 13min

    As you plan for 2015, where’s your email marketing on your list? Guest Lara Wellman talks about email marketing and list building, with a focus on some super practical ideas to make the most of email in your business. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Why small businesses need to care about email marketing, even though it sounds so ‘old school’ to us. Lara explains why building a list of people that are your audience is crucial. How important is list size? Lara shares her expertise on adjusting your expectations of your email list and marketing conversions. Lara and Maggie share how it’s been important to them to keep people on their list to build their reputation over time. What can you do to freshen up your email opt-in. What one thing Lara suggests you change or work on for 2015 with your email marketing. Top Takeaways for this Episode: You don’t own social. If you’re only focusing on social

  • MM46: Denise Duffield-Thomas on Money Mindset & Marketing

    09/12/2014 Duration: 25min

    Money mindset expert Denise Duffield-Thomas joins us on the show today to talk about money mindset, marketing and her experiences self-publishing her book. We discuss manifesting versus hustling, moving people from a book into a paid program and more. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Denise talks about the process of self-publishing her first two books and what it did for her business. The differences between self-publishing and going through a publisher. Denise’s biggest lessons learned from the publishing process. How Denise used her books to move clients into the paid programs she offers. How to become more of a ‘Lucky Bitch’ in your marketing. The importance of following through with your intentions in your business. There isn’t a big secret in how to be successful, Denise breaks it down on how to remove your mental blocks. The number one thing Denise wishes entrepreneurial women knew about m

  • MM45: Taming Ideas Into Action

    02/12/2014 Duration: 15min

    Hello December...if you’ve not already started, it’s time to get a game plan so when January rolls around you’re not floundering about once the New Year arrives.  Or if you’re already planning, today’s show talks about how to create a realistic plan, plus a glimpse into some behind the scenes of how I’m doing my planning and prioritizing. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: The importance of starting to think about 2015 now so you don’t fall into a holiday coma. My strategy for getting over the feelings of overwhelm as you start planning. Ideas for not losing momentum through the holidays. How to ‘brain dump’ and why it’s necessary so you don’t go insane. Moving away from a stodgy annual plan to a 90-day plan that’s flexible. Walking through a 90-day plan so you can create one too. Top Takeaways for this Episode: Brain dump! Get everything out of your head: the must-haves, nice-to-haves, everythin

  • MM44: Turning Your Clients Into The Hero

    25/11/2014 Duration: 14min

    Diving into the world of storytelling today and talking about how to get out of the “Hero’s Journey” and turn your customers into the hero instead. If we’re always talking about ourselves, we’re missing the point - and customer stories help engage our audience in a totally different way. And it’s a solo show, just me and you! Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Maggie’s history of ‘voice of the customer’ campaigns Why we should be using customer stories instead of just quotes Maggie explains why storytelling actually works Why making your client the hero instead of yourself is so much more impactful The different kinds of proof and when to use each one How and why to ‘step up’ from just using testimonials Top Takeaways for this Episode: Are you always talking about yourself? Then stop it! Let your customer’s be the hero. Look at how you’re sharing your clients’ successes and how you can step it up

  • MM43:Christie Halmick on Creating a Design Mindset

    18/11/2014 Duration: 21min

    Design, love it or hate it, you need to be somewhat design literate as an entrepreneur. Today’s guest, Christie Halmick is an ex-magazine designer who helps entrepreneurs master the basics of DIY design and she offers some great advice on must-have skills and how to get comfy with design. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Christie’s background and how she got where she is today Christie’s advice for where to start in the design process if you are brand new How to overcome the hesitation, fear, and overwhelm that you feel when you start to design something The top pitfalls and traps we tend to fall into when designing something and how to avoid them Christie explains how to start to ‘make yourself a brand’ from the beginning Why it’s important to pay close attention to your image choices Christie’s favorite do-it-yourself friendly tools Top Takeaways for this Episode: Design is a mindset. It’s not bra

  • MM42: Brittany Becher Talks About The Why Behind the Buy

    11/11/2014 Duration: 35min

    This is one juicy topic - we’re talking sales psychology, the why behind the buy and all kinds of things you need to understand before you build another website, email campaign or try to sell a single thing on the Internet.  Guest Brittany Becher joins us to talk about why online business isn’t that different and what we can learn from the consumer packaged good industry and Target. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: How does sales psychology work? Brittany’s tips for figuring out the ‘why behind the buy’ Brittany breaks down how the purchasing decision is made by the client How to get the client in the door, and also how to keep them there longer Brittany connects her ‘corporate world’ sales expertise to the online entrepreneur world The choice paradox and how to avoid it How to use sales psychology without being sleazy or feeling like you’re scamming your clients Brittany’s advice for getting you

  • MM41: Val Geisler on Why Customer Experience Isn't Just For Big Brands

    04/11/2014 Duration: 20min

    Creating an outstanding customer experience isn’t just for big brands. As a small business owner you have the opportunity to create lasting relationships by delivering an amazing experience for each and every customer. Guest Val Geisler joins us today to talk about how to make that happen and all the systems we need to back it up. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Areas where business owners are dropping the ball in customer service Val’s must-have basic customer service practices The importance of lists and systems in your business Why Val is so passionate about customer service, and why it’s so important Why and how to address negative reviews and issues that arise, because no matter how good we are - it happens The importance of remembering people are ‘people’ even in the virtual world Val’s favorite examples of great customer service Some of Val’s customer service ideas to differentiate yourse

  • MM40: Tamsen Horton on Legal Liabilities

    28/10/2014 Duration: 21min

    The law is one of those things that seems unglamorous and super expensive as a small business owner, but guest Tamsen Horton breaks down why covering your bases is the best way to be more creative. If you’re in business, you need to handle your legal stuff and this episode explains the areas of your business that need protection. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links available for this episode at Items Discussed in this Episode:  The biggest things Tamsen sees entrepreneurs skipping over when it comes to legal necessities Why and how to treat your website like your storefront How protected are you online? How to tell and how to gain protection Tamsen explains the difference between copyrighting and trademarking Why you have to do the ‘hard legal stuff’ at the beginning and why it’s not smart to wait Why the law should be customized to your business Tamsen’s advice for picking a lawyer Top Takeaways for this Episode: The law is what lets us be creative. Without

  • MM39: Liz Brazier Talks About Getting It DONE

    21/10/2014 Duration: 20min

    As a business owner, it’s typical to struggle with staying on track at times. Between good ideas that take you down the rat hole to shiny objects to social media, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s really important. Accountability coach Liz Brazier helps people cut the crap and get down to business, and today she’s sharing how to keep yourself accountable and get the right shit done. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Liz’s advice for making accountability part of your daily routine Why an accountability partner is so helpful and important How to use a timer to make yourself accountable Liz’s power tips to create accountability in your business How to ‘focus in’ your to-do list to make it not so overwhelming Liz explains the difference between getting busy work done versus getting done what will make a tangible impact in your business and your life How Liz keeps herself personally accountable Top

  • MM38: Megan Flatt on Stress and Taming the To-Do List

    14/10/2014 Duration: 19min

    Whenever I’m in a state of feeling overwhelmed and like my to-do list is out of hand, I talk to my friend Megan Flatt. She’s a business coach who works primarily with moms who are building businesses amid the challenges of day-to-day life with busy kids and family life. Today Megan shares some super practical tips for managing your stress and taming your to-do list for good. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Megan’s number one tip to get out of overwhelm quickly Some of the top stress triggers Megan has encountered How to identify your own stress triggers, and how to avoid them once you know Megan’s advice for mastering your task list instead of letting it master you What are ‘buckets’ and how can they help you manage your to-do list? Megan’s favorite shortcuts for making the most of your time Why downtime is super important for your business and your life Megan’s top tools you should really embr

  • MM37: Jules Taggart on how to Create a Kick Ass Proposal

    07/10/2014 Duration: 15min

    Jules Taggart is the first return guest on Marketing Moxie and is joining us today to share how to create kick ass sales proposals. No matter how much a prospective client loves you, your proposal can quickly make or break you. To get them to “yes”, Jules offers some power tips and we talk about gotchas with creating proposals. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at  Items Discussed in this Episode: The biggest mistake when it comes to putting together a sales proposal or quote Jules’ must have elements of a proposal Jules’ #1 tip that makes a difference in her sales proposals How to set up the follow up for a sales proposal How to decide who to give a proposal to, there are times you don’t have to write one! Jules’ and Maggie’s tips for being selective on what you’ll give away for free on your sales calls Top 3 Takeaways for this Episode: Make sure you include your results in your proposal. What will you help the client actually ac

  • MM36: Katie Krimitsos Tells Us How To Boost Your Business with Pop Culture

    30/09/2014 Duration: 20min

    No matter what you’re promoting, it can be hard to stand out. This episode fellow podcaster Katie Krimitsos shares how she created a promotion around Shark Week in August to have former Shark Tank guests on her show and create buzz in the process. Learn how to use your 'team' when coming up with a creative idea, how not to be afraid to ask, and how to mix things up to keep it fresh! Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at

  • MM35: Maggie Patterson Explains How To Tell Stories That Sell

    23/09/2014 Duration: 09min

    In this solo show I talk about why storytelling is so effective and my best tips from 15+ years of working with corporations and entrepreneurs to help them create their stories. In this episode, you'll learn how to really understand the best types of stories for you and your audience, how to avoid the temptation to use epic stories, and how to give your story a happy ending. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at

  • MM34: Why Working 1:1 Shouldn't Make You Feel Dirty

    16/09/2014 Duration: 10min

    I’m using a loose definition of what it means to be “unconventional” but this show is a solo episode talking about 1:1 work and how in these crazy Internet circles, it shouldn’t make us feel dirty. In this episode, we discuss why 1:1 work is necessary, how to include it in your business, and some common challenges and workarounds for them. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at

  • MM33: Victoria Prozan Gives Advice on Launching a Web Show

    09/09/2014 Duration: 14min

    Today we’re diving into the ins and outs of create a video-based show with guest expert Victoria Prozan.  In this episode, you can learn how to be a translator for your industry's language, practice overcoming your own story, and really decide what speaks to you and your brand and how to use it. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at

  • MM32: Racheal Cook Gets Fired Up About Challenges

    02/09/2014 Duration: 24min

    Challenges are being run all the time, but do they work? Today guest expert Racheal Cook, The Yogipreneur shares her lessons learned from her super popular Fired Up & Focused Challenge. In this episode, we discuss how to find a way to connect with your community for feedback, how to individualize your marketing for you, and how to borrow from other industries for marketing ideas. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at

  • MM31: Farideh Ceaser on Making Launches Simple and Fun

    19/08/2014 Duration: 20min

    Today we’re talking launching. Don’t run - our guest expert today makes launches fun and simple! Farideh Ceaser is a launch strategist quite unlike anyone else with years of experience as a musician where she marketed and launched albums, tours and much more. In this episode, we discuss all the different ways we launch in our business, and how to make your launch engaging and relevent to your audience. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at

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