Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca



Couch Talk w/ Dr. Anna Cabeca is an intimate place for intimate conversation about tackling menopause, hormonal imbalance, and sexual health issues with grace and ease. Join Dr. Anna and the world's top experts, and discover how to naturally burn fat, boost energy, sleep better and stop hot flashes the Keto-Green way!


  • Full Body Vibration Therapy with Dr. Jason Conviser - How to Optimize your Physical Fitness at Any Age

    27/12/2022 Duration: 01h41s

    Today’s guest is Dr. Jason Conviser Ph.D, a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine who has published over 40 scientific journal articles on physical fitness. An anomaly in sports medicine, Dr. Convisor abstains from treating professional athletes because he believes every person is an athlete with the potential to optimize and strengthen their body. In this episode, he shares the therapeutic uses of whole body vibration.  Your body is a machine and it needs movement to perform optimally. Vibration is a simple way of warming up your muscles so you can get the most out of your routine. No matter what age or skill level you can start your fitness journey with a simple walk around the block and full body vibration therapy can help you along your journey. It has been proven to decrease cortisol, increase flexibility, strengthen muscles and support healthy bones. This tool was made to be customized and is used to aid people of all physical stages reclaim their health and live more fulfilling lives.  KEY

  • How Negative Thought Patterns Affect Your Health, Digestion and Fertility with Aimee Raupp

    20/12/2022 Duration: 41min

    Today’s guest is Aimee Raupp, author of Yes, You Can Get Pregnant! She is a fertility coach helping women of all ages conceive. Aimee recognizes a common theme occurring in modern women; stress, premature aging and infertility. Since the 80’s women’s risk of developing an autoimmune disease has dramatically increased so it is no coincidence that women are not only struggling to conceive but are actually entering into menopause earlier in life.  Aimee’s holistic approach is informed by centuries of Chinese medicinal knowledge. This ancient culture understood just how powerful the connection between mind and body is and treated them equally. What you believe establishes your behavior and every behavior shapes your health. In this episode, Aimee shows you how to be kinder to yourself and your body so you enter into your 3rd chapter happier, healthier and fertile. KEY TAKEAWAYS [1:00] Undiagnosed autoimmune conditions causing fertility issues [5:50] Being at peace regulates your immune system  [7:10] Finding and

  • Nutrition and Mitochondrial Health - How to Detox Safely and Boost Your Immune System for Optimal Health with Sara Banta

    13/12/2022 Duration: 41min

    On this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I discussed mitochondrial health with Sara Banta, owner of Accelerated Health Products, a line of natural supplements aimed at balancing your overall health. She is a health coach and biohacker, with her supplements you can bolster your immune system by giving your body everything it is not getting from the food you’re eating. Mitochondrial health is critical to the health of your entire body and begins at the cellular level which is why supplements are so important when addressing any health issue.  Sara works synergistically with nutrition, lifestyle and her supplements, which focus on frequency enhanced detox that help your body get rid of the toxins overloading your system. Your body is a delicate ecosystem and can easily become dysregulated when exposed to common toxins used in daily life. Your liver is the detoxification pathway of your body and many foods that are staples of a healthy diet may actually be burdening your liver. By conscious eating and adding Sar

  • Oral Health and The Microbiome - Why Dental and Medical Care Should Not be Separate with Dr. Campbell and Danny Grannick

    06/12/2022 Duration: 59min

    On this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, we sat down with Dr. Campbell and Danny Grannick, two pioneers who are uniting the world of dental and medical care today. Doctors are not trained to account for dental health when diagnosing patients, leaving many people vulnerable to Alzheimer's, Cancer, Infertility and a slew of other complications that are ultimately avoidable. Dr. Ellie Campbell has been working in family medicine for 30 years and is board certified by the American Academy of Integrative Medicine. Like most doctors, she was never addressing oral health with her patients until she witnessed the decline of a patient suffering from an unknown dental infection. Now, her stance is that absolutely no medical team is complete without an oral hygienist on staff.  Danny Grannick has developed an at home test kit ,using  PCR technology, to give people insight into the microbiome of their mouth. Understanding the imbalance of microbes in your mouth gives your dentist and doctor the information to address in

  • How Victim Mentality is Creating Sickness and Crushing your Soul with Dr. Kelly Brogan

    29/11/2022 Duration: 57min

    On this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, we sat down with Dr. Kelly Brogan a clinical psychiatrist turned holistic psychiatrist after witnessing the toll addictive psychiatric drugs had on her patients. The endemic of over diagnosis has convinced many people they are sick when in fact they may just be suffering from their own narrative. If you believe you are a victim it can manifest outwardly as anxiety and depression. You won’t find solace in a prescription but by recognizing your defense mechanisms and reclaiming your power of choice, you may find you weren't actually sick to begin with!  You are rarely truly victimized in this life, because everyday you have the autonomy to choose your outlook, your location, your reactions and an infinite amount of things that make up your experience. Understanding your desires and consciously deciding  to pursue and communicate them will naturally uplift your spirit. Exploring your sexuality is just a microcosm to the greater dynamic of your life, if you can communicat

  • How Fasting Heals the Body and Mind With Dr. Mindy Pelz

    22/11/2022 Duration: 52min

    On This episode of the Girlfriend Doctor, we had a conversation with Dr. Mindy Pelz, a fasting expert and author of Fast like a Girl! She is making fasting accessible and safe for women to practice in their daily lives. The key is to build awareness of your cycle and strategically plan your fasting to support your hormones. By tapping into your body’s wisdom, you can reap the full health and spiritual benefits of fasting.  It is no coincidence that most cultures practice fasting because it allows your body and mind to cleanse. Fasting is known to increase your energy and by integrating fasting into your life you can live longer, healthier and happier lives. Your energy is often reflected back at you by those around you and fasting is a natural way to  clear negativity and gain clarity in moments of turmoil.    KEY TAKEAWAYS[1:30] The effects of long term fasting [6:50] The ideas behind Fast like a Girl [8:30] The key to the fasting cycle [11:30] Structuring your fasting around your menstrual cycle [16:30] The

  • How to Become your Authentic Self With Jenn Pike

    15/11/2022 Duration: 39min

    On this week’s episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I spoke with Jenn Pike, the head mentor at The Hormone Project. Jenn is a medical exercise specialist and a functional diagnostic nutritionist. On her YouTube channel, Simplicity TV, she is helping women break free from negative patterns and discover their courage to live a life of authenticity.  When life demands so much of your time and attention it is easy to lose yourself, one sacrifice at a time. When burnout consumes you, there comes a moment when you must decide to prioritize your own joy and desire. Bravery can be as simple as making time for yourself everyday.  Living your authentic self is more than just a mindset, it is committing to the lifestyle that energetically aligns with your desires. This can mean giving up things you once loved or adding in new experiences that fulfill you. No matter what you’re called to do, using your body as the guide will lead you to act on what fulfills, nourishes and inspires you. It can be difficult to let go of the w

  • Eat the Rainbow And Other Longevity Practices with Serena Poon

    08/11/2022 Duration: 42min

    On this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I am joined by Serena Poon, a celebrity chef and certified nutritionist who’s the founder of Just Add Water, a wellness line of super-nutrient foods and supplements. Serena incorporates soul wisdom into opening up pathways to great health and longevity while also using cutting-edge science. One of the most important areas is gut health, which affects our immune system, our mind, our mood and our behavior. Having a healthy gut is the key to longevity.  She recommends eating the rainbow – ingesting all different types of fruits and veggies along with lots of water to stay hydrated. It’s also important to measure your biomarkers like food intolerance, allergies, nutrient density, hormones and thyroid levels to manage deficits. Mindset is also critical to longevity. We usually want to stay in a safe or comfortable space in our health practices. But it’s important to break out of cycles that we’ve established to break through to better health and longevity. Only then can w

  • How to Keep Strong Bones in Your 50s and Beyond With Kevin Ellis

    02/11/2022 Duration: 42min

    On this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, Kevin Ellis joins me to talk about bone health. Kevin is a certified integrative nutrition health coach who was diagnosed with osteoporosis in his thirties and has since become an expert on how to keep your bones healthy and strong. Osteoporosis occurs as a result of behaviors, disorders, diseases and medications that you take, among other things. So make sure you review all factors when it comes to your bone health. When you have osteoporosis, both your bone density and bone quality are reduced and that increases your risk of fracture. The first thing is to get a bone-density test to find out the condition of your bones.  Bone quality – the structural integrity of your bone -- is also important to create bone strength. A TBS test can give you an accurate reading on your bone quality, as well as bone turnover markers. These tests will help you identify the root cause of bone loss so you can figure out a plan to restore the raw materials and nutrients that you need for

  • Questions About Breast Cancer and Breast Health

    25/10/2022 Duration: 01h23s

    This episode is dedicated to Sierra Haley who lost her battle with cancer on April 13, 2022. May her light continue to shine through in all she touched with her heart and beautiful spirit. Please consider donating to her GoFundme page in honor of Sierra for her family:   On this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I take a deep dive into breast health issues and implants, talking to two doctors about breast health and one women who survived breast cancer.  If you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer, it’s important to take care of your physical and mental health. Diet and sleep are crucial factors in minimizing risk. Avoiding sugar and adapting a keto green can also be very helpful. It’s vital to reach out to others for support and a sense of community. is one organization that helps women going through breast cancer treatment and all the physical and emotional issues associated with it. When it comes to breast implants, there are definite steps to take if you think y

  • What’s In My Travel Bag: How to Stay Nourished and Balanced When You Travel

    18/10/2022 Duration: 11min

    I'm on the road in New York City for this week's episode of The Girlfriend Doctor to talk about how to stay healthy and balanced when traveling, no matter what your itinerary is. My first tip is to always travel with a water bottle to stay hydrated. It has to be emptied of course before getting on the plane, but once you've landed, it becomes a lifeline to eliminate toxins and keep bowels regulated.  I always take along my Mighty Maca Plus to support the adrenals, detoxification and alkalinization. Plus, I have my Keto Green Shake on hand for some good nutrition if I'm stuck in an airport. For sleep, I use Night-Zzz for a nourishing night of rest, and Balance cream to moisturize and keep hormones balanced. I have many more tips to share with you, so please listen to the podcast! But before I go, I want to emphasize that the most important thing to do when traveling is to prioritize yourself. That includes nourishing yourself, being kind to yourself and forgiving yourself when you go off plan. Happy travels!  

  • The Miracle of Algae: The Future of Fast Food And Reversing the Aging Process With Catharine Arnston

    11/10/2022 Duration: 45min

    On this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I look at why algae is so important in your diet, and acts as a superfood. Joining me today is Catharine Arnston, the founder and Chief Scientific Officer of ENERGYbits. She is an expert in algae for wellness in nutrition, beauty, biohacking, mitochondria, and longevity. Algae was actually the first life on earth 4 billion years ago and is now known to be the most nutrient-dense food in the world. Two forms of algae in particular are considered superfoods -- spirulina and chlorella. You can take these in a dried pill form but they must be raw algae, dried at low heat for the nutrients to survive. They offer a multitude of benefits -- your hunger will be cut, your energy will be increased and your brain fog will go away. They contain zero carbs, and contain the critical antioxidants that can stop free radical damage in your mitochondria, promoting anti-aging. Spirulina and chlorella work harmoniously together. Spirulina works in the morning for energizing, appetite con

  • Clean Skin From Within: Balancing Your Hormones to Maintain Your Healthy Glow with Dr. Trevor Cates

    04/10/2022 Duration: 40min

    On this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, Dr. Trevor Cates joins me to talk about hormones and nutrition. Dr. Cates is the author of the USA Today bestselling book Clean Skin From Within and the founder of The Spa Dr. natural skincare line.  In order to obtain hormonal balance, we should look at many factors, including diet and seasonal changes. Our needs change with fall, winter, spring and summer and changing up your diet is important to get the freshest food with the most nutrients. Eating the same diet every day is not optimal. So if you’re used to eating the same chicken salad every single day, try replacing it with something seasonal. Even adult acne can be traced back to our gut health and metabolism because there is a gut-skin connection. Using the right skincare products without harmful chemicals is essential because those chemicals can pass through into our bodies. We get a healthy glow when your hormones are balanced. Dr. Cates suggests eating a little more fiber, a little less sugar, and trying to

  • The Secret to Maintaining Your Best Self with Martin Silva

    27/09/2022 Duration: 41min

    On this week’s episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I talk with Martin Silva, personal trainer, competitive natural bodybuilder and online transformation coach. When it comes to maintaining weight loss or healthy living habits, many of us get stuck. We might attain a goal but find it hard to maintain that result over time. One of the keys is not changing more than two things at a time, and not going from zero to 100 when setting goals. When you make one or two small goals at a time and stay consistent with those, then the chance to get overwhelmed or fall back on bad habits is minimalized. It's also important to add instead of restrict when setting goals. For example, in nutrition, add more protein or whole foods to your diet rather than restricting other foods. Eating more protein blunts your appetite, and then you can start replacing sugars and processed foods naturally. Add a reasonable exercise component that’s a little different to mix up what you’ve always done.  It always comes down to the fundamentals. B

  • The Benefits of Eating Organ Meat with James Barry

    20/09/2022 Duration: 36min

    On this week’s episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I talk with James Barry, a private chef who’s been in the culinary field for nearly two decades and believes in the benefits of eating organ meat, otherwise known as offal. Our ancestors ate parts of animals that gave them lots of nutrient-dense food. The foods we eat today are not as nutrient-dense as the food our grandparents ate, so the majority of Americans are nutrient deficient, but not calorie deficient.  72% of men and 63% of women are obese or overweight in the US because they’re eating a lot of food, but that food is low in nutrients. Barry believes that organ meats can really help people to get the nutrients they need. He calls them Mother Nature’s multivitamins and considers animal organs some of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. He cites beef liver as being one of the healthiest foods you can eat, chock full of vitamins and minerals. Other animal organs like hearts and tongue are also high in nutrients. Barry has created a freeze-dried s

  • Hormone Replenishment with Dr. Sahar Swidan

    13/09/2022 Duration: 52min

    On this week’s episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I talk with Dr. Sahar Swidan about the pros and cons of bioidentical hormone replenishment. Dr. Swidan is president and CEO of NeuroPharm and former CEO of Pharmacy Solutions. She is board-certified and an advanced fellow in anti-aging and regenerative therapies. Hormones can play a part in so many health issues throughout our lives, including neurological ones. For example, why do women get migraines and asthma attacks during menstruation? It’s all related to hormonal imbalances in the body. Hormone replacement or replenishment can often go by many different terms, like body identical, bioidentical, natural, synthetic, and these terms can be confusing. Body identical and bioidentical mean what your body makes, and what we are replenishing. Women should make sure that whatever they’re being given is FDA approved, and that they’re working with reputable compounding pharmacies that don’t use solvents or chemicals.  Diet is also important when embarking on a hormo

  • The Importance of a Keto Green Diet with Kristina Hess

    06/09/2022 Duration: 43min

    On this week’s episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I had a conversation with Kristina Hess, a premier health coach and licensed clinical nutritionist who’s passionate about a ketogenic approach to treat inflammation and restore metabolic health. She’s also the host and founder of Keto Symposium, the first low-carb conference in New York City. Adapting a ketogenic lifestyle can prevent diabetes, heart disease, cancer, menopausal symptoms, brain fog and mood swings. It can also help with weight loss and autoimmune disorders. Having a keto green diet is mandatory for brain health and cognitive function.  A keto green diet promotes a metabolic state where you’re burning fat preferentially over sugar. Eating a lot of protein is key, along with lots of greens and other vegetables. Once you reach a state of ketosis, you no longer experience hunger cravings for carbs and sugar. It’s also important to drink lots of water between meals and keep your greens intake high as well. KEY TAKEAWAYS [3:22] Bio-individuality and

  • The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting with Gin Stephens

    30/08/2022 Duration: 48min

    On this week’s episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I had a conversation with Gin Stephens, a former elementary school teacher who turned to fasting as a way to lose weight after becoming obese. She is the author of the New York Times bestseller, Fast Feast Repeat as well as Cleanish and other books. Fasting is not about what you eat, but when you eat. It’s become a healthy way to lose unwanted pounds and maintain optimal weight and health. Generally, intermittent fasting means not eating for 16 hours between dinner and breakfast, and then eating regularly for those other 8 hours. The hours may vary per person. When you first take on intermittent fasting, you have to allow your body to get “fat-adapted” and then you can tailor your fasting so it’s easy. It’s all about learning to listen to the body and what rhythm feels good, and practice “intuitive eating.” Intermittent fasting will not cause a lot of weight loss fast, in fact, in most cases, not for the first 28 days. But from that point forward, you can expec

  • Healing From the Inside Out: A Holistic Approach to Breast Implant Health with Dr. Robert Whitfield

    23/08/2022 Duration: 44min

    On this week’s episode of the Girlfriend Doctor Show, I had a conversation with Dr. Robert Whitfield, a world-renowned cosmetic surgeon and breast implant illness expert. Dr. Whitfield takes a holistic approach to breast implant illness that includes genetic testing, mold toxicity, and hormone balancing to help patients heal from the inside out.  In this episode, Dr. Whitfield talks about how many women with breast implants come to him with common symptoms including brain fog, mold exposure, and memory loss. Additionally, they can suffer from increased anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, respiratory issues, dry eyes, sinusitis, gut dysfunction, swelling, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, recurring UTIs, bacterial vaginosis, and muscle and joint pain. These symptoms can also align with mold toxicity or Lyme disease Breast implant illness may also be connected to genetic pathway problems, dietary issues, hormonal imbalance and endocrine dysfunction, so it’s important to get comprehensive testing done. Dr. W

  • Ken Swartz and Reducing Your Toxic Burden With C60

    16/08/2022 Duration: 37min

    In this week’s episode Ken Swartz better known as “Ken the Scientist” ,chief founder of C60 talks about his revolutionary antioxidant. Ken explains how C60 can be more beneficial than hormone replacement therapy because it helps neutralize heavy metals in your body making it easier for your body to clear them. There are many things we encounter every day that can interfere with our mitochondria function and that affects how we think and feel throughout the day but ultimately it affects our hormones. Although it may feel overwhelming, Dr. Ken is here to assure you that you have control over what you consume which can have a dramatic effect on the toxic burden in your body.   Key takeaways: [2:50] C60 is one of the most powerful antioxidants ever discovered. [4:22] How C60 works. [11:57] Eating organic for just 2 weeks can reduce the pesticide burden by 90%. [16:40] How to improve cell to cell communication in your body. [20:00] How C60 supports the Krebs Cycle. [22:20] Testing your hormone levels when taking C

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