Umd Newman Catholic Campus Ministry

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 113:28:09
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  • 02/03/19 Disqualified: Remarkably Average

    04/02/2019 Duration: 23min

    Homily from the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Being unqualified does not disqualify when God calls. There are many people who would look remarkably average on paper. Our stats would reveal that we are unqualified for being a part of God’s great work. But the Lord calls us to the greatest of these: love. Mass Readings from February 3, 2019: Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19 Psalms 71:1-6, 15-171 Corinthians 12:31-13:13 Luke 4:21-30 Read More About Blessed Chiara Badano Download the Homily Study

  • 01/27/19 Disqualified: Prevented or Prepared?

    28/01/2019 Duration: 21min

    Homily from the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. What great work may God be preparing you for right now? In Christ, your past might not be the thing that prevent you from being a part of God’s great work… It might be the thing that has prepared you. Mass Readings from January 27, 2019: Nehemiah 8:2-6, 8-10 Psalms 19:8, 9, 10, 151 Corinthians 12:12-30 Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Download the Homily Study

  • 01/20/19 Insufficient and Insignificant

    21/01/2019 Duration: 16min

    Homily from the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. God uses what we have and gives us what we need. It is often very tempting to forget the heart of God. To forget that He notices us, delights in us, and rejoices in us. When the focus shifts from His love to our insufficiency and feelings of insignificance, He reminds us of the truth. Mass Readings from January 20, 2019: Isaiah 62:1-5 Psalms 96:1-3, 7-101 Corinthians 12:4-11 John 2:1-11

  • 12/25/18 But Why?

    25/12/2018 Duration: 18min

    Homily from the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas). The Why is a Who. Jesus is not merely the “reason for the season”… He is the reason for everything. Mass Readings from December 25, 2018: Isaiah 62:11-12 Psalms 97:1, 6, 11-12Titus 3:4-7 Luke 2:15-20

  • 12/09/18 The End?

    10/12/2018 Duration: 21min

    Homily from the Second Sunday of Advent. This might be the end of the dream, but it is not the end of the story. God has begun a good work in you. In fact, he has begun many “good works.“ Many of them will come to an end, but the truly great work that God has begun is a work that he intends to continue to finish. Mass Readings from December 09, 2018: Baruch 5:1-9 Psalms 126:1-6Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11 Luke 3:1-6

  • 12/02/18 Be Ready, Get Ready

    03/12/2018 Duration: 22min

    Homily from the First Sunday of Advent. You will never be ready unless you get ready. Advent is a season of preparation. We get ready to celebrate the first coming of Christ into this world. We also get ready for His Second Coming at the end of the world…or at the end of our individual lives. During Advent, we get ready to die. Mass Readings from December 02, 2018: Jeremiah 33:14-16 Psalms 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 141 Thessalonians 3:12—4:2 Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 Download the Homily Study

  • 11/25/18 Come to the Altar: Kingdom Priesthood

    26/11/2018 Duration: 27min

    Homily from the Solemnity of Christ the King. Don't waste your priesthood. Jesus is the one eternal High Priest. He has called certain men to participate in His priesthood in a unique way. But He has also extended a share in His priesthood to all believers so that the Father may be glorified and the world redeemed when the sacrifice is offered throughout the world. Mass Readings from November 25, 2018: Daniel 7:13-14 Psalms 93:1, 1-2, 5Revelation 1:5-8 John 18:33-37 Download the Homily Study

  • 11/18/18 Come to the Altar: Learning to Worship

    19/11/2018 Duration: 25min

    Homily from the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time. Not merely witnessing the miracle, but offering the sacrifice. We have to learn the worship of God in a similar way that we need to learn the Word of God. The more we know What we are doing, Who we are offering, Why it is crucial, and When to focus, the more we will be able to do more than watch…we will be able to worship. Mass Readings from November 18, 2018: Daniel 12:1-3 Psalms 16:5, 8, 9-10, 11Hebrews 10:11-14, 18 Mark 13:24-32 Download the Homily Study

  • 11/11/18 Come to the Altar: Hollow Worship

    12/11/2018 Duration: 29min

    Homily from the Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time. Offering first-fruits reveals and increases the depth of trust. The temptation to experience worship as hollow or empty is universal. God’s solution for our hearts is the invitation to offer Him our first-fruits. Sacrifices that are intentional, consequential, and representational have the power to transform our hearts and fill up what might be hollow worship. Mass Readings from November 11, 2018: 1 Kings 17:10-16 Psalms 146:7, 8-9, 9-10Hebrews 9:24-28 Mark 12:38-44 Download the Homily Study

  • 11/04/18 Come to the Altar: Where's Your Altar?

    05/11/2018 Duration: 29min

    Homily from the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time. Not to watch, but to worship. The heart of religion is the worship of God. And the heart of worship is always sacrifice; a gift that is poured out on the altar. Where is your gift being poured out? Where is your altar? Mass Readings from November 04, 2018: Deuteronomy 6:2-6 Psalms 18:2-4, 47, 51Hebrews 7:23-28 Mark 12:28-34 Download the Homily Study

  • 10/28/18 Rivals: Rival Voices

    28/10/2018 Duration: 34min

    Homily from the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We do not conquer our rivals, we are called out from beneath their power. The voices around us shape us. Some voices shape us more powerfully and more negatively than others. These rival voices fashion a lens through which we see the world. They can rob us of peace, joy, and Christ place in our heart. But to take courage, get up, Jesus is calling you. Mass Readings from October 28, 2018: Jeremiah 31:7-9 Psalms 126:1-6Hebrews 5:1-6 Mark 10:46-52 Download the Homily Study

  • 10/21/18 Rivals: The Rival of Control

    22/10/2018 Duration: 30min

    Homily from the Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. What do I have to do to get what I want? So much of our lives can be marked by the desire to control…or the fear of losing control. The rival of control can dominate. And the trust of praise and surrender can liberate. Mass Readings from October 21, 2018: Isaiah 53:10-11 Psalms 33:4-5, 18-20, 22Hebrews 4:14-16 Mark 10:35-45 Download the Homily Study

  • 10/14/18 Rivals: The Reason is the Rival

    16/10/2018 Duration: 27min

    Homily from the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time. God has an absolute claim on your heart. What is the reason you won't give it to Him? There is a clear difference between a reason and an excuse. Excuses are not acceptable answers, but there are times when even “good reasons” fail to be “good enough”. Mass Readings from October 14, 2018: Wisdom 7:7-11 Psalms 90:12-17Hebrews 4:12-13 Mark 10:17-30 Download the Homily Study

  • 10/07/18 Rivals: All or Nothing

    09/10/2018 Duration: 22min

    Homily from the Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. There are some relationships that do not tolerate rivals. There are only two kinds of relationships that get to a point where it is “all…or nothing”: Romantic relationships and our relationship with Jesus. If we say “all”, that carries with it some consequences. Namely, all of our heart must belong to the other. Mass Readings from October 7, 2018: Genesis 2:18-24 Psalms 128:1-6Hebrews 2:9-11 Mark 10:2-16 Download the Homily Study

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