Eastside At Olive Springs



Check back each week for more sermon updates from the pulpit of Olive Springs Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia! We're glad you're listening. May it be a blessing to you!


  • The Silence in Pilate's Hall - Audio

    17/03/2013 Duration: 1925h00s

    The silence of Jesus that day in Pilate's Hall spoke volumes about the WILL of God in the life of the One and Only Son of God. Listen as our Senior Pastor share five things about that incredible silence and what it means for us in this 21st Century!

  • OSBC at Prayer: Confession and Repentance! - Audio

    03/02/2013 Duration: 1181h00s

    Today was a very unique and beautiful time of worship at Olive Springs. As we continue to do God's Dream at Olive Springs we must first approach God, through prayer, with a clean heart - a heart full of confession and repentance. Join Dr. Randy and the congregation in this special time of worship. We begin with a duet from Rev. Doug Hines, our Minister of Music, and our Pianist, Ms. Gayle Thompson, as they sing, "In This Very Room." The church continues that mood as we spend the time in a prayer of confession and repentance. During the prayer many of our folks brought their written confessions down to the front of the church. They placed them in a waste basket. We closed the service standing out on our front steps as the chairman of our Vision Team, Mr. Jimmy Brown, set fire to those confessions reminding us that God separates our sin "as far as the East is from the West!" It was such a beautiful time together as the church family! If you missed this one, you missed such a blessing! Thank you for li

  • Human Life: God's Sacred Creation - Audio

    27/01/2013 Duration: 2149h00s

    Human life is God's Sacred Creation. We have allowed over 55 million babies to be aborted during the 40 years since the decision in this country to legalize abortion. How does God feel about this issue? What does the Word of God say? Listen as Dr. Randy shares the words of the Psalmist as he declares that human life is the sole creation of God from the moment of conception.

  • Diakonos: The Waiter of Tables - Audio

    20/01/2013 Duration: 1217h00s

    Today is deacon ordination at Olive Springs. We have th honor to ordain David Harrison as a deacon in this special worship service. Listen as Dr. Randy shares with David the biblical attributes of being a deacon in the local church.

  • Victory for the Troubled Heart - Audio

    13/01/2013 Duration: 1348h00s

    Dr. Randy shares with the congregation of Olive Springs the Psalmist's precepts for seeing victory in your life when your heart is troubled. Listen to God's message through our pastor as he shares this encouraging sermon from Psalm 40.

  • Relief for the Troubled Heart - Audio

    06/01/2013 Duration: 1901h00s

    John 14 is a Scripture we read and quoted at funerals. Allow the words of this Scripture to reflect the heart of Jesus to His disciples as He approached his execution by crucifixion. The disciples were "troubled!" How about you? All of us have had hearts that are burdened, heavy-hearted - troubled. Listen as our pastor shares the heart of John 14 to each of us as we face a troubled heart.

  • Living Radically for Jesus in 2013 - Audio

    30/12/2012 Duration: 1022h00s

    Reflecting back over the season of Advent, what can the Shepherds in the field, Joseph, the Magi teach us about what it means to live radically for Jesus in 2013? Listen as Dr. Randy shares four relevant biblical precepts as we approach this new year.

  • Joseph's Heart - Audio

    09/12/2012 Duration: 1675h00s

    Lottie Moon, the Southern Baptist Missionary to China, had a heart for the Lord for the salvation of the Chinese people. She lived radically for Jesus every day of her life. So did the earthly Father of Jesus, Joseph. We don't know much about the man. But, what we do know is that his heart was to follow God at all cost and train Jesus up in the ways of God. Listen to Dr. Randy as he shares the heart of Joseph on this second Sunday of Advent at this Christmas Season.

  • GO...SEE...TELL...PRAISE! - Audio

    02/12/2012 Duration: 1594h00s

    Lottie Moon, the 4'3" tall feisty lady from Virginia gave her life to minister to the Chinese People. The Birth of Jesus Christ was the INCARNATION of God from Heaven to Earth in the form of a little, helpless baby in the feeding trough of Bethlehem. Listen as our Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, tells why you and I must GO...SEE...TELL...PRAISE!

  • Thank You Veterans! - Audio

    11/11/2012 Duration: 1565h00s

    Paul, in his letter to the Hebrews, writes about the "Faith Hall of Fame," in Chapter 11 of the letter. Listen as our pastor shares five heroes of the faith from this wonderful letter. Make sure you hear the comparison of these heroes to the faith of our believing Veterans here at Olive Springs. Happy Veteran's Day. Thank you all for your service to God and the United States of America!

  • Pat Conner, SSG, US Army Veteran - Testimonhy - Audio

    11/11/2012 Duration: 513h00s

    Listen to this Veteran's Day testimony as Staff Sergeant Pat Conner shares about the six years of her service to this country's Armed Services in the United States Army.

  • Are You Marked By Love? - Audio

    28/10/2012 Duration: 1940h00s

    If you are a true believer the Bible says that you are "Marked by LOVE!" The word, "love," is the Greek, "Agape!" What does this word mean and what does it have to do with the believer's life and his everyday walk with the Lord. Dr. Randy answers that question as he preached the message, "Are You Marked by Love?," in his continuing series from 1 John in the New Testament.

  • Have You Turned Away from Sin? - Audio

    21/10/2012 Duration: 1872h00s

    Do you truly love God? This second test is simply asked the question: "Have you turned away from sin?" Listen as Dr. Randy shares what it means for the believer to "turn away from sin" on a daily basis. Remember...John the Apostle is talking to believers in this Scripture. What does he mean by turning away from sin on a daily basis? Listen as our Senior Pastor shares Gods Word for Olive Springs at our 11:00 AM Worship Celebration!

  • Have You Experienced God's Perfect Love? - Audio

    14/10/2012 Duration: 1832h00s

    How does the believer know for sure that he truly LOVES God? John give us five qualities that are evident in the life of the genuine child of God. Listen as Dr. Randy shares this first quality from 1 John 3:1-3.

  • If My People! - Audio

    07/10/2012 Duration: 2380h00s

    Dr. Bill Saye begins our revival at Olive Springs. Listen as this man of God shares with our church family a sermon based on 2 Chronicles 7:14.

  • Get Ready! - Audio

    30/09/2012 Duration: 1022h00s

    Join Dr. Randy as he leads the congregation in the celebration of the ordinance of The Lord's Supper at Olive Springs.

  • Abide in Christ! - Audio

    23/09/2012 Duration: 2258h00s

    The seventh test of whether or not one is a genuine Christian is whether or not he/she is striving to abide in Christ! The true believe will abide in Christ! But, what does this phrase mean? John's counsel gives us this meaning in these two verses of our text for today at Olive Springs. Join Dr. Randy as he shares three simple things of what it means for the genuine believer to Abide in Christ!

  • #6: Let the Gospel Abide in You - Audio

    16/09/2012 Duration: 1802h00s

    The seventh test to know whether or not you are a genuine child of God is that the believer will let the Gospel of Jesus Christ ABIDE in him/her on a daily basis. Listen as Dr. Randy share the counsel of the John the Apostle as he writes to the believers in Ephesus and shares four facts that will reveal that the true child of God is letting the Gospel abide in his/her life.

  • Guard Against Antichrists - Audio

    09/09/2012 Duration: 1830h00s

    The genuine believer will guard against the false teaching and false teachers of this world. The Apostle John gets right to the point with the believers in the church when he make this precept very clear in our Scripture reference for today! Who are you watching on TV? Who are listening to on the Radio? Who's teaching you at church! Is their teaching biblical? God has given to the believer The Holy Spirit! You must guard against these false teachers and self-proclaimed messiahs in this world! Be our guard. Listen to the counsel of John as Dr. Randy preaching this message in his continuing series.

  • Do Not Love the World - Audio

    04/09/2012 Duration: 2029h00s

    The fourth test for testing whether or not one truly knows the Lord is that he/she will not love the world. What does this mean? Listen as Dr. Randy shares this vital message from the counsel of John the Apostle to the church family at Olive Springs. John is emphatic that the true believer will never have a passion for the things of the world. Listen closely to the counsel of John from the words of our senior pastor.

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