Core Education

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 107:26:28
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Podcast by CORE Education


  • Top Tips For Teaching Boys - Kōrero With Dr Michael Harvey

    20/10/2021 Duration: 16min

    'From my perspective, I see the whole aspect around teaching boys is around relationships' Dr Michael Harvey, Senior Science teacher at Marlborough Boys, and Rochelle Savage (mother of teenage boys) discuss tips for teaching boys.

  • How Does Learning Through Play Help With Transitioning To School - Part 2 Of Real Life Examples

    29/09/2021 Duration: 04min

    'It's great to see the five-year-olds who are directing the play' 'I think parents coming into this environment feel comfortable. It feels familiar to them' Tracey McAllister discusses how Learning through play helps with transitioning to school with two New Entrant teachers.

  • Te Whāriki - Assessment example And kōrero With Sarah Te One And Nikki Grazier

    24/09/2021 Duration: 04min

    Sarah Te One and Nikki Grazier discuss an example of using Te Whāriki principles in assessment from an early learning centre.

  • Inclusion And Equity With Universal Design For Learning

    06/07/2021 Duration: 05min

    'Because it's not about the tool you're using but the end product and the outcome' Everyone learns differently. For all ākonga to be successful, lifelong learners, learning spaces need to be designed to be flexible, barrier-free environments. Linda Ojala discusses how Universal Design for Learning (UDL) can enable equitable access and participation in learning. 'And it was my epiphany moment - wow, there is something out there that can help' 'So I kind of crashed into UDL on a very random web search one day' 'And I'd often think that what I was doing with the learner could be incorporated into the everyday way of all learners'

  • Timing Can Be Everything - Courageous Conversations Kōrero With Sarah Whiting

    06/07/2021 Duration: 05min

    Sarah Whiting discusses real-life examples of Courageous Conversations and tips for success including that timing can be everything. 'Everyone should walk away (from a courageous conversation) feeling like they have been heard'

  • Games-based learning - The door to equity through agency

    10/06/2021 Duration: 06min

    Marlborough secondary school kaiako, Duncan, took part in CORE’s games-based learning online programme. “It has changed my practice and others because we have used elements of games-based learning and have incorporated these into some of our new junior courses. For example in Ancients Alive, a year 9 and 10 social studies course, the students use the creative element to help build a structure in Minecraft that reflects a cultural narrative.” Listen to those who wrote and participated in the blog - Games-based learning: the door to equity through agency.

  • Critical Conversations - Real Life Examples

    31/03/2021 Duration: 07min

    'Something that actually stops you dead in your tracks and makes you think, we need to do something about what we've just heard.' 'The conversation revealed that she was really shocked that this is what people took from her words and she said: I'm not hearing myself.' Pam O'Connell and Sarah Te One discuss critical conversations and real-life examples from their teaching experiences and how they dealt with them using their experiences of the frameworks.

  • What Is iNVENTIONATOR - What, Why and How

    30/03/2021 Duration: 08min

    "Connect with a problem that MATTERS to them. We've had all sorts. A group of boys designed a shoe that buzzed and vibrated if you stepped out of line for their hip hop group." Suzi Gould from CORE discusses how iNVENTIONATOR works - co-creating solutions, connecting and collaborating with other ākonga

  • Aotearoa New Zealand histories: Pōneke Focus

    24/03/2021 Duration: 07min

    "It makes us unique - it makes us who we are and what we are and it informs how we move forward as a society. It's important for everyone, to help us shape a better future." Patariki Grace and Te Mako Orzecki discuss the importance of learning about Aotearoa New Zealand Histories for all New Zealanders, and how engaging place-based learning is for all tamariki.

  • He Māpuna te Tamaiti in action: real life examples shared

    18/03/2021 Duration: 08min

    Glenda Albon shares how a group of teachers used He Māpuna Te Tamaiti to improve their communication and become even more child-led.

  • Digital Technologies in a local context: a high school example

    17/03/2021 Duration: 04min

    "But it was pretty motivating for the kids because they had a real person to design for". Karl Summerfield shares a real-life digital technologies example from when he was teaching Year 12 students, and how he supported them to create a digital outcome in a local context.

  • Online design for human connection: three tips and real life stories

    04/03/2021 Duration: 09min

    Ara Simmons shares three tips for students and educators connecting online, to do so in a meaningful way. Ara and Rochelle Savage also discuss their children's experiences connecting online, what has been successful, and their suggestions for improvement.

  • Learning through play: real life examples (part 1)

    02/03/2021 Duration: 07min

    "Learning through play unleashes a vast number of teachers - not just the one at the front of the room anymore". Suzi and Tracey share real life stories of the positive impact learning through play has had for tamariki, including buddy programmes and for new entrants who are transitioning to school.

  • Designing online learning: real life examples from primary and high schools

    25/02/2021 Duration: 06min

    Derek and Anne discuss tips for designing effective and engaging online learning, as well as examples from a large high school and a small rural school. They explore the lessons learned, and how it has changed their in-person teaching and engagement with students and whānau for the better.

  • Observations of a teacher aide

    14/12/2020 Duration: 05min

    'Oh wow, I picked up on something I didn't think I'd know, and his Mum hadn't realised either.' Janel, a teacher aide, shares her experience as a teacher aide and also a specific story of how her observations of a particular child helped the teacher and his whānau support him.

  • How can coaching and mentoring help with imposter syndrome?

    14/12/2020 Duration: 12min

    Have you ever felt imposter syndrome? What can help with it? 'If you're putting yourself in a new position, it can be uncomfortable - but exciting' 'Usually, this imposter syndrome is because we want to do a good job. Because we care.'

  • Mahuru Māori: Tino Rangatiratanga, part 2 of 2

    22/09/2020 Duration: 11min

    Ka haere tonu ngā kōrero ki a Tash Ropata i tēnei pāhorangi. Mai i tana urunga ki tōna wānanga reo rūmaki tuatahi tae atu ki ngā tikanga whakahaere o te kautā, tae atu ki tana tū hei kaiwaiata i tētahi pēne reo Māori. Ka hua mai ēnei mahinga katoa i ngā mātāpono e whā i raro i Te Whakatupuranga Ruamano - he mahere rautaki ā-iwi i whakatakotoria e Ngāti Toa, e Ngāti Raukawa, e Te Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai hoki, tērā i whai wāhi nui i a ia e tipu ana i Horowhenua. Ko ōna hua ka noho hei tuku ihotanga ki āna tamariki, me āna mokopuna. In the fourth of our series of podcasts, we continue our chat with Tash Ropata. From her first total immersion retreats to kitchen duties and joining a reo Māori band. All products that derived from the four founding principles of Te Whakatupuranga Ruamano - a 25 year iwi development plan brought to fruition by Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Raukawa and Te Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai (ART).

  • Mahuru Māori: Tino Rangatiratanga, part 1 of 2

    15/09/2020 Duration: 09min

    Ko te tuatoru tēnei o ngā pāhorangi, ā, e rua ōna wāhanga. Kei te pāhorangi tuarima te wāhanga tuarua o tēnei whakawhitiwhiti. Kei te whakahoki mahara a Tash Ropata ki tana ohinga ake i tētahi ao kōkiri i ngā kaupapa Māori me te pānga ki ōna whakaaro e pā ana ki te ‘tino rangatiratanga’ me te tipu hei Māori o te wā. Ko te kōkiritanga o te wā, arā, te mahere ā-iwi, Te Whakatipuranga Ruamano, i whakatakotoria e Ngāti Toa, e Ngāti Raukawa, e Te Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai hoki, tērā i whai wāhi nui i a ia e tipu ana i Horowhenua. Ko ōna hua ka noho hei tuku ihotanga ki āna tamariki, me āna mokopuna. In the third of a series of podcasts, Tash Ropata talks about growing up around kaupapa which would shape her early opinions of tino rangatiratanga and what it meant to be Māori. Growing up in Horowhenua, Te Whakatupuranga Ruamano, a 25 year iwi development plan initiated by Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Raukawa and Te Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai (ART), would naturally play a big role in her life, with it later becoming part of the lega

  • Mahuru Māori: Mā Te Tirohanga Māori

    09/09/2020 Duration: 09min

    I tēnei, te tuarua o ngā pāhorangi, ka whakawhiti kōrero a Karley Hemopo rāua ko Charles Rolleston mō ngā āhuatanga o tā Charles whakairi i āna mahi hei kaiako ki te whai i ngā mahi ki ngā tari Kāwanatanga. In the second of a series of podcasts, Karley Hemopo discusses whether or not the grass is greener on the other side of the classroom with Charles Rolleston, who put away his lesson plans to explore a career in the public service.

  • Mahuru Māori: He Reo Taketake, He Reo Motuhake

    01/09/2020 Duration: 08min

    I tēnei, te tuatahi o ngā pāhorangi e rima, ka rongo tātou i te nui o te kaingākau o Te Whainoa Te Wiata ki ngā āhuatanga o te reo me te pānga o tana whakatipuria ki tana mārama me tana whakaako i te reo Māori. Kia mau tonu mai me kore noa e whai nuka mōu i a koe e whai ana kia tīmata i tō takahi i te ara o te ako i te reo Māori. In the first of a series of five podcasts, we take an aural glimpse at Te Whainoa Te Wiata's passion for linguistics and how his upbringing has shaped his understanding of teaching te reo Māori. Stay tuned also for his tips on how to kick start your own reo journey whether in the workplace or at play.

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