Lighten Up With Bonnie Wirth On Empower Radio



The beautiful spiritual experience of being human! During this inspirational hour of conversation and interviews "Lighten Up" with Bonnie Wirth is sure to enhance and empower you to celebrate life. It's a weekly pick me up to shift perspective and create balance between being spiritual and human.Through her "it's all good" philosophy, Bonnie shares her expertise supported by her special brand of coaching. Bringing her unique consciousness toolkit, compassion for the human condition and intuitive gifts to her weekly show, you can gather insight into creating your inspired life!Tune in to develop a healthy relationship with yourself and embrace the gift of freedom to shine bright, beautifully, and authentically you! Totally #WIRTHit


  • Emotions in Motion


    Emotions are neither good nor bad, positive or negative. How we feel often dictates how we show up, what we do and whether we realize it or not, are the driving force behind our life.Take a deeper look at emotions and how they can help you to truly start thriving, growing, and living a happier life.

  • Abundantly You


    2019 is widely known as the Year of Abundance. Abundance is our true nature however it can be difficult to feel abundant when reality shows us another spin on our life. Discover what abundance truly means, how to create it and increase your capacity to live abundantly.

  • Holiday Unraveling


    The holiday season can be the most wonderful time of the year, but unfortunately not for everyone. For most spiritual sensitives, it can be one of the most energetically stressful times as well. Discussing empathic overwhelm and sharing some tips to help you overcome holiday anxiety and unravel energetic stress so you do not have to skip the holidays all together!

  • Bubble Dope


    For years, spiritual protection practices have been at the forefront of every conversation of awakening. We have been told time and time again that we must protect ourselves as our light will draw in the dark. But does this fear-based practice actually work? A conversation to bring light to the dark and allow for a new spiritual practice to evolve! You are the light and nothing is more powerful than that.

  • Game of Fear


    Behind every fear is the person you want to be. The universal truth about fear is that it affects everyone one of us. The scary side effect of letting fear control our lives is that we never know what we’re truly capable of achieving. Discover the truth of fear and how to sift through what may be holding you back from true purpose.

  • In on Intending


    The Moon is connected to our emotions, intuition, feelings of security, maternal energy, creativity and our potential. During a new moon we enter the energy of creation; an opportunity for new beginnings. Sharing tips to engage with the field of possibilities and pure potential to send your wishes out to the Universe this new moon in the most intended way.

  • Purpose Is


    Surprise! Most of us have no clue what we want to do with our lives. This is because finding our purpose can be tricky and part of the problem is the concept of “life purpose” itself. Sharing heart-centered strategies to take you from seeking to discovering a greater sense of purpose in your life

  • The Empath's Path


    Empaths are highly sensitive and incredibly intuitive. Being an empath is such a gift however it can also feel like a double edge sword. Sharing helpful strategies and tips to help you navigate and embrace your true empathic nature.

  • In Sync


    Wants, desires, asking, and prayers. The principles behind manifesting go back thousands of years. The language may have changed, but the underlying law is universal. Discover some law of attraction techniques that will help boost your manifesting power and put you in sync with making your dreams a reality.

  • Life After


    The spirit world is real; life goes on and there is in fact an afterlife. Whether you’re grieving the loss of a loved one or curious about what happens when we die, comfort can be found with insight from the other side. Sharing answers from spirit to some of the most commonly asked questions about life after death that are sure to inspire you to live a more loving and purposeful life.

  • 60 Seconds


    While it is true that the first step to utilizing the Law of Attraction is shifting to a more positive way of thinking, it is also true that we have layers of stories, limiting beliefs, fears and karma that cannot be changed overnight just by positive thoughts alone. Learn how to shift the landscape of your mind, recreate your story(past and present) and dramatically alter your way of being in less than 60-seconds a day. Its all about feeling, being and raising your vibes!

  • Faith Forward


    Seeking input and advice from others is helpful. We ask our family, friends and colleagues for their advice. We seek counsel from mentors and spiritual advisers. However, if we are in the habit of continuously asking others what they think about matters close to our heart, we might actually be weakening our faith in our self and unknowingly sabotage our results. Sharing insight to support you on your journey of success and purpose full of faith - in yourself, in Spirit and the entire Universe.

  • Like You Know


    It is easy to let circumstances and self-doubt get in the way of doing what we know is right, true and best for us. We rationalize a situation to fit our emotional state based on the fear of ego and not by the Light in which it was guided. advice and tips on how to soothe the ego and help you feel more confident in your decisions. Learn how to honor your truth and what you know deep inside of you.

  • You Could Be a Medium


    Consider the possibility that you may be a medium. Perhaps it is that you have had experiences that you cannot explain, heard your name being called or seen an apparition or two. No, you are not crazy, in fact more "normal" than you may even realize. A discussion to ease your fears, unravel the myths; symptoms, signs and all the joys of being a medium. Purpose beyond the ordinary!

  • Lucky Charms


    Some people seem to be born into a charmed life with everything working out in their favor. It is as if the Universe is gracious in one person's life and seemingly indifferent to another; perhaps it is that Lady Luck picks only a few people upon which to smile. Luck isn’t something that just happens to other people – it really is possible to attract luck into your life. Discover some simple steps in manifesting good luck into your life without rabbits feet or lucky socks.

  • From Hazy to Clarity


    Most people’s lives are still not perfectly clear. We crave clarity and seeking clarity in uncertain times can be a daunting experience. An inspiring conversation to support you to find your ideal vision and purpose in life; one that truly matches who you are.

  • Stepping Into Yes


    Saying no is often the easy way out. We stay safely in our comfort zone and we don’t have to worry about failing or being rejected. The scary unknown can be avoided completely. However our potential expands, greater possibilities arise and purpose is revealed when we step into yes. Discover how saying yes to life in one area, creates an opening for new energy, new ideas and inspiration in other areas and a happier life too.

  • Unplugged


    Ascension, expanding consciousness, healing wounds. Sometimes we have to unplug from what’s been surrounding and saturating us in order to regroup, recharge and discover our deeper truth. Sharing how spiritual burn out is an opportunity for a reboot inside. Discover how unplugging from the world and “vegging out” for a change provides a renewed sense of aliveness and opens us to greater purpose.

  • Finding Presence


    Meditation is a common practice in today's day and age. Many mediums utilize meditation as a way to receive guidance and inspiration for their lives and many do not, missing the opportunity to create a sacred space to learn about themselves, their gifts and about life. How finding presence with yourself is the key in finding presence with Spirit in order to balance, heal, and evolve in your connections with the other side.

  • Making It Up


    The ability to see, hear and feel the unseen world of Spirit Guides, Angels and Loved Ones is not as hard as what many people believe. At times however it can feel like we are making it up which creates a cycle of doubt and insecurity. Discover how Spirit utilizes their connection with you to "make it up" and convey their messages of love and guidance from the other side.

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