Norma Gentile Sound Shaman



Norma is a professional singer (music at iTunes, or who is also a natural intuitive healer and channel for Archangel Michael, Mary and Hathors.This is a series of Meditations and Teachings from Norma and her guides, Mary, Archangel Michael, and the Hathor Atamira. They speak and sing through her on Sound, Healing, Energy Awareness and our ability as humans to be channels for Spirit. Blog-Newsletter - podcasts of spoken teachings - healing music CDs Concerts Workshops



    15/10/2007 Duration: 01h02min

    Revised Oct 15, now includes segment 'Healing Yourself" ---------- We all carry pieces of the old paradigm, which now feel like heavy energy, within us. Within the DNA we inherited from our family, and within our beliefs, are pieces of what was. We grew up in the old paradigm (most of us) and little bits are still ingrained within us. In this podcast are meditations to address how we can free up our own energies and help moribund, stagnant energies of the old paradigm transform into new movement. Here are some ideas of what to do when you feel stuck, surrounded by people, things or situations that don’t appear to change, and you can't see a way out. The meditations and questions asked provide ways for you to address the energies of the old paradigm in a healing fashion, honoring and allowing the core of the stagnant energy to be released into its evolutionary cycle. For more information on this subject, you may want to read Norma’s October 2007 e-newsletter, “Healing Yourself when Y

  • HEALTHY WEALTH: Meditations to Embrace what You are Ready to Change

    30/08/2007 Duration: 01h03min

    HEALTHY WEALTH - MEDITATIONS TO EMBRACE WHAT WE ARE READY TO CHANGE based on a teleconference held Aug 28, 2007 (total lunar eclipse) addressing energies of change and recreation and the solar eclipse of Sept 11, 2007. Archangel Michael, Thoth, Shesat, and the Ascended Masters with Norma Gentile Archangel Michael says, as do many of these angels and guides, that they are with us always, and it is we who forget that they are there. The (meditation) is just a way to turn our faces toward them, to say, “Yes, we remember you, Yes we need support, Yes please help us to stay facing you in this particular time.? We are called to undo everything that has been built on an hierarchical format, everything that has been built without a sense of true heart. As fearful as it may be for us, it is imperative that each human body lives grounded into the reality that truly reflects where the soul’s journey is trying to move it to. As we resist change, we frequently are resisting that same journey that our soul decided was ‘goo


    15/07/2007 Duration: 01h11min

    HOW EARTH GAIA is HEALING HUMANITY - Two Meditations for Deep Healing - - - - - Did you know that the Hara, just below our navel, is the primarily point of incarnation for the soul into the body? This, according to what Archangel Michael has shared with me, allows our soul to inform our body of the soul's direction and choices. When our minds function in worldly fashion apart from Spirit, we are focused on achieving external balance, and unable to hear the promptings of our soul. Allowing ourselves to come into stillness in this lower body center lets information rise up and be heard more clearly. The first meditation does this, by allowing the body to feel its innate connecting to Earth and Gaia. Releasing the mind from its need to decide is the next step. When we are exposed to unconditional love, our body, heart and mind want to resonate and bring forth our own quality of love. The second meditation, from Archangel Michael and Mary, brings focused quiet attention to the mind, through this principal of Reso


    19/06/2007 Duration: 01h01min

    The Meditations described and offered in this podcast give us a way of nurturing our bodies on a regular basis with a deeper level of energy than what we are accustomed to receiving from our food, energy work, or even yoga.  The initial reaction may be one of the bodies saying �Finally!  You plugged me in!  Now, just leave me to charge for a while.�  These meditations are meant to allow your body to go into a mode of recuperation.  Plan on having an hour or more afterwards to continue your own self-care and enjoyment of the process.  These meditations come through Norma from years of working with Thoth (an Ascended Master), Archangel Michael, and her Hathor guide Atamira.This is a series of monthly (or so) information on Sound, Healing, Energy Awareness and our ability as humans to be channels for Spirit.  It is taken from live teleconferences. Information on how to participate, workshops, articles, sound clips and free e-newsletter at Norma's new CD - HEALING CHAN

  • EMOTIONS and WEATHER PATTERNS: How human emotions, conscious intention and other factors contribute to weather patterns

    31/05/2007 Duration: 57min

    EMOTIONS and WEATHER: How human emotions, conscious intention and other factors contribute to weather patternsNorma and her guides (Thoth, Shesat, Archangel Michael) speak on how humans consciously and unconsciously affect weather patterns, and what we each can do to unwind conscious weather manipulation, as well as bless Gaia and her body, our Earth.

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