Resist Average Academy: Knowledge | Inspiration | Action | Motivation | Business | Growth | Spirit | Success | Money |



Resist Average Academy is a show for those who are ready to level up their lives and become their best selves. Using inspiring stories of both challenge, success, growth and learning from top visionaries, entrepreneurs and thought leaders, the academy's mission is to give you the knowledge to take inspired action with your life!


  • Ep. 172 | Personality Isn't Permanent with Benjamin Hardy

    16/06/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    Do you believe your personality is permanent and fixed —or can be shifted and shaped in any way? The truth is most people adopt labels of personality that come from other people, themselves or even personality tests: “I am not creative.” “I am not smart enough.” “I am an introvert or extrovert.” And the question we have to ask ourselves is —are these doing more harm than good? Enter the latest Academy guest —Dr. Benjamin Hardy. Dr. Ben Hardy is an organizational psychologist whose blogs have been viewed by over 100 million people and are featured on Forbes, Fortune, CNBC, and many others. From 2015 to 2018, he was the #1 writer in the world on His latest book, Personality Isn’t Permanent debunks the myth that personality is innate and unchangeable, and gives you science-backed strategies for becoming the person you want to be. During this conversation you’ll learn the danger of personality tests, how to strip yourself away from personality labels, how to adopt a growth mindset, why your future s

  • Ep. 171 | Your Business Is a Spiritual Quest with Yanik Silver

    10/06/2020 Duration: 01h05min

    Your purpose, your business, your calling —is not only about ambition, abundance and financial resources. Rather, if you do it right, with intention —it becomes a spiritual quest to get to know who you are and why you’re here. Sounds deep, right? Well, that’s why we’re here and my next guest is all about this —Yanik Silver. Yanik has been called a Cosmic Catalyst, a Maverick Mischief-maker and a Galactic Goofball.He redefines how business is played in the 21st century at the intersection of more profits, more fun, and more impact. Yanik is the creator of the Cosmic Journal, author of Evolved Enterprise and the founder of Maverick1000, a global network of top entrepreneurs & visionary entrepreneurs making a serious difference in the world, without taking themselves too seriously. In fact, it’s not unusual to find him dressed as a lemur, a showgirl or even in matching mermaid tails with Sir Richard Branson. In this episode, you’re going to learn how to build a business with deep intention and purpose, why e

  • Ep. 170 | Q&A With Tommy & Taylor —Boundaries, Self-Care, Lessons

    06/06/2020 Duration: 57min

    Today’s episode is a completely new format and a very special guest —my incredible fiancee, Taylor Stone. Since we’re both at home now and have our own podcasts, we decided to click record and have an open discussion on some of the biggest lessons during this unique season of life and business. We discuss the biggest lessons from quarantine, the pursuit of less, how to tap into deep fulfillment, seek perspective and how everyone is more adaptable than they believe they are. We answer questions from social media on business, relationships, nutrition and more in a candid, off-the-cuff and fun back and forth. If you enjoyed this episode, let Taylor and I know by tagging us on Instagram and we’ll be sure to do it again! Ep. 170 | Taylor Stone Links Vibe Higher Podcast Taylor Stone Instagram MASTERCLASS: MAKE 2020 THE YEAR EVERYTHING CHANGED This is why I created a special Masterclass Experience —Make 2020 The Year Everything Changed. Inside this high-level training only my paid clients receive access to, you’re

  • Ep. 169 | Stop Networking, Start Connecting with David Burkus

    31/05/2020 Duration: 54min

    Have you ever been to a "networking" event, collected tons of business cards —and then couldn't wait to take a shower? We've all been there, and let's be real here: 90% of "networking" events are a colossal waste of time, energy and effort. They are usually a pitchfest for some insurance or home repair services you're never going to use. But what about connecting? Enter my latest guest, David Burkus —one of the world's leading business thinkers. David's forward-thinking ideas and bestselling books are changing how companies approach innovation, collaboration, and productivity. As a skilled researcher and inspiring communicator, Burkus is one of the foremost minds shaping the future of business. His award winning books have been translated into more than a dozen languages, and his TED Talk has been viewed over 2 million times. His books include Friend of a Friend: Understanding the Hidden Networks That Can Transform Your Life and Your Career, Pick a Fight: How Great Teams Find a Purpose Worth Rallying Around a

  • Quick Hit #138: An Unconventional Life & Business

    28/05/2020 Duration: 50min

    You're not conventional, so why are you comparing yourself to those who are? Here's the truth: I may look put together but for most of my life I’ve been a misfit, a rebel, told I would never succeed —always feeling lost. Which means an unconventional path wasn’t some moment of inspiration —it was all I had. Today I wanted to share the biggest lessons I’ve learned from a decade in choosing an unconventional path and helping others do the same: An unconventional life. An unconventional business. An unconventional purpose and passion. To quote Joseph Campbell: "If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your path.” You're going to love this deep dive into the biggest lessons you can use today to remind you that you are carving a path that is yours, not someone else's! MASTERCLASS: MAKE 2020 THE YEAR EVERYTHING CHANGED This is why I created a special Masterclass Experience —Make 2020 The Year Everyth

  • Ep. 168 | Find Your Life's Task with Robert Greene

    24/05/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    Mastery. This is what comes up when I think of the latest guest on the Academy podcast —the one and only Robert Greene.  This episode is a total pleasure for me, as I've looked up to Robert's work for nearly a decade. Robert Greene is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law, and Mastery. In his highly anticipated sixth book, The Laws of Human Nature, he turns to the most important subject of all – understanding people’s drives and motivations, even when they are unconscious of them themselves. This episode was filmed during quarantine, but it was still incredibly special and you're going to discover how to find your purpose, the myths that keep people stuck on the path of mastery, why acquiring skills and mentorship is non-negotiable and much, much more. Ep. 168 | Robert Greene Links Robert Greene Blog Robert Greene Mastery Ep. 168 | Robert Greene Quotes "The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them

  • Ep. 167 | Fulfillment Is An Inside Game with Gabby Reece

    10/05/2020 Duration: 01h08min

    Success, identity, ego, achievement and fulfillment. All of these require self-awareness; a skill that is essential in everyday life. For example: How do you stay in alignment with your true desires when you experience success or failure? How do you seek excellence in a part of your life while leaving enough space for other priorities? How do you get clear on what really matters and most importantly, check in with yourself? Enter the latest Academy guest —Gabby Reece. Gabby is not only a volleyball legend, but an inspirational leader, New York Times bestselling author, wife, and mother. The former professional beach volleyball player and Nike’s first female spokeswoman is the definition of both athleticism and beauty. She has done it all, literally, and I had the pleasure of having a deep conversation with her on the inside game of growth, success and fulfillment. Ep. 167 |  Gabby Reece Links Gabby Reece Show Gabby Reece Instagram Ep. 167 |  Gabby Reece Quotes " MASTERCLASS: MAKE 2020 THE YEAR EVERYTHING

  • Ep. 166 | Get Out Of Your Own Way with Dave Hollis

    04/05/2020 Duration: 01h07min

    Your biggest obstacle in the way of your success, your next level of financial growth, the dreams, desires and ambitions you have is yourself. (Catch the full video episode on YouTube here.) Sounds crazy, right? But we so often are on a path of growth, doing the right things —and then we get in our own way: We self sabotage when we're on a roll. We don't allow ourselves to feel good now. We create drama that isn't even necessary. I've been there, and it's no way to live. But is there another way? Enter the latest Resist Average Academy guest, Dave Hollis —Husband. Father. Business owner. Bronco enthusiast. And for the very first time this Spring, published author of Get Out of Your Own Way: A Skeptic's Guide to Growth and Fulfillment. Dave Hollis is one half of the dynamic, powerhouse duo that is Rachel and Dave Hollis. In addition to running a company and raising four small humans, later this year Dave will embark on The Dave Hollis Book Tour, regaling audiences all over the US with tales of how one former

  • Quick Hit #137: Avoid These 4 Big Myths

    23/04/2020 Duration: 27min

    There are 4 Big Myths people are believing right now during this season of COVID-19 that are holding you back from performance, fulfillment and success. They are: MYTH #1: You need to hustle your face off right now. The first myth says you need to use every waking moment during this time to move forward with intensity and vigor —hustling your way to success. The danger here is you miss out on the valuable insights, clarity and breakthrough that can only come in the space, in the quiet, in the stillness as Ryan Holiday says. Instead, as I’ve been teaching my clients: Less is more —now is the time to identify your “Big 3” priorities and delete the rest of the noise. By focusing on less, you get “more”. MYTH #2: You need to simply “be” and unplug right now. You shouldn’t have a calendar right now, this is the time to “reset”, to let go, to align your chakras and find true North, right? Well, not quite —because while I do agree that this season is a powerful time to go inward, the premise is flawed: Without any s

  • Ep. 164 | Sell Yourself First with Brad Lea

    21/04/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    Everyone sells. Everyone is looking to influence someone else. Even those who claim that they don't are actually doing it in a different way. And the truth is simple: if you care about what you do, the people you serve and how you can help them —it is your responsibility to get it in front of people. Especially during these times when it's easy to buy into "myths" that no one is buying, it's hard to make a sale, no one wants to invest. Enter the latest Academy guest —Brad Lea. Brad is a leading authority on web-based training. Experienced and proven in sales and marketing, he is a seasoned professional with a strong base of sales management coming from 25 years in the Automotive Industry. As the Founder and CEO of LightSpeed VT, Brad has revolutionized the online training world. He has set the gold standard for how training is delivered, tracked and reported on ensuring maximum performance, accountability, retention and results. Ep. 164 | Sell Yourself First with Brad Lea Brad Lea Online Brad Lea Instagram

  • Ep. 164 | The Unconventional Life with Chris Guillebeau

    14/04/2020 Duration: 32min

    In life, we're told to follow a predictable, safe, and predictable path: go to school, get good grades, land a "safe" job with a nice salary and then check off the boxes of society. There is no doubt this system "works" —but is it what you really want? Personally, it took me a lot of challenges, crisis, getting laid off and doing terrible at school to realize the system is not for me and I was basically unemployable. At that time, my sister gave me a book called The Art of Non Conformity by Chris Guillebeau, who is the latest guest on the Academy. Chris is the New York Times bestselling author of The $100 Startup, The Happiness of Pursuit, and other books. Chris travels the world and writes for a small army of remarkable people at Follow him on Twitter (@chrisguillebeau), Instagram (@193countries), or listen to his daily podcast (Side Hustle School), at His newest book, The Money Tree, is out now.  During this conversation, you'll discover the best path to clarity du

  • Quick Hit #136: You Need Cash. Here's How.

    13/04/2020 Duration: 28min

    Cash. Revenue. Income. How do you create it if you have no business, or your business can't operate as it usually does? Enter the FPC Formula [Fastest Path to Cash] —on getting clear about your skills, the problems in the marketplace and instant solutions you can provide now. You can start now, without a website, funnels, business cards or anything else. In Quick Hit #136 —I'll take you through the exact system that has worked for myself and countless others. MASTERCLASS: MAKE 2020 THE YEAR EVERYTHING CHANGED This is why I created a special Masterclass Experience —Make 2020 The Year Everything Changed. Inside this high-level training only my paid clients receive access to, you’re going to discover how to: Release overwhelm, fear and procrastination Get massive clarity on your vision Reverse engineer your goals and targets Step into your personal power and confidence Create exponential growth momentum and results ...and most importantly —feel like you’re back in the driver’s seat and on the right track in yo

  • Ep. 163 | Creativity Is Not Optional with Chase Jarvis

    07/04/2020 Duration: 01h15min

    Creativity is not optional, it's who you are. In the last 24 hours, you have been creative —in some shape, way or form. Because being creative is not about art, painting, drawing. It’s a muscle that we all have, we all tap into, we can harness to bring something to life: a meal, a conversation, a connection, a business, a book, anything. Enter the latest Resist Average Academy guest —Chase Jarvis. Chase Jarvis is an American artist, director, entrepreneur and author who co-founded the on-line educational platform Creative Live. Chase consistently uses his voice to educate and inspire people to achieve their creative potential, and the author of the brand new book, Creative Calling: Establish a Daily Practice, Infuse Your World with Meaning, And Succeed in Work + Life. Make no mistake: this episode has the potential to shift every part of your life, and I was absolutely blown away by how Chase showed up in a time where we are all dealing with stress, the unknown, and uncertainty. You’re going to discover why

  • Quick Hit #135: 8 Non-Negotiable Steps For Working At Home

    06/04/2020 Duration: 37min

    Progress = Freedom. Momentum = Freedom. Expansion = Freedom. You're working from home. You have no commute anymore. You have more time —but you also have challenge: a new environment, a different schedule, countless interruptions, new habits and routines. Right now, progress = freedom —and specifically, emotional freedom from the external chaos. In this special Quick Hit, I'll share 8 non-negotiable steps to make working from home powerful and ensure you do your best work, at the best times, while releasing the overwhelm and uncertainty we can all be experiencing. You won't want to miss this one. MASTERCLASS: MAKE 2020 THE YEAR EVERYTHING CHANGED This is why I created a special Masterclass Experience —Make 2020 The Year Everything Changed. Inside this high-level training only my paid clients receive access to, you’re going to discover how to: Release overwhelm, fear and procrastination Get massive clarity on your vision Reverse engineer your goals and targets Step into your personal power and confidence Crea

  • Ep. 162 | Unwind Anxiety & Create Calm with Dr. Judson Brewer

    30/03/2020 Duration: 01h09min

    Where does anxiety come from and how do you and I release it to find peace, calm and clarity? Personally, I find a massive difference between stress and anxiety: usually, I can trace back stress to a specific trigger. Anxiety, on the other hand, is oddly elusive. It comes and goes, sometimes, unpredictably. Especially during times of external challenge and chaos, it can end up owning us. Enter the latest Academy guest who is a world-class expert on all things anxiety, Dr. Judson Brewer —a thought leader in the "science of self mastery," having combined nearly 20 years of experience with mindfulness and scientific research therein. An expert in mindfulness training for addictions, Dr. Jud has developed novel treatments to help individuals with substance abuse and eating disorders. He has also studied the neural mechanisms of mindfulness using standard and real­time fMRI, and is translating these findings into clinical use. In this timely episode, you're going to discover how to unwind anxiety, create peace and

  • Quick Hit #134: Protect Your Mental Real Estate

    27/03/2020 Duration: 15min

    Protect your mental real estate —otherwise, you're going to start your day off with scarcity, stress and overwhelm. Right now, it has never been more important to take control of your Mind, Body & Spirit —and return to the basics of breathing, movement, hydration and finding an emotional center to start the day. In Quick Hit #134, I'll reveal 5 simple ways you can protect your mental real estate and come back to a more grounded, calm and collected place. MASTERCLASS: MAKE 2020 THE YEAR EVERYTHING CHANGED This is why I created a special Masterclass Experience —Make 2020 The Year Everything Changed. Inside this high-level training only my paid clients receive access to, you’re going to discover how to: Release overwhelm, fear and procrastination Get massive clarity on your vision Reverse engineer your goals and targets Step into your personal power and confidence Create exponential growth momentum and results ...and most importantly —feel like you’re back in the driver’s seat and on the right track in you

  • Ep. 161 | Turn Challenge Into Massive Growth with Jay Nixon

    24/03/2020 Duration: 01h18min

    Challenge, adversity, crisis —can be a place to shrink down, to give up, and to ultimately quit on our dreams, being overcome with circumstance. Or, we can use it as a tool and catalyst for massive growth —to let go of what no longer serves, to take non-emotional inventory, to work on ourselves, our businesses and our mission in a deeper way. Enter the latest Resist Average Academy guest, a former Alumni, and great friend —Jay Nixon. Jay is the owner of Thrive Fitness, an in-person and online platform designed to transform people's lives as well as a two-time author, speaker, coach. In this episode, you're going to learn how to re-frame the challenge we're going through, get hyper clear on what to do next, release stress, overwhelm and anxiety —protect your energy and much, much more. MASTERCLASS: MAKE 2020 THE YEAR EVERYTHING CHANGED This is why I created a special Masterclass Experience —Make 2020 The Year Everything Changed. Inside this high-level training only my paid clients receive access to, you’re goi

  • Ep. 160 | Navigating Chaos & Uncertainty with COVID-19

    17/03/2020 Duration: 44min

    We're being challenged. Right now, everyone in the world is going through this together with COVID-19: stress, challenge, and a lot of questions. We don't have all the answers, but we have the tools.  In today's special edition episode, I wanted to help train you on Navigating Chaos, Stress & Uncertainty during these times. Remember: You are 100% responsible for your energy, how you’re showing up —and others are being influenced by you. We need the leaders of our communities to rise up, because: Leadership isn’t about convenience. Leadership isn’t about massive actions. Leadership isn’t about things always working. It’s about times like this and I'll share 10 Key Principles to Create Space, Perspective and Emotional Clarity during these times. Eyes up, rise up. ACCESS FREE THE MASTERCLASS HERE: >>> LIKED WHAT YOU HEARD? There are countless podcasts out there. If you have ever gotten any value from the Academy… Please take 60-90 seconds to tell the world why. What is it about the Ac

  • Quick Hit #133: What "All In" Really Means

    10/03/2020 Duration: 17min

    All in. All in. All in. We hear this all the time, or have even said it: we're all in with our business, our dreams, the goals and desires we have. But the truth is: 95% of people who say it, are actually —not all in, because in my experience: most people who think they are all in are 40% in at best. In this episode, I give you some much needed #RealTalk and perspective on what your dreams will really take. Because I, too, have been the guy who talked big, but didn't act or show up big. If you want to be all in, do not miss listening to this episode as it will wake you up and put you in a place of power, clarity and immense growth. MASTERCLASS: MAKE 2020 THE YEAR EVERYTHING CHANGED This is why I created a special Masterclass Experience —Make 2020 The Year Everything Changed. Inside this high-level training only my paid clients receive access to, you’re going to discover how to: Release overwhelm, fear and procrastination Get massive clarity on your vision Reverse engineer your goals and targets Step into you

  • Ep. 159 | The Ultimate Skill for Success with Dr. Tasha Eurich

    08/03/2020 Duration: 01h04min

    What is the number one skill for success in life, business, growth and relationships? Take a moment to reflect on this —and see what comes up: Is it grit? Is it resilience? Is it discipline? While those are all crucial —one stands above them all: self-awareness. Enter the Academy's latest guest, Dr. Tasha Eurich. Dr. Tasha Eurich is an organizational psychologist, researcher, and New York Times best-selling author. She uses the principles of psychology to help individuals become more self-aware and successful, and companies to grow and thrive. She has been named a “Top 100 Thought Leader” by Trust Across America, a “Leader to Watch” by the American Management Association, and one of Denver Business Journal‘s “40 Under 40.”  In this podcast, you're going to discover the keys to become more self-aware, turning your blind spots into breakthroughs and tapping into the most powerful version of yourself. Ep. 159 —Dr. Tasha Eurich Links: Insight Book Dr. Tasha Eurich TEDx MASTERCLASS: MAKE 2020 THE YEAR EVERYTHI

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