Skip Hunt's Phlog (phone Blog)

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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This podcast will vary from being general musings, to ambient sound captures, to travel reports from the road, to virtual sidekick field photography sessions. Skip Hunt is a wandering, wondering artist who travels, photographs, films and writes about adventure online. Here's a short bio from his fine art print site: 'I make images... so that all my moments will not be lost in time like tears in rain.' ~ Skip Hunt Skip Hunt, born on the wind-swept plains of Oklahoma, is a professional photographer in Austin, Texas. He picked up a 35mm camera in the mid-1970's and has never stopped sharing his unique vision via photographic images. Many moons ago, he was bitten hard by the wanderlust beast and has been canvassing the globe ever since. Visionary artists such as Pete Turner, David Lynch, Cindy Sherman, and Andre Kertesz set Skip's sight on a fine-art horizon early on. His insatiable thirst for rich color and even richer cultural exploration keeps him on the road most of the time. When he's recharging his batteries, he calls Austin, Texas home. Please Enjoy!


  • Moto Southwest 2013


    Phone blog about and

  • Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Chupacabra Tour 2012


    Saturday September fifteenth(?). Two thousand twelve about three forty five in the afternoon and I am in Port(?) of our(?) to Mexico. Now I believe the last one of these recordings. I did from the road or was kinda(?) hanging(?) out in Columbia. I was back in less(?) June or mid July. I don't remember but since then I've actually(?) made it back to made it back home. Ok(?) and got some quite a few images. I'm pretty proud of and I've(?) already published a book of photos you can find a lot of that at my website which is the scope of color not.

  • Watching My Backside In Cartagena, Colombia


    Hello this is Skip(?) again. I'm hoping you can hear me over the music it's June 5th about 5:30 Tuesday. I'm now in Cartahena(?) Columbia. And we got here yesterday and it seems pretty rough when I got in there's a little bit of a hassle was working out the buses then and then some guy came up and was asking me in english what I was looking for and then some other guy pushed him away and told me that what I was looking for was down there one(?) street to keep moving and pushed the guy back again a bit to protect me which was kinda nice and I found a place that I was looking for got a room. It is still freaking nice(?) here but it's beautiful so if it wasn't so beautiful I think I'd move on and try to find some where I think there was more of a breeze but it is pretty beautiful as far as the

  • Thermal Baths in Coconuco, Colombia!


    From The Deep End: Colombia 2012 +

  • The Deep End: Colombia 2012 Skip Hunt


    Hello this is Skip. It's Thursday May 10th and this is my first post from well first audio post from Bogota Colombia and I got in last night had 4 flights to get here and it was, it was pretty smooth halfway but since we got to Florida it was, it got really sketchy with the delayed flights and taking forever for people to get off the plane and delayed. I didn't have that long a lay over but when it got to be 10 minutes late 20 minutes late and 40 minutes late then I started wondering if I was gonna actually make my connecting flight then once I finally got on the plane and got into Miami there was a huge lightning storm. It's, looked, it was really bright outside. I don't know if it hit the plane or not but it lit up.

  • The Adventure Continues to Colombia


    The adventure will soon continue to Colombia May 9, 2012! More info on how to become a virtual stowaway here:

  • DCNYC 2011 ::


    Hello again, this is Skip Hunt. It is Thursday I believe the 15th of September 2011 and I am now in New York City. At present I am oh it's really got windy. I mean it's a really cool park that they converted an old train track that's up above ground into a park it can goes for several blocks. So I'm just gonna walk walk along in this park and touch base here for a little bit. I'll try to dodge the wind as much as possible but it's really with in it. It's been fantastic weather although it's being pretty hot since I've been here. I've been here already for about a week or just maybe a day or so over a week and I came here from

  • DC & NYC 2011


    Tuesday August 30th. This is Skip Hunt and I am now in Washington DC for those if you've been following along I obviously made it across the border from Mexico. I was scared after being told that I was crossing through the probably the most dangerous part on the way to the border crossing but I didn't really see anything other than a heavy military presence and some people selling piniatas(?). The border officials told me that I really need to be careful in Mexico because now they're lobbing(?) hand grenades into the street but I didn't witness anything at all personally. So I don't know what to say about that. I see the same news everybody else does but I've traveled all around Mexico several times now.

  • This Is The End, My Only Friend :: Nuevo Laredo, MX


    Tuesday August 16th. This is Skip Hunt and I came out of the desert yesterday and I've been there for about a week and I'm now in Loredo Texas and a somewhat well it's a cheap room maybe 5 or 10 minutes from the border I just realized I got some internet access briefly down the street out of McDonald's and I saw that my kickstarter(?) program creative project and didn't make it to the end it is not going to be funded so I am kinda bummed about that. I'm not really what else I could have done. I did a maybe

  • Morelia To Guanajuato To Huiricuta! Deadline Aug 14 To Support:


    Ola compadre, this is Kep Hunt. It is Monday August 8th and I am in a little park little plaza in the City of Motewalla(?) Mexico which is about 2 and a half hours by bus north of the City of San Luis Potosi(?) and I'm looking at a giant banner that's telling me it looks like it's telling me how I can avoid getting dengue(?) fever so that's good to know. I don't think there's any or lot of mosquitoes around here it's kind of desert like and yesterday I traveled from the City of Juan Owata(?) and there are lot of hurdles ahead to get over and delayed and not making the right you know missing.

  • Fall In The Sea Eventually ~ Caletilla, Mexico :: Plz Support


    ___ compadre this is Skip again and I am now in a place called. Kalatia(?) Mexico which is in the state of Michiwakan(?) it's August 1st Monday I am not sure what time it is it must be around check about 6:30 Spanish friend of mine in Mexico City. Had mentioned it and I found it. I took, took a bus here from Mexico City got here early yesterday morning. Let's see the last time I did one of these recordings. I was in Wahaka(?) and let's see lot of this is on my blog Kaleidoscope(?) of color dot com and if you look at.

  • Audio Phone Blog From Oaxaca! Kickstarter Updates Here:


    Hello amigo?, it's your boy Skip. Down in Mexico. It's July 25th Monday 2010. And I am now in Wahaka(?) City been here 3 nights and I guess checking 3 4 days and I'm leaving tonight for Mexico City. Want to give you a quick update. There's a giant festival going and go ___ called the Gilly Getta(?). It's huge. Tons of people and I know that it's should be a good day but and it have been but I think I'm I think I'm ready to move on down the road. So where are you ___

  • San Cristobal de las Casas Redo


    Monday July 18th this is Skip Hunt and I am in San Cristoval(?) De Las Casas Mexico in an Indian Market that's little almost outside of town. In the section where they're selling chickens and there's a dog coming by with a big smile on his face looking for scrap I guess or maybe a wayward chicken I have no idea. I tried to do this well I did a recording yesterday in the same market walked around it look like it was gonna rain and went through a few updates and took some pictures to go with the recording and then went back to hike back to the town and found a cafe that had wireless internet and then brought a coffee so they give me the password and

  • Aguas De Bacalar For Off The Deep End


    Hola amigos, this is Skip Hunt. I am now in Bacalar(?) Mexico. It's B A C A L A R and it's known for it's multi colored lagoon and it was recommended by some Mexican friends of mine and I arrived, I've been here since the day before yesterday and I left via(?) O Carmen. I just had a some breakfast some rubles(?) from chorizo(?) and it was basic. There were and I think this is the best deal going in town. There were some mini nights(?) just leaving when I when I got when we sat down and I saw some ___ I just come out the the entrance when I was walking down the street with they look.

  • Havin' A Beach'n Time In South Padre


    Monday, May 16th, 2011. I am haven't one of these in a while but I figured I'd do a quick one. Then I'm trying to, I've been trying to leave Fort Isabelle Texas which is right across the bridge from South Padre Island and I'm on my way I think the next town is Harlingen and I stop to do a quick recording because I saw on this giant dinosaurs and sea shells that I had to stop and have a closer look at and figured I would take the opportunity to update my little podcast(?). So didn't hear for a week it seems right out about a week. The the ride road here from Austin on my motorcycle and it was a little bit

  • The BIG Not So Easy


    This is Skip Hunt. It's Thursday March 24th. It's about 7:00 7:30 in the morning and I'm in a State Park outside of New Orleans Louisiana. Been here, this is second night I'm only had probably about 4 hours of sleep because I don't know if you can hear that in the background but there's something I think it's a Pile driver. I think that's what they called but sometimes there's 2 of them going on. It sounds like the giant industrial piece of equipment that's trying to hammer a huge square piece of metal in to a round hole or the earth oh no and sometimes there's sometime there's 2 of them going and they say.

  • LS/MS 2011 Natchez


    Hello, this is Cliff Hunt. It's Sunday March 20th and I am now in the Natches(?) Mississippi just right on the Mississippi River. I left about a week ago from off in motorcycle and kinda wait North East stuck through Texas and camp out in Rad Cliff I think it's Lake Rad Cliff and I thought I was more prepared for the cold and I was at cold front move down and I got down to about 34 or 33 degrees Fahrenheit and I was trying to do some minimalist BVI Sec(?) camping that's a B I V Y I didn't know what that was either but I think I've got it worked out now and we've been I'm travelling with another guy who is an Evangelical Christian his name is Mike and

  • Huiricuta & Home Again!


    Thursday March 9th. This is Gapant(?) and I am winding up this Mexico trip. I'm actually not in Mexico any more. I'm in Austin and I'm in the bar so that is the noise that you hear. I was actually back for a couple of weeks now. Got a flu or something like a flu on my way back. Sitting on a bus 14 hours with a bunch of other people that were coughing and sneezing and passing around the latest virus and naturally I took my turn with it but I'm getting pretty good now and I'm planning on heading back out on the road again on a motorcycle this time for a shorter trip for a week or two. Just in to Louisiana and maybe Mississippi. Have decided that and I think about leaving the Monday the 14th of March which is in 1 2 3 4 days, 3 days something like that.

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