Hinge Problems



It all started with Rudie's "Shoot the Hinges".OK, maybe it didnt start there. Depending on how you define it, for both of us, it probably started sooner, but lets just say it started there.So what is a Hinge Problem? Well in that video, its the ridiculously lazy design found in Call of Duty: Black Ops, but it could be anything. As lifelong players of video games, both of us have seen more than our fair share of Hinge Problems in games, in game creators, in game players, in the world at large of games. And sometimes we like talking about those.But dont mistake us for yet another couple of people on the internet talking shit about everything. We both love games. We both have played a ton of them, and at times when we arent playing them, theres a pretty decent chance we are thinking about them.But games arent perfect, and probably never will be, and that is OK. But as long as there are games, there will be Hinge Problems in them, in the world/culture around them, and so on. And we want to, in some small way, maybe help things improve.


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