Soma Spokane Sermons



Our vision is Gospel Saturation: that every person in our region would have a regular encounter with the good news of Jesus Christ in both word and deed.


  • The Word and the Spirit

    21/01/2024 Duration: 50min

    Depending on your church background, there are a lot of misguided notions about the third member of the Godhead. Thankfully, Jesus is really clear and spends quite a bit of time explaining to his disciples what exactly they ought to expect when he sends the Spirit. In John 14-16, Jesus is preparing his disciples for his departure, and for their role in carrying on his mission and ministry. They’re afraid and uncertain, and the promise of Jesus' ongoing presence with them by the Spirit is his solution to their worry! There’s a wealth of resources in the Holy Spirit, and in this series, we'll explore all Jesus' promises to us when the Spirit dwells in us. This week we look at how the Spirit works in union with the word of God - calling us to remember God's word, reinforcing what is true, and empowering our life in Christ.

  • The Presence of Jesus and the Father

    14/01/2024 Duration: 40min

    Depending on your church background, there are a lot of misguided notions about the third member of the Godhead. Thankfully, Jesus is really clear and spends quite a bit of time explaining to his disciples what exactly they ought to expect when he sends the Spirit. In John 14-16, Jesus is preparing his disciples for his departure, and for their role in carrying on his mission and ministry. They’re afraid and uncertain, and the promise of Jesus' ongoing presence with them by the Spirit is his solution to their worry! There’s a wealth of resources in the Holy Spirit, and in this series, we'll explore all Jesus' promises to us when the Spirit dwells in us. This week we look at Jesus’ promise to not leave us orphaned, and the Spirit’s role in bringing every disciple a deeper sense of God’s loving presence.

  • Introduction to John 14-16

    07/01/2024 Duration: 40min

    Depending on your church background, there are a lot of misguided notions about the third member of the Godhead. Thankfully, Jesus is really clear and spends quite a bit of time explaining to his disciples what exactly they ought to expect when he sends the Spirit. In John 14-16, Jesus is preparing his disciples for his departure, and for their role in carrying on his mission and ministry. They’re afraid and uncertain, and the promise of Jesus' ongoing presence with them by the Spirit is his solution to their worry! There’s a wealth of resources in the Holy Spirit, and in this series, we'll explore all Jesus' promises to us when the Spirit dwells in us. This week we look at the context of these promises and begin asking Jesus to give us the fullness of His Spirit.

  • With God, Was God

    17/12/2023 Duration: 38min

    In the days of Jesus’ life, people came to know him from the ground-up — they walked with him, watched and listened to him, experienced his reality, and in real time came to know him as Savior and Lord. After his death and resurrection, as the first disciples reflected on all he was and all he did, they came to know Jesus from the heavens-down, comprehending his deity and his descent to humanity. In this series, we’ll unpack four of the New Testament’s most exalted claims regarding the deity of Jesus, marveling at the humility of his descent in his first Advent. This week we look at John 1.1-18, wrapping up our series by asking, "What difference does Advent make?"

  • Equality with God

    10/12/2023 Duration: 41min

    In the days of Jesus’ life, people came to know him from the ground-up — they walked with him, watched and listened to him, experienced his reality, and in real-time came to know him as Savior and Lord. After his death and resurrection, as the first disciples reflected back on all he was and all he did, they came to know Jesus from the heavens-down, comprehending his deity and his descent to humanity. In this series, we’ll unpack four of the New Testament’s most exalted claims regarding the deity of Jesus, marveling at the humility of his descent in his first Advent. This week we look at Philippians 2:5-11 and see how Jesus did not hold onto his equality with God for his own advantage, but humbled himself, to serve us and sacrifice himself so humanity could draw near to God!

  • Fullness of God

    03/12/2023 Duration: 36min

    In the days of Jesus’ life, people came to know him from the ground-up — they walked with him, watched and listened to him, experienced his reality, and in real-time came to know him as Savior and Lord. After his death and resurrection, as the first disciples reflected back on all he was and all he did, they came to know Jesus from the heavens-down, comprehending his deity and his descent to humanity. In this series, we’ll unpack four of the New Testament’s most exalted claims regarding the deity of Jesus, marveling at the humility of his descent in his first Advent. This week we look at Colossians 1:15-20 and see the preeminence of Christ - his surpassing worth - in all things!

  • Radiance of the Glory of God

    26/11/2023 Duration: 39min

    In the days of Jesus’ life, people came to know him from the ground-up — they walked with him, watched and listened to him, experienced his reality, and in real-time came to know him as Savior and Lord. After his death and resurrection, as the first disciples reflected back on all he was and all he did, they came to know Jesus from the heavens-down, comprehending his deity and his descent to humanity. In this series, we’ll unpack four of the New Testament’s most exalted claims regarding the deity of Jesus, marveling at the humility of his descent in his first Advent. This week we look at Hebrews 1:1-4, and see Jesus as God’s exclusive, inclusive, and intrusive self-revelation.

  • Pardoning and Punishing Sin

    12/11/2023 Duration: 38min

    A.W. Tozer has said what we conceive God to be like in our deepest heart is the most important thing about us. At a deep level, our image of God shapes almost everything about us, particularly how we relate to God, to one another, and even to ourselves. In Exodus 33-34, Moses makes a bold request of God: Show me your glory! It is a desire to know what God is really like and to know it at a deep, pervasive, life-shaping level. God's response is surprising: He declares his name (YHWH!) and his character to Moses, letting Moses in on God's own deepest heart reality. Between now and Thanksgiving, we're looking at Exodus 34.6-7, the most often quoted verses in the Bible by the Bible, taking God's self-revelation seriously and asking YHWH to meet us by his Spirit, to open the eyes of our hearts, and to make us know the full reality of his Name. This week, we unpack the final statement - God's eagerness to forgive paired with his commitment to justice - and feel the tension at the heart of the biblical narrative.

  • Abounding in Faithful Love

    05/11/2023 Duration: 32min
  • Slow to Anger

    29/10/2023 Duration: 36min

    A.W. Tozer has said what we conceive God to be like in our deepest heart is the most important thing about us. At a deep level, our image of God shapes almost everything about us, particularly how we relate to God, to one another, and even to ourselves. In Exodus 33-34, Moses makes a bold request of God: Show me your glory! It is a desire to know what God is really like and to know it at a deep, pervasive, life-shaping level. God's response is surprising: He declares his name (YHWH!) and his character to Moses, letting Moses in on God's own deepest heart reality. Between now and Thanksgiving, we're looking at Exodus 34.6-7, the most often quoted verses in the Bible by the Bible, taking God's self-revelation seriously and asking YHWH to meet us by his Spirit, to open the eyes of our hearts, and to make us know the full reality of his Name. This week, we look at what it means for God to be slow to anger, that his anger is both warranted and restrained.

  • Gracious

    22/10/2023 Duration: 36min

    A.W. Tozer has said what we conceive God to be like in our deepest heart is the most important thing about us. At a deep level, our image of God shapes almost everything about us, particularly how we relate to God, to one another, and even to ourselves. In Exodus 33-34, Moses makes a bold request of God: Show me your glory! It is a desire to know what God is really like, and to know it at a deep, pervasive, life-shaping level. God's response is surprising: He declares his name (YHWH!) and his character to Moses, letting Moses in on God's own deepest heart reality. Between now and Thanksgiving, we're looking at Exodus 34.6-7, the most often quoted verses in the Bible by the Bible, taking God's self-revelation seriously and asking YHWH to meet us by his Spirit, to open the eyes of our hearts, and to make us know the full reality of his Name. This week, we look at what it means for God to be gracious, his action of coming to rescue the undeserving and ill-deserving.

  • Merciful

    15/10/2023 Duration: 37min

    A.W. Tozer has said what we conceive God to be like in our deepest heart is the most important thing about us. At a deep level, our image of God shapes almost everything about us, particularly how we relate to God, to one another, and even to ourselves. In Exodus 33-34, Moses makes a bold request of God: Show me your glory! It is a desire to know what God is really like, and to know it at a deep, pervasive, life-shaping level. God's response is surprising: He declares his name (YHWH!) and his character to Moses, letting Moses in on God's own deepest heart reality. Between now and Thanksgiving, we're looking at Exodus 34.6-7, the most often quoted verses in the Bible by the Bible, taking God's self-revelation seriously, and asking YHWH to meet us by his Spirit, to open the eyes of our hearts, and to make us know the full reality of his Name. This week, we look at God's Mercy, his baseline emotion toward our frailty, weakness, and brokenness, asking what it means to trust him as our compassionate Father.

  • Show Us Your Glory

    08/10/2023 Duration: 44min
  • All-in Party

    01/10/2023 Duration: 33min

    In September our Soma family turns 19, and as we do most years we’ll spend the month revisiting the core priorities and key practices that have shaped us into who we are. Our mission statement names our core priorities: Forming whole-hearted disciples of Jesus, in life-shaping relationship, for everyday disciple-making. We use 4 simple practices — Gather, Go, Grow, Give — to help make the mission actionable by every member of the body, calling us out of alternative narratives and allegiances, to give ourselves unreservedly to Jesus, His Way, and His mission. Our desire is that you’d name 1-2 key habits for each category, and then we will commit ourselves to them for the coming year, linking arms to stay on mission together. This week we remember our story, commit our lives, and celebrate!

  • Everyday Disciple-making

    24/09/2023 Duration: 42min

    In September our Soma family turns 19, and as we do most years we’ll spend the month revisiting the core priorities and key practices that have shaped us into who we are. Our mission statement names our core priorities: Forming whole-hearted disciples of Jesus, in life-shaping relationship, for everyday disciple-making. Over the course of September, we’ll dig into each piece of that mission by studying Colossians 3-4. In addition, we use 4 simple practices — Gather, Go, Grow, Give — to help make the mission actionable by every member of the body. Our desire is that you’d name 1-2 key habits for each category, and then commit yourself to practice them over the coming year as a way to link arms and stay on mission together. This week we look at how we can wrap our everyday lives into the mission of Jesus through prayer, witness, and finding your role in the local church.

  • Life-shaping Relationships

    17/09/2023 Duration: 30min

    n September our Soma family turns 19, and as we do most years we’ll spend the month revisiting the core priorities and key practices that have shaped us into who we are. Our mission statement names our core priorities: Forming whole-hearted disciples of Jesus, in life-shaping relationship, for everyday disciple-making mission. Over the course of September, we’ll dig into each piece of that mission by studying Colossians 3-4. In addition, we use 4 simple practices — Gather, Go, Grow, Give — to help make the mission actionable by every member of the body. Our desire is that you’d name 1-2 key habits for each category, and then commit yourself to practice them over the coming year as a way to link arms and stay on mission together. This week we look at the necessity, power, and purpose of life in community.

  • Wholehearted Disciples

    10/09/2023 Duration: 41min

    In September our Soma family turns 19, and as we do most years we’ll spend the month revisiting the core priorities and key practices that have shaped us into who we are. Our mission statement names our core priorities: Forming whole-hearted disciples of Jesus, in life-shaping relationship, for everyday disciple-making mission. Over the course of September, we’ll dig into each piece of that mission by studying Colossians 3-4. In addition, we use 4 simple practices — Gather, Go, Grow, Give — to help make the mission actionable by every member of the body. Our desire is that you’d name 1-2 key habits for each category, and then commit yourself to practice them over the coming year as a way to link arms and stay on mission together. This week we look at how whole-hearted disciples of Jesus are formed.

  • Heaven: Revelation 5:11-14

    03/09/2023 Duration: 35min

    We want to become a praying church. A people who allows prayer to be the power of what we do together, who pray Scripture-fed and Spirit-led prayers, who seek intimacy with God that leads to fulfillment of his purposes in us, through us, and around us. We want to seek his face, cultivate his presence, and position ourselves to meet with him. To that end, we’re looking at biblical prayers from all across the Storyline of Scripture. Each week we’ll look at the context (understand where we are in the story and how that shapes the pray-er and his/her prayer), the content (what is emphasized, requested, described, etc.) of the prayer, and the connections (how we can or should use each prayer as a model for our own engagement with God). We’ll practice praying together each week, using the prayer as a model. This week we look at prayer in Revelation.

  • Church: Acts 4:23-31

    27/08/2023 Duration: 38min

    We want to become a praying church. A people who allows prayer to be the power of what we do together, who pray Scripture-fed and Spirit-led prayers, who seek intimacy with God that leads to fulfillment of his purposes in us, through us, and around us. We want to seek his face, cultivate his presence, and position ourselves to meet with him. To that end, we’re looking at biblical prayers from all across the Storyline of Scripture. Each week we’ll look at the context (understand where we are in the story and how that shapes the pray-er and his/her prayer), the content (what is emphasized, requested, described, etc.) of the prayer, and the connections (how we can or should use each prayer as a model for our own engagement with God). We’ll practice praying together each week, using the prayer as a model. This week we look at a prayer for the Church in Acts.

  • Nehemiah: Nehemiah 1:4-11

    20/08/2023 Duration: 34min

    We want to become a praying church. A people who allows prayer to be the power of what we do together, who pray Scripture-fed and Spirit-led prayers, who seek intimacy with God that leads to fulfillment of his purposes in us, through us, and around us. We want to seek his face, cultivate his presence, and position ourselves to meet with him. To that end, we’re looking at biblical prayers from all across the Storyline of Scripture. Each week we’ll look at the context (understand where we are in the story and how that shapes the pray-er and his/her prayer), the content (what is emphasized, requested, described, etc.) of the prayer, and the connections (how we can or should use each prayer as a model for our own engagement with God). We’ll practice praying together each week, using the prayer as a model. This week we look at Nehemiah’s prayer.

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