The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) is part of the University of Texas at Austin. TACC designs and operates some of the world's most powerful computing resources. The center's mission is to enable discoveries that advance science and society through the application of advanced computing technologies.
Pioneering Simulations Focus On HIV-1 Virus
05/04/2022 Duration: 16minFirst-ever biologically authentic computer model completed of the HIV-1 virus liposome.
Cell's Energy Secrets Revealed With Supercomputers
05/04/2022 Duration: 17minSupercomputer simulations have revealed for the first time how the cell's mitochondrial voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) binds to the enzyme hexokinase-II (HKII).
Into the Vortex
01/04/2022 Duration: 21minVortex dynamics simulations reveal reconnection, an important property linked with creation of turbulence cascade, fluid mixing, and aerodynamic noise generation.
Hawaiian Emperor Undersea Mystery Revealed With Supercomputers
31/03/2022 Duration: 16minKinematic plate reconstructions and high-res global dynamic models developed to quantify the amount of Pacific Plate motion change associated with the Hawaiian– Emperor Bend XSEDE allocations on TACC Stampede2; NSF-funded Frontera supported studies.
Supercomputers Help Reveal Dynamic Plastic-Eating Duo
10/12/2021 Duration: 31minNREL scientists discover synergy in PET plastic-degrading enzymes using TACC, SDSC resources
What Happens When A Meteor Hits The Atmosphere?
05/11/2021 Duration: 21minXSEDE-allocated Stampede2 supercomputer simulations shed light on meteor physics
Getting To The Core Of HIV Replication
01/04/2021 Duration: 25minHIV-1 viral capsid simulations on XSEDE-allocated Stampede2, Bridges, Darwin systems uncover nucleotide entry mechanism
Complete Coronavirus Model
04/03/2021 Duration: 15minFrontera, Anton 2 supercomputers simulate holistic model of SARS-CoV-2 virion
Targeting the Deadly Coils of Ebola
21/01/2021 Duration: 26minStampede2, Bridges supercomputer simulations show weak spots in Ebola virus nucleocapsid
Corona's Ladder
27/07/2020 Duration: 19minComputer model simulating binding and fusing dynamics of the coronavirus on Longhorn, a subsystem of the Frontera supercomputer at the Texas Advanced Computing Center. Research supported by the COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium.
Sugar Coating Locks And Loads Coronavirus For Infection
27/07/2020 Duration: 17minNSF-funded Frontera supercomputer at TACC used for simulations that animated the molecular dynamics of the 1.7 million atom coronavirus spike protein system.
Coronavirus Massive Simulations Completed on Frontera Supercomputer
30/03/2020 Duration: 10minScientists prepared a massive computer model of the coronavirus expected to give insight into how it infects. They've tested the first parts of the model and optimizing code on the Frontera supercomputer at the Texas Advanced Computing Center of UT Austin
Supercomputers Drive Ion Transport Research
04/03/2020 Duration: 15minTACC's Stampede2 supercomputer powers path-sampling molecular simulations
Simulations Reveal Galaxy Clusters Details
06/02/2020 Duration: 22minGalaxy clusters probed with Stampede2, Comet Supercomputers
Skin Cancer Mystery Revealed in Yin and Yang Protein
18/12/2019 Duration: 20minScientists used supercomputers to uncover the mechanism that activates cell mutations found in about 50% of melanomas. XSEDE allocations on TACC's Stampede2 and Bridges at PSC modeled the B-Raf protein and others in the pathway linked to skin cancer.
Frontera Helps the Science That Transforms Society
16/09/2019 Duration: 09minTACC Podcast interviews Fleming Crim, COO of National Science Foundation
UT Austin President Greg Fenves On The Frontera Supercomputer
08/09/2019 Duration: 04minUT Austin achieves leadership role in high performance computing for science with Frontera system
Science On Repeat - Computational Reproducibility
19/04/2019 Duration: 15minTACC enhances computational reproducibility
Supercomputers Help Supercharge Protein Assembly
16/04/2019 Duration: 20minXSEDE Allocations On Stampede2 and Comet Speed Simulation of Protein Oligomers
Closing the Workforce Gap
25/03/2019 Duration: 19minEducating the next generation of supercomputing professionals