The Tazz And Paula Show



With VIEWS NOT HEARD IN THE NEWS! Celebrating their 20+ years on 91.5FM and an internet-only show ... Tazz and Paula share GUESTS that their Heartbeat beats as ONE with Mother Earth--igniting LOVE and COURAGE clear to the Heavens.


  • Interview with Riane Eisler

    26/04/2012 Duration: 47min

      America is teetering on the precipice of economic disaster. Commentators blame deregulated markets and a few bad apples at the top, but these are symptoms of deeper problems. Eminent social scientist and bestselling author Riane Eisler  points the way to a sustainable and equitable economy that gives value to caring for our greatest economic assets: people and our natural environment. It sounds like we should start coming from the heart! and encompass what we have neglected, even forgotten–those around us that nurture us, women, children and the elderly. Riane Eisler discusses this in her newest book, “The Real Wealth of Nations.”

  • Riane Eilser calls us to action to create a caring society

    25/04/2012 Duration: 46min

    America is teetering on the precipice of economic disaster. Commentators blame deregulated markets and a few bad apples at the top, but these are symptoms of deeper problems. Eminent social scientist and bestselling author Riane Eisler  points the way to a sustainable and equitable economy that gives value to caring for our greatest economic assets: people and our natural environment. It sounds like we should start coming from the heart! and encompass what we have neglected, even forgotten–those around us that nurture us, women, children and the elderly. Riane Eisler discusses this in her newest book, “The Real Wealth of Nations.”

  • Estaryia Venus prepares us for the shift.

    19/04/2012 Duration: 57min

      When we’re in balance and harmony, we’re able to receive the light and energy that is coming into the Earth during planetary alignments. Now more than ever we want to be receptive to this energy—particularly during the upcoming Venus Transit on June 6th when the evolutionary frequency waves are activating cellular consciousness inside of our DNA. Synchronizing our brain hemispheres through the power of sound and rhythmic entrainment is an effective way for us to prepare for this shift: to literally propel us into the evolution of our consciousness, which leads the way for our immortality.

  • Natural Vision Improvement with Meir Schneider

    12/04/2012 Duration: 01h00s

    Did you know that your vision can actually improve? Most people don’t think so and most ophthalmologists would say it’s impossible. But Meir Schneider is here to tell us how it is possible!

  • Conversation with Alison McDermott , Fire Burn Doctor

    05/04/2012 Duration: 01h00s

      The FireBurnDoctor Team are a “grassroots” group of professional volunteers offering a FREE (and always will be) humanitarian service for burn injuries that is NOW eradicating the needless suffering from burns worldwide with a profound technology that provokes the body to fix itself–in minutes and from a distance. The origins of DSNB (Distant Subliminal Neuro – Bypassing) comes from ancient Amorican traditions (Celtic and Native American). If you, your child, or someone you love is burned by fire, laser, explosion, or scalding water, Right away you need to CALL OR TEXT IMMEDIATELY within the first 30 minutes of exposure, on your way to the hospital. Our guest will give out the number to call. Everyone should have this number in their wallet. In our interview, she will give out the number,

  • John of God Spiritual Healers from Brazil talk with us

    05/04/2012 Duration: 01h00s

      Brazilian Spiritual Healers Thania and Greg Stewart met in Brazil while Thania was serving as a volunteer working alongside John of God for approximately one year helping him with his healing work at the Casa of Don Ignacio in 2005. During our interview they will be telling us the story how they are now in the U.S.  Thania and Greg have also lectured on spirituality, together and separately at Spiritualist Centers in Brazil and the U.S.; however, their primary mission is healing. During the healing service, one or both of them may channel a spirit, speaking either in Portuguese or English. Their healing work involves occasional messages and passes of energy directed by their hands across the body. We are lucky 

  • Interview with Michelle Gielan

    29/03/2012 Duration: 56min

    Electrify your Heart Button! Take hold of Happiness–it can be learned says Michelle Gielan.  Grab your notebooks … Michelle is an expert in positive psychology, the science of happiness and human potential. She is the author of the  " Create a Happier Life e Course" and regularly speaks to executives at Fortune 500 companies about the power of positive communication. For the First hour of our show Michelle will be sharing some happiness secrets with us.       "

  • Anita Moorjani Crossed Over and Came Back

    22/03/2012 Duration: 57min

      Doctors at the hospital had given Anita just hours to live when she arrived at the hospital that morning, unable to move as a result of the cancer that had ravaged her body for over three years. Anita shares her experience of entering another dimension and being given a choice of whether to return to life or not. She experienced great clarity and understanding of her life and purpose here on earth. Anita subsequently chose to return to life when she understood that “heaven” is a state, and not a place. This subsequently led to a remarkable and complete recovery of her health.

  • Interview with Suzanne Whang

    15/03/2012 Duration: 02h03min

      Suzanne Whang is a television host, actor, stand-up comedian, emcee, keynote speaker, political activist, minister, radio host, and published author.  In her spare time, she sleeps. Suzanne was the host of House Hunters, the #1 rated show on HGTV (Home & Garden Television Network) for almost ten years, and she also hosted the hit spinoff show, House Hunters International. In our show today, Suzanne Whang  will reveal her truth about being an overachieving Asian woman.  Suzanne radically and comically dissects issues of race, culture, gender and politics, as well as how she is making Stage 4 cancer her “bitch.”   Suzanne will also share her story of how she manafested herself to be on Oprha's show.

  • Interview with Tom Shadyac

    08/03/2012 Duration: 01h00s

      Several years ago, Tom Shadyac seemed to have it all: a multimillion-dollar career directing Hollywood blockbusters like Bruce Allmighty and the Nutty Professor, a 17,000-square-foot mansion, fancy cars, the luxury of flying in private jets, invitations to extravagant parties and more. It was a life many people dream about. Despite these many luxuries, Tom says something just didn’t feel right. “I was standing in the house that my culture had taught me was a measure of the good life,” Tom recalls in his documentary I Am. “I was struck with one very clear, very strange feeling: I was no happier.”

  • Interview with Agapi Stassinopoulos

    01/03/2012 Duration: 01h00s

    How would your life be if you lived with your heart open and free and knew your story mattered? Agapi Stassinopoulos tells us exactly how this can be done in her newest book "Unbinding the Heart, A Dose of Greek Wisdom, Generosity, and Unconditional Love." While her sister Arianna Huffington, was doing research  for hr book about Greek mythology, Agapi's love for the Gods and Goddesses was ignited and led  herto write two books "Conversations with the Goddesses" and "Gods and Goddesses in Love"and as well as a one-woman show and a PBS Special.

  • Conversation with Dannion Brinkley

    23/02/2012 Duration: 01h00s

      Today Dannion Brinkley will present concepts for mastering life in this incredible time of shift and miracles. Dannion's ability to understand and help you achieve empowerment in these wondrous times, comes from being struck by lightning in 1975, dead for 28 minutes. He is considered a "walking miracle," having survived insurmountable odds, including two lightning strikes, open-heart surgery, brain surgery and a massive grand mal seizure. His three near-death experiences have left him with an extraordinary sense of perception.   In issues surrounding the death process, Dannion is one of the premiere crusaders on behalf of hospice and palliative care, and is a leading expert in the field of grief and bereavement. Dannion is also a driving force in the integration of complimentary and allopathic medicine, especially in end-of-life. He has co-created a non-profit organization The Twilight Brigade (Compassion In Action), to recruit and train volunteers to be at the bedside of those in transition.

  • Conversation with Brent Hunter

    20/02/2012 Duration: 59min

    As we know, we are surrounded by multiple simultaneous global crises: a global financial crisis, war, violence, terrorism, poverty, energy issues, and the list of challenges may seem endless. The good news is that Brent Hunter is currently wrapping up the 3rd edition of  his book “The Rainbow Bridge”, which has the potential of making an enormous difference on this planet. The universal principles are exactly the same but the book has been slightly rearranged to make it easier to read and comprehend.  He has added a whole new section that is a commentary on the greatest issues of our time and how The Rainbow Bridge and universal principles can make a difference in how we consciously co-create our future together.  If you go to Brent’s website you can download this book for free.

  • Interview with Renee Coltson , Animal Healer

    16/02/2012 Duration: 01h00s

      Companion animals are a very important part of the family, and some see them as “people in fur suits.” As founder of the Reconnections’s Reconnective Animals program, it has been Renee Colston’s honor and privilege over the years to facilitate and observe many healings with animals; much the same unprecedented healings as reported by people. Caners have disappeared, injuries have healed without any sign of scar tissue, kidney and liver function have been regained, and heart disease healed, just to name a few. Reconnective Healing works with all life, on all levels. Animals are sentient beings. They are in a sense like us humans in that once they have been introduced to Reconnective Healing, they too experience a vibrational shift. The animals connect with the frequencies, which become part of their essence and it is as if they become an omni-directional lighthouse. The doorway opens thereby allowing the frequencies to interact through them (even though it may not be on a conscious level).

  • Great Conversation with Michael Beckwith

    02/02/2012 Duration: 01h00s

      Michael Bernard Beckwith is the founder and spiritual director of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, author of the award-winning book, Spiritual Liberation, and newest release, Life Visioning: A Transformative Process for Activating Your Unique Gifts and Highest Potential.  Michael also has a new cd release entitled Transcendance, where hisPOWERFUL teachings are set to undulating dance music, composed by Madonna composer/producer Stephen Bray.  Michael has appeared on The Oprah Show, Larry King Live,Tavis Smiley, and his own PBS Special, The Answer Is You.  Michael is a sought-after meditation teacher, a visionary, and has won numerous humanitarian awards.  Every Friday at 1 pm PT, thousands tune into his radio show on KPFK, “Wake up – The Sound of Transformation”, as he hosts dynamic guests who share their time-tested tools for transforming body, mind, and spirit.

  • Let's talk Shamanic Astrology with Tom Letcher

    26/01/2012 Duration: 01h01min

      Tom’s creative merging of two astrology approaches (Jeffrey Wolf Green’s Evolutionary Astrology with aspects of Shamanic Astrology… along with his own insights–has birthed ‘New Paradigm Astrology’ his baby of perfection and no doubt still growing!You too can connect with his website and check him out at: Tom’s website is a platform designed to help connect you with your spiritual soul purpose and provide you with the means to fulfill it.   

  • Conversation with Michael Beckwith

    24/01/2012 Duration: 01h01min

    Michael Bernard Beckwith is the founder and spiritual director of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, author of the award-winning book, Spiritual Liberation, and newest release, Life Visioning: A Transformative Process for Activating Your Unique Gifts and Highest Potential.  Michael also has a new cd release entitled Transcendance, where hisPOWERFUL teachings are set to undulating dance music, composed by Madonna composer/producer Stephen Bray.  Michael has appeared on The Oprah Show, Larry King Live,Tavis Smiley, and his own PBS Special, The Answer Is You.  Michael is a sought-after meditation teacher, a visionary, and has won numerous humanitarian awards.  Every Friday at 1 pm PT, thousands tune into his radio show on KPFK, “Wake up – The Sound of Transformation”, as he hosts dynamic guests who share their time-tested tools for transforming body, mind, and spirit.

  • UFO's, Orbs, Nature Spirits all at Eceti Ranch

    19/01/2012 Duration: 01h58min

    James Gilland, owner of the Eceti Ranch will be with us the first hour of the show. He will be sharing with us all the strange and wonderful things going on at his Eceti ranch.  He is going to share a little bit about the movie he was in "Thrive". And we are going to have a conversation around Mother Earth making strange noices. The second hour Tazz and Paula are going to do readings for the listeners.    

  • Interview with James Gilliland

    18/01/2012 Duration: 01h01min

      James frequently appears on several radio programs, including COAST TO COAST AM, Jeff Rense' SIGHTINGS, and the LAURA LEE SHOW. He has been a speaker at many events and has appeared on a wide variety of TV shows, such as The History Channel's, UFOs: Then and Now, as well as ABC and FOX news. In addition, his articles and UFO reports have been featured in such magazines as MAGICAL BLEND and UFO MAGAZINE, as well as several high-profile alternative websites.He is going to share with us the most recent events at Eceti Ranch and his travels to Mexico..

  • Celebrate Dr. Kings legacy today with Dr. Lawrence Carter

    12/01/2012 Duration: 01h01min

    Dr. Lawrence Carter is the Dean of the Martin Luther King Jr.International Chapel at Dr. King's alma mater, Moorhouse College in Atlanta, Geargia. Dr Carter has taken the initiative promote the "Community Building" modeled by Ghandi, King, and Ikeda through this exhibition by giving an annual GkI Peace Builder Award. Dr Carter is bringing to Sacramento, California the "Ghandi, King, A Legacy of Creating Peace Exhibit. He will be sharing with us today some life stories and how the Exhibit was initiatied.  

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