Calvary Christian Fellowship Ventura

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 596523:14:07
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Calvary Christian Fellowship Ventura


  • Let the Resurrection Shake You, Wake You, Take You - Audio

    27/03/2016 Duration: 3071h00s

    Another Easter Sunday, another year to celebrate the risen Savior; is this just another passing or reoccurring event in your life? In a sermon entitled “Let the Resurrection Shake You, Wake You, Take You”, Pastor Don Modglin reads from Matthew 28 and shows us how the reality of the resurrection does indeed change the life of the believer. Reflecting on the Resurrection, Pastor Don shows us how this singular event in history changes everything and should change even you. Listen close as Pastor Don teaches us how Christ’s Resurrection shakes us from our bed of apathy, wakes us from our slumber, and takes us to our new life in Christ Jesus.

  • He Has Need of Them - Audio

    20/03/2016 Duration: 3100h00s

    Suffering and in need? Think that you have nothing to give or contribute? In a sermon entitled “He Has Need of Them” Pastor Don Modglin reads out of our verses in Matthew 21:1-10 and tells the story of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Often overlooked though in this story is the call of our Messiah and His need – His need, or even desire, to use us for His purposes and His glory. Notwithstanding His aseity, the Lord’s Self-existence and Self-sufficiency, the Lord has His plans and purposes that include His plans to work in us and through us. Listen in as Pastor Don shows us how we not only have much to receive but even much more to give. The Lord indeed has need for you and can and will use you for His glory. Take courage as Pastor Don shows us how the Lord takes “All Creatures Of Our God And King” and uses them to bring praise to Him.

  • Strength in Submission - Audio

    14/03/2016 Duration: 2391h00s

    Are you strong in your stubbornness or do you find strength in your submission? Do you call Him Lord yet tell Him you’re in charge and tell Him what He should do? Reading out of Matthew 26: 30-44, Pastor Dan O’Friel preaches a sermon entitled “Strength in Submission” where Pastor Dan addresses the pride and arrogance that can be so prevalent in our lives. Christ’s call is a call of submission and of humility. Listen as Pastor Dan turns our hearts and ears to the Lord that we would joyfully sing with all the saints “O the wonderful cross, O the wonderful cross, bids me come and die and find that I may truly live.”

  • Opportunity is Knocking - Audio

    06/03/2016 Duration: 3171h00s

    Will the Lord say to you “Well done, good and faithful servant” when you stand before Him? For the believer, we will not face the Great White Throne judgment spoken about in Revelation 20 but rather we will stand before Him for our reward of crowns to be cast down before Him. Hear Pastor Don preach a sermon based on our reading in Matthew 25:14-30 entitled “Opportunity is Knocking” where he clearly draws the lines between works and grace. Pastor Don shows us how we are to work from our position of grace and because of our salvation in our service of the Lord. Pastor Don prepares us so that we might hear the Lord tells us those words “Well done, good and faithful servant ... Enter into the joy of your lord.”

  • Be Steadfast in the Lord - Audio

    28/02/2016 Duration: 2489h00s

    Dry and thirty, hungry and hurting? In Haggai 1 we read that “You have sown much, and bring in little; You eat, but do not have enough; You drink, but you are not filled with drink; You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; And he who earns wages, Earns wages to put into a bag with holes.” Pastor Dan Heard, guest Pastor from Calvary Chapel LAX, brings us a sermon entitled “Be Steadfast in the Lord” where we learn of how not to go wayward and we learn how to be steadfast and faithful to Him who is faithful to His promises.

  • Parable of the Fig Tree - Audio

    22/02/2016 Duration: 3738h00s

    Signs and times got you worried or anxious? Wondering about the Lord's promised return and the "generation" in which it will take place. In his sermon entitled "Parable of the Fig Tree", Pastor Don Modglin sheds light and understanding on the Lord's words in our reading in Mathew 24:32-35. Continuing his study on Christ's Olivet discourse, Pastor Don shows us how we can take certainty in the promise of the Lord's return.

  • You Will Know the Lord - Audio

    14/02/2016 Duration: 3744h00s

    Ever at a loss because of a faithless friend or even spouse? Adultery and cheating ever been unfortunate issues to deal with in life? Pastor Don Modglin preaches a sermon based on the text in Hosea 2:19-20 where we see how the Lord deals with Israel despite Israel's unfaithfulness. Listen to this encouraging sermon on Gods redemption of sinners as we consider what true love is this Valentine's day and reflect on God's love, mercy and grace. Please excuse the audio quality of this file as the recorder was in need of adjustment. Every effort was made to improve the audio quality but the audio may be difficult to follow.

  • The Countdown Has Begun ... Are You Ready? - Audio

    07/02/2016 Duration: 3583h00s

    Are you ready for the countdown to the end? In his sermon entitled “The Countdown Has Begun ... Are You Ready?”, Pastor Don Modglin teaches a study on the end times, also known eschatology, based on our reading in Matthew 24:42-51. The law of entropy tells us that that this world is winding down and will come to an end. If this worries you or if you’d like to know more about how the Lord’s prophecies and words provide comfort for the believer then this sermon is for you.

  • Birth Pains - Audio

    31/01/2016 Duration: 3348h00s

    Troubled about the times around you? Eager to see or learn more about the Lord’s return? In a sermon entitled “Birth Pains” Pastor Don teaches us about the Lord’s Olivet Discourse from our reading in Matthew 24:1-8. In our reading we learn more about the prophecies regarding the Lord’s second coming. Pastor Don tells us more about why it is that “for every prophecy about Christ’s 1st coming, there are 8 prophecies about His 2nd coming.”. With all this in mind, we are told in 1 Thessalonians 4 to “therefore comfort one another with these words.”. Listen in as Pastor Don shows us why and how we can be encouraged as the end draws near.

  • Authentic Christianity - Audio

    24/01/2016 Duration: 3303h00s

    Turned away by the hypocrisy of those around you or even in the Church? In a sermon entitled “Authentic Christianity”, Pastor Don Modglin exposes our hearts and the hypocrisy that we can so easily fall into. Pastor Don calls us to living lives devoted to the Lord and living the authentic Christian life.

  • The Great Invitation - Audio

    17/01/2016 Duration: 3076h00s

    Ever turned down or neglected an invitation to a party or event? Preaching from Matthew 22:1-14, Pastor Don Modglin shares the parable that the Lord told about the wedding feast. Pastor Don challenges us on our response to the Lord’s invitation in his sermon entitled “The Great Invitation.” Have you been apathetic in your response to the Lord? Have you met His invitation with hostility? Have you conditioned your response with a wait and see approach? Or rather, have you wholeheartedly committed yourself to He who has committed His very Son to you. No matter what we think or feel, say or do, action or even inaction is a response to the Lord. Pastor Don encourages us to turn our hearts to the Lord and wholeheartedly accept His invitation to enter into His presence.

  • What Is In It For Me? - Audio

    11/01/2016 Duration: 3167h00s

    Struggling to serve or devote yourself to the Lord? Wondering if the God will be fair to you in the end? In a sermon entitled “What is in it for me?” Pastor Don preaches a sermon about who you are in the Lord and why we give and why we serve.

  • Moving Upward & Onward - Audio

    06/01/2016 Duration: 3583h00s

    Looking forward to a new year yet weighed down with the last? Pastor Don Modglin preaches a sermon entitled “Moving Upward & Onward” where he shows us how we can not only look upward and onward but move in that way through Christ Jesus. As we look forward to the new year and even back on the last, Pastor Don teaches us to look through the eyes of Christ to see the reality of our new lives in Him.

  • Whole Hearted - Audio

    28/12/2015 Duration: 2244h00s

    Ever feel like your just “going through the motions” spiritually? In the doldrums in your walk with the Lord? Byron Morales preaches a sermon entitled “Whole Hearted” based on the text in Matthew 19:16-30. In his sermon, Byron exhorts us to examine our hearts and ask the question “What is keeping you from serving God fully?” Addressing the idols in our hearts and lives, Byron shows us the benefit of living a life whole hearted to God.

  • Oh Come Let Us Adore Him - Audio

    21/12/2015 Duration: 3108h00s

    Year after year, season after season, Christmas comes and goes but so many of fail to grasp what it really means to worship Him. Reading from Matthew 2:1-12, Pastor Don shows us the meaning of worship and how we can more sincerely bow before the King of Kings and worship Him. In his sermon entitled “Oh Come Let Us Adore Him”, Pastor Don shows us that true worship requires searching, submission and sacrifice. Pastor Don shows us how to go before the Lord in worship and truly give Him our praise and adoration.

  • The Torment of Unforgiveness - Audio

    13/12/2015 Duration: 3325h00s

    Struggling to forgive someone? In need of forgiveness from someone else? In a sermon entitled “The Torment of Unforgiveness” Pastor Don Modglin shows us the standard of forgiveness, the story of forgiveness and the seriousness of forgiveness that the Lord lays before us. So many of us struggle with the torment of unforgiveness and live tortured lives as a result of not taking the Lord at His Word. Pastor Don shows us how the Lord forgives us and how He also calls us to forgive others.

  • Peter’s Fish Story - Audio

    06/12/2015 Duration: 3076h00s

    Missing out on the crux of the issue? Reading from Matthew 17:24-27, Pastor Don shares some teachable moments from the story of Peter and the Lord paying their temple tax. In a sermon entitled “Peter’s Fish Story”, Pastor Don shows why this story is not just a detail of minutiae in the history of their lives but rather a story of how the Lord meets the needs of His people down to every minor detail. Here we learn what it means to have a sovereign Lord in our lives. Here Pastor Don teaches us what it means to be a son or daughter of the King. There is meaning in every account and even every word of the Bible.

  • How’s Your Vision? - Audio

    01/12/2015 Duration: 2838h00s

    Trouble seeing the Lord at work in your world and your life? Are you certain you have a proper or appropriate view of the Lord and how you relate to Him? In a sermon entitled “How’s Your Vision”, Pastor Dan O’Friel reads from the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 16, and explains how those verses apply to us even in this day and age. Having a distorted view of these things will put us at a loss of how to understand and explain the times. Pastor Dan shows us how to properly view the signs and times under a Biblical worldview and how we can say “Maranatha – Lord come quickly.”

  • MEGA Faith - Audio

    25/11/2015 Duration: 3787h00s

    Serious about your faith? Wondering if your faith is deep enough to whether the storms of the trials of life? Pastor Don preaches a sermon entitled "Mega Faith" where he preaches from Matthew 15:21-28 about the faith of a Canaanite woman of whom the Lord said " great is your faith!" Learn about how trials expose the depth of our faith or how shallow our faith is and where the Lord desires us to grow.

  • Lessons From the Storm - Audio

    15/11/2015 Duration: 2777h00s

    In a storm? Trouble always seems to come your way? Sometimes these words are more than just metaphors; these words can describe our very existence. In a sermon entitled “Lessons from the Storm” Pastor Don Modglin preaches a sermon based on our reading in Matthew 14:22-34. In Matthew 14 we read the story of Jesus and Peter walking on water in the midst of a storm and the raging sea. Amidst the waves and rough waters we read of not only Jesus, the perfect Son of God, walking on water but even sinful and fallen Peter walking on water at the word of Jesus – “Come.” Amidst the storms in your life Jesus also says “Come.” Hear how you can not only have comfort but even security because of the Lord and what He has done for us in our lives. Hear what it means to “step out of the boat” and “walk on water”; to do the extraordinary and to live a life without fear. Like Peter did even while sinking in the sea, Pastor Don exhorts us to set

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