Tara Lee Davis's Podcast



I never knew I could teach until I found myself in a classroom in Kenya with 60 children and no translator. Years later, my absolute favorite thing to do is teach God's Word. I currently work full-time as a children's pastor for a non-profit organization that focuses on outreach in our city. When I am not speaking or working on my book, I enjoy time with my bloodhound and laughing with friends!


  • Compelled By Love

    13/06/2021 Duration: 34min

    Peter, the disciple who denied Jesus not once but three times?  Yeah, he was the one who recognized Jesus making breakfast on the shore that day and after being up all night fishing swim a hundred yards to shore.  He was compelled by his love for Jesus, and it showed.  How would our lives look different if we were marked by love, love for Jesus and love for others?

  • Acts 5

    13/06/2021 Duration: 33min

    An in depth look at Acts 5 and how God deals with hypocrisy within the church.

  • The Unchanging God

    20/03/2021 Duration: 31min

    What a gift that we can count on God to be the same today as He was yesterday and He will be tomorrow!  Even when life ebbs and flows and the seasons we find ourselves in are constantly changing, we can always count on the One who never changes!

  • The Greatest Invitation

    20/03/2021 Duration: 32min

    What does it mean that God prepares a table for us in the presence of our enemies?  Could we possibly be saying no to the greatest invitation ever given simply by the way we live our overly busy lives?

  • Raising the Standard

    20/03/2021 Duration: 33min

    Does God call His children to excellence in all things?  Why does it matter, or does it?  What can we learn from Hezekiah's life?  Most expect the blessing of God without putting in the work, and while it may look cute on your kitchen towel, God does not, in fact, "bless our mess."

  • A Thrill of Hope

    20/03/2021 Duration: 39min

    Hope is a powerful thing, and something we all desperately need as we muddle through this ongoing pandemic.  Misplaced hope always misaligns our hearts with God and sets us up for disappointment after disappointment.  Where or what or who is your hope in?

  • Anchoring to His Faithfulness

    17/03/2021 Duration: 24min

    How quickly do you forget how God has taken care of you?  Does it even matter that we remember what He did for us 7 years ago?  One of the best ways to strengthen and build up our faith is to actively remember the countless ways that God has provided for us!  Even the Israelites forgot how good God had been to them and their puny little lives and pathetic excuses made life miserable for them.  What are you anchoring yourself to; the constant waves of life that ebb and flow mercilessly?  Or the faithfulness of God and His unchanging, always good character?

  • Living Your Best Story

    19/10/2020 Duration: 41min

    Everyone loves a good story!  But how do we live our best stories, especially when our lives are full of disappointment, pain, and heartache?  Is there more to our story than just our accomplishments and failures?  How can we live lives that are marked by Jesus and moved by love?  One sinful woman shows us how, and what appears to be an extreme waste to some ends up being extravagant love for One.

  • Still Small Voice

    19/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    What is God saying in this season?  The pandemic, the political divisions, the violence, the quarantines and our lives completely upended as we knew them, is God speaking still?  Does God's still, small voice speak louder than the screaming of the world in which we live?  And why does it matter?  What if in missing God's whisper we miss out on passing on a legacy to the next generation?

  • Throw Up and Grow Up

    04/06/2020 Duration: 50min

    When do we grow from emotional experiences with God to actual encounters with God?  When do we move from throw up to growing up?  When do we stop wasting our lives magnifying and instead put Jesus on display?  Is the Gospel partial to us and our own shortcomings, or is it for all?  What do our hearts reflect about us?  Jonah not only gets swallowed by a large fish for disobeying, but after surviving being thrown up by that same large fish, we discover that his heart is still far from God, even though on his second chance he obeyed.  God is asking for all of us, our complete hearts.  Obedience without a heart change is merely rule following.

  • Dancing in Storms

    25/05/2020 Duration: 26min

    In the midst of a pandemic and a quarantine that never seemed to end, we all found ourselves in the midst of a storm.  What if the storms of life were meant to be danced in instead of sheltered from?  How should we respond when faced with adversity?  How does God respond to us and our endless questioning?  While it's true that storms bring destruction, they also bring great growth when received with open hands rather than resisted with closed fists.

  • Authority

    09/03/2020 Duration: 42min

    Jesus gave His followers a lot of authority, but what exactly does that look like and mean for us today?  Elijah the prophet understood what it meant to stand and operate in God-given authority, and even though he stood alone, he used his God-given authority to put God on display and turn the hearts of people back to God.

  • Grapes and Grasshoppers

    23/02/2020 Duration: 54min

    The spies were sent into the land, which God has promised them in advance, for 40 days to investigate.  10 spies came back talking of the giants that inhabited the land, 2 spies came back saying that the land was theirs to take and that anything was possible because God was with them.  Because of their murmuring, complaining, groaning and grumbling, the Lord was angry and turned them back into their wilderness where they would wander for 40 years until every single of them died off.  What is louder to God, our worship and praise or our grumblings and complaining?  Was it the report that our lives speak of?  Do we spur others on in faith or cause them to shrink back in unbelief?  Yes, the grapes are big.  Yes, the giants are bigger.  But God is greater even still.  How sad it would be if we, just like the Israelites, forgot all that God has done for us and wasted the rest of our lives wandering aimlessly in the wilderness waiting to die, all because we didn't take God at His Word.

  • Impossible God

    24/01/2020 Duration: 28min

    God has made it clear through His Word that His ways are not our ways, His thoughts not our thoughts.  And yet many of us get stuck trying to understand what He is doing, rather than just yielding.  God, much like our faith, cannot be measured.  But when His plan goes one way and ours run perpendicular to that, we are left with the ultimate reminder, the cross.  And it is the cross of Jesus Christ that reminds us that we can fully trust and rest in who He is, especially when we don't understand.  God is good, God is faithful, there is hope.  He, in fact, is really good and completely worthy of trusting...unlike us.

  • Another In The Fire

    16/01/2020 Duration: 36min

    God never promised to bring us out of the fire, but He did promise to walk with us through the fire.  And how you and I choose to walk through the difficulties of life can either point others to Jesus and make much of Him, or we can waste that opportunity.  We have been called and chosen to suffer well, Christ did.  The fire of life is a gift; it purifies, it refines, it makes us more like Jesus.  We are better in the fire, with God at our sides, than out of the fire without Him.  Our miracle is in the fire.

  • Confidence Vs. Insecurity

    15/01/2020 Duration: 28min

    Living from a place of insecurity limits me to living only in and through and for myself.  Living in confidence allows us to live fully confident in who God is, and in who He has called us to be.  We live our best lives when we live in confidence, yet it's something we all struggle with in the everyday mundane of our lives.  And yet there was one, David, an overlooked shepherd boy, who when living with confidence overcame the odds stacked against him and rewrote the history books forever with the slaying of a giant!  Maybe instead of trying to live really big lives rooted in insecurity and ending up exhausted and confused, you and I could live everyday simple lives rooted in Godfidence, and in so doing be used by God to rewrite the history books for His fame and honor!

  • I AM That I Am

    09/01/2020 Duration: 20min

    Why do we waste so much of our lives allowing others to define us?  Only the Creator has the power and authority to define us as created beings.  I AM was the name of a very holy God, long before it was a label we used to define ourselves.  When we misspeak of ourselves, we not only speak what is not true but we are also speaking those same things of the very One who created us.  So who are we, then?  As long as we don't have a firm grasp on who we truly are, we will never live the life that God created and destined for us to live!

  • Contrast Camp Day 3: Are You In the Game?

    24/07/2019 Duration: 53min

    How do you spend your life?  Every human on the planet has the same amount of time and access to that time/ 365 days in a year, 24 hours in a day, yet 1 life to live.  Are you wasting your life building your own sandcastle kingdom?  Or are you living a life that will live beyond your human years on this tiny blue dot we find ourselves spinning on?

  • Contrast Camp Day 1: Life and Death

    24/07/2019 Duration: 52min

    If contras is the "difference of degree of difference between the lightest and darkest parts of a picture," then what is the difference between life and death itself?  The Bible is actually a story of contrast, highlighting the epic adventure of a good God who pursues evil man with the light of His love in the midst of the darkness and we find ourselves in the middle of this story, but we get to choose how it plays out for us.

  • Contrast Camp Day 4: Freedom Over Shame

    24/07/2019 Duration: 41min

    When we encounter God and we find ourselves forever wrecked, how do we maintain that heart change?  How do we ensure that it wasn't just a camp buzz, conference high, or believe the lie that nothing actually changed?  When I struggle with sin that I once repented of, did Jesus not forgive me or set me free?  How do we go home different and truly walk this thing out?

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