Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 302:41:00
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Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Certified Vibrational Sound Therapist, Positive Psychology and Energy Psychology Practitioner, Meditation, Breathwork and Labyrinth Facilitator, Certified Yoga Teacher, as well as a contributing editor for various spiritual and holistic health magazines, T focuses on how energy effects every aspect of our lives. Learn how to raise your awareness, consciousness and vibration so you can live the best life possible. T shares her wealth of information on energy awareness, and also interviews guests who will reveal their own stories, tips and insight to help you tap into the energy of the universe. T is also the Founder and CEO of Sojihuggles Childrens Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in Newton, NJ whose mission is to provide underprivileged children with the basic necessities of life so they may grow, thrive and contribute to society in meaningful ways.


  • The Hummingbird That Answered My Heart's Calling

    02/04/2014 Duration: 59min

    Within each of us is the capacity to connect with the Universe, with Nature, and with our Higher Self. Through the eyes of nature, one is made privy to the profound goodness that pervades all that exists and co-exists. The Universe is ALWAYS listening and responding to our feelings and thoughts (our heart’s calling). Be open to the unique ways in which God, the Universe, The Supreme Intelligence (however we choose to label it) communicates with you…teachers come in all shapes, sizes AND species. We simply need to quiet our incessant mind-chatter and listen, for all sentient beings have something to share in supporting our journey towards becoming a more evolved and self-aware human race. EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED. The pervasive interconnectedness (the innate giving and receiving) that exists within nature is a lesson for humans to learn—cherish, respect and preserve all life forms, for everything affects everything that in turn affects everything… Open your eyes to seeing the EXTRAORDINARY within the ORDINAR

  • Reduced to Joy

    26/03/2014 Duration: 56min

    CITED BY SPIRITUALITY & PRACTICE AS ONE OF THE BEST SPIRITUAL BOOKS OF 2013 Beloved as a poet, teacher, and storyteller, Mark Nepo, the New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, has been called "one of the finest spiritual guides of our time," "a consummate storyteller," and "an eloquent spiritual teacher." His many books have been translated into more than twenty languages.  Now in his sixties, he is publishing Reduced to Joy, a book of seventy-three poems, retrieved and shaped over the last thirteen years, about the nature of working with what we're given till it wears us through to joy.  About joy, Nepo says, "Often, what keeps us from joy is the menacing assumption that life is happening other than where we are." Of the book, he says, "Poetry is the well from which all my books rise.  It's where I always go to listen, always stunned by what arrives.  It's how I know the inner world.  I bring these poems back from the deep like shells from the sea that we can look at together." Profo

  • Higher Brain Living

    19/03/2014 Duration: 52min

    Have you ever considered what life would look like if you used All of your brains potential? Would you like to say goodbye to your stressful existence? A recent study demonstrated that up to 90% of all medical doctors office visits are now a result of stress. Our primitive survival brain, or 'lower brain', is the part of our brain physiology that is responsible for 'survival.' It is a reactive part of our physiology that keeps us in the grip of stress, fear, anxiety, reactive impulse, addiction, and frustration. This region of our brain is resistant to change, because change comes with uncertainty, even when that change is positive. Your prefrontal cortex, or 'Higher Brain,' is the region of the brain that is creative, expansive, confident, peaceful, connected and problem-solving. It is the change-adapting part of your physiology. Human experience is directly related to where the energy resides in the brain. What if you could energize your higher brain? Wouldn't life be far better?

  • The Grateful Table

    12/03/2014 Duration: 57min

    The art of the family dinner has all but disappeared. Perhaps the hustle and bustle of life, the chasing from here to there, the picking up and dropping off coupled by the anxiety and pressures of attempting to get so much done does not allow those who live in this modern world to stop . . .even if for but a few moments, to be grateful to break bread with those whom we share our lives. The Grateful Table allows you to take a moment, be present and give thanks for that which you have. If you so choose or feel inclined, perhaps it will provide the means by which you can bring your family closer, back around the table, to catch up with each other and live in the presence of the grace of gratitude because after all, NOW is really all we have. Celebrate the NOW, the presence, the joy – celebrate thankfully – with the help of the Grateful Table and begin a new tradition for you, your friends and/or your family.

  • Dreaming Heaven

    05/03/2014 Duration: 42min

    The ancient Toltec city of Teotihuacan in Mexico is much more than an archeological wonder.  For thousands of years, pilgrims have journeyed through Teo’s sacred temples and plazas and ascended the Pyramids of the Moon and the Sun to discover what is real, authentic and true; to experience the deepest aspect of themselves; and by “dreaming heaven,” to actualize heaven on earth. Once among the largest cities in the world, a pre-Columbian center of craft and commerce with a multi-cultural population of more than 200,000 Toltec, Zapotec, and Maya people, Teotihuacan’s most enduring legacy is as a spiritual center—the oldest mystery school in the Western Hemisphere—it’s name translating as “where Man becomes God.” Dreaming Heaven (Hay House/Agape Media, Sept, 2013) is an unprecedented experience—an intimate, mysterious and illuminating journey through the magical plazas and temples of Teo led by Naguals (guides), both seen and unseen. It allows the reader to walk the paths along with the Naguals to uncover his

  • Dating Tips and Mistakes to Avoid for a Successful Relationship

    26/02/2014 Duration: 01h00s

    Dating can be very daunting, especially after a long term relationship ends. It’s a totally different world today, and when you’re dating after the age of 40, 50 and yes 60 it can be downright scary. How you go about it? Are you sure you’re really ready? What are the rules? What do you need to know? Why do you want to date? What are you looking for in a relationship or are you even looking for a relationship? What do you need to do to prepare? How will you know when it’s right? How do you let go of the past so you can be in a relationship that will flourish? There are so many questions and tonight we will be attempting to answer all of them.  

  • Pass It Along

    19/02/2014 Duration: 56min

    Everyone has a story. Some transformations you just don’t see coming. You’re familiar with: The Ugly Duckling, Cinderella, My Fair Lady, the Caterpillar becoming a Butterfly? We love these stories because we hope for our own potential and wonder what we could achieve if we let go, have faith, trust in our guidance and remain present in the moment. This story is not unlike the others. This story, starting as a dream, is ever present and continues to guide this woman, Diane Taylor, and her organization, Pass It Along. This story continues to make a difference in this world that is very impactful. This story is transformational. This story is not over. This story is inspiring and touches many lives. Those who are transformed won’t see it coming. But, they will know how and when their own story began, when at one point, in the not so distant future, they look back and remember when they were a caterpillar, or an ugly duckling, or cinder girl, or a flower maiden.   There’s a butterfly in all of us. Get inspir


    12/02/2014 Duration: 01h00s

    There is a unique way in which a woman’s chakra systems and energy bodies function. How women work with these energies for greater health, empowerment, and awakening is vital in how we transit the various phases of our lives. When we work with these energies properly, we live from a place of love, allow ourselves self-care, bring service to others without detriment to ourselves so we become less judgmental, less stressed and are relieved of the guilt we bring on ourselves.

  • The Genesis Code

    29/01/2014 Duration: 57min

    Unknown to all but a few, the Book of Genesis is coded. This key has periodically been lost and found in the 25 centuries since it was written. Buried in its text is a secret document—the Qabalah—a teaching like no other, designed to unlock limitless possibilities in the human brain. This book is the true story of one woman’s journey to uncover that deeply hidden knowledge. Through an unusual study method, revealed in these pages, the author discovered Genesis to be a manual that transforms us from mere mortals into transcendent beings.  

  • The Power of Forgiveness

    22/01/2014 Duration: 01h00s

    Forgiveness starts by making a decision to forgive. That decision frees you to let go of the old hurts. You give yourself permission to release the negative emotions associated with that other person and choose to not let their past actions hurt you anymore. The healing choice is yours to make. Unless you forgive others, your feelings of resentment, hurt and humiliation will continue being an active part of your life. Unless you forgive yourself, your feelings of guilt and shame will continue to entrap you! How do you forgive others? How do you forgive yourself?  

  • Magical Fashionista

    15/01/2014 Duration: 58min

    We all know that fashion is fun, but what if it was also magical? Author and lifestyle expert Tess Whitehurst says it is. On the most basic level, every day we can dress ourselves with reverence and respect, literally adorning ourselves with colors and textures that boos our energy, happiness and self-esteem. On a psychological level, we can “dress for success” by employing our clothing choices as affirmations or conditions we’d like to experience. On a mystical level, we can align our colors and materials with the astrological aspects of the day and our own birth chart for even more stellar results. Discover how to use fashion to become your most gorgeous self, attract good fortune and manifest what you desire.

  • Attitude Reconstruction: A Blueprint for Building a Better Life

    08/01/2014 Duration: 01h03min

    Harness the power of your emotions to resolve problems, change behaviors and achieve happiness. As innocent babies, we were fully alive and uninhibited, expressing our emotions in the moment. As we grew, our parents, schools, peers, and religions all taught us the “appropriate” way to behave. That “appropriate” behavior goes against our fundamental nature and wreaks all kinds havoc in our lives which ultimately prevents us from achieving happiness. This is the ground breaking concept behind the new award-winning book by therapist Jude Bijou. Releasing the emotions of sadness, anger and fear can quickly transform your thoughts, intuitions, speech and actions. You’ll be able to use these steps for everything from conquering addiction and overcoming loneliness to asking for a raise and facing relationship troubles and the results, well, you’ll experience more joy, love and peace in your everyday life.

  • The Conscious Breakup Guide: Navigating Through The End of Your Relationship

    01/01/2014 Duration: 01h00s

    Is the end of 2013 also the end of a relationship? Is your New Year’s resolution to start fresh? Or, perhaps to find THE ONE? Tune in – the guide to a peaceful breakup will help. You’ll also learn how to go into your next relationship without the baggage from your last relationship.

  • The Reconnection - Heal Yourself, Heal Others

    25/12/2013 Duration: 57min

    Reconsider everything you've read up until now about conventional healing. The "new" frequencies of healing described by Dr. Eric Pearl transcend "technique" entirely and bring you to levels beyond those previously accessible to anyone, anywhere. Listen in as Dr. Eric Pearl tells us about his journey from the discovery of his ability to facilitate healings to his well-deserved reputation as the instrument through with this process is being introduced to the world. Learn about this new phenomena and understand why prominent doctors and medical researchers all over the world are interested in the extraordinary healings reported by his patients. It's quite simply, AMAZING.

  • TheArt of Healing

    18/12/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    Our bodies are healing machines   Yes, they need help in the form of antibiotics, casts for broken bones, stitches for deep wounds, and surgery, radiation and chemotherapy for cancer, but . . . not always and most certainly not ONLY. So how does a box of crayons and sheets of paper become therapeutic tools that are just as effective as many healing modalities and complementary to ALL treatments options? You’ll be surprised!

  • Christmas got you stressed to the point of becoming a Grinch?

    04/12/2013 Duration: 57min

    After one too many Black Friday Sales, the Grinch ended up with his heart two sizes too small. Luckily, you don’t have to. Because even Mr. Grinch…the mean one, the one as cuddly as a cactus…was able to change. Even Grinch, during the holidays, was able to open his heart—so big that it busted right out of his chest. The secret? He started giving. Learn how you can reduce holiday stress and get through the holidays and creat a season you  actually enjoy.

  • The O Manuscript

    27/11/2013 Duration: 48min

    One man's moving journey into "another reality" towards a more genuine and authentic way of being. The forgotten feminine power, Mirroring the masculine principle, The mystery of the bridal chamber where the masculine and the feminine become united as an isogenic entity. This is not just another spiritual sweetener but rather  the beginning of a most exciting journey. This is not to be merely understood, it is to be absorbed, into the very texture of your conscious being and your higher self.  


    20/11/2013 Duration: 54min

    ADAM AND EVE - Want to know the real story? History, religion and culture teem with the opinion that Adam and Eve made a horrible mistake and because of that mistake the rest of us – mankind throughout all of history – have been born depraved and fallen. But what if the Fall was supposed to happen? Here’s what we were taught: 1. Eve was deceived, and thus woman is, if not evil, inferior. 2. Adam was weak. Superior, but still, weak. 3. Man is inherently evil. 4. The fall was a horrible mistake, and we are still suffering the consequences Every bad thing that happens can be traced back to those two fateful bites. 5. Parenting is a burden. 6. Hard work and childbearing are the punishments God inflicted on mankind for the transgression of Adam. Basically, there are very few bright points to this story as far as the traditional school of thought goes. It's rather a dismal picture. Is there another, more correct way of looking at it?

  • The Reconnection - Heal Yourself Heal Others

    13/11/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    You might have to reconsider everything you’ve read up until now about healing, consciousness, and our four-dimensional existence here on Earth. My guest this evening is  Dr. Pearl during the time that he was learning, exploring and expanding the unique transmodality known today as Reconnective Healing, he was also gaining new insights into the intelligent energy that is the extraordinary force of creation, the source of healing and the connection we have to our higher states of being. Those insights came courtesy of Solomon, an extra-dimensional intelligence that speaks through Frederick, a former chiropractic patient of Dr. Pearl’s, who, during chiropractic visits, entered into an altered state of consciousness and suddenly began to utter profound and life-altering information, illumination and wisdom on how we can improve our lives.


    06/11/2013 Duration: 57min

    Stop thinking negatively and start believing! Stop feeling powerless and become your dreams! With kaleidoscopic imagery and playful verse, Believe shows you how to empower yourself by creating affirmations. Timeless in its message, and instantly charming, Believe reminds you just how powerful you can be when you remember to believe in yourself

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