Eastside At Olive Springs



Check back each week for more sermon updates from the pulpit of Olive Springs Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia! We're glad you're listening. May it be a blessing to you!


  • Where Did I Come From? - Audio

    11/01/2015 Duration: 1724h00s

    The first in our pastor's new series, "Five Basic Questions," Dr. Randy share a sermon entitled, "Where Did I Come From?" The Scripture is Genesis 1:1-3a. Three simple words provide the answer to this question: "...and God said...!" WOW! The creative power of God to "Bara" - to Create! Where did I come from? Let's allow the WORD of God to speak for itself and let the creative power of God on your life remind you of your "uniqueness" and "specialness" in the Kingdom of God.

  • Godly Imperatives for Every Believer in 2015 - Audio

    28/12/2014 Duration: 2008h00s

    What does God want us to about doing in our lives as we look to the year 2015? Paul makes four things very clear to the Church at Rome. Listen as our pastor share these four specific actions that all believers must do in 2015. May your new year be filled with the blessing of God! Happy New Year!

  • God IS Here! - Audio

    21/12/2014 Duration: 2396h00s

    Listen as Dr. Randy shares four descriptions of The Messiah from Isaiah 9:6. He concludes his message from Luke 2:1-7 as he shares regarding Jesus' Miraculous Birthday! May your Christmas be filled with the peace of Jesus Christ and the fact that HE alone is SOVEREIGN LORD today! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  • God's Miraculous Sign! - Audio

    07/12/2014 Duration: 2570h00s

    Almost 800 years before Jesus Christ the major prophet, Isaiah, forthtold the birth even of Jesus. In His reply to Ahaz, our Lord declares to the unbelieving King that THE LORD HIMSELF will give YOU a sign! What did our mean! And, why all the fuss to change the King's heart? Listen as Dr. Randy leads us once again as we look at the series, "Isaiah: The Old Testament Evangelist," in today's sermon, "God's Miraculous Sign!"

  • Ministerial Ordination of Mr. Keith Barnes - Audio

    30/11/2014 Duration: 3799h00s

    Join the congregation of Olive Springs in the Ordination Service of Mr. Keith Barnes to the Gospel Ministry. Keith is our Director of Music Ministries at the church. Following this service, we are proud to call him Rev. Keith Barnes. This service listed here is in its entirety. May your heart be blessed!

  • Thank You, Lord! - Audio

    23/11/2014 Duration: 2516h00s

    Our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, preaches a Thanksgiving sermon entitled, "Thank You, Lord," from Luke 17:11-19 - the story of the ten lepers who came to Jesus and only one came back to say, "Thank you, Lord!" But, something happened to this "foreigner" - this Samaritan who came back to Jesus. Listen as Dr. Randy shares exactly what the Scriptures say. Before our Pastor preaches, listen to his niece, Miss Kristen Brantley, as she sings two songs: (1) "Let it Be Jesus" and (2) "At the Cross (Love Ran Red)." Your heart will be blessed by Kristen's heart. Have a wonderful THANKSGIVING!

  • Four Absolute Attributes of God! - Audio

    09/11/2014 Duration: 2461h00s

    The people of Isaiah's 8th Century BC were about to face some of their greatest persecution - at the hands of the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar. Though over 100 years in the future, the only thing that would alter God's judgment would be the repentance of God's people. The folks had forsaken God and had turned to crafting their own idols. Matter of fact, some of these idols were so small that they were packing up in the "trunks" to take with them!! Isaiah, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wanted the people of God to understand that God in CHANGELESS! He is the same past, present and future! Unlike their idols that rot over time, God would never leave them or forsake them. Dr. Randy shares his continuing series about Isaiah with a sermon entitled, "Four Absolute Attributes of God," from Isaiah 46:4. Prior to the message, Keith Barnes, our Director of Music Ministries, sings the solo, "Letters from War," in honor of our veterans. There is a video presentation being shown as Keit

  • Is Christ Our Everything? - Audio

    26/10/2014 Duration: 2228h00s

    Bro. Bill Wilder preaches at Olive Springs this morning as both our English and Spanish Speaking Congregations meeting for worship! The recording begins with Bro. Bill's wife, Robin, singing, "How Great Thou Art!" Bill issues his listeners a challenge through his sermon. May your heart be transformed by what you hear!

  • Comfort, Comfort My People! - Audio

    19/10/2014 Duration: 2204h00s

    With the pen if the prophet Isaiah, God wrote such words of comfort to the people of God in captivity in Babylon through King Nebuchadnezzar. Yet, with Isaiah's words in Chapter 40, the reader must understand that the events he is talking about are as yet to happen! The prophet FORTHTOLD what was about to happen. He was giving God's message to God's people. Such action was not a possibility! IT WAS A FACT! Despite such horror of exile in Babylon, God would never forsake His people. Though Babylon was sent as judgement on their sin and disobedience, God's tender word was COMFORT. The word in Hebrew means just to take a deep breath as you relax in the fact that God is Sovereign - He is in complete control! Oh, how we need to hear that message in these days of the 21st Century! Listen as Dr. Randy shares the context of these words for the believers of Judah during those days as well as the believers at Olive Springs right now! Thank you so much for listening! And, should you believe this message by

  • Wiping Away Our Tears! - Audio

    12/10/2014 Duration: 2507h00s

    Our Lord promises that all tears will be wiped away! This verse is found in Revelation 21:4. But, in the 8th Century B.C., the major prophet, Isaiah, FORTHTOLD this very fact of the incredible hope of this happening to the people of Judah! WOW! Can you imagine? Almost 800 years before the coming of Jesus Christ to this earth, Isaiah FORTHTOLD his coming and what He would do! The Messiah would, one day, wipe away all the tears from our eyes - the pain of exile from Babylon would one day be "wiped away" FOREVER! Listen as Dr. Randy preaches this message about how those tears wiped way are described in God's Word! Be blessed and encouraged today is our prayer as you listen to our Senior Pastor's message!

  • I Saw The Lord! - Audio

    05/10/2014 Duration: 2146h00s

    Dr. Randy begins his new series this morning entitled, "Isaiah: The Old Testament Evangelist!" In this first sermon, we experience the call of Isaiah as he was set apart for his preaching to the Southern Kingdom of Judah. But, Isaiah, more than any other major prophet of the Old Testament, preaches JESUS CHRIST as Yeshua - the Messiah of the World. Join us throughout this series as God opens our eyes to the powerful preaching of this prophet of God as he FORTHTELLS what is about to happen to God's people in Judah!

  • In the Twinkling of an Eye...EVERYTHING CHANGES! - Audio

    07/09/2014 Duration: 2686h00s

    Join Dr. Randy as he shares the fourth sermon in the series, "Thinking About Heaven," with the title, "In the Twinkling of an Eye, EVERYTHING CHANGES!" What happens the split-second after you die? Are you afraid of death? The absolute Truth comes from Scripture that in a time limit shorter than is understood by the human mind, our lives will be immediately transformed at the split second of our death or the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Listen to this message and let it be such an encouragement to you realizing Heaven is real and is being prepared for God's children by our Lord Himself. Truly, in the twinkling of an eye...everything will change...eternally! Where will you spend eternity?

  • Come Inside The Holy City...AND SEE! - Audio

    31/08/2014 Duration: 2425h00s

    What will it be like to step into that Holy City...The New Jerusalem of Heaven? God gave to John through the Book of Revelation a glimpse of what that city will look like! Listen as Dr. Randy shares these five attributes about what the believer will find when he/she enters that Holy City! May your heart be encouraged as you listen! If you're not a believer, I encourage you to seek our your pastor/staff or a trusted Christian friend and allow them to share with you the only way to obtain salvation on this earth. Thanks again for listening! If you're in Marietta, Georgia, please stop by and be our guest at the very next opportunity! We do look forward to seeing and meeting you! GOD BLESS YOU!

  • The Holy City of Heaven - Audio

    24/08/2014 Duration: 2584h00s

    In this second series in Dr. Randy's series entitled, "Thinking About Heaven," our pastor shows us exactly what John saw in his vision from God in Revelation 21:9-27. Our God described to John the detailed plans of this New Jerusalem of Heaven. In is indescribable! But, as our pastor says, God is giving to John the "exact" measurements of a city that you nor I cannot even imagine! WOW! Be challenged, be blessed, be encouraged and inspired as you listen to this sermon on Heaven entitle, "The Holy City of Heaven!" And, again, thank you so much for listening!

  • The Magnificence of Heaven! - Audio

    17/08/2014 Duration: 2437h00s

    Man cannot comprehend the magnificence of Heaven! But, God has given us such a wonderful glimpse into Heaven through the vision of John while exiled on the island of Patmos. Listen as Dr. Randy shares with the congregation at Olive Springs the first sermon in the new series, "Thinking About Heaven," with the title, "The Magnificence of Heaven." Your heart will be both blessed and challenged by this message. Have your Bibles open to the last book of the New Testament and the next to the last Chapter in the Bible - Revelation 21:1-7. Thank you so much for listening. And, if you are looking for a church that unashamedly preaches the infallible, inerrant Word of God, we hope you will come to Olive Springs this coming Sunday morning for Bible Study at 9:45 and Worship at 11:00. Both times are in the English and Spanish.

  • What is That in Your Hand? - Audio

    10/08/2014 Duration: 3226h00s

    Rev. Jim Wallace begins this message with Ken Medema's song, "Moses." Following Jim's solo our Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, shares the sermon entitled, "What is That in Your Hand?" God confronts Moses at the Burning Bush with this question in Exodus 4:2. Moses replies, "It's just a rod." God was trying to show Moses something very important despite Moses' attempts to persuade God to get someone else to do the work of freeing God's people from their bondage in Egypt. God was about to take a wood stick and cause it to be used of Him for the work of Moses in freeing God's people from Pharaoh's hand. What about you? What is that in your hand? God can take what you may think is useless and use it for His Will if you will, as Ken Medema says, "Give it up! Let it go! Throw it down!" May you see Exodus 4:2 in a new lights as you listen to the solo words of Jim Wallace and the preaching of Randy Cheek.

  • Encouraging Words for God's Chosen Servants - Audio

    03/08/2014 Duration: 2318h00s

    Living in a discouraging world the believer needs to hear the encouragement of the Word of God! Listen as our pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, shares such encouragement to God's chosen people who were about to exiled into Babylon. God encouraged His people through the 8th Century Prophet, Isaiah. And, He continues to encourage the believer today with those same words. Thank you so much for listening!

  • The Heart of the Genuine Standing Firm Believer: Hallelujah! - Audio

    27/07/2014 Duration: 2467h00s

    What is the true heart of a believer who is genuinely STANDING FIRM in his faith? David begins and ends Psalms 146-150 with that very quality: HALLELUJAH! But, what does it mean to have a heart of HALLELUJAH when it comes to standing firm in the Lord. Listen as our pastor, Dr. Randy M. Cheek, shares the words of David as he closed out the hymnbook of the Old Testament regarding what it means to have a heart of HALLELUJAH!

  • The Qualities of a STANDING FIRM Believer! - Audio

    13/07/2014 Duration: 2126h00s

    As believers, you and I are commanded of the Lord to STAND FIRM! But, what does a "Standing Firm Believer" actually look like? When the Apostle Paul was dealing with the heresy within the church at Colosse, his advice was for the people to Stand Firm in their faith for Jesus Christ despite the heretical thought being circulated within the church. Paul enumerates six qualities of the genuine believer. Be challenged and encouraged by these traits. With those where you are weak, make a commitment this week to work on increasing those traits where you find yourself the weakest. God's blessings to you and thank you so much for listening!

  • How Do I STAND FIRM? - Audio

    06/07/2014 Duration: 2486h00s

    In Galatians 5:1 our Lord has commanded the believer to STAND FIRM! But, how does one accomplish such a task? In the evil days of the 21st Century what is the child of God to do to be sure he/she is STANDING FIRM in the Lord? From 1 Peter 3:13-17, the Apostle Peter tells us exactly HOW the believer in the 1st and 21st Century is to act if he is to STAND FIRM! Listen as Dr. Randy shares these four life qualities to the congregation of Olive Springs on Sunday morning, July 6, 2014. May your heart be challenged and blessed by what you hear.

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