Lifechange With Jack Redmond



LifeCHANGE Podcast is the teaching/preaching ministry of Author/ Speaker Jack Redmond of 4th Generation Ministries. You can hear Jack weekly on Star 99.1 FM in New York City every Sunday Morning at 7 AM EST. Please visit to connect with Jack via the Infusion Blog, twitter, facebook and youtube.


  • Becoming a Kneeling Warrior - Part 1

    23/06/2013 Duration: 25min

    We are all in a spiritual fight. Many people choose to be spectators in this battle. The problem is that in our spiritual war, if you choose to just watch, you are not only a spectator, you are a casualty. Let's look at our spiritual war and then to how Daniel won so many huge spiritual battles because of his prayer life!

  • The Heart of a Giver - Part 2

    16/06/2013 Duration: 25min

    Tithing is a powerful principle that has great benefits both to the giver and the local church. Let's look at some of the benefits of tithing which begin first with a giving heart.

  • The Heart of a Giver - Part 1

    09/06/2013 Duration: 25min

    Giving begins in the heart. We serve a God who held nothing back in giving us His Son! Giving is a crucial part of our faith that truly demonstrates the condition of our heart. Let's take a look at the heart and how it impacts how we give.

  • A Church With Vision - Part 2

    02/06/2013 Duration: 25min

    Nehemiah saw a problem that existed for years! The difference between him and others who did nothing was that he had vision! God will use you to do things that should have been done years ago if others had vision from Him. Will you just see the problem or overcome the problem? Its all a matter of vision.

  • A Church With Vision - Part 1

    26/05/2013 Duration: 25min

    Many people and many churches have dreams, but few have vision.  Vision is when you have a picture of a possible future that drives you to order your life to make that picture in your mind come true. We must have both personal and corporate vision as a church!

  • Soul-Saving Prayers - Part 2

    19/05/2013 Duration: 25min

    God's word teaches us many things. One of them is that His will is that none shall perishc - 2 Peter 3:9.  Secondly, when we pray anything according to His will - He will do it - 1 John 5:14-15.  We can expect people to come to Jesus when we pray for them to come to Jesus!

  • Soul-Saving Prayers - Part 1

    12/05/2013 Duration: 25min

    Jesus #1 reason for coming was to save the lost.  As his followers, our role is to play a part in what Jesus wants to do. There are many ways God wants to use us but in this message, we are focusing on prayers that will lead to people being saved.

  • The Power of Fasting - Part 2

    05/05/2013 Duration: 25min

    So many people are frustrated with where they are at and it seems they don't have the power to overcome their situation.  Fasting is one way that helps people to connect with God and walk in His power in greater ways.  Its available - do you want it?

  • The Power of Fasting - Part 1

    28/04/2013 Duration: 25min

    The kingdom of God is not about talk - but about power.  Many of us long for more spiritual power.  Power is released when we seek God with all of our heart.  Fasting is one way that we can commit to seeking God with greater intensity and all of our heart!

  • The Great Rescue - Part 2

    21/04/2013 Duration: 25min

    We have been called to walk in the power of God!  We have been anointed, which means the presence and power of God is smeared all over us as we follow Him which empowers us to do what Jesus did! Jesus came to seek and save the lost and we are part of that plan!

  • The Great Rescue - Part 1

    14/04/2013 Duration: 25min

    We are not called to be spectators!  There is something within us that desires to make the wrong things right. We know inside that we are called to do something and to make a difference because God had created us to be a part of the great rescue!

  • The Sheep - Shepherd Relationship - Part 3

    07/04/2013 Duration: 25min

    Join us as we conclude our 3 part message on Psalm 23.  The Lord is our shepherd and there are places that we can only go when Jesus leads us.  As we learn to follow in greater ways, we will experience greater life change!

  • The Sheep - Shepherd Relationship - Part 2

    31/03/2013 Duration: 25min

    God will take care of us in both good and bad times, even giving us a banquet in the midst of our enemies!  God is not distant, He is there to guide you each and every day.  As we spend time with Him, we can experience ever-growing depth in this relationship!

  • The Sheep - Shepherd Relationship - Part 1

    24/03/2013 Duration: 25min

    Let's take a look at Psalm 23 in great depth.  The Lord is the Great Shepherd!  Let's take a few minutes to really dig into what that means in our daily lives!

  • Prayer is a Weapon - Part 1

    17/03/2013 Duration: 25min

    We are in a spiritual battle and as in any war, whoever takes and controls strategic grounds, has the advantage in winning each battle.  Let's talk about how prayer can be applied to every day situations and we can take spiritual ground in all areas of our life!

  • Prayer is a Weapon - Part 1

    10/03/2013 Duration: 25min

    Most Christ followers would say that they have some type of prayer life but not all that follow Christ would say that they use prayer as a weapon.  One of the greatest weapons we have in winning our spiritual battle is prayer!  Let's grow in our prayer lives and grow in victory!

  • Healing the Broken - Part 2

    03/03/2013 Duration: 25min

    God wants to do a great work in each of our hearts. God not only heals us but lead us from a place of pain to a place of wholeness, from a place of brokeness to the abundant life He created us to live!  Parts of this message are taken from Jack's book:  Wounded Heart: Keys to Overcoming Life's Pain and Disappointments.

  • Healing the Broken - Part 1

    24/02/2013 Duration: 25min

    Pain is a universal condition that we all have to face! Overcoming struggles, pain and disappointment is part of life. Learning to trust God while still in your pain is the first step to overcoming the very thing that caused the pain! Parts of this message are taken from Jack's book:  Wounded Heart: Keys to Overcoming Life's Pain and Disappointments.

  • Becoming a Faith Person - Part 1

    10/02/2013 Duration: 25min

    There is a huge difference between being a church goer and being a person of faith!  People of faith have learned that God they can trust God and have learned to overcome the many struggles of life!  Let's become greater people of faith.

  • The Emotionally Healthy Teen - Part 1

    27/01/2013 Duration: 25min

    In a world that is more emotionally challenging for teens than any other time in the history of the world, how can a teen maintain being emotionally healthy?  Teens face greater temptations and opportunities than ever.  A relationship with Jesus and a life based on God's Word brings stability like nothing else.

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