Radical With David Platt



The latest sermons from teacher, author, and pastor David Plattdelivered weekly.


  • Being with God in Quiet

    17/01/2024 Duration: 41min

    If you had the opportunity to talk to the Creator of the Universe, would you take advantage of it? The answer to that question may be obvious, but, sadly, many Christians forfeit the privilege of talking to God in prayer regularly. In this message from David Platt from Matthew 6:6, we’re encouraged and invited to be intentional about talking to God and spending time with him through prayer and fasting. Amazingly, the One we pray to has made it possible to call on him as our Heavenly Father by sending his own Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins and make us sons and daughters by faith.

  • The Indescribable Christ and His Indestructible Church

    10/01/2024 Duration: 51min

    Jesus is present among us, possesses us, protects us, and has a purpose for us. As Christians, we ought to fall down in worship and rise up as witnesses. May his glory continually captivate our imagination. May his grace supernaturally empower our devotion. May his gospel radically compel us on mission. In this message on Revelation 1:9–20, Pastor David Platt called us to endure in the power of Christ and lead others to salvation.

  • The Revelation of Jesus Christ

    03/01/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    The book of Revelation was not written to create confusion for the Christian, cause division in the church, or promote speculation about the coming of Christ. In this message on Revelation 1:1–8, Pastor David Platt reminds us that the purpose of Revelation is to point us to the coming Christ. Revelation was written to give unshakeable hope to suffering Christians, encourage unwavering holiness in a seductive culture, refute deception in the church, and fuel mission among the nations. Historically, Christians hold to three different views of Revelation.

  • Confidence: Will We Trust Him?

    27/12/2023 Duration: 44min

    As Christians, it can be difficult to grow in prayer. The basis of our confidence in prayer is twofold: the God we pray to and the Gift he gives us. In this message on Luke 11:11–13, Pastor David Platt reminds Christians to turn to the Lord in prayer and fasting.Go to radical.net/give to be a part!

  • Patience When Life is Painful

    20/12/2023 Duration: 44min

    In a world corrupted by sin, none of us is immune from suffering. This is true for both unbelievers and believers. Following Christ doesn’t exempt us from life’s trials and even painful tragedies. In this message from David Platt from James 5:7–12, we are exhorted to patience in the midst of life’s pain. By God’s grace, we can endure faithfully because we know that pain and suffering don’t have the last word. We look forward to the day when Christ returns and there is no more pain and suffering. Instead of living for this world, we wait with faith and patience for a new creation filled with rest and unending joy in Christ. Go to radical.net/give to be a part!

  • The Deceptive Danger of Wealth

    13/12/2023 Duration: 48min

    In countless ways, our culture tells us that wealth is the key to happiness. Even among Christians, the pursuit of money and comfort and ease can be a major blindspot. We live as if this world is all there is. However, as David Platt reminds us in this message from James 5:1–6, there’s a deceptive danger attached to worldly wealth. While money isn’t inherently evil, we can begin to live for things that are temporary while ignoring the things that will matter for all of eternity. Even if we don’t consider ourselves to be wealthy, we must be on guard against the desire for more. We should be eager to use our resources for the glory of God and the good of others.

  • Unreached People: Not a Missions Problem

    06/12/2023 Duration: 43min

    Over 3 billion people in the world today have little or no access to the gospel—we refer to them as the unreached. It’s easy to look at this staggering number of unreached people and label it as a missions problem, but this is a problem that actually runs deeper. This is a discipleship problem. In this message from David Platt based on Matthew 28:18–20 and Revelation 7:9–10, David Platt helps us see the massive number of unreached people as a discipleship problem. Every follower of Christ should desire to obey Jesus, and this obedience involves living our lives and using our resources for the sake of making disciples among every people group on the planet. This message was given at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. For more resources from Radical, go to radical.net. 

  • Boldness: Will We Seek Him?

    29/11/2023 Duration: 45min

    God delights in revealing himself to those who are bold enough to bother him. God invites us to bother him anytime about anything. In this message on Luke 11:5–10, David Platt teaches us to view this parable through the perspective of the man in need.

  • The Beauty of Faith that Works

    22/11/2023 Duration: 28min

    In this message from David Platt from James 2:14–26, we see the difference between dead faith and living faith.

  • Desire: Do We Want Him?

    15/11/2023 Duration: 59min

    When we pray, we should make our desires whatever God desires. In this message on Luke 11:2–4, David Platt teaches us that our desire for God is the heart and secret of prayer. Christians can remember that God gives us protection amidst temptations and perseverance amidst trials. 

  • Religion that God Actually Accepts

    08/11/2023 Duration: 30min

    According to James 1:26–27, it’s entirely possible to practice a kind of religion that is acceptable to man but not to God. The danger of deception is real, and God graciously warns us against deception by telling us what true religion—the kind that pleases God—looks like in our speech, our care for the vulnerable, and our conduct. In this message, David Platt challenges us to put our faith into action, particularly as it involves caring for the vulnerable. This is not an option but an obligation. However, we don’t care for orphans and widows because we’re rescuers; we care for orphans and widows because we’re the rescued.

  • Desperation: Do We Need Him?

    01/11/2023 Duration: 48min

    Why do we pray? Are we desperate before God? Do we recognize our great need for the Lord? In this message on Luke 11:1, David Platt reminds us that the power of people who connect with Almighty God is unstoppable. Pastor David Platt helps refocus our minds on the importance of a personal relationship with the Lord.

  • The Beauty of Faith and the Breath of Life

    25/10/2023 Duration: 46min

    How can we receive, remember, and obey God’s Word? In this message on James 1:19–25, David Platt encourages Christians to view God’s Word with the right perspective. He challenges us to receive God’s Word humbly and wholeheartedly, remember the Word intentionally and continually, and obey God’s Word gladly and immediately.

  • The Song of Heaven and the Sound of All Nations

    18/10/2023 Duration: 28min

    Revelation 7:9–17 gives us a picture of a great multitude from every tribe, people, and language gathered around God’s throne to sing his praise for his salvation. Sadly, though, over 3 billion people in the world today have never even heard the only message—the gospel—by which they can be saved and join in such a song.  In response, David Platt forces us to ask the question, “Does this reality even bother us?” We put a lot of time and resources into our worship music, even dividing over it at times, but we don’t seem to be that committed to getting the gospel to the billions who are unreached. Each of us should ask the Lord how he would have us and our church be a part of this great mission. This message was given at the Sing! Conference 2023. (This and other resources from Radical can be found at radical.net)

  • The Gospel: How We Know

    11/10/2023 Duration: 01h03min

     Superficial faith is always possible, but saving faith always perseveres. As Christians, the Bible teaches us that we can have the assurance of eternal salvation. When we are saved, we are always saved. In this message on 1 John, Pastor David Platt teaches us how the present truth of Christ affects our life. 

  • The Beauty of Faith in the Middle of Trials

    04/10/2023 Duration: 48min

     It’s easy to say we trust the Lord and talk about his goodness when life seems to be going well, but when trials come our way, our faith is put to the test. What we trust in is exposed. In this message from James 1:1–12 from David Platt, we see how, by God’s grace, trials can actually serve to strengthen our faith. We can even have joy in trials—but only when God is our ultimate goal. (This message can also be found at radical.net.) 

  • The Gospel: How We Live

    27/09/2023 Duration: 59min

    The Bible teaches us about the three foundational components of salvation. First, justification is an event. We speak of this by saying that we have been saved. Second, sanctification is a present process. We speak of this by saying that we are being saved. Third, glorification is a future prize. We speak of this by saying that we will be saved. The grace of God undergirds every facet of our salvation. In this message on Philippians 2:12–13, Pastor David Platt teaches us that faith involves radical dependence on God’s work in our lives.

  • The Gospel: What We Believe

    20/09/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    Many gospel presentations emphasize the fact that God has a wonderful plan for your life while spending little time on the problem of sin and how it is that holy God can have fellowship with people who have rebelled against him. But Scripture paints a different and much fuller picture of God’s saving work in Christ. In this message from Romans 3:21–26, Pastor David Platt unpacks the following definition of the gospel: the just and gracious God of the universe looked upon hopelessly sinful people and sent his Son, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, to bear his wrath against sin on the cross and to show his power over sin in the resurrection so that all who have faith in him will be reconciled to God forever. Though the problem of sin may be greater than we imagined, God’s grace in the gospel is greater still.

  • Reflections on Waiting

    13/09/2023 Duration: 31min

     Sometimes God’s timing leaves us with questions or even doubts. Does he care? Has he forgotten me? Is he really working all things for my good? In this message from Romans 8:18–30, David Platt points us to the character and promises of God. Regardless of our circumstances, we can trust what God says in his Word. His love is sure, even when we don’t understand his timing. Waiting on God should cause us to grow in prayer and dependence on him. Ultimately, our waiting is for God’s glory and our eternal good. 

  • The Gospel: What We Need

    06/09/2023 Duration: 01h08min

    Jesus said that unless you are born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God. So what does it mean to be born again? In this message from John 3:1–21, David Platt points us to the words of Jesus to understand God’s sovereign work in our salvation. We are responsible for putting our faith in Christ, but it’s the gracious and powerful work of the Holy Spirit that makes our response possible. As those who are born dead in sin, we need more than moral improvement—we need a new heart. And that’s precisely what God gives us in the new birth. 

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