Eastside At Olive Springs



Check back each week for more sermon updates from the pulpit of Olive Springs Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia! We're glad you're listening. May it be a blessing to you!


  • The Coming King - Audio

    27/10/2013 Duration: 2388h00s

    Jesus Christ is THE COMING KING! One day, Jesus Christ is going to come riding on a great white stallion through the clouds with His army to come back to this earth! The Word of God says when that happens "every eye will see Him!" WOW! Can you imagine such an spiritual event? Dr. Randy shares six things about this "Glorious Appearing" of Jesus Christ to the congregation at Olive Springs as he concludes the sermon series entitled, "Preaching Jesus!"

  • The Never-Changing Jesus! - Audio

    20/10/2013 Duration: 1869h00s

    Go on a journey with our senior pastor, Dr. Randy. Let him show you what is meant by the "yesterday," "today," and "forever," of Hebrews 13:8! The Jewish Believer needed reassurance in their newfound faith. Steeped in the Jewish Tradition, these new believers need to know that JESUS the MESSIAH is the "same yesterday today and forever." Listen as Dr. Randy shares this sermon, which is Ninth in the series, entitled, "Preaching Jesus!"

  • The Anointed King! - Audio

    13/10/2013 Duration: 2087h00s

    What Mary did that day as she and Martha honored their resuscitated brother, Lazarus, would be remembered forever! Dr. Randy shares this incredible story and its meaning for today's believer in the sermon at Olive Springs Baptist Church. His conclusion leaves us all with a challenge as we approach the 2013 Christmas Season.

  • The Precious Blood - Audio

    06/10/2013 Duration: 2154h00s

    Listen as Mrs. Amy Cowart, along with the Olive Springs Worship Choir, sings, "This Blood." Such a powerful song about the precious blood of Jesus Christ! As pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, preaches a sermon entitled, "The Precious Blood," as he continues the series, "Preaching Jesus." May you heart be blessed as you listen to Amy, the choir and Pastor Randy as they proclaim the Precious Blood of Jesus!

  • The Touchable Christ - Audio

    22/09/2013 Duration: 2630h00s

    The unnamed woman with the blood disease issue taught us that Jesus Christ is "touchable" to all who desire to reach Him! This lady had been declared "unclean" and was not allowed interaction with people. Yet, she risked everything on that day! WHY? Listen as Dr. Randy shares this message about the power of "The Touchable Christ!"

  • The Victorious Lord! - Audio

    15/09/2013 Duration: 2321h00s

    What significance do the Temptations of Christ have for the believer today? Our pastor takes us on a walk with Jesus during these three temptations and we "stop" at six places along the way. In so doing some incredible truths become very obvious. May your heart be encouraged and challenged by this sermon.

  • The Ultimate Forgiver - Audio

    08/09/2013 Duration: 2182h00s

    To understand Jesus Christ as the "Ultimate Forgiver," one has to go to the cross. Join Pastor Randy and the Congregation of Olive Springs and he leads the folks to example this simple, but incredible Scripture of Luke 23:34 and what it meant in the First Century and what it means for the 21st Century!

  • The Resurrected King - Audio

    01/09/2013 Duration: 2240h00s

    Just how important is the Resurrection of Christ to the Evangelical Church today? Everything in the WORD of God is dependent upon your believing that Jesus Christ, the Living Son of God, was RESURRECTED from the Grave by God the Father! Listen as Dr. Randy shares with the congregation of Olive Springs five specific statements Paul the Apostle shares with the Church at Corinth about Jesus Christ as our RESURRECTED KING!

  • The Sympathizing High Priest - Audio

    25/08/2013 Duration: 1958h00s

    What a WONDERFUL promise of God - Jesus Christ is our GREAT High Priest! But, what does that mean for you and me? What does it mean for Jesus Christ to be our "sympathizing" High Priest in these days of the 21st Century! Listen as our pastor shares four statements about Jesus Christ as our SYPATHIZING HIGH PRIEST!

  • The Unavoidable Question - Audio

    18/08/2013 Duration: 1740h00s

    When Jesus took His disciples to Caesarea Philippi, there was one unavoidable question He desired His disciples to answer. Listen as our Pastor shares that question and what it means for those disciples and for us today!

  • The Rewards of WAITING! - Audio

    07/07/2013 Duration: 2265h00s

    Isaiah 40:31 is such a powerful promise of God for today's believer. But, what does it mean in its context. As you look back at the original language of Hebrew in its context, what is God really promising His child? Listen as our Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, shares a unique sermon about the four rewards of waiting and the condition that precedes the rewards. And, remember, you're always welcome at Olive Springs. Thank you for downloading and listening to this sermon by our pastor.

  • The Results of Godly Freedom - Audio

    30/06/2013 Duration: 1843h00s

    What were the thoughts of the Israelites as they stood on the other side of the Red Sea immediately after they had been freed from Egyptian Bondage? Our Scripture today gives us the answer to our question. Listen as Dr. Randy share three results of the work of God is freeing the Israelites from bondage. These same three results are as true today as then. May you heart be blessed and challenged through our pastor's message.

  • The Ride of Your Life! - Audio

    23/06/2013 Duration: 1986h00s

    Using the focal Scripture for our Vacation Bible School, 2 Timothy 1:7, let to Dr. Randy as he shares the meaning of this verse from the writing of Paul to his young protege, Timothy. We begin our VBS today at Olive Springs!

  • Faithful Fathers! - Audio

    16/06/2013 Duration: 1713h00s

    Joshua was now commissioned by God to lead God's people into the Promised Land. God made promises to Joshua. Those promises made to this man of God as he led God's people are the attributes of a Godly Dad today. I was so fortunate to have a Godly, earthly Dad. He taught me these promises made to Joshua. May you be encouraged today as you listen to this message about what it means to be a "Faithful Father" in this 21st Century.

  • Hope IS Born! - Audio

    02/06/2013 Duration: 1278h00s

    Immanuel IS come! Hope IS Born! Over 700 years before Christ, the 8th Century Prophet of Hope, Isaiah, proclaimed this immortal prophecy! The times of the 8th Century were so much like today - war, unrest - God's people had turned their backs on God! Under the evil ruler of Judah, Ahaz, the people followed his ungodly leadership and completely turned away from Yahweh. But, God would never let them go. He would sent HOPE - a very sign from God Himself - Immanuel is come!! Listen to our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy M. Cheek, as he teaches in this message the meaning of the name, Immanuel and the attributes of that name.

  • Testing God! - Audio

    26/05/2013 Duration: 2039h00s

    The last book of the Old Testament, Malachi, the author deals with the six offenses God had against Israel following the exile. These six offenses are related in the first three chapters. The final chapter of the book is how God is going to finish it all with the coming of the "Great Day of the Lord!" Our pastor shares with the congregation how the Israelites were robbing God and God's command to them of how to return to Him. Listen to these words from our Senior Pastor from the book of Malachi.

  • Senior Adult Day at Olive Springs - Audio

    05/05/2013 Duration: 3608h00s

    Join us for our SENIOR ADULT DAY at Olive Springs. You'll hear the concert by our Senior Adult Choir, the "Sweet Spirit Singers," along with the announcement of the Senior Adult Man and Woman of the Year award. May your heart be lifted and blessed as you listen to this service.

  • Here Am I! Send Me! - Audio

    14/04/2013 Duration: 2026h00s

    Every believer is a "God-Called" Witness of Jesus Christ! And, there are three qualities that every believer must have as he fulfills the call upon his/ her life by our Lord. Dr. Randy parallels the situation of Isaiah's day and call with our specific call today. Once again, reading the Book of Isaiah is as though we are reading the Marietta Daily Journal or the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

  • God's Indictment of His People - Audio

    07/04/2013 Duration: 2099h00s

    Dr. Randy begins a new series today entitled, "Isaiah: God's Prophet of Hope!" God had called Isaiah to FORTHTELL what God was about to do. Isaiah was no predictor or forecaster! He simply told the people of Judah what God would do IF the people did not repent. The situation in that day was like ours today. What can we learn from the situation in Isaiah's day regarding our day today. Listen to Dr. Randy as he begins this series and answers this very question. Check back each week as our pastor continues this very intensive and timely series.

  • Do You Believe in Easter? - Audio

    31/03/2013 Duration: 2167h00s

    Do you believe in Easter? Do you believe that Jesus died and rose again so that you could be forgiven of your sin? Listen as Dr. Randy share with you why he believes in Easter. May you and your loved ones be blessed this Easter Season!

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