Southside Community Church - Milton



Audio recordings from services at Southside Church in Milton, Ontario.Our vision is to welcome the arrival of God's Future in our Present.Our mission is to help families to experience the reality of God's Kingdom in their lives.


  • A Magic Deeper Still (5) - "What's in it for me?"

    28/11/2018 Duration: 16min

    November 25, 2018 Speaker: Ian Campbell "A magic deeper still..” In a moment that we might call an epiphany for the characters Susan and Lucy of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Aslan, the Christ character, tells the children that although the Witch knew the deep magic, there is a magic deeper still that she didn’t know because her knowledge only went back to the beginning of time. And then the lion says that he feels like roaring and dashes off with the children for a grand romp through Narnia full of celebration, joy and recklessness! As we have listened to Jesus’ teachings - his parables - we have noticed that he subtly and overtly has made us realize that his coming was not only for the renovation of religion, although that seemed to be the purpose of many of his stories. He came to practice “the magic deeper still!” In this short teaching series we will explore that magic. And may we experience an epiphany like Susan and Lucy, and his first time followers and friends. And may there be a grand romp fo

  • A Magic Deeper Still (4) - "I feel I am going to roar"

    20/11/2018 Duration: 26min

    Sunday November 18, 2018 Speaker: Ian Campbell 1 Corinthians 15 Having asked "Why did God become mortal?" and "why did Jesus have to die?" the next question we are led to is "why did Jesus have to rise from the dead?" How did that factor into the decisions made in heaven's back room? Would sin and death not have been adequately dealt with by the incarnation and death of Jesus as we now understand some more of the magic deeper still? What was added by the resurrection?

  • A Magic Deeper Still (3) The Back Room

    16/11/2018 Duration: 31min

    November 11, 2018 Speaker: Ian Campbell "A magic deeper still..” In a moment that we might call an epiphany for the characters Susan and Lucy of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Aslan, the Christ character, tells the children that although the Witch knew the deep magic, there is a magic deeper still that she didn’t know because her knowledge only went back to the beginning of time. And then the lion says that he feels like roaring and dashes off with the children for a grand romp through Narnia full of celebration, joy and recklessness! As we have listened to Jesus’ teachings - his parables - we have noticed that he subtly and overtly has made us realize that his coming was not only for the renovation of religion, although that seemed to be the purpose of many of his stories. He came to practice “the magic deeper still!” In this short teaching series we will explore that magic. And may we experience an epiphany like Susan and Lucy, and his first time followers and friends. And may there be a grand romp fo

  • A Magic Deeper Still (2)

    06/11/2018 Duration: 32min

    November 4, 2018 Speaker: Ian Campbell In a moment that we might call an epiphany for the characters Susan and Lucy of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Aslan, the Christ character, tells the children that although the Witch knew the deep magic, there is a magic deeper still that she didn’t know because her knowledge only went back to the beginning of time. And then the lion says that he feels like roaring and dashes off with the children for a grand romp through Narnia full of celebration, joy and recklessness! As we have listened to Jesus’ teachings - his parables - we have noticed that he subtly and overtly has made us realize that his coming was not only for the renovation of religion, although that seemed to be the purpose of many of his stories. He came to practice “the magic deeper still!” In this short teaching series we will explore that magic. And may we experience an epiphany like Susan and Lucy, and his first time followers and friends. And may there be a grand romp for us all! Philippians 2.6

  • A Magic Deeper Still -Why did God have to become a mortal?

    30/10/2018 Duration: 30min

    Speaker: Ian Campbell In a moment that we might call an epiphany for the characters Susan and Lucy of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Aslan, the Christ character, tells the children that although the Witch knew the deep magic, there is a magic deeper still that she didn’t know because her knowledge only went back to the beginning of time. And then the lion says that he feels like roaring and dashes off with the children for a grand romp through Narnia full of celebration, joy and recklessness! As we have listened to Jesus’ teachings - his parables - we have noticed that he subtly and overtly has made us realize that his coming was not only for the renovation of religion, although that seemed to be the purpose of many of his stories. He came to practice “the magic deeper still!” In this short teaching series we will explore that magic. And may we experience an epiphany like Susan and Lucy, and his first time followers and friends. And may there be a grand romp for us all! Why did God have to become a mor

  • The Stories He Told - New Cloth & Wineskins

    23/10/2018 Duration: 37min

    Luke 5:36-39 In this, our last, unique parable of Jesus we come to the question of his purpose in the parables as retold by Luke as well as our previous work on the “I Am..” statements that John retold us. Do we have enough gathered memory now to ask about Jesus’ fundamental purpose in his life? Was it the renovation of religion with the corrections about what a religious life is really like from the “I am..” accounts as well as the corrections about what the Father is really like from the stories? And is it the new wine needing new wineskins that is the final key to the life of Jesus? Are we done here in the Gospels with our marching orders having to do with the renewal of religion? Or is there more? Much more?

  • The Stories He Told - Perception May Not Be Reality

    16/10/2018 Duration: 27min

    October 14, 2018 Speaker: Bryan O'Gorman Luke 19. 11-27 Luke shares Jesus story of the Ten Minas which is a companion story to that of the Ten Talents shared in Matthew 25.14-30. Here Jesus shows us the Father’s loving heart, the misunderstanding of people’s perceptions and the responsibility of believers as good stewards until he comes again. Should we see God’s love and justice as a call to action?

  • The Stories He Told - Two Men at the Temple

    09/10/2018 Duration: 26min

    October 7, 2018 Speaker: Ian Campbell Luke 18.9-14 Luke gives us life lessons as he recounts stories that Jesus told. In this case he is particularly poignant. He presents two men who go to the temple to pray and Luke tells us that the reason for the story is to warn us against self-righteousness and a smug approach to religion. He comes again to his favourite story theme of humility. Should we have some kind of righteousness scan before we are allowed to board for worship?

  • The Stories He Told - The Persistent Widow

    02/10/2018 Duration: 33min

    September 30, 2018 Speaker: Ian Campbell Paradise Luke 16.19-31 Is the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man a parable or an actual account students have regularly asked? In the lineup of Jesus stories this one is complicated and veers into a topic that is difficult and one we'd rather avoid. But what is the point? What do we learn?

  • The Stories He Told - Paradise

    25/09/2018 Duration: 31min

    September 23, 2018 Speaker: Ian Campbell Is the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man a parable or an actual account students have regularly asked? In the lineup of Jesus stories this one is complicated and veers into a topic that is difficult and one we'd rather avoid. But what is the point? What do we learn?

  • The Stories He Told - The Lost Sons

    11/09/2018 Duration: 39min

    September 9, 2018 Speaker: Ian Campbell Luke 15.11-32; 2 Corinthians 7.10 Third in the "lost" trilogy this story has captured imaginations through the centuries. And this particular parable departs from our usual understanding of a story to tell a single lesson to one that is full of character exploration and rich meanings. The older brother is "lost" while still at home and the younger brother is "lost" in a more traditional sense. And the younger one seems to be the one who becomes "found." What was the difference?

  • Stories He Told - Count The Cost

    02/09/2018 Duration: 40min

    August 26, 2018 Speaker - Ian Campbell Luke 14.28-33 count the cost Well it seems that for Jesus followers were easy to come by! A charismatic personality; just enough "bad guy" but religious as well; a new community to join; an escape from the mundane.. maybe worth trying out then. But Jesus notices all this and calls on the crowds to press "pause." Count the cost before you sign up, he says. It's not going to be as easy as you think! Surely he has given enough hints about this, but now he needs to thin the ranks. What would he say today?

  • The Stories He Told - Lost

    02/09/2018 Duration: 30min

    September 2, 2018 - Ian Campbell Luke 15.4-32 Jesus told three stories about lost things - a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son. In all three situations we might understand the shepherd, owner or father finally taking the loss and writing it off as unfortunate or even a great painful experience. However, the point of each story is hard to miss - in each case the one suffering the loss did not stop searching. What or who is lost in your experience? Who is still looking?

  • "The Stories He Told" Wedding Reception Embarrassment

    12/08/2018 Duration: 34min

    August 12, 2018 Speaker: Ian Campbell Jesus' main communication style was storytelling. The great truths he wanted us to understand were wrapped in story, sometimes delighting, sometimes baffling, but always capturing the attention and imagination of his audience. Just as we saw that John picked out Jesus' "I am.." statements so we see that Luke was particularly interested in Jesus' stories. He actually recorded 19 that are unique to him which we will ponder over the summer months. What was the individual and collective meaning of these tales? "Wedding Reception Embarrassment" Luke 14.7-14 Jesus told stories that had not only great kingdom significance but also poignant practical application. Like how to behave at a wedding :) Presumption is an awkward disposition that gets us in trouble - what is its opposite we wonder? So Jesus gives us a case study where presumption would get a person into a sticky situation and would cause public embarrassment. And somewhere tucked away in the red-faced story is a lesso

  • "The Stories He Told" The Pestering Neighbour

    05/08/2018 Duration: 34min

    Luke 11.5-8 the pestering neighbour: How long should we keep asking God for the same thing? Is it okay to pester him? Is it okay to pester one another? Does God get bothered or annoyed with us because we don't let up? Jesus has a story about this as well!

  • The Stories He Told - The Good Samaritan

    29/07/2018 Duration: 35min

    Luke 10.30-37 Perhaps one of the most familiar stories there is - a great plot, imaginative character development and a great hero of the tale. It's hard to miss the point or points that Jesus was making in this parable. But his application is perhaps the most direct we hear from him: "Go, Thou and do likewise."

  • "The Stories He Told!" - Paying Life Forward

    10/07/2018 Duration: 38min

    July 8, 2018 Speaker: Ian Campbell Jesus' main communication style was storytelling. The great truths he wanted us to understand were wrapped in story, sometimes delighting, sometimes baffling, but always capturing the attention and imagination of his audience. Just as we saw that John picked out Jesus' "I am.." statements so we see that Luke was particularly interested in Jesus' stories. He actually recorded 19 that are unique to him which we will ponder over the summer months. What was the individual and collective meaning of these tales? “Paying life forward” Luke 12.41-48, 2 Cor 5.10 Having considered the two great Jesus “game changers” - mortality and Jesus’ return - we are instructed now by Jesus’ further expansion to his stories about readiness and we’ll also jump forward again to the writings of the apostle about living lives that pay forward into the Kingdom.

  • "The Stories He Told!" - Watching for Jesus

    04/07/2018 Duration: 29min

    July 1 2018, Ian Campbell - Jesus' main communication style was storytelling. The great truths he wanted us to understand were wrapped in story, sometimes delighting, sometimes baffling, but always capturing the attention and imagination of his audience. Just as we saw that John picked out Jesus' "I am.." statements so we see that Luke was particularly interested in Jesus' stories. He actually recorded 19 that are unique to him which we will ponder over the summer months. What was the individual and collective meaning of these tales? Luke 12.35-40 Jesus touches on a familiar situation both in His day and in many places in our world today. The homeowner returns late into the night and expects that the watchman will be awake and vigilant and ready to spring into action. In this story we can imagine ourselves the watchmen and Jesus the returning homeowner. In what ways should we be vigilant?

  • "The Stories He Told" (2)

    26/06/2018 Duration: 31min

    June 24 2018, Ian Campbell - Jesus' main communication style was storytelling. The great truths he wanted us to understand were wrapped in story, sometimes delighting, sometimes baffling, but always capturing the attention and imagination of his audience. Just as we saw that John picked out Jesus' "I am.." statements so we see that Luke was particularly interested in Jesus' stories. He actually recorded 19 that are unique to him which we will ponder over the summer months. What was the individual and collective meaning of these tales? Luke 12.16-21 The foolishness of mortality as an afterthought may be the focus of Jesus' story about a farmer who had a good business plan but a poor life plan.

  • "The Stories He Told!" - Who loves most?

    20/06/2018 Duration: 29min

    Speaker: Ian Campbell June 17, 2018 "The Stories He told!" Jesus' main communication style was storytelling. The great truths he wanted us to understand were wrapped in story, sometimes delighting, sometimes baffling, but always capturing the attention and imagination of his audience. Just as we saw that John picked out Jesus' "I am.." statements so we see that Luke was particularly interested in Jesus' stories. He actually recorded 19 that are unique to him which we will ponder over the summer months. What was the individual and collective meaning of these tales? Luke 7.41-43 In a family we sometimes engage in the fun debate of "who loves you most?" back and forth. Here is a simple story in which Jesus asks the "who loves most?" question.

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