The Glenn Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 90:00:00
  • More information



Glenn Loury invites guests from the worlds of academia, journalism and public affairs to share insights on economic, political and social issues.


  • Black, Christian, and Conservative (Glenn Loury & Delano Squires)

    17/02/2023 Duration: 01h00s

    Why Delano is a conservative ... Delano’s critique of Raphael Warnock and the “Afristocracy” ... Delano: “The designer is the definer” ... Abortion and Black lives ... Are abortion rights necessary to protect women’s rights? ... Delano: Government is no substitute for fatherhood ... Can we reweave the social fabric? ...

  • The Killing of Tyre Nichols (Glenn Loury, John McWhorter, and Peter Moskos)

    10/02/2023 Duration: 01h00s

    The “utter horror show” and incompetent policing of the Tyre Nichols killing ... The relatively peaceful reaction to the killing ... What set off the cops? ... Why Peter thinks police units like SCORPION should not be disbanded ... Should we get rid of qualified immunity? ... Policing and white supremacy ... Peter: We on the left have ceded law and order to the Trumpian right ... Tyre Nichols’s funeral ... John: I disagree with Sharpton, Crump, and Dyson, but they’re sincere ...

  • The Organizer Mindset (Glenn Loury & Ernesto Cortés, Jr.)

    03/02/2023 Duration: 01h00s

    Ernie’s work as an organizer ... Tension, polarization, and reconciliation ... The drama of organizing ... The definition of power ... Ernesto’s work getting running water and sewers to border communities ... Market activity vs. market ideology ... What’s wrong with meritocracy? ... Does identitarianism stand in the way of reconciliation? ...

  • Glenn and John Go Across the Pond (Glenn Loury & John McWhorter)

    27/01/2023 Duration: 01h00s

    Glenn and John go to Cambridge ... The Hamline University Prophet Muhammad controversy ... John: “Physics is physics” ... The Harlem Renaissance and Black Studies ... Is “getting past race” more trouble than it’s worth? ... Is Joe Biden patronizing black people? ... How a black musical changed the sound of Broadway ...

  • Climate Science’s Unsettled Questions (Glenn Loury & Steven Koonin)

    20/01/2023 Duration: 01h00s

    Steven’s best-selling book, Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters ... Steven: Concerns about catastrophic climate change “beggar belief” ... The complexities of climate change models ... Should we worry about rising sea levels? ... Hurricanes, tornados, and other extreme weather events ... Is a zero-emissions goal worth the cost? ... How to fix climate science ... Are the Paris Accords viable? ... The coming climate backlash ...

  • The Best of Glenn and John 2022 (Glenn Loury & John McWhorter)

    13/01/2023 Duration: 01h00s

    A brief intro from Glenn ... The lionization of the lightweights ... The unified field theory of non-whiteness ... An honest conversation about crime ... Glenn’s birthday menu ... It’s time to choose a side ... Clarence Thomas, black icon ... Policing Joe Rogan ... By any means necessary? ...

  • The Tyranny of Merit (Glenn Loury & Michael Sandel)

    06/01/2023 Duration: 01h00s

    Some of Michael’s key works ... Meritocratic ideals and meritocratic fantasies ... The animus against elites ... Shouldn’t innovators reap their rewards? ... Does more profit create more value? ... Renewing the dignity of work ... The uses of punishment ... Our responsibility to national and global communities ... Michael: Diversity has “monopolized” discussion of affirmative action ... China’s reception of Michael’s critique of meritocracy ...

  • Debating Deracialization (Glenn Loury, John McWhorter, and Greg Thomas)

    30/12/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    The principles of jazz ... “Deracialization Now” ... Becoming Omni-American ... What’s wrong with racial identification? ... Black victimization and cultural memory ... The transformations of James Baldwin ... Convincing white people to deracialize ... Takeaways from 2022 ... 2023’s big Supreme Court decisions ...

  • Speaking Out in an Age of Partisan Rancor (Glenn Loury & Hamish McKenzie)

    24/12/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Why Glenn does The Glenn Show ... Glenn: “If I was going to vote for Trump, I wouldn’t tell you” ... “The cat is out of the bag” on election denial ... Modeling epistemic modesty ... Why is race such an important issue for Glenn? ... The Old Glenn and the New Glenn ... Confronting the past ... Putting “the funk” on the story of your life ...

  • How Should We Handle Antisemitism? (Glenn Loury & John McWhorter)

    16/12/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Why are we paying so much attention to Kanye West’s antisemitism? ... The two words you never say together ... Could widespread antisemitism take hold in the US? ... The mythological black past and the realities of the present ... How necessary is rootedness to the modern human experience? ... How we make race, how race makes us ...

  • Capitalism vs. Socialism (Glenn Loury, LaJuan Loury, and Richard Wolff)

    09/12/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Is capitalism a “winner take all” system? ... Why does the word “socialism” make so many Americans afraid? ... Has neoliberalism been beneficial for the US? ... Capitalism’s role in rising living standards around the world ... Are higher interest rates the only solution to inflation? ... Can the market eradicate employment discrimination? ... Why is the rent too damn high? ... Can there be a kinder, gentler form of capitalism? ... Closing statements ...

  • A Peek Behind the Antiracist Curtain (Glenn Loury, John McWhorter, and James Beaman)

    02/12/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    How the pandemic affected diversity in the theater ... James gets drawn into an “antiracist” meltdown during rehearsal ... Juilliard students revolt ... A plea for mutual understanding in the theater ... A preview of things to come on The Glenn Show ... Glenn’s problem with “racial inequity” ... Getting through to “Donna” ... To speak your mind or to speak strategically? ...

  • The Ethics of Black Identity (Glenn Loury, Reihan Salam, Kmele Foster, Shelby Steele & Robert Woodson)

    25/11/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    What does “black identity” mean? ... Why Bob left the Civil Rights Movement ... Shelby: Our problem today is freedom, not racism ... Glenn: We can’t afford to give up on black collective goals ... Why Shelby wouldn’t sign a letter of support for Clarence Thomas ... Would freeing ourselves from race mean sacrificing collective action? ... The tactical efficacy of racial identification ... The struggle for human freedom ... Can we take pride in group achievements past? ... Kmele: We have a too-narrow sense of diversity ... Glenn: “The future is assimilation” ... Concluding statements ...

  • The Wake of the "Red Wave" (Glenn Loury & John McWhorter)

    18/11/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Glenn’s culinary dilemma ... Why the Republican Party depresses John ... What’s the difference between Herschel Walker and John Fetterman? ... Glenn’s argument for voting Republican ... Woke theater’s “melodramatic agitprop” ... Kanye, Kyrie, and the Jews ... What’s “systemic,” “structural,” or “institutional” about racism? ...

  • The Heterodox Docs of Rob Montz (Glenn Loury & Rob Montz)

    11/11/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    The appeals of immigration restrictionism ... The 2013 Ray Kelly incident at Brown University ... Rob’s forthcoming documentary about James Blake and Kyle Rittenhouse ... The response to Rob’s Roland Fryer doc ... The response to Rob’s Roland Fryer doc ... Is there a “next Glenn Loury”? ... Glenn’s course on race and policing be required? ... Rob’s position on Trump ... DeSantis vs. Trump ... Rob’s love of ‘90s rap ...

  • The Golden Age of Black Heterodoxy (Glenn Loury & John McWhorter)

    04/11/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Walking through the valley of the shadow of death ... Earning credibility through self-discrediting disclosure ... The lionization of the lightweights ... The golden age of black heterodoxy ... The mainstreaming of Glenn and John ... Glenn’s debate with Shelby Steele, Robert Woodson, and Kmele Foster ... Are we ready to “get past race”? ... The strange case of Jessica Krug ... Darrell Brooks’s courtroom performance ...

  • Criminal (In)Justice (Glenn Loury & Rafael Mangual)

    28/10/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    How Rafael came to the Manhattan Institute ... Rafael’s new book, Criminal (In)Justice: What the Push for Decarceration and Depolicing Gets Wrong and Who It Hurts Most ... Is prison the right response to violent crime? ... Why Rafael believes in three-strikes-type sentencing guidelines ... Incarceration may lower crime, but is it just? ... Rafael: Defunding the police is an indefensible idea ... Should we worry about racial disparities in the non-deadly use of force by police? ... Why Rafael’s father didn’t want him to become a cop ...

  • The Racist Taunt That Wasn't (Glenn Loury & John McWhorter)

    21/10/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Is racist heckling at sporting events a real problem? ... John: “If you can’t be made fun of, you’re not part of the group” ... The LA City Council racism scandal ... Why is there no Latino Michael Brown? ... Exalting (and exaggerating) the victim role ... Glenn’s daughter’s upcoming appearance on The Glenn Show ... Elite discrimination against Asians ...

  • Chicago's Drift Toward Dystopia (Glenn Loury & Matt Rosenberg)

    14/10/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Matt’s profile of the artist Rahmaan Statik ... Chicago’s “Great Unraveling” ... Is Chicago slouching toward dystopia? ... How will the near-end of cash bail affect crime in Chicago? ... The responsibilities of teachers, parents, and the police ... A snapshot of crime in Chicago ... Matt runs the numbers on Illinois’s out-of-wedlock births ... Lori Lightfoot’s prospects for reelection ...

  • DEI in the Orchestral World (Glenn Loury, John McWhorter, and Don Baton )

    07/10/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    Is Florence Price’s music worthy of its current popularity? ... The decline of blind auditions ... Do diverse orchestras attract diverse audiences and musicians? ... Why Don is protecting his real identity ... Glenn delivers a soliloquy on humanity ... John: Eliminating blind auditions is “bat shit crazy” ... Should John’s daughters benefit from affirmative action? ...

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