Eastside At Olive Springs



Check back each week for more sermon updates from the pulpit of Olive Springs Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia! We're glad you're listening. May it be a blessing to you!


  • Thank You, Lord, for Freedom! - Audio

    29/06/2014 Duration: 3814h00s

    Join the congregation of Olive Springs for this exciting Independence Day Worship Celebration! Dr. Randy's sermon is entitled, "Thank You, Lord, for Freedom!' Our pastor refers to various Scripture references to share that true human and spiritual freedom is never free! It cost the lives of many men/women for our human freedom. And, even more, it cost our Father in Heaven His One and Only SON as He took our sin death penalty on the cross! But, what does desire of you and I as believer? Listen as Dr. Randy shares the Godly conclusion to this message remember our Independence and freedom!

  • They Took Him Down! - Audio

    14/04/2014 Duration: 4356h00s

    Our main recording system was done this morning - Palm Sunday. Therefore, this recording is done by my phone. In addition to the Palm Sunday emphasis, we also recognized two of our Senior Adult who are moving from Marietta, GA - together Mr. and Mrs. Paul McConnell have served Olive Springs Baptist Church 101 years! God bless you "Mr. Paul" and "Miss Marcele!" We love you both dearly. Listen to the service in its entirety as our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, continues his Easter Series, entitled, "In the Shadow of the Empty Tomb." Palm Sunday's sermon looks at Joseph of Arimathea and his tender love and eternally changed commitment to Jesus Christ to take the body of Jesus off the Cross and prepare it for burial in his personal tomb. What a moment as we stand there in the Empty Tomb looking back to this event at Golgotha! May your heart be touched and changed forever as we watch Jesus be lowered from the Cross.

  • At The Cross! - Audio

    07/04/2014 Duration: 1934h00s

    Join with Dr. Randy as we take a trip to Golgotha - the place of a skull! Jesus was crucified just outside the city walls of Jerusalem. It was against Jewish Law for anyone to be executed inside the walls of the city. Plus, execution took place on the same day as conviction! Listen as our Senior Pastor shares five things about the death of Christ on the Cross and what it means for you and I today!

  • One "Wishy-Washy" Procurator! - Audio

    31/03/2014 Duration: 2223h00s

    Pontius Pilate, the fifth Roma Procurator/Governor of Judea, was in charge of keeping the peace and making sure Roman Law was enforced, was now in Jerusalem. During the Passover week, Pilate left his home in Caesarea and went to Jerusalem to keep order in the midst of the large crowds of people. It was at this time that Pilate ended up before Jesus! But, Pilate could not make his own descisions unless, of course, it meant the best for this "wishy-washy" Procurator. Dr. Randy shares five characteristics of the indecisiveness of this inordinately evil man.

  • The Terror of the Rooster Crow! - Audio

    23/03/2014 Duration: 2047h00s

    Listen as Dr. Randy opens up God's WORD to us as we listen to the events of the early morning on Friday of Peter's denial of Jesus Christ! While the events of the trial with the Jewish Council - the Sanhedrin - were going on upstairs in Caiaphas' house, there was another trial going on in the High Priest's Courtyard! Peter was about to do something he could have never imagined despite the warning from Jesus! Join the congregation of Olive Springs as our Senior Pastor guides us through the events of that night as we see Peter's denial of Jesus in the shadow of the Empty Tomb!

  • The Kangaroo Court - Audio

    17/03/2014 Duration: 2188h00s

    The Court System that tried Jesus was a "Kangaroo Court" from it's inception! The Chief Priest, Scribes and Elders proclaimed Jesus' guilt from the very beginning. And, they proceeded to enforce such a GUILTY verdict on the innocent one and only Son of God! Listen as Pastor Randy shares six things about this Kangaroo Court at the home of Caiaphas the High Priest!

  • The Betrayer's Kiss - Audio

    10/03/2014 Duration: 2259h00s

    Judas was such a deceiver! When he kissed Jesus, the Greek indicates that this kiss was such a intimate kiss on the cheek of Jesus indicating a love, respect and admiration as Jesus as Lord! However, we all know the deception coming from Judas! Pastor Randy shares with the congregation of Olive Springs six character studies based on the arrest of Jesus and the Betrayer's Kiss! Listen as our pastor shares from the Word of God.

  • With Jesus as He Prays! - Audio

    09/03/2014 Duration: 1893h00s

    Join with Dr. Randy as he continues with his Easter Series, "In the Shadow of The Empty Tomb!" What would be like to be with Jesus as He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane immediately following The First Lord's Supper? Our pastor shares from the Word of God from the first writer of the Gospels - Mark. Listen as Pastor Randy shares seven things from this event just prior to the arrest of Jesus.

  • The First Lord's Supper - Audio

    03/03/2014 Duration: 1268h00s

    Pastor Randy begins his new Easter Sermon Series entitled, "In the Shadow of the Empty Tomb," this morning with the sermon entitled, "The First Lord's Supper!" The Passover Meal was forever changed by Jesus when He called The Twelve together in the Upper Room. Join the congregation at Olive Springs as Pastor Randy shares this important message as part of our participation in the Ordinance of The Lord's Supper at Olive Springs.

  • Pay Close Attention! - Audio

    17/02/2014 Duration: 2403h00s

    Pastor Randy concludes the series entitled, "Living for Jesus," with this message from Ephesians 5:15-21. From a prison cell, Paul reminds the believers in the Church of Ephesus of the things that they need to pay close attention to as they live for Jesus 24/7. As Paul shared these words in his letter to the Ephesian Church so he shares the same counsel to you and I today. Listen as Dr. Randy sums up what Paul says in five specifics things. Thank you so much for listening! When you are in Marietta, GA, we hope you will be our guest! If you live in or around the Marietta area, we would love to have you this Sunday for Bible Study at 9:45 AM and our Morning Worship beginning at 11:00 AM. God bless you and your loved ones!

  • Pay Careful Attention - Audio

    17/02/2014 Duration: 2403h00s


  • Light Your World - Audio

    09/02/2014 Duration: 2329h00s

    As believers you and I are the "LIGHT" of the world! What a compliment and attribute God has given to His children! We are to "...walk as children of Light!" And, Paul does not leave such discipleship up to chance. He tells the church at Ephesus just how to accomplish this task in the life of the believer! Dr. Randy sums up what the Apostle Paul says from a Roman prison cell to the believers in the Ephesian Church. Listen as Paul teaches us all once again how to walk as children of LIGHT!

  • Paul's Seven "Be's" for the Believer - Audio

    02/02/2014 Duration: 2444h00s

    To be found LIVING FOR JESUS, Paul tells the believers in the Ephesian Church they must be about doing seven things. The word, "Be," in the Greek means to be always becoming. In other words, these seven things must become lifestyle for the genuine Believer. Listen as Dr. Randy shares these traits and may this sermon be both a encouragement to you as well as a challenge to improve in your weakest areas.

  • Be Different! - Audio

    19/01/2014 Duration: 2070h00s

    Paul continues his counsel to the believers in the Church at Ephesus. What does it mean to truly LIVE FOR JESUS both in the First Century and today? Paul tells the believer that he must BE DIFFERENT! Don't act like an unbeliever, but act like a believer! Listen as Dr. Randy shares Paul's heart with the folks at Olive Springs this morning. This very practical message will give you the precepts to continue LIVING FOR JESUS today!

  • Walk Worthy of Your Calling! - Audio

    05/01/2014 Duration: 2223h00s

    What does it mean to "Live for Jesus?" From a Roman prison cell Paul writes to the Church at Ephesus to answer that question. In this first sermon of Dr. Randy's new series, our pastor proclaims the first thing that must happen in the believer's life if he/she is going to Live for Jesus will mean that he/she will "Walk Worthy of Your Calling!" Listen as God's WORD challenges our heart!

  • Mary: The Mother of God! - Audio

    22/12/2013 Duration: 2217h00s

    Can we even imagine what it would have been like to be MARY the earthly birth Mother of God? Listen as Dr. Randy shares from the "MAGNIFICAT" in Luke as Luke records Mary's responds to the activity of God in her life as she was visiting her kinswoman, Elizabeth.

  • The Shepherds: Touched by The Angels! - Audio

    08/12/2013 Duration: 2258h00s

    What if you could really know the Shepherds out in the field? How would knowing their characteristics enhance your experience in the Stable in Bethlehem, especially the Manger? Listen as our Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, continues his Christmas sermon series entitled, "Inside the Manger," as we "go inside" the Stable as we learn more about these men called Shepherds out in the fields in the 1st Century.

  • Joseph -- The Faithful! - Audio

    01/12/2013 Duration: 2054h00s

    Pastor Randy begins his Christmas Sermon Series entitled, "Inside the Manger," today with the title, "Joseph -- The Faithful!" We don't know much about Joseph! By the time Jesus is 12 years old, Joseph is never mentioned again in Scripture. But, what makes this man - this ordinary carpenter - so different. Listen as Dr. Randy shares how Joseph is truly the FAITHFUL Unsung Hero of the Nativity in Bethlehem as we begin this Advent Season of the year.

  • Five Kernels of Corn - Audio

    24/11/2013 Duration: 2605h00s

    The pilgrims who settled Plymouth Rock had a custom. Each year at the first harvest they celebrated the occasion with a day known as, " Thanksgiving." During the meal on that day, five kernels of corn, representing the harvest, were placed on the table. And, five people in the family chose to express what they were most thankful for. Listen as Dr. Randy shares David's "Five Kernels of Corn," from Psalm 103:1-5. May you have a blessed Thankgiving!

  • Until He Comes - Audio

    10/11/2013 Duration: 692h00s

    Pastor Randy focuses on v 26 of 1 Corinthians 11 as we come to The Lord's Table on this Sunday morning! In celebrating the Ordinance of The Lord's Supper, the Word of God tells us that in so doing we "proclaim the Lord's death UNTIL HE COMES." Listen as our pastor shares with us words of preparation as we come to experience together the Observance of The Lord's Supper at Olive Springs.

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