Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

  • Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 62:50:43
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A place to come to train your happiness muscle, strengthen your self-worth and stretch your dreams.


  • Episode 10: Kathy Smith on Fitness, Family and B.L.T’s

    24/01/2017 Duration: 48min

    "Each One Of Us Has Majesty Within Us" Kathy Smith Recorded a week before Kathy left for Rio Brazil to cheer and support her daughter Kate Grace in the Olympics, Kathy and I sat down to talk about her past, her present and her magnificent future both inside and out of the fitness industry. Side note Grace made it to the Olympic finals while also running a personal best.  Kathy shares how that at a very early age she lost both her parents. It was this tragedy that propelled her into running, and she shares how movement also helped her heal through this challenging time. We go back to where her fitness career began and how she is always learning, evolving and reinventing both her career and life's journey. As with all my guests, Kathy reveals how important her morning rituals are. She shares how she spends her mornings and reveals her favorite B.LT (no it is not what you are hoping it is - it's better) Kathy talks about the power of intuition and shares how she stays in the present so that she can hear the whis

  • Episode 9: Friday 5 With Gin Miller

    20/01/2017 Duration: 05min

    "Be Compassionate, Be Honest, Be Funny" - Gin Miller To have had the opportunity to sit down with Gin Miller and catch up with her after not spending time in person for several years was such a treat. The minute Gin opened the door to her home it was as though we had seen each other yesterday. She is one of the hardest working, kindest and most authentic fitness icons I know. Here are my five favorite takeaways and self-reflections from this week’s conversation with the inventor of step aerobics and a pioneer in the world of health and fitness Gin Miller Gin talked about the importance of staying grounded: Who or What keeps you grounded? Is there a practice like meditation or deep breathing that you can use to center and ground you? Gin mentioned the importance of human touch – Do you need more daily human touch in your life? Can you give more hugs throughout the day? Gin talked about the importance of Community and being in a Tribe. Who is in your Tribe? Write down the names of the people that you know

  • Episode 8: The Journey Begins With a Single Step With Gin Miller

    17/01/2017 Duration: 53min

    "Remember, When You Don't Think You can Do Something, You Have 9 More Something's Left" Gin Miller   If you have ever been in a health club, you have seen a step. And if you have ever been in a step class or a sculpt class you have exercised on a step. And if Gin Miller had not gone to Reebok for the 7th time, there would never have been Step. In this episode, Gin and I discuss the backstory and journey that it took to develop Step Reebok. Learn how Gin had to persevere while burning a hole in her bank account, and what kept her going before her “overnight success." By happenstance, I was at the first ever Step Reebok workshop in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, and in an instant I knew I was witnessing something special. Gin shares how she went from housewife to a household name and how she stayed grounded during her meteoric rise. Gin shares some of her highlight moments including the day she signed her first contract with Reebok and whether or not you have ever taken a step class, you will love hearing Gin’s laugh

  • Episode 7. Friday Five – Double Down On Your Strengths

    13/01/2017 Duration: 05min

    "Small Steps Over Many Days Build More Momentum Than You Think." Jenny Blake Jenny Blake is quite possibly my favorite millennial that I know. Young at heart, with and old soul she shared so much wisdom this week on how to balance work and recovery, purpose and play. Here are my five favorite questions and takeaways from this week’s conversation with the author of Pivot – the only move that matters is your next one Jenny Blake. What is something you know for sure that you can double down on? Write down your strengths and take a moment to see if there are one or two innate strengths that you could develop and strengthen to help you create a more stable foundation from which to build a life of passion and purpose. Is there a pivot of any size happening in your life right now, forced or by choice? If this pivot brings on a sense of urgency or anxiety can you reframe it in your mindset to view it as an opportunity versus a challenge? And who can you ask to be your accountability partner in this pivot and some

  • Episode 6. The Perfection Detox – Creating The Perfect Pivot With Jenny Blake

    10/01/2017 Duration: 49min

    "Double Down On Your Existing Strengths!" Jenny Blake Learn how Jenny Blake came to write her second book Pivot, The Only Move That Matters is Your Next One, with zero dollars in her bank account and how she turned a potential crisis into a pivot. Through self- discovery and research she came to a conclusion that “Pivot” is both gender and judgment neutral. She shares with us how she does not view a Pivot as a plan B, and rather she sees pivoting as the new normal in today’s world. In this interview, Jenny reminds us to be compassionate as we go through the ups and downs of life. She also teaches us how to stay resilient as we go through times of change and teaches us how to remain empowered by staying in the moment versus looking too far into the future. The latter, which can lead to a disempowered mindset. Jenny shares her morning routine and how she protects her am hours so that she can create a great day. Her wind up rituals can last up to three hours, and she creates a start to her day that empowers her

  • Episode 5. The Perfection Detox – Friday 5 with Tamilee Webb

    22/12/2016 Duration: 06min

      "The Right People Will Come, So Why Not Love This Moment?" Tamilee Webb   I had such a fantastic time talking with Tamilee that it felt as though we were two girlfriends catching up over a cup of tea. We talked about so many important topics that it was challenging for me to pick just five ideas. After a lot of thought, here are the five questions we explore in this week's Friday Five. All of these were inspired by my recent conversation with Tamilee. Are you fully present? This weekend pause and ask yourself throughout the day – “Am I awake” Do you have a role model that inspires you? Is there someone already out there doing what you would love to be doing? Can you find the courage to reach out to them and ask if you could mentor under them? How is your internal dialog?  What was the last thing you said to yourself when you looked into the mirror or you made a mistake? This weekend take a mirror brake and be impeccable with your language, especially when having a conversation with yourself. When is the las

  • Episode 4. Tamilee on the Past, the Present and the Future of Fitness

    22/12/2016 Duration: 52min

      "If I Can't Bet On Myself, Who Can I Bet On?" Tamilee Webb Tamilee Webb is perhaps best known as the Buns, in the Buns of Steel Video series. To date, she has sold over 14 million workout videos and DVD's, and is recognized as one of the pioneers in the world of health and fitness. In this episode, we talk about how she got started, her role models during her early days and how she stayed grounded as her fame grew. We also chat about how Tamilee she has made peace with getting older, while always being known for her body as well as her body of work.     Pre-Instagram and pre-social media there was a brand new world of fitness that was moving into the mainstream and Tamilee Webb was at the forefront. This conversation takes us down the path of fitness history and many of the fitness legends are mentioned in this show. In this show, you will learn how Tamilee became her own agent, negotiated on her own behalf, and spread her message of wellness throughout the world. From Mambos to Menopause we discuss it all

  • Episode 3. The Perfection Detox – Friday 5 with Todd Durkin

    22/12/2016 Duration: 05min

    "What Are You Willing To Do With Your Gifts?" Todd Durkin   Todd shared so many nuggets this past week that it was hard for me to pick just five action steps, but here are the five questions we explore in this week's Friday Five. All of these were inspired by my recent conversation with Todd Durkin. How can you become 1% better? What is one thing you can change this weekend to move the needle 1% closer to being the best version of you? What do you know for sure that you can do? We all have our strengths but most of us tend to focus on the things that we feel need improving. What do you know for sure that you are good at? How do you use the power of music to power your life? - Make a soundtrack for the weekend How do You, "Get Your Mind Right?” Manage your mornings, manage your mind and manage your life! What is Your Mantra – or a saying that empowers You? Our words direct our focus and our attention. Choose the good ones.  

  • Episode 2. The Perfection Detox – How to Create a Life of Wow with Todd Durkin

    22/12/2016 Duration: 47min

      "To much is given, to much is required." Todd Durkin Lying on his back on a football field in France with so many injuries that his budding NFL career was officially over, Todd Durkin realized that in a split second that both his body and his dreams were shattered. To avoid surgery, Todd went through five years of intense and painful therapy. As he healed he gained a deeper understanding of what it took to get back up after a life changing injury and he made a choice to become better and not bitter. One step at a time he built his business from just 1 person to a team of 38 change agents. Along the way he found a renewed passion to help others get through adversity and build a life of Wow! In this episode, we talk about his recent turn on the NBC hit series Strong, how he was eliminated early on only to come back a few weeks later and end up as the runner-up in season one. Todd discusses his morning rituals to "get his mind right" and what he thinks about the word balance. We also ponder the idea of what he

  • Episode 1. The Perfection Detox - Welcome to the Show

    22/12/2016 Duration: 05min

    This is a short show, in which I give a brief overview of what to expect in The Perfection Detox podcast. I also share a little bit about why this show and why now. Learn a little bit about my highlight reel and more importantly my backstory. I am excited and honored to be beginning this new adventure with you. I will be sharing a new conversation on iTunes each Tuesday. The following Friday I will drop a short 5-minute show in which I give you 5 tips, questions or strategies to take with you into the weekend. This format is designed to give you mid-week inspiration and then weekend implementation

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