Eastside At Olive Springs



Check back each week for more sermon updates from the pulpit of Olive Springs Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia! We're glad you're listening. May it be a blessing to you!


  • I AM The VINE! - Audio

    26/03/2009 Duration: 1850h00s

    he true child of God WILL bear fruit for God's Kindgom? From what "vine" have you grown? There are four truths about fruit-bearing that Dr. Randy desires all of us hear, understand and respond to this morning as Jesus proclaims this great “I AM” statement. Then, we simply must answer this question from Jesus: "Do You Believe This?"

  • I AM The Resurrection and The Life! - Audio

    15/03/2009 Duration: 1814h00s

    Do you have the faith of Martha to understand the TRUTH that Jesus Christ is the Ressurection and the Life? Allow your faith to move from a "complaining, limited" faith to a "declared" faith as taught to us through the conversation between Jesus and Martha.

  • I AM The GOOD Shepherd! - Audio

    08/03/2009 Duration: 1609h00s

    Jesus loves me this I know! He is the GOOD Shepherd. He takes care of His sheep. We sing it; we say it; but, do we really trust God's promise to us!? Once again, Jesus tell us so much about Him and His nature through this simple "I AM" statement. Listen to three attributes about Jesus shared by our Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek. Through this message, allow the WORD OF GOD to impact and change your life in a renewed understanding of Jesus as YOUR GOOD SHEPHERD

  • I am THE GATE! - Audio

    23/02/2009 Duration: 1290h00s

    There is only one door - one gate- into heaven and that is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ! What or Who are you trusting for your eternal salvation? Listen as Dr. Randy shares three foundational precepts in one's understanding of Jesus Christ as God's ONLY WAY for any man/woman to be saved!

  • I AM The LIGHT - Audio

    15/02/2009 Duration: 2130h00s

    Jesus Christ is the only LIGHT! Following Him intentionally means that we will not walk IN darkness, but in HIS LIGHT! Are you? Join Dr. Randy as he share three precepts from the lips of Jesus as He proclaims from the Temple Court of Women, "I AM THE LIGHT." Then, listen as Dr. Randy share with the folks at OSBC, the greatest, spiritual compliment given by Jesus to believers

  • I AM The BREAD of LIFE! - Audio

    08/02/2009 Duration: 2130h00s

    Who is Jesus to the Believer? What does it mean to proclaim, "Jesus is the LORD of my Life?" Through this series of message leading up to Easter Sunday, let's allow Jesus to share tell us once again of the power of a growing, personal relationship with Jesus Christ! The Bread of LIFE comes through Jesus Christ alone. All hunger and thirst is satifisfied through this manna! And, this bread requires our personal response!

  • Deacon Ordination - James Moran, II - Audio

    01/02/2009 Duration: 1424h00s

    Join the congregation of Olive Springs as we have the privilege of ordaining, Mr. James Moran, II to the Deacon Ministry at Olive Springs

  • The Sacredness of Human Life - Audio

    19/01/2009 Duration: 2075h00s

    For this "Sanctity of Human Life Sunday" at Olive Springs, our Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, shares from the Word of God about God's perspective of the Sacredness of Human Life. Listen closely to the three spiritual Truths as shared by our pastor.

  • From the Heart - Audio

    11/01/2009 Duration: 1830h00s

    The Giver's Heart is proclaimed as an act of worship! God loves the heart of the giver! This poor widow gave everything to God when she placed her tithe in the containers at the Temple Treasury. She experienced true biblical giving from the heart!

  • The Gift and the Giver - Audio

    04/01/2009 Duration: 2458h00s

    "The Gift and the Giver" answers three questions: What is the Gift? Who is the Giver? Why Give the Gift? Based on the Word of God, the answers to these questions will exhort the believer to true biblical giving

  • "The Gift and the Giver" - Audio

    04/01/2009 Duration: 140h00s

    Listen as Mrs. Pam Swett and Mrs. Karen Harrison shares with us this dramatic reading entitled, "The Gift and the Giver." Which kind of "giver" are you? - Selfish or Cheerful?

  • If I Could Only Start Over - Audio

    28/12/2008 Duration: 1842h00s

    Have you ever wondered if you could ever start over? Though the Bible never teaches that we can redo the past, we can "start over!" Listen to Dr. Randy as he shares with you 10 words of starting over from Isaiah 55.

  • Experience the Heart of Love - JESUS! - Audio

    21/12/2008 Duration: 2124h00s

    The Definition of Christmas: Through the Eyes of HOPE, with a sense of PEACE and the gift of JOY, experience the heart of LOVE - JESUS! Join Dr. Randy as he share from the WORD of GOD about the LOVE only God has for you and me. Listen as our pastor as he share how God orchestrated the taxation, the trip and the birth of the only begotten Son of God! Our Father's Will was done on that incredible night in Bethlehem.

  • Through the Eyes of Hope - Audio

    02/12/2008 Duration: 1600h00s

    The HOPE of Christmas lies in understanding the prophecy in the Old Testament by Isaiah forthtelling the coming of the Messiah! HOPE was never a "possibility," but a REALITY!

  • Only One Returned to say, "Thanks!" - Audio

    23/11/2008 Duration: 1137h00s

    Ten lepers healed! Only one returned to say, "Thanks!" But something more happened to that one! Today we will express our "Thanks" through the celebration of the Lord's Supper. As the "foreigner," the Samaritan, was healed and restored, he was the only one to return to Jesus Christ and worship Him. But, something else happening to this Samaritan. Listen closely to Dr. Randy as he shares with you from God's Word exactly what happened to his hated Samaritan!

  • Three Veterans - Audio

    09/11/2008 Duration: 1847h00s

    There are three types of Veterans: A Veteran of the MILITARY; a Veteran of the WORLD; and/or a Veteran of the WORD. Which are You? As Paul, in what do you boast? Join Dr. Randy and the congregation of Olive Springs on this Sunday just prior to Veteran's Day as we honor our Veterans. May your life be transformed through the preaching of the WORD of GOD! Thanks for listening!

  • Step 3: ACTION! - Audio

    02/11/2008 Duration: 1658h00s

    A unified church will ACT (work out!) as a result of their salvation through Jesus Christ. Listen to Dr. Cheek as he share six things the believer must "work out" when it comes to understanding the spiritual unity in the Church.

  • Step 1: IN CHRIST! - Audio

    27/10/2008 Duration: 2239h00s

    A church unified will be about doing these seven attributes of unity in the church. Join Dr. Randy as he enumerates these attributes from the WORD of GOD! The church must experience biblical, spiritual UNITY! And, that UNITY must be INTENTIONAL on the part of the Body of Christ!

  • Step 2: Humility - Audio

    26/10/2008 Duration: 2047h00s

    A church unified with humble themselves to seek Christ above anything or anyone else. Humility leads a church to UNITY! And, that humility must not be understood in terms of our 21st Century secular understanding. Biblical HUMILITY is summed up in one name: JESUS!

  • Victory in the Midst of Troubled Times - Audio

    13/10/2008 Duration: 1996h00s

    Through the use of the acrostic, "TRUST," one can understand how the Word of God promises Victory for the Believer amidst troubled times! Join Dr. Randy and the congregation of Olive Springs as we seek to learn the biblical understanding of what it means for he believer to experience VICTORY in their daily life even in the midst of troubled times.

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