Eastside At Olive Springs



Check back each week for more sermon updates from the pulpit of Olive Springs Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia! We're glad you're listening. May it be a blessing to you!


  • Time is Running Out! - Audio

    20/09/2009 Duration: 2116h00s

    We don't have all the time in the world to share the Gospel! What are we going to do? Paul eneumerates five characteristics of the believer


    13/09/2009 Duration: 2083h00s

    The Battle of Armageddon and the final defeat of satan and evil on this earth. God wins and satan loses! Listen to Dr. Randy as he share the biblical truths and timeline regarding this last great battle campaign in history!


    06/09/2009 Duration: 2053h00s

    At the end of The Tribulation, Jesus Christ will return to earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords and reign on this earth 1000 years.

  • The Tribulation - Audio

    30/08/2009 Duration: 2224h00s

    Focusing on the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24, Dr. Randy shares with the congregation of Olive Springs the horrifying events of both the Tribulation and the Great Tribulation following the Rapture of the church. He leads the congregation to ponder and answer the question: Will you be left behnd?

  • The Rapture of the Church: THE BLESSED HOPE - Audio

    23/08/2009 Duration: 2252h00s

    What will happen at the Rapture is not left up to the believer's imagination. Under the inspiration of God's Holy Spirit, Paul shares this vital prophecy with the believers in the Church at Thessalonica.

  • The Seventy-Weeks Prophecy of Daniel - Audio

    16/08/2009 Duration: 2122h00s

    Dr. Randy shares from the prophet Daniel's "Seventy Weeks of Years" regarding the end times calendar of God! How close are we? Only God knows for sure! Listen closely to Dr. Randy as he shares from God's Word regarding the very next thing on God's eschatological calendar!

  • Signs About the End Times From the Lips of Jesus - Audio

    02/08/2009 Duration: 2506h00s

    Join Dr. Randy today as he begins a new series entitled, "WHEN JESUS COMES: BIBLICAL TRUTHS ABOUT THE END TIMES with the first sermon, "Signs of the Times from the Lips of Jesus!" Listen as Dr. Randy shares from Jesus' Discourse to His Disciples at the Mt. of Olives

  • Until He Comes - Audio

    26/07/2009 Duration: 3107h00s

    Join Dr. Randy and the Congregation at Olive Springs as we celebrate together the Ordinance - the Command - of THE LORD'S SUPPER! As we participate together, we proclaim our Lord's life, death and resurrection "Until JESUS Comes!"

  • Become a "LIGHT-ER!" - Audio

    19/07/2009 Duration: 1936h00s

    Five things every believer must do in order to "let our light shine" from Matthew 5:16. Join the congregation of Olive Springs Baptist Church in Marietta, GA as Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy M. Cheek, shares these precepts from God's WORD.

  • Become a "Blessing-Giver!" - Audio

    12/07/2009 Duration: 1663h00s

    Matthew records eight spiritual lifestyle changes from the lips of Jesus that must happen for the Christian to blessed and become a "Blessing-Giver" to others they are called to serve. Listen as Dr. Randy shares these changes with you. Take the test...what are the top three (3) you need to improve upon right now!

  • Become and "I DOCTOR!" - Audio

    05/07/2009 Duration: 2208h00s

    To be a true "doulos," the believer must do a godly self-examination! He must not seek to be a servant with a judgmental and prejudiced heart! He must perform "I Surgery!" Listen as Dr. Randy shares with you just how to accomplish this task from the Word of GOD!

  • A Day's Legacy to His Family - Audio

    24/06/2009 Duration: 1708h00s

    As the Apostle Paul comes to the end of his ministry and his life, he gives to his young protege, Timothy, profound counsel as to what it means to leave a legacy! Paul left a true, spiritual legacy for Timothy. Dad's today must do the same. Paul shows us exactly how to do that very thing. Listen as Dr. Randy shares from 2 Timothy 4:7 about three spiritual aspects a Godly Dad must leave for his family.

  • Become a "SEEKER!" - Audio

    31/05/2009 Duration: 2144h00s

    What does it mean to become a "SEEK-ER" of God's Kingdom? If we are going to be the "doulos" God has called us to become, we must become a PRAY-ER, a SALT-SHAKER and a SEEK-ER! Listen as Dr. Randy shares four words in his message today from Matthew 6:33 - Jesus' Sermon on the Mount to His disciples!

  • Become a "SALT-SHAKER!" - Audio

    25/05/2009 Duration: 1735h00s

    Three very simple biblical truths using the example of the "Salt-Shaker" is what Dr. Randy shares with the congregation at Olive Springs Baptist Church in the morning service. If we are going to be the "doulos" of God, we must first become and "PRAY-ER!" Then, we must become a "SALT-SHAKER!" Find out how as you listen to Dr. Randy's message from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:13.

  • Become a "PRAY-ER!" - Audio

    17/05/2009 Duration: 2252h00s

    If we are going to be the "DOULOS" God is calling us to become, the believer MUST make PRAYER his passion and priority! Modeling from the Lord's Prayer, the Christian must become a constant "PRAY-ER" in his/her daily walk with the Lord. Listen as Dr. Randy shares five priniciples of prayer found in this model prayer taught to His Disciples by Jesus Christ as He retreated from the large crowds of people to teach His disciples.

  • Great Faith Moms! - Audio

    10/05/2009 Duration: 1802h00s

    What does it take to become a "GREAT FAITH MOM?" The Canaanite Woman in our Scripture is nameless. Yet, our Lord said of her she was a woman of "great faith!" How can we do this same in these days of the 21st Century? Join Dr. Randy as shares three requirements of every "Great Faith Mom!"

  • Senior Adult Man/Woman of the Year 2009 - Audio

    03/05/2009 Duration: 671h00s

    Congratulations to Mrs. Eva McNeal adn Mr. Heyward Galloway chosen as Senior Adult Woman and Man of the Year at Olive Springs Baptist Church on our Senior Adult Sunday

  • Sunshine Sunday at Olive Springs! - Audio

    22/04/2009 Duration: 1789h00s

    Olive Springs has a very active ministry called our "Sunshine Sunday School Class." This ministry is led by a group of incredible adults who minister to a group of mentally and physically challenged adults in our community! We have an unbelievable group of folks in this class who give of themselves to serve Jesus Christ every day of their lives. Join us today as leaders, Mrs. Jane Ingram and Mrs. Linda Mayes, shares about our Sunshine Ministry and it's impact on the Kingdom of God since its inception almost 25 years ago with its founder, the late Mrs. Nettie Holcomb.

  • I've Just Seen Jesus - Audio

    13/04/2009 Duration: 2156h00s

    Through Matthew 28:1-10 the Lord gives us five reason why the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is FACT! Do you believe in Easter!? Do you believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ? Listen as Dr. Randy shares these reasons to the congregation at Olive Springs on Easter Sunday 2009.

  • The Work of a Missionary - Audio

    29/03/2009 Duration: 1579h00s

    Rev. Cavin Cawthon and family were commissioned on March 29 at Olive Springs as International Mission Board Missionaries to Costa Rica. Join Cavin as he shares the work of a missionary through Romans, Chapter 15. The work of a missionary involves four specific things. Listen as Cavin shares them with the congregation at Olive Springs on this historic morning.

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