Brad Freeman Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 142:05:38
  • More information



Celebrating and sharing the Good News of God's grace and your freedom in Christ!


  • What happens when I sin?

    05/02/2016 Duration: 42min

    In this episode we examine several questions surrounding sin and forgiveness:  What is sin? What did the cross do to my sin?  Do believers have to confess their sins daily or every time they sin to stay saved?  Do I have to apologize each time I sin to get God to forgive me?  Do I have to forgive others to be forgiven?

  • Tithing?

    29/01/2016 Duration: 33min

    Is tithing required of new covenant believers?  In this episode we consider how new covenant giving operates.  You may find out that your tithe has already been paid.

  • HOPE

    22/01/2016 Duration: 21min

    Faith, hope and love remain.  Faith is the substance of things HOPED for.  If you need a strong word of encouragement, listen to this word on HOPE.  It will raise your expectation of good.WARNING:  This is a full-on Pentecostal church service I preached in during 2007.  If intense preaching or speaking in tongues offends you, you should skip this one. LOL

  • Where are the miracles?

    22/01/2016 Duration: 31min

    In this episode, I discuss some of your questions.  Why don't we see "greater works" than the ones Jesus performed?  Why should I read different versions of the Bible? Is it OK to eat green eggs and ham or drink alcohol?

  • Who's Yo Momma?

    15/01/2016 Duration: 37min

    In Galatians 4, Paul answers the question:  "Who's yo momma?"  He looks at Abraham's 2 wives as a picture of 2 covenants.  He answers the question of whether we need a "balance" of old covenant law and new covenant grace to succeed as Christians.  

  • The Meaning of Life

    12/01/2016 Duration: 33min

    What is the meaning of life?Why are we here?We often struggle to find meaning and purpose in our lives.  Church culture can leave us always looking forward to some mystery purpose that we are never really sure of and cause us to miss our purpose right now.  But you can know God's design for you and confidently walk in His perfect will every day. 

  • SEX

    08/01/2016 Duration: 37min

    This is straight talk (explicit) about sex and sexual boundaries.  God designed sex and wired humans to want to engage in sexual activity.  He wants our sex lives to as healthy, fun and fruitful as possible.  

  • God's 3 Room House - Part 3

    05/01/2016 Duration: 39min

    Our outer man is decaying.  At the end of our days, our bodies will be sown in weakness, dishonor and corruption.  Until then, we groan, waiting for the hope of our salvation, our adoption, the redemption of our bodies, the resurrection to our new and glorified immortal human bodies. Until then, we war against the desires of our flesh by reckoning the truth of our death to sin and new life in Christ.  We are experiencing the first-fruits of the Spirit giving life to our spirit and producing in us the fruit of self-control.

  • God's 3 Room House - Part 2

    02/01/2016 Duration: 26min

    The Inner Court in the Tabernacle of Moses needed fresh bread daily, fresh oil and fresh fire for the incense.  Our minds need to be renewed with daily bread, filled with His Spirit and focused on the sacrifice of Jesus to fuel our worship.

  • God's 3 Room House - Part 1

    31/12/2015 Duration: 30min

    Moses built God a 3 room house.  It had a Holiest Place, an Inner Court and an Outer Court.  God moved out of that house and moved into you.  You are a 3 room house. You have an innermost being (your spirit), an inner man (your soul) and and outer man (your flesh).  Understanding your spirit, soul and body will help you understand yourself, your struggles and how to see victory in your experience.

  • Obeying the Gospel

    28/12/2015 Duration: 42min

    What is new covenant obedience?  What are His commandments to us?  Old covenant commands were chiseled on stone and brought sin and death.  His new covenant commands are written on our hearts and minds and bring life and peace.  Believing the Good News is new covenant obedience and provides us with access into all that Christ died to bring - the kingdom of God! 

  • Paying the Price!

    19/12/2015 Duration: 47min

    Jesus paid the price so that we could experience all that God has for us for free.  We can't buy the gift of God with money.  We can't create an obligation on the part of God to catch us by casting ourselves off the temple.  

  • Unveiling God!

    17/12/2015 Duration: 40min

    Under the old covenant, God was hidden in thick darkness and no one had really seen or known Him.  Jesus took on a body to show us the Father.  From now on, we've seen and know Him in the life of Jesus.

  • Do I Owe God?

    05/12/2015 Duration: 20min

    In redemption God has cancelled our debt, not created one.  Salvation is free.  All that we do for God is Him working through us, His grace working through, His Spirit producing the fruit of His life in us.  How can we repay Him when apart from what He does in us, we can do nothing?  Abandon the mindset that we owe God for salvation. It is His pleasure to save us and freely give us all things in Christ!

  • The Change - Week 9

    28/11/2015 Duration: 35min

    We have the power to change our world!  We have the Message that has the power to save.  We have the Spirit producing the life of God inside us so we can shine His light and let the world see God and glorify Him!

  • Does God Owe Me?

    27/11/2015 Duration: 28min

    Do you ever feel like you need to do something in order to get God to do something for you?  That you need to give money to get God to provide for you?  That God won't bless or provide for you if you are engaging in certain religious activities?  All that God does for us, He does for free!  We can't buy or earn God's blessings or favor or righteousness.  Jesus paid the price for us!

  • How to Know Your Faith is Alive!

    26/11/2015 Duration: 32min

    Living faith expresses itself.  It inhales what God is saving and supplying and it exhales what God says and supplies.  This podcast will help us understand what the Bible means when it say faith without works is dead.  James used 2 people as examples - Abraham and Rahab.  Abraham lived 430 before the Law was given and Rahab was a non-Jew.  Abraham expressed his faith by being willing to kill his son and Rahab by lying to protect the Jewish spies (killing and lying are violations of the 10 commandments).

  • The Change - Week 8

    21/11/2015 Duration: 24min

    The Spirit of God is writing a new set of commandments on our hearts.  He is writing the law of faith, the law of the Spirit of life, the law of liberty and the law of love. This is the changed life and fruit the Spirit is producing in us.  He is producing the fearless life and love of God in us!

  • Church Fight!

    20/11/2015 Duration: 32min

    In Galatians 2, Paul had to get in Peter's face for backing off of the truth of the Gospel.  Yes, even an Apostle can be drawn away or scared away from the simplicity and truth of the Good News!  

  • The Change - Week 7

    14/11/2015 Duration: 28min

    What kind of life pleases God?  How do we "live" right? How do we avoid being wolves in sheep's clothing?  Who are the "brood of vipers"?  Paul answered all of these questions in one phrase:  The righteous man lives by faith.

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