Smart Time Online With John Dennis



Smart Time Online is a podcast created to help entrepreneurs create smarter systems online. Each episode uncovers actionable strategies for landing page optimization, web design, conversion rate optimization, email marketing, passive income, lead gen, marketing and sales funnels, social media, and advanced digital marketing conversion. Co-hosted by some of the most respected authorities in business today, you'll also discover the habits and productivity practices that business experts attribute most to their success. Join us and extract priceless business optimization tips every week!


  • 24: How to Build a Profitable Lead Capture Landing Page in 9 Steps

    28/04/2014 Duration: 14min

    In this episode of the Smart Time Online podcast, you'll learn how to build, write and properly construct a landing page based on proven conversion-testing metrics in just 9 easy to understand steps. Show Notes & Action Steps -

  • 23: How to Make $1 Per Subscriber Per Month

    24/04/2014 Duration: 14min

    In this episode of the Smart Time Online podcast, I teach you how to make $1 per email subscriber per month. You'll also discover how I monetized a brand new website within just 1 week of launching by using the same strategy I teach you. Show Notes & Action Plan -

  • 22: Jeff Brown on Communicating Like a Pro

    21/04/2014 Duration: 36min

    26 Year Radio Broadcast Veteran and Top Business Rated Podcast Host Jeff Brown says this: Have a conversation WITH your audience around a table. Invite them in, and include them as part of your conversation. In this episode of the Smart Time Online podcast, Jeff reveals the strategies, tips and tricks that will make you sound like a PRO in front of your audience. Show Notes & Action Steps -

  • 21: 7 Ways to Double Your Email List

    18/04/2014 Duration: 10min

    I can't think of anyone who wouldn't want to double their email list. The thing is, most people think they have to increase their traffic to double their email list. Fortunately for you, this is far from the truth. In this episode, I'll show you how you can double your email list without increasing your traffic whatsoever.

  • 20: Justin Broke on Scaling Your Marketing

    14/04/2014 Duration: 36min

    Generating traffic to your website can be one of the most frustrating parts of starting a business online. With Google constantly updating their search engine ranking algorithms, the only way to ensure you gain a position among your targeted keywords is to create consistent content that people love to share. The challenge with that is finding people who might share your content in the first place! Enter paid online advertising. Show Notes & Action Steps -

  • 19: How to Write Email Subject Headlines That Get Opened

    11/04/2014 Duration: 13min

    Regardless of how great your email content is, you’ll never get good open rates without a good subject line. And without opens, you simply don’t receive clicks to your offer pages, products or content. In this episode of Smart Time Online, I'll teach you How to Write Email Subject Lines That Get Opened. Show Notes & Action Steps -

  • 18: Kate Erickson of Entrepreneur on Fire Talks Facebook Ads, Virtual Assistants and Productivity Tools

    09/04/2014 Duration: 31min

    It's not often that you meet a team that is as down to Earth, approachable, giving and knowledgeable as the two behind Entrepreneur On Fire. Kate Erickson, Content and Community Manager for Entrepreneur On Fire, joins us today and ignites a firestorm of takeaways and action steps! Show Notes & Action Steps -

  • 17: 5 Tech Trends That Are Changing Business Online

    07/04/2014 Duration: 12min

    Less than 10 years ago, Facebook didn't exist. Bluetooth technology was all the rage, and cellphones we're just starting to come with megapixel cameras. Times were changing, and they were changing fast; if you had a business that was rigid against the changes in technology, it was about to go under. Of all the lessons to learn, I think one of the most valuable is how changes in technology trends can mean major shifts in a market. In this episode of the Smart Time Online podcast, we'll dive into the 5 tech trends that are changing business online. Show Notes -

  • 16: Facebook Ads 101 - How to Get Started With Facebook Ads

    04/04/2014 Duration: 14min

    By now, you've probably realized that Facebook is a major player when it comes to online advertising. If you're not utilizing Facebook's ad platform for your business, you're leaving precious money on the table. In this episode of the Smart Time Online podcast, we dive into how to get started with Facebook ads. You'll learn how to create an ad, how to position your ads, strategies for maximizing your return on investment, and an advanced strategy that no one else is talking about. Show Notes -

  • 15: Vince Reed on Generating Traffic, Leads & Value

    02/04/2014 Duration: 36min

    In this episode of the Smart Time Online podcast, I talk with Vince Reed from My Internet Traffic System, who came up in the digital marketing industry without a list, contact, or an ounce of knowledge in this arena. Since, he has amassed a massive following, provided some of the most highly regarded traffic and lead generation training programs, and made a difference in many, many peoples lives. Today, he wants to make a difference in yours. Show Notes -

  • 14: The 5 Building Blocks of an Online Business

    31/03/2014 Duration: 12min

    Chances are, you have a plan in mind for your business. You've dreamed about what it would be like in a year from now, and you may even have your goals written down on paper. If you're really committed, you may have even followed John Carlton's advice, with a letter dated next year written to yourself about how much has changed, and how much better things are in life and in business. But listen: NONE OF THAT MATTERS without implementing the very first Business Building Block that I reveal in this episode of Smart Time Online. Show Notes -

  • 13: The Value Equation - How to Profit With Positioning

    28/03/2014 Duration: 12min

    Want to become known as THE expert in your market? Want to become so popular, that it's impossible to be ignored? Want the income that comes with that? Then listen to this episode of Smart Time Online and discover The Value Equation. Show Notes -

  • 12: Trevor Page Talks About His Conversion Boosting Website Widget

    26/03/2014 Duration: 40min

    In this episode, you'll learn how Trevor Page's new software, Survey 2 Sale, can boost your sales conversions by simply adding a widgetized survey to your website that includes incentives (discounts, bonuses, etc.) for answering a series of survey questions. It comes with a built in timer for scarcity and integrates with email marketing services like Aweber and Mailchimp. This, of course, leads to a boost in sales conversions, list size, AND leaves you with direct answers to questions you ask your visitors! Show Notes -

  • 11: How to Increase Your Average Customer Value

    24/03/2014 Duration: 12min

    If you've owned or operated a business, you know how important it is to increase average customer value. It can make or break a business, yours included, if it goes ignored. In this episode, you'll learn how to calculate your current average customer value, and how to increase it by implementing a conversion funnel. Show Notes -

  • 10: 5 Creativity Rituals for Boosting Your Income

    21/03/2014 Duration: 10min

    As an entrepreneur, you no doubt run into creativity road blocks (it's human). In this episode, we explore what works for successful entrepreneurs when it comes to sparking and sustaining creativity, and dissect each of the 5 rituals into actionable strategies that you can utilize right away. Show Notes -

  • 9: Jeff Moore Reveals Why Preeminence is at the Forefront of His $35 Million Dollar Company

    19/03/2014 Duration: 46min

    Discover the one question that Jay Abraham asked Jeff that will turn your whole perspective on business around. You'll learn the mindset of a leader who operates a $35 million dollar business, and how you can join him and hundreds of other likeminded entrepreneurs in his mastermind, The Thursday Night Boardroom. Show Notes -

  • 8: 10 Email Marketing Quick-Win Strategies (Part 2: 6-10)

    17/03/2014 Duration: 10min

    In Part 2 of the Email Marketing Quick-Win series, I reveal the dead list revival strategy that Dean Jackson discovered while working 1 on 1 with one of his clients, how to properly utilize Social Media with Email Marketing, the right way to "speak" with your subscribers, and #10 will raise your eyebrows while you wonder, "why didn't I think of that?" Show Notes -

  • 7: 10 Email Marketing Quick-Win Strategies (Part 1: 1-5)

    14/03/2014 Duration: 11min

    Could you improve the way you're doing email marketing? Would you like higher open rates, more click-throughs and more sales? Then take a quick listen to Part 1 of the 10 Email Marketing Quick-Win Strategies and discover how you can quickly implement these strategies to make your email marketing smarter. Show notes -

  • 6: John Lee Dumas on What It Takes to Build a 7-Figure Business Around Podcasting

    12/03/2014 Duration: 33min

    You have not met a trailblazer until you've met John Lee Dumas. In late 2012, John launched a podcast called Entrepreneur On Fire and just over a year later, had a six-figure business built around it. In this episode, he reveals how it all happened, the one habit that he attributes his success to, and how you can gain the momentum you need in order to build meaningful and lucrative income online yourself. Show Notes -  

  • 5: Stop Guessing Who Your Avatar Is!

    10/03/2014 Duration: 16min

    Truly understanding who your target prospect is plays a critical role in selling or promoting your products or services. By figuring this out and then targeting in on this specific “person” will allow you to better position your business, and grow your profits. In this episode, I review why it’s so important to go beyond just “guessing” who your target prospect is. You’ll learn some of the most effective AND efficient ways of conducting market research – without spending a single penny on any market research “tools”. Show Notes -

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